I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Seven

Her palms were sweating. Lii was the one person she wanted to like Etgar, and the collision was going to occur when she got out of the car. Also, she hadn’t had breakfast, and she was feeling a little shaky.

Vallu got out of the car with Rejik holding the door, and she walked up the sidewalk to Baola’s house.

She took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and Lii opened the door and hugged her. “Aunty Val!” She then bent over and said, “Hello, cousin.”

Lii looked up at her. “Any motion yet?”

“Nope. Soon though.”

“Hey, Baola, what is that smell?”

A flash of green and purple in the background made her blink. A familiar face came to the door. “Baola’s mom had to take Grandma to her appointments today. So, I get to step in as godmother for the first time.”

“Twenty-fi... Ylara. Wow. You look so normal.”

“Uh-huh. Here is breakfast for you. Three beef patties, two cheddar omelettes, a cucumber salad, and a flask of peach tea. And a bamboo fork.”

“You are a lifesaver.” She pulled open the bag, and all the smells assailed her. The first omelette was in her jaws in seconds, and she groaned happily, her knees wobbling. “That is really good.”

Ylara grinned, showing sharp-bladed teeth. “Thanks.”

Baola stood with her arms around her godmother’s waist. Her huge green eyes and brown hair reminded Vallu of someone. “Lii said you are going riding today.”

Vallu looked at her niece. “Yes, I think that is what is going to happen.”

Lii looked at her. “Can she come?”

She looked at Ylara, “Can you meet us there?”

“Sure, but there looks to be some seat reconstruction going on in the SUV. Oh. It’s a Stekkari. Nice.”

Vallu looked behind her, and the seats were being rearranged, and another row of seating was appearing. Okay. An outing then.

“Do you have to ask her mom if it’s okay?”

Ylara looked at her goddaughter. “What is the rule?”

“I can go anywhere with Aunty Ylara, but if she says no, it is fucking no.”

Vallu snorted. “Good. Does everyone have what they need?”

Ylara reached behind her and got a backpack full of clothing, snacks, and water bottles. Then, she pulled out a second bag. “For the bodyguards.”

She locked the door, and Vallu called the riding centre and booked horses and instructors for the girls. When they got to the vehicle, the two bodyguards were at the back, and Etgar stepped out and looked at Lii. “Good morning, Miss. I am Etgar. I am a... special friend of your aunt’s.”

Lii stuck out her hand and shook his with her head cocked. “Are you her baby’s father?”

Vallu looked at her. “Lii. That isn’t a polite question.”

Etgar crouched down, and his ears wiggled in a way that made Lii giggle. “Yes.”

“Will the baby be a puppy.”

Vallu groaned. “We have had the active talk; I think she is just messing with you.”

Etgar smiled. “If the baby is very lucky, when it is a teenager, it will turn into something wonderful. I think it will become a healer like your aunt. It might be a healer that looks like a wolf, though.”

Lii giggled. “That would be fun. Can I hold it?”

Vallu finished the food she had stuffed in her face, and she used the napkins to clean her fingers, mostly.

“Ladies, may I offer you a chariot?”

Baola moved close to Ylara. Her godmother chuckled. “It’s fine, darlin’. I am way scarier than he is.”

Her goddaughter perked up at that, and she and Lii piled in. Ylara took the facing seat, leaving Etgar and Vallu to sit together.

Ylara made sure that the girls were buckled, and Etgar did the same for Vallu. Ylara was grinning.

Vallu gave the driver the directions, and when it was in the navigator, they were on the way.

Etgar smiled. “So, Ylara, you worked with Vallu?”

“Only once. She was leaving as I was starting.”

He glanced at the two girls, who were looking around at the luxury interior with amazement. “Not for public consumption.”

“That would be a way of stating it.”

Vallu saw that Etgar’s nose was twitching, and she smiled. “Ylara gave me breakfast. She knew I hadn’t had anything that stuck.”

Baola held her godmother’s arm and stared at Etgar with wide eyes. “Sir, is that your tail?”


“Does it move?”

He smiled. “It does. It wags when I see Vallu.”

Lii beamed. “So, you love my aunty. Are you going to marry her?”

Vallu froze. “Lii, inappropriate question.”

“I would like to, but your aunty is very prickly. She is also very scared that something will happen to her when she has the baby.”

Lii nodded. “Yeah, Daddy told me about that. He says that Granddad was mad at her for being here when Grandma wasn’t, so Daddy took care of her when she was small. Now, she is worried about the same thing, so she is super careful about what she does and what she eats.”

“So, I am not going to be riding today.”

Lii looked at her and whined. “Aww. They let us do tricks when you ride.”

“You can ride with the instructors.”

Ylara chuckled.

Lii asked, “Mr. Etgar, do you ride horses?”

He chuckled. “I do, actually. We have a stable at the rear of my property.”

Vallu blinked. “You do?”

“I do. We let folks go on trail rides in the national park to keep the horses exercised, and there is a riding school.”

“How did I not know that?”

“We were always busy when you were over.” He picked up her hand and kissed it then started to lick the remains of her breakfast off her hand.

Lii giggled.

Vallu’s hormones soared, and Etgar looked smug.

“Well, Lii, you did ask if I wanted to marry your aunt, and I do, but she is a little scared of that.”

Lii frowned. “Did you propose? With a ring and flowers and a nice dinner? My dad said that any guy who didn’t take the time to plan to woo was doomed to fail. I am not sure what that means exactly, but this sounds like that situation.”

Etgar froze. “Your dad said that huh?”

“Yup. He also said something about putting your money where your mouth was, but I put a credit in my teeth once, and nothing happened.”

He blinked. “Right. I seem to have forgotten the niceties of polite society.” He inclined his head to Lii. “You have a lot of insight for one so young.”

“Oh, I know bunches of stuff about Aunty Val, and I am willing to trade riding time for information.”

Vallu was shocked. “Lii! Inappropriate.”

Etgar leaned forward. “On the contrary, I find the offer fascinating. I would need a sample of the kind of information you have.”

“I don’t think I should say with Aunty staring at me like that.” She nodded conspiratorially. “Find me later. A baby should have a daddy close by.”

Vallu’s jaw opened in shock. Etgar was grinning, Ylara was laughing, and Baola was frowning as she tried to keep up with the conversation. Baola was sweet and adorable, and the keenly intelligent and aggressive Lii was a good protector and excellent friend. Vallu was not appreciating her good-hearted aggression right now.

Etgar looked at her. “I like your niece. She reminds me of a loan shark I once knew.”

Vallu blinked. “She is rather mercenary. I never thought she would sell me out.”

Lii shrugged. “Just like when you make me eat my vegetables, sometimes folks do things that will benefit you in the end. You just don’t like it while it is happening.”

Vallu groaned. She knew those words. It had been during the great vegetable harvest two years ago where the only token meat on the table had been a hint of bacon.

“Wow. You really hold a big grudge for someone so tiny.” Vallu sighed.

Lii grinned and kicked her feet.

Vallu was defeated, and she felt a wave of fatigue come over her.

She heard Lii saying, “She naps after breakfast. She will be awake by the time we get to the riding centre.”

“Is it always so sudden?”

“She normally goes to her room. Sometimes she cries. It started happening just after winter thaw. I guess that’s when the baby started.”

Vallu wanted to argue that Lii needed to be quiet, but she was so tired.

* * * *

Vallu collapsed against his shoulder so suddenly that he was worried. He moved and wrapped his arms around her, supporting her. Her breathing was deep and even.

Lii smiled at him. “So, are you going to be my uncle?”

Etgar looked at the tiny interrogator. “That is the idea.”

“Well, when you propose, get something in platinum and topaz. Or black steel. Silver tarnishes on her skin really fast, and she doesn’t like gold.”

Ylara was sitting amused and watching, and Baola was staring out the window. Etgar nodded. “If your dad agrees, you can spend an entire weekend riding horses at my place when your aunty moves there.”

Lii paused. “She’s going to move? I didn’t say you could take her.”

Ylara was laughing, and she filled in, “Lii, your aunty needs someone to take care of her right now. She doesn’t want to let you down and wants to see you lots, but she’s not strong and not stable. She needs someone looking out for her and standing between herself and trouble for once.”

Lii’s chin wobbled. “But, freak-out Fridays and manicure Sundays.”

Etgar said, “The island is only half an hour by ferry from the nearest dock. Fifteen minutes travel. Less time than it is taking to get to the riding school.”

Lii paused. “So, she can still come and do stuff with me?”

“She will have to bring bodyguards, but yes.”

“Why? Is she in danger?” Lii stared at him.

“Sometimes I do business with people who aren’t particularly nice, and they want me to do what they say, so they are mean to the people around me. To keep her safe, I will take precautions. Just like a seatbelt.”

Lii looked unconvinced, but Vallu was cuddling up to him and whispering his name in her sleep. He was glad his jacket covered the sudden erection because hearing that she was thinking of him in her sleep was a major turn-on.

So, he needed a ring. He had better set up the clean account that she wanted. He was finally understanding what she needed. She needed security. Things taken off her mind. Knowing that her legacy was stable and the child would be taken care of. Etgar sighed. He needed to expand some of the legitimate businesses and reduce a few of the more volatile ones. For her, he would mostly go legit. By the time the baby arrived, he would have things squared away, including his mother.

His mother had stood by her decision to ignore Vallu’s requirements because Etgar loved pastries for breakfast. He had sighed and asked her why she was trying to kill her grandchild? He had watched as she realized that this wasn’t a matter of female dominance in a household; it was life or death for the small life inside Vallu. He had told her about Vallu’s body being in revolt and trying to keep herself healthy and that his mother’s stupid games would eventually cost that child its life. If that happened, not only would he never forgive her, but he would kick her off Daycross. It had been a short and heartfelt conversation that had concluded when Vallu descended the stairs.

Lii spoke to him. “Did you pick out her dress?”


“It’s pretty. She doesn’t have a lot of pretty things because she said that practical is more important than pretty. I think she needs more pretty. If she isn’t riding her cycle, she doesn’t need pants. She looks so pretty in dresses.”

He couldn’t believe what he heard. “She rides a cycle?” He looked to Ylara.

The woman grinned. “It’s really sexy. Black and red like an angry hornet.”

He looked down at the woman, who was now lightly snoring. A cycle. He was sure that she was a competent driver, but the thought of her whipping through the streets on one was terrifying.

Lii smiled. “She only lets me ride with her if I have my jacket and helmet and my dad says it’s okay. We go for rides a few times a month, but not since she got pregnant.”

He exhaled in relief. “Thanks for saying that. I got nervous.”

“She wants a baby. She planned for a long time. She even asked me if it was okay that she wouldn’t be able to do stuff with me in the later time.” Lii smiled. “Of course, if you have horses and I do my homework, I could come over and visit.”

Darvo snorted from behind him. “She’s ruthless, boss.”

Etgar hushed him when Vallu squirmed against him, snuffling as she took in his scent.

He closed his eyes as he was getting a view of the future, and it involved his niece taking his mother down a few pegs. Life was about to get extremely interesting.

* * * *

His scent, her heat, she wanted him inside her now.

“Aunty Val!”

Or not.She pushed against Etgar, and he was amused. “Hey, Lii. Are we there yet?”

She bounced slightly in her seat on the rougher road. It was a bit of torture on her sensitive bits.

When they arrived in the drive of the riding school, Lii gave the driver directions, and they were soon in the guest parking.

The instructors came out to look at the vehicle, and when they started stepping out, their eyes widened.

Vallu walked over, and the girls followed her. “Hey, Leda, Mina, Tom. We have a few riders today. You may recognize the usual suspects.”

Lii and Baola came forward and made short bows. Ylara came up behind them with a hand raised. “Me, too.”

Etgar said, “Me, too.”

The trio looked at him, and Mina asked, “Your riding level?”

“Intermediate.” He chuckled. “A large mount is usually a better bet.”

Mina looked him up and down. “Samson will do.”

Vallu looked at him. “Are any of the guys going to ride?”

Etgar shook his head. “No, they will watch over you.”

Leda frowned. “Is something wrong? You haven’t been riding for months.”

Vallu shrugged. “Doctor’s orders. I’ll be back in six months or so.”

Leda grinned. “Congratulations. So, I guess I can’t get you to show any of your trick riding, huh?”

“Nope. I am just here as chaperone.”

Mina pointed at Etgar, “What’s he?”

“My chaperone?”

Tom grinned. “And them?”

“His chaperones.”

“Well, I am guessing that gear is needed as this seems like an impulse day.” Tom smiled.

Ylara pulled a bottle of water and some napkins out of her pack and handed them to Vallu with a smile. “Here you are. Save some water and keep the napkins.”

Vallu looked at her. “Seers are annoying.”

“I know, and I knew you would say that.” Ylara winked and headed off with the others to get on a horse.

Vallu walked to the paddock where the horses would be saddled, and she greeted the horses as they arrived. She murmured to them as they came to greet her, but when she heard the thudding, she grinned and climbed up on the fence to reach the head of the Percheron. “Hey, Samson. I’ve missed you. How have you been?” She crooned to him and stroked his head and neck.

He nudged her when she paused to see Etgar emerge from the gear house with tall boots, a white shirt, and tight trousers. Her heart started thudding heavily in her chest.

“Trying to steal my horse’s heart?”

She stroked Samson’s long nose and smiled. “He and I go way back. His heart is mine, and mine is his.”

The others came, and the owners came forward with a hand carrying the tack. It was slung over the fence, and the horses were geared up for the event. Etgar was standing far too close to Vallu for her sense of sanity. “Can you not be right next to me?”

“But I want to be next to you. You seem a little flushed.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I... never mind. I am counting the days until this pregnancy is over, and I can go back to twice-annual heat.”

Samson nudged her, and she chuckled. “Yeah, this fella used to help me work it off before I started with BDC.”

Etgar’s tone was strangled. “Can you extrapolate because I am having some wicked mental images right now, and I am both impressed and appalled?”

“It is amazing what a hard trot can do if a young woman is leaning forward. A few trail rides, and I was ready to face the world again.”

“Oh. That’s intriguing.” He let out a low growl.

Samson snorted and smacked Etgar with his head while stomping his hoof.

Etgar grunted and laughed. “It seems he is jealous of your new steed.”

She blushed furiously.

Etgar put the blanket on and saddled Samson, making sure the horse didn’t hold its breath while the saddle was cinched in place. The bridle was in place, and reins were draped over the saddle. Etgar mounted, and Samson sidled before settling. The horse leaned his head toward her again, and she stroked his head before Etgar smiled. “We’ll be back. Stay near the guys.”

The others were also getting up on their horses, and Mina went with them with Tom bringing up the rear. As they left and the horses headed for the path to the trails, she walked into the gear house where images of past riders covered the walls. She smiled at the image of her as a knight, another with her boosting Lii onto her first pony ride. Rejik was in the doorway. “Miss, please, let us keep an eye on you.”

“Do any of you have enhanced physical senses?”

“No, Miss.”

“Thank god. Okay.”

She found that her skirt had pockets, so she slipped the water bottle and napkins inside. She didn’t know how long the group would be gone, but when she heard the thudding of hooves, she looked up as she exited the gear house where the extra boots were stowed.

She headed over to the car where the extra snacks were and saw Etgar and Samson thudding toward her. She looked left and right, and there was nowhere to run; Etgar leaned down and carefully scooped her up, and Samson kept going as if he didn’t notice the weight.