King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 8



I knew about time spent alone, especially in the dark. At least with the passing minutes, the likelihood that we’d be ambushed again was lessening. Still, I loathed the intensity of the shadows, the ominous feelings they gave me.

Just like they’d done for years.

Sighing, my thoughts drifted to one of the worst moments during incarceration. Showers were particularly dangerous, the only time a man was truly vulnerable. I’d learned how to protect myself, yet on that particular dark morning, I’d made a single mistake.

I’d turned my back.

The memory was one that I’d relived more than once during sleepless nights, the images constantly floating in my mind as they were doing right now. I took several deep breaths, trying to shove them aside, but the anger from deep within continued to swell. Soon, it would consume me.

The minimal light at least shrouded the ugliness of the room, the cinderblock walls allowing in not only cold air but insects, and I could hear rats scuttling overhead. I took a deep breath, scanning the other prisoners in the shower area before advancing toward the rusted steel showerhead. I was always on edge, but more so after the last few days. I’d heard the bullshit whispers by the guards, witnessing their sneering looks as they did everything in their power to push me into doing something I would regret.

I’d become their nemesis, refusing to comply with their sick and disgusting afterhours demands. Evidently, my threats to their safety had been taken seriously. I snickered at the thought as I turned on the water, bracing for the frigid stream that would trickle down the length of my filthy body. The day spent digging holes for some unknown future building had left me sore, my knuckles bloodied. There was no relief in sight, no concept of looking forward to my freedom.

There was only agony and continued anxiety regarding the men who shared a cell block with me. While the guards were dangerous, the unruly prisoners couldn’t give a shit about the possibility of adding onto their long sentences. Most were lifers, jockeying for a top dog position. Extending favors to the bastards in charge allowed them additional privileges.

After grabbing the soap, I shot another look around me, always conscious of the distance I had. I had three minutes before the water was automatically shut off. Three minutes to rid my body of the stench and grime covering every inch. Three minutes to ward off unwanted attempts at not only my life but my domination.

I would rather die.

As I stood under the stream for the last time, I sensed a presence behind me. I’d been prepared for the attack, the adrenaline rush forcing my blood pressure to rise. I slammed my palms on the slimy wall, taking several deep breaths.

Then I struck without any sense of remorse or concern about what might happen. My body and mind were prepared. I swung around, fisting my hand and punching the attacker square in the face. As he stumbled backwards, his grunt of pain was my reward. I threw a series of hard jabs, catching him in the neck and stomach, managing to kick him in the groin. The other men in the shower scuttled away like the useless rats they were, but they wouldn’t send an alarm to anyone in authority. They knew better. They wouldn’t dare defy me or face my wrath just like the bastard who’d been promised a better life if he ended mine.

That just wasn’t going to happen.

He swung at me with a sharp blade, one crafted from one of the bedframes. I almost laughed at his crude attempt, his aim off by several inches. But he came again, managing to drive the sharp edge into my shoulder. Grimacing, I let off a barrage of punches, relishing in the cracking sounds indicating broken bones.

Then I grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm at an awkward angle. Within seconds, he was grunting like a pig from the pain, his hand shaking as he continued to hold the shank. I laughed in his ear, continuing the pressure until I heard a snap.

Teper’ ty umresh’,” I hissed. Now you die. Whether or not he understood what was about to happen didn’t matter. As I slid the jagged edge from one side of his neck to the other, I closed my eyes. This wasn’t the first time I’d been forced to resort to violence, nor would it be the last.

When his body went limp, I tossed him onto the floor, returning to the shower one last time. At least I’d sent a powerful message.

Hissing, the sound of my phone broke through the haze. I took several deep breaths, blinking as I reached for the cellphone. “Nick.”

“We have a tail about a hundred yards behind us,” Nick stated with anger in his tone.

I glanced into the rearview mirror, finally able to see the faint headlights he was talking about. “There’s a diner about two miles ahead. Pull in then wait for five minutes before you come inside.”

“Will do.”

My adrenaline flowing, I maintained my current speed. The last thing I wanted to do was draw any attention. If the fuckers had found us, it wouldn’t take long to determine. I glanced at Angelique, uncertain whether she was still asleep. “You need to wake up.” I hated the fact my voice was gruffer than it should have been.

“I’m not asleep,” Angelique said through clenched teeth. “We’re being followed.”

She had been paying attention. “Maybe. We’re making an unscheduled stop. You will act as if nothing is wrong and we’re doing nothing more than having breakfast. Do you understand?”

Laughing softly, she sat up in her seat. “I know what to do, Dimitri. You just do the job you were hired to do.” She looked behind her, reaching back until she was able to touch Dax.

The pup whined as he clawed his way forward in an effort to get to her.

“It’s okay, baby. We’re just on an adventure,” she whispered to him, her tone one of love. “He’ll need water.” Now she was cold as ice.

“We’ll make sure he has some.”


I alternated my gaze from the rearview mirror then to the road. The sun was already cresting over the trees, the sky full of scattered but vibrant colors. While every nerve remained on edge, I was able to squelch the anger, returning to the training I’d received in the Bratva. My days spent guarding the dangerous regime had provided an excellent education in stealth tactics.

As well as the best methods of defeating the enemy.

The sign for the diner appeared, forcing me to slow down. When I pulled in, I immediately drove to the side, parking the car where other vehicles were able to block it from sight. After slamming the gear into park and cutting the engine, I immediately grabbed my weapon.

“I need my weapon,” Angelique stated in a quiet voice.

Nick pulled the SUV into the parking lot, moving to a parking spot directly in front of the diner.

I resisted laughing. “No, you don’t. Not at this time. We are going inside where you will behave.”

“What about Dax?” she hissed.

“Leave the windows cracked. It’s early morning and won’t get too hot for him.”

“Then we’re not staying long,” she huffed before cooing at Dax.

There was no doubt she was cursing under her breath as she opened her door.

“Just wait for Mommy, baby. We won’t be long.”

Her words filtered into my mind. She adored the dog, would likely give her life to save his.

Just as I would for her.

As soon as I exited, I slid my gun into the waistband of my jeans, adjusting my shirt in order to hide the piece. The last thing I needed was to incite any kind of commotion inside the restaurant. I waited, staring directly at the road.

When the vehicle in question passed by, I was able to catch a good glimpse of the make and model. The older Chevrolet truck wasn’t unusual for the remote area, but that didn’t mean Antonio hadn’t used an entirely different vehicle than he normally did. Still, when I saw no sign of brake lights, I was able to exhale.

I felt Angelique by my side. I purposely grabbed her hand, using enough pressure in my hold to keep her from attempting to pull away. As we entered the diner, not a single person glanced in our direction. I’d eaten at the establishment twice before, both times on my way to spending time at the cabin. While they had their share of regulars, they also catered to travelers working their way toward the pristine shores of Lake Charles.

Angelique remained quiet as I selected a booth toward the back, taking the rear seat in order to be able to keep an eye out on the entrance as well as the wall of windows fronting the road.

“Take a seat,” I commanded when she hesitated.

She seemed more nervous than before, darting a glance over her shoulder but she obeyed my command, easing down on the vinyl seat opposite me. Almost immediately a waitress approached our table, her bright smile reminding me there were decent people in this world just trying to make a living.

“What would you guys like to drink while you study the menu?” she asked, her gaze locked on the side of my neck, obviously noticing the crawling tattoo.

“Coffee,” I stated as I grabbed the menu.

“Same. And tomato juice. Please.” Angelique’s answer was stilted.

“Comin’ right up and if I can suggest anything, the blueberry pancakes are to die for.”

Angelique took a deep breath, turning her head so she could watch the older woman walk away. Then she turned her full attention in my direction, glaring at me with all the venom I’d caught a glimpse of before.

I yanked out my phone, checking for any messages, noticing the moment Nick and Marko walked into the diner. She noticed my change in demeanor, immediately looking over her shoulder. Snarling, I snagged her wrist, yanking with enough force her body jerked.


“Do not pay any attention to my soldiers. They are nothing but customers. Understood?”

She opened her eyes wide, shaking her head. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

“That’s because your life has never been in this kind of danger.” The crackle of electricity between us was off the charts, every cell in my body on fire. “Now, you’re going to enjoy your breakfast, which is exactly what I told you earlier. If anyone asks, we are just passing through, heading to Texas.”

“Yes. Sir. You don’t have to be such an asshole about it.” She jerked her arm away, acting as if I’d bruised her.

As the waitress brought the drinks, I sat back in my seat, scanning the road once again. “Have you decided?”

“I’ll take the pancakes with a side of bacon. Lots of bacon,” Angelique said without bothering to look at the menu.

“You’re gonna love them. I’ll make certain you get some whipped cream. You have to have whipped cream.”

“I can’t wait. I was telling my honey bunny that I was famished for pancakes,” Angelique said with a sly smile on her face.

The waitress’s voice, while pleasant, was already starting to piss me off. I wasn’t in the mood to play games.

Including with the woman I was supposed to protect.

“Sir?” the waitress asked, giving me the kind of appreciative glance that most men would enjoy. I wasn’t most men.

“Two eggs over easy, bacon, and plain toast.” I slid my menu in her direction, shifting my gaze to Angelique. I couldn’t trust her at this point.

“You got it.”

When the waitress walked away, moving to Nick’s booth, I leaned over the table. “While you might think this is nothing but a game, one mistake could cost you your life.”

“So you’ve made certain to tell me more than once, Dimitri. I don’t need to be reminded again. I got it. I’m not a little girl.”

“Then don’t act like one.”

The tension remained, but my cock was already stirring. I found it increasingly difficult to stare into her lovely eyes. I turned my attention to my coffee, loathing the bitter taste of chicory. From what I could tell, there was no sign of the truck. I knew the area surrounding the diner well enough to know there were no back roads leading to the location. The driver would be forced to make a U-turn. The only issue that concerned me was whether they stopped somewhere else, waiting to see what I would do.

There was a full two minutes of silence between us, but after only a few seconds, she began to hum softly to herself. When I slowly turned my head in her direction, she lifted a single eyebrow.

“You don’t like music?” she asked.

“Only at the right time.”

“What do you like?”


She snorted, rolling her eyes. “You’ve been guarding me for several years, yet I know almost nothing about you other than you fuck like a savage.”

The woman was pulling out all the stops to goad me. “Keep your voice down.”

“That’s right. We’re supposed to be a couple. What’s your favorite color?” When I didn’t answer, she chewed on her bottom lip. “What’s your favorite movie?”

I gave her a hard look.

“Food? You must have something that you care about other than dry toast.”

“What does it matter, Angelique?”

The light in her eyes from teasing me dimmed, her smile fading. “That’s right. You’re just an employee. Can I use the bathroom or is that against the rules?”

I looked around the diner then twisted in order to see the short hallway leading to the restrooms. “Two minutes.”

She jerked to a standing position, tossing her long hair. Then she glared down at me. “I thought you were different than my brothers, Dimitri. I thought you were someone I could care about. I can see I was wrong.”

As she walked away, I closed my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, but there could be nothing more between us. It was better she hated me.

Nick glanced in my direction, giving me a wry smile.

I fisted my hand, pushing it against my thigh, my thoughts turning filthy and vile. The things I wanted to do to Angelique were sadistic and brutal. I wanted to bind her hands, forcing her onto her knees before shoving my cock into her mouth.

I longed to feast on her pretty pink pussy for an extended period of time, pushing her into one orgasm after another.

And I wanted to claim every hole, filling her with my seed.

She was right. I was nothing but a savage.

After two full minutes had passed, I grew antsy, moving without hesitation toward the bathrooms. Growling, I slammed my hand on the door and entered. I couldn’t help but notice the single window in the small facility. It was partially open.

Angelique glared at me in anger as well as shock as I grabbed her arm, jerking her over the edge of the sink. I crushed my body against hers, wrapping my hand around her neck.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“You were trying to escape. Really? Is that what you want to do, Angelique? Are you prepared for the fact that fucking monster is lurking in the shadows? He will hurt you just because of who you are.”

Blinking furiously, her body continued to tremble in my rough hold.

“I can’t allow that to happen,” I continued, a stream of light flashing in front of my eyes as another series of memories rushed into my mind. “I should punish you right here for your ridiculous behavior.” It took everything I had not to bare her bottom. My God. What was I turning into?

“Why does it matter to you so much, Dimitri? Why?”

I was shaking from the rush of adrenaline, my anger almost uncontrollable. Yet I was wild with desire for her, the insanity of my feelings colliding with my desperate need to protect her. This couldn’t happen. This was wrong.

“Why?” she pleaded, glaring at my reflection.

I’d noticed the look in her eyes.

As if she’d caught a glimpse into my soul.

As if she’d stared into the eyes of the devil.

And she would be right.

“You don’t need to know, Angelique.”

“You’re such a bastard. Why don’t you just go ahead and punish me. That’s what you want to do anyway. Right? You want nothing more than to treat me like a bad little girl, so just do it.” Able to jerk out of my hold, she turned around to face me, shoving both her hands against my chest.

She had no idea that she’d unleashed a portion of me that would be difficult to drag back into its ugly prison cell.

Exactly where the beast belonged.

I released my hold, backing away.

But the beast was hungry.