King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 9


“Damn you. Damn you straight to hell.” The pent-up anger and fear boiled to the surface, breaking through as I continued to watch the ugliness manifested in his eyes. I’d never seen him this way. “Just do it.” I pushed him again, his rock-hard body not moving a single inch.

Dimitri cocked his head, a growl erupting from his gut, the look in his eyes changing once again. He was nothing but a ferocious beast. “You will learn to obey the rules one way or another, Angelique.” The gruffness of his voice was matched with his rough actions as he closed the distance, his massive frame dwarfing mine. He yanked at the button on my shorts, wasting no time before he was able to peel them away then yank them past my hips.

“No. Stop!” I demanded, smacking my fists against him. We were in the middle of a freaking diner bathroom. How could he be doing this to me? Yes, he saved my life more than once, but I didn’t deserve this… This bullshit. He didn’t own me and never would.

“You know exactly what I’m doing. I’m giving you exactly what you deserve.” After yanking down my panties, he turned me around to face the mirror.

“Don’t. Please.”

“You can plead all you want but that’s not going to do any good.” His accent seemed heavier, his voice almost unrecognizable, but I knew the sound of torrid lust when I heard it.

When he brought his hand down hard and fast, I clamped my fingers around the edge of the sink, unable to take my eyes off him. I was humiliated by the fact he was performing his wretched deed in the middle of a public space. What if someone walked in on us? What if they stood watching what he was doing?

“Damn you. Bastard. Asshole. I hate you.”

“Good. Hate me. Call me whatever name your little heart desires. That won’t change what is happening and what I’ll do again if necessary.”

He smacked me several times, moving from one side to the other in a crazy yet methodical rhythm. The pain was instantly blinding, the force he used slamming me against the sink. I fought back against the tears that had formed in my eyes. Why would I ever allow the bastard to see me cry? He wouldn’t give a shit. He had no feelings. None.

“I’ll get you for this,” I said meekly, biting my lower lip to keep from screaming. I couldn’t make a scene. I couldn’t draw any attention to what he was doing. It wasn’t safe. The understanding had been drilled into my head. I knew what was expected of me, requirements of how I should act.

Dimitri refused to stop, the cracks of his large palm becoming even harder. I realized I was tingling all over, trying desperately to catch my breath. Lightheaded, stars floated in front of my eyes. This couldn’t be happening.

“You will follow the rules.”

“Yes. Fine. I will.” I could no longer recognize the sound of my own voice. Why didn’t he stop? “Just don’t. I’ll be good. I promise.”

Slowing, he looked over my shoulder, his chest heaving, and I could swear his pupils were dilated. As he caressed my heated skin, another wave of desire shot through my system. I was wet, the scent of my longing filtering into the air between us.

Another wave of utter embarrassment almost drove me to madness. I was so conflicted, my mind unable to process what was happening between us. The electricity crackled like a wildfire, pulsing in my veins. It was as if we were locked in time, no one else around.

Moy prekrasnny tsvetok,” he whispered in a husky tone, the sound more erotic than anything he’d ever said to me.

After cracking his hand against me four additional times, he hesitated then brushed his knuckle down the length of my arm. The light caress was enough to force a moan past my lips.

We remained stuck in time until his hunger finally exploded. His eyes never leaving mine, he ripped at the fastener on his jeans, barely managing to yank them over his chiseled hips before shoving the tip of his cock against my swollen pussy lips.

I jutted my hips, arching my back as I slammed my hands on the mirror. My body had taken over, the sinful taboo of our desire too much to forsake. I no longer cared if anyone witnessed our carnal act. I didn’t give a shit what was said about our actions.

Dimitri wasted no time shoving the entire length of his cock inside, the ferocity of his actions making the experience even filthier. He was claiming me like the beast he truly was, placing a mark on the woman he’d hungered for.

And I wasn’t going to be able to get out of his clutches.

He growled with every forceful plunge, the animalistic sounds mixing with my ragged moans. I could no longer see clearly and for a few seconds I hung my head, taking gasping breaths.

“Watch me, Angelique. Watch me fuck you.”

His words were guttural, the command not to be denied. I did as I was told, remaining unblinking as he fucked me hard and fast. I dragged my tongue across my parched lips, still struggling to control my breathing. Just the way my muscles strained to accept his thick, throbbing cock was more exciting than almost anything.

He was so large, filling me completely, igniting the sensations even more. I was lost in the moment, tossed into another world, the ache in my bottom only adding gasoline to the fuel. This was nothing but absolute domination, his need to control me.

He swatted my bottom twice more, the look in his eyes continuing to change, to morph into something I’d never seen in him before.

A moment of desperation.

Gasping, I could tell my muscles were twitching as an orgasm rolled to the surface. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” I half laughed from the increasing vibrations, tossing back my head as the jabs of electricity became almost painful.

“Come for me, beautiful one. Come.”

I met every brutal thrust with one of my own and within seconds, there was no holding back. The climax smashed into my system, the powerful moment forcing my body to jerk.

“Yes. Yes…” I bit back a scream as the single orgasm turned into a beautiful wave. A series of colorful dancing ribbons floated across my periphery of vision. I could no longer feel my legs and my heart hammered against my chest almost violently. I smashed my hand against the glass as the orgasm ebbed, leaving me aching all over.

Dimitri refused to stop, his actions barbaric, even rougher than before. He slid his hands under my shirt, cupping and squeezing my breasts. When he jerked me into a standing position, the angle changed, the sensations even more spectacular. The second he pinched my nipples, twisting them savagely, I was thrown into another climax, unable to keep my eyes from closing.

I planted my hands over his, the heat between us building to a combustible point. “Yes… Oh, my…”

He nuzzled my ear, repeating the same phrase from before over and over again. When his body tensed, I squeezed my muscles, clamping around his shaft.

As he began to shake, a single tear slipped past my lashes, every emotion I had colliding together. The feel of his release was explosive. And as he filled me with his seed, a moment of darkness enshrouded my mind.

He would be killed and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

* * *

“Be careful fighting someone else’s demons—it may awaken your own.” — Bryant McGill


For the first time since I’d known Dimitri, I’d been able to clearly see the demons threatening to consume him. He’d always been a man of mystery and intrigue, his dark and dangerous persona drawing me in from the very first time I laid eyes on him. He’d also maintained a controlled and stoic personality the majority of the time, only showing me the deep and passionate man on three occasions.

And only once had we kissed before the recent moment of horror.

But as he’d held me tightly in the middle of the diner bathroom, I’d witnessed something else entirely different. It wasn’t fear exactly, more like a strong and unending conviction to protect me, if only from myself. I knew there was a story behind his haunted eyes, but I doubted he would ever share that side of himself with me.

Hell, I’d wanted answers to the probing questions I’d asked. A part of me wanted to know everything about him. Maybe that’s why I continued to act like the child he’d accused me of being, trying to find a way to break through his armor. That single glance had scared me to death.

He would lay down his life for me. He’d allow himself to be tortured in order to keep me safe.

Then he’d do it all over again.


While Cristiano paid him well and I knew Dimitri had the respect of the soldiers who took orders from him, I didn’t think his reaction had anything to do with loyalty to the family. I remained in a fog, a frigid chill rushing through every inch of my body. After he’d thought I’d been trying to escape and his outburst, he’d shut down completely, other than letting Nick know that we were almost at our destination.

I hated the fact tears continued to form in my eyes. My sadness had only a small amount to do with replaying the horrid statement he’d made over and over again. Yes, I was petrified of what was going to happen. I was horrified about what had occurred on the dark and lonely street. That meant Antonio was doing everything in his power to find me. Of course, I was fearful of my family’s safety. And yes, I had no understanding of what the future might look like.

But the pain revolved around the fact I cared for Dimitri more than I’d been able to admit to anyone, including to the man himself. I wanted to hate him. I should loathe his actions and the horrible way he was treating me. But I just… couldn’t.

I could feel the heat of Dimitri’s gaze as he turned off the two-lane road onto little more than a rocky passage. Limbs from the dense population of trees lining the mixture of dirt and gravel pathway hung low enough to slap across the windshield of the Charger. The scattered smacking sounds made me jump, my nerves raw. The shadows were ominous, creating visions of creatures lurking in the forest, famished for a taste of my flesh.

Even my imagination was out to get me.

What I also hated was the fact he was right about several other things as well. I’d been considered special, treated like a princess enough so that somewhere in the back of my mind I believed it. I behaved as if I was royalty. I was also pushing him away. Grimacing, I couldn’t handle the connection we had, the jolts of current that passed through every cell and muscle every time we were in close proximity.

Dax woofed several times from the backseat, already standing in preparation of our stop.

“Be a good boy,” I whispered as I petted his head. What would I do without him?

I tried to concentrate on anything else but the hulking mass of a man sitting only a few inches away. The scent of him covered every inch of my skin. My throat remained tight, enough so I found it difficult to breathe.

What had occurred in the bathroom remained as a haunting moment. He hadn’t mentioned it and neither had I. I’d done my best not to squirm in the car; however, the scratch of my shorts against my bruised bottom was a constant reminder. He’d simply shut down as he’d done before, likely pretending it had never happened.

Thank God neither Nick nor Marko had said anything. But I’d seen the looks on their faces after we returned to cold food and even colder coffee. Dimitri had forced me to eat, even telling me he was prepared to spoon it into my mouth if necessary.

At least I’d been able to grab several pieces of bacon for Dax and some bottled water. That had been the highlight of the breakfast.

Don’t lie to yourself. You want him. You hunger for the brutal man.

I hissed softly to myself from the words of my inner voice. What I wanted couldn’t matter.

As additional light began to filter into the car, I shifted my gaze out the windshield, sitting up in my seat. Within seconds, a vision of a small cabin came into view. While the house itself was nothing spectacular, the exterior reminding me of a beach house, I was able to catch a glimpse of the river. That brought a smile to my face. “You own this?”

He exhaled before answering, “Yes.”

“How lovely.”

My two little words seemed to soften his rough edges. He huffed, the sound almost a chuckle. “I was lucky to get it. I need to do a hell of a lot of work, but I’ll find the time one day.”

“I didn’t know you actually got time off from your duties. I’ve always seen you by my brother’s side, my father’s before that.”

Dax barked several times, the thump of his tail against one of the seats a reminder that we’d entered a dangerous territory.

And not just because of the threat from Antonio Azzurri.

He pulled the car to the side, the larger path obviously cut on purpose. “I have more vacation time than I actually use. I also get a full benefits package, Angelique, including one hundred percent health coverage and a 401-K.” His words dripped of contempt.

Which I deserved.

“I’m glad my family treats you right.”

“You mean since I’m nothing but a thug.” He didn’t bother looking in my direction as he opened his door, issuing a short, gruff command. “Stay here until I allow you to get out.”

I slumped in the seat, hating my earlier words more than anything. He hadn’t deserved my wrath or stupidity. I watched as he pulled his weapon into both hands, moving cautiously toward the cabin and unlocking the door. Within seconds, Nick followed him, moving to the other side of the house. Then I noticed Marko standing just outside my door. Maybe another round of comprehension settled in because I couldn’t stop shaking. Dax paced back and forth on the seat, woofing several times.

“Just calm down. We’re going to stay here for a little while, boy. I think you’re going to like it.”

I’d been protected the majority of my life. There was nowhere I could go without being safeguarded, two soldiers following me like lapdogs. Maybe a small part of me actually adored feeling special. How disgusting. I’d allowed myself to pretend in order to face what kind of world I’d been born into. Dimitri was right. I’d treated almost every aspect of living life as a King like it was a game.

My brother was the master of game playing.

It was a full five minutes before I caught sight of Dimitri again. He motioned to Marko, who in turn opened my car door, ushering me out. He was heavily armed, the gun in his hand just one of three I could see.

Dax bounded onto the grass, immediately checking out the entire property. I’d trained him to sense for danger. At least he seemed comfortable with the surroundings. Meanwhile, I felt sick inside, uncertain how I could handle spending a significant amount of time with Dimitri. I couldn’t stand the hot and cold aspect of our… relationship. Hell, I wasn’t certain what to call it since we’d crossed an invisible but solid line. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him. About his life. About his past. But I knew he’d refuse to answer.

Marko moved to the trunk, pulling out our belongings. I walked toward him, offering to take a bag when Dimitri barked another order.

“Get inside. Now.”

I backed away immediately, whispering “I’m sorry” to Marko. I’d pushed Dimitri’s last button. There was no doubt in my mind. I felt stiff as I headed for the house, holding my breath until I got inside, Dax trailing behind me.

You can do this. Breathe.

I was pleasantly surprised at the interior. Although the inside wasn’t fancy by any standard, I could easily tell how much work he’d put into making the cabin his own.

Dax remained by my side, his tail wagging back and forth.

“I like it. Don’t you, boy?” I smiled as he offered a single ruffing sound of approval.

The small hallway gave way to a gorgeous kitchen that had recently been renovated. With blond wood cabinets, granite counters, and stainless steel appliances, the room was modern yet comfortable. The gorgeous window overlooking the front yard was wider than normal, a small but gorgeous stained-glass work of art in the middle, allowing for incredible prisms of light. Pendants hung down over the island, small LED lighting over the cabinets. Even the wooden plank floor reminded me of a beach house.

There was a matching stained-glass piece in the six-foot window in the living room, but it didn’t hide the incredible view of the rolling green grass and small beach complete with a dock. The furniture in the living room was rustic, the back door leading directly onto a screened-in porch. There were several bookshelves filled with books that had obviously been read more than once. And from what I could tell, there wasn’t a television anywhere. I noticed a single hallway leading off to one side and only three doors indicating rooms.

Small. Cozy. Romantic.

I immediately fell in love with the place. I darted a look over my shoulder, able to see the three men were still talking. Even though it might be against the rules, I wanted nothing more than to walk down to the water. I took careful steps, opening the door and peering outside. The porch was also as I would have expected, two Adirondack chairs facing the river. There were two more on the dock and just off to the side were two decks, complete with nothing more than a picnic table and a small grill.

Dax managed to open the screen door by himself, racing outside and toward the river. He’d never been to the shore since I’d picked him up. He’d actually never been able to live his life as a puppy, which was something I already regretted. Maybe he deserved a better mommy dog than I’d turned out to be.

Somehow, I had the feeling this is where Dimitri was the happiest. A simple life, one devoid of people. I couldn’t blame him. The water was bluer than I’d remembered, although it had been years since I’d visited, and the beach was pearly white, glistening in the filtered sunlight. I was drawn to the beautiful setting, walking slowly toward the dock.

The wooden deck was sturdy, long enough at least half of the pillars were buried in the sand and water. I walked to the end, taking a deep breath of the incredible air. It was clean and fresh, a hint of the Gulf Coast salt making my skin tingle.

As I gazed from one side to the other, I wasn’t able to detect a single house. There were no boats on the water and certainly no other people close by. This was his private paradise.

Dax was having nothing to do with the dock, immediately moving to the river’s edge, reaching out with a single paw, delicately touching the water. I watched him for a few seconds, admiring the way he already seemed happy, as if nothing in the world was wrong.

I sat down, removing my shoes and slipping my feet into the water. For some crazy reason, I almost started to cry. I could be very happy living in a quaint and peaceful place like this.

I had no idea how long I’d been sitting alone, but when I heard footsteps, I bristled, fearful I’d be scolded for misbehaving once again. I could feel his presence behind me, the light breeze wafting a hint of his cologne across my nose. Every time he came close, my pussy quivered, my nipples aching, and I hated myself for it. He was right in that we couldn’t form a relationship. I had to keep reminding myself of that fact.

He was my protector.

Nothing else.

What a shame my body continued to betray me.

“I’m sorry if I broke the rules,” I whispered.

He sighed and did something I didn’t expect at all. He sat down on the dock next to me, untying and yanking off his boots and socks. When he even rolled up the cuffs on his jeans, I couldn’t suppress a giggle.

“I actually wasn’t certain if you could swim.”

His laugh was amiable, which was another surprise. “I can.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Why did there always have to be an awkward moment between us?

“I’ll admit that I didn’t care about the water until I bought this place, but there is nothing like the feeling of lying on the dock after taking a swim. When I’m here, that’s the way I start every morning.” His tone was soft, almost comforting.

I dared to look at him, pleased his expression was more serene than before. I could tell he was watching Dax’s actions, enjoying the way the pup was romping further and further into the water. Somehow, I knew this sudden burst of quiet joy would be short lived. He was all business more than ninety percent of the time. That’s what made him so damn good at his job. “That sounds amazing. Maybe I could join you one morning.”

Sighing, he studied the perimeter of the trees. “I wish I could tell you that we will enjoy our time spent here. While I’m not certain how long it will be required, I can’t forget the reason we’re here.”

“Keeping me safe.”


Another moment of quiet settled between us.

“Will you ever talk to me?” I asked. Why were my words so stilted? I fisted my hand, biting back a barrage of angry words. He didn’t deserve to hear what was rolling through my mind. I was angry and terrified that Antonio would manage to hunt me down.

“What is it that you want to know, Angelique?”

“Anything you can tell me. I know nothing about you, and you’ve been allowed to know everything about me. My life. My work. Where I live. I bet you even know I don’t have a sex life.” I groaned after making the last statement. I was nervous around him, which was ridiculous.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know very little about you other than about your love of the art and your gallery. I had no idea you’d gotten a dog. Cristiano keeps you like a jewel that should be locked away, protected from the evils of the world. He’s right. You shouldn’t be forced to face this kind of bullshit.”

“But I have no choice. I was born into a family of mafia leaders. My grandfather was, his father before him. I suspect that if I have a male child, he’ll be considered one of the princes. But you have a choice. You don’t have to face danger the rest of your life. I can tell how much you love this place by the stained-glass windows alone. Why don’t you walk away?”

As Dax raced onto the deck, pushing his way between us, Dimitri had a faraway but very haunted look cross his face. “You really don’t understand the way of a mafia family, including the men who work for the organization. Do you?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“We’re indoctrinated into the world, Angelique. I certainly was at a young age. Once it’s in your blood, you can’t change. You become the killer you’re trained to be. You absorb the danger, electrified from the power you have by holding a man’s life in your hands. You want nothing more than to hunt and destroy. That’s what my life is and that’s the kind of man I’ve become. Fortunately, you have a chance to find someone who will take you away from this. You can find love and happiness, sharing a family that doesn’t need titles, only togetherness. You need to take that chance, but in order to do so, you must remain alive.”

I took a deep breath, thinking about what he’d just said. “What happened to you in Russia?”

He slowly turned his head, studying me intently, but I couldn’t read his expression. “The kind of things that would haunt your nightmares for the rest of your life.”

Just the way he said the words forced a tremor into my system.

“I can handle it,” I whispered, longing to reach out. Just to touch him, to draw him out of the nightmare he’d placed himself in a long time ago. But I couldn’t. My efforts would be futile.

He shifted onto his feet, grabbing his boots then staring up at the sky. “We need to get settled. A storm is coming soon.”

I glanced up at the almost cloudless sky, hating the way his footsteps echoed on the deck.

“What did you say in the bathroom to me?” I had no idea why I blurted out the question.

He stopped short, taking several deep breaths. “My beautiful flower. You are my beautiful flower.”

As he walked away, Dax trailing behind him, I realized I’d never felt lonelier in my life.