King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 7

“Life is the jailer, death the angel sent to draw the unwilling bolts and set us free.” — James Russell Lowell


Angel smerti.

In Mother Russia, the angel of death was feared more than any other creature. There were stories written depicting a massive, horrible being explicitly for children in order to keep them from misbehaving.

I’d caught a glimpse of her standing in the shadows, waiting and watching. While I knew in my heart that the Grim Reaper had taken the assassins straight to hell, I feared the angel had been sent for Angelique.

The family couldn’t handle another tragedy. First, the youngest daughter, Bella, who’d been forced to capture her angel wings at such a young age. Then the brutal taking of Michael’s first wife. At least the angel hadn’t been able to leave with Cristiano’s new twins. However, I’d seen the look in her eyes, the hunger to capture another King soul.

She would try again.

I’d thought of little else since the damning incident on the street. I’d wanted nothing more than to crush the assholes who’d attacked her with my bare hands. They’d gotten off far too easy, but I didn’t have the ability or the time to exact the kind of revenge I hungered for.

Now I stood in a prison-like setting, my home no longer anything but a risky fortress. At least the two soldiers remained outside, Nick determined to provide protection, his last text indicating there was no activity.

Still, I remained on edge, struggling with my rage as well as the beast hungering to both protect as well as consume Angelique. She was my angel. She could very well be my salvation.

Anger filled every muscle and cell in my body, the kind of rage that could turn me into a killer without thinking. That’s what had occurred on two separate occasions in prison.

I’d killed both men with my bare hands, snapping their necks within seconds of being attacked. And I’d enjoyed every minute of it.

I rubbed my eyes and rested my head against the wall. I’d remained as she’d asked, waiting for her to fall asleep. While her slumber seemed fitful, at least her breathing was becoming more even.

Exhaling, I checked my watch. Two hours until dawn. That would make getting out of the city that much more dangerous. As I took quiet steps toward her, Dax lifted his head. I placed my finger across my mouth, grateful the pup seemed to respond to my commands. His presence was definitely a plus, his determination to guard her admirable.

I shifted closer, lowering my gaze. Everything about the lovely woman set me on fire. Very carefully, I eased a strand of hair from her eyes, satisfied that she could at least get a couple of hours of rest if nothing more. She would need all her strength, especially given there was no doubt things were going to escalate.

When I backed away, Dax cocked his head, his tail swishing back and forth. “Zashchiti yeye,” I whispered hoarsely. Protect her. As if the pup could understand.

When Dax snorted then eased his head onto her leg, I had no doubt he understood me. I headed out of the room, but not before taking another longing glance in her direction. My instincts were on high alert and they were never wrong.

I should be prepared to give my life in order to save hers.

By the time I made it downstairs, my phone rang. Cristiano. “Everything is quiet.”

“I doubt for long. Word on the street is what I’d expected,” Cristiano said quietly. I wasn’t surprised there was no heightened amount of anger in his voice, just a quiet calm. He’d reached a level of rage that would heighten the need for a full-scale retaliation.

“Antonio is gunning for your empire.”

He chuckled. “Yes, which is what you expected all along.”

“I know scum like Azzurri far too well. His plans have been in the works for years.”

“I would agree with you. Sadly, I let my guard down. We all did. That’s not going to happen again. Unfortunately, he has a slight upper hand. His soldiers have been positioned all over the city, including guarding the jet. Antonio knew the family would never allow my sister to enter into an unholy marriage.”

“Then I need to get her out of town quietly.”

“I’d suggest Texas, but Vincenzo had a shipment derailed a day before the attack on the gallery. I have no doubt Azzurri is behind it.”

“Interesting timing,” I hissed as I walked to the front windows, peering into the darkness. I also didn’t like the fact everything was quiet.

Chuckling, Cristiano took a few seconds before answering. “If I had to guess, I’d say Giancarlo’s anger at a plan his brother had concocted was Antonio’s final straw.”

Why not murder your own brother? “I have a place at Lake Charles. It’s secluded as well as secure and no one knows it exists.” I’d learned to keep my private life from everyone, including the man I worked for. My abilities to disappear had also helped in keeping me alive on more than one occasion.

“It’s not ideal, but for now, I think it’s going to have to do. Vincenzo is heading for Galveston, Michael for Key West. There are several important shipments planned for three days from now.”

“All targets.”

“You bet. That can’t happen. After making certain they’re secured as well as handling the aftermath, we’re going after his entire world. Until then, you need to keep her completely out of sight. His inability to find her will push him further to the edge,” Cristiano said, his tone reflecting his appreciation of the plan. “He’ll make mistakes and I’ll be there to watch him slide into hell.”

“We’ll leave immediately.”

“Text me the address. Nick and Marko are going with you. Vincenzo will be prepared with backup if you should need it. Just keep her safe, Dimitri. I don’t mind telling you how important that is.”

I snorted before laughing softly. “I’ll be prepared for whatever Azzurri has planned.” As the call ended, I held the phone to my head for a few seconds before texting Nick.

We’re moving. Heading out to Lake Charles. Leaving in five minutes.

I didn’t need to provide any additional instructions. Nick knew exactly what to do. I slipped my phone into my pocket, shaking my head. I continued to have a very bad feeling about the entire operation. Azzurri’s confidence was increasing.

I grabbed her shirt then moving quickly, I took long strides toward the stairs, taking them two at a time. I had a duffle already prepared with everything I’d need to protect her. When I walked into the room, she immediately awakened, jerking up as she attempted to focus.

“We’re leaving,” she said with no inflection in her voice.

“We are. Get dressed and grab your things. This could get dicey.” I tossed her shirt onto the bed, my mind trying to shut down what had just happened between us.

“What’s happening?” She threw back the covers as I opened the closet door.

I yanked the bag from the top shelf, tossing it onto the dresser and unzipping. “Azzurri has blanketed the city already, prepared for you to be taken out of town. We don’t have time to waste.”

“Bastard.” Grabbing her shirt, she climbed out of bed, yanking her shorts into her hands, shaking as she struggled into her clothes.

I checked the ammunition, returning to my closet for a few additional supplies. Then I shoved a few changes of clothing on top. “We’ll get anything else we need after we arrive.”


“Lake Charles.” I zipped the bag, yanking it into my hand. “Remember, you need to follow my directions. We’ll have one chance of getting the hell out of the city safely.”

“I can handle myself, Dimitri, whether you choose to believe me or not. I was born into the King family. Remember?”

While her defiance had already become difficult to deal with, I was thankful she’d regained her resolve. The last thing I needed was to be forced to deal with her continued emotions. “Yes. I remember. Let’s go.”

She grabbed her shoes from the stairs on the way down, her breathing just as ragged as before. Good. She needed to be terrified of what we were facing.

Dax followed us downstairs and into the kitchen. I turned off the light, keeping the weapon in my hand as I disarmed the system, opening the door cautiously. I’d become not only a keen observer in my years with the King family but also an avid listener. I could hear the slightest crack of a fallen limb or a different whistle in the trees, both of which would indicate an intruder. At this point, everything seemed normal.

We made it into the car without incident, Dax immediately lying down on the backseat. I tossed our bags in the trunk, taking another scan of the property before climbing in. I needed to get us out of the city limits before the first break of daylight. As I rolled to the end of the alley, I was finally able to detect Nick’s SUV parked close by. With a single flash of my headlights, Nick started the engine.

“If I tell you to get down, do it.” My words were stern, but there was no room for error.

“As I said, I know what I’m doing.”

Then so be it.

As I rolled onto the still mostly deserted street, a series of images and memories rushed into my mind, ones I’d tried to shove aside. The prison I’d been sent to had been the worst in Russia, the location where the criminals who’d done the most heinous crimes had been kept. I’d been tossed into an environment where only the strongest, most cunning, and the most dangerous could survive.

While I’d done so, it hadn’t been without exacting necessary revenge in order to protect myself. I’d learned the hard way not to trust anyone.

As I turned down the main road, I constantly checked my rearview mirror. After a few minutes, I was confident we didn’t have a tail. As long as we made it out of the city, we might have a chance.

“What’s in Lake Charles?” she asked after several minutes.

I gave her a quick look, the glow of the streetlights flashing by highlighting her chiseled face. She had the aristocratic features of a goddess, her dark curls framing her face almost as lovely as her long eyelashes. I sucked in my breath as my cock started to ache all over again. “A cabin.”

“There are thousands of cabins. Why is this one so special?”

“Because it belongs to me.”

“Why is it difficult for you to talk to me?”

There was an accusatory tone in her question, a passive/aggressive jab that she used on almost everyone else in her life, including her family. She had no real understanding of the kind of man I’d become, nor did I ever want her to know. “We aren’t going to be friends, Angelique. I’m your protector. That’s the job I was hired to do. I thought you understood that.”

“What I understand is that you have a tough time being around me. I’m not sure why.”

I fingered my jaw, taking another glance in every mirror. Dawn was coming far too quickly, the first rays of morning light adding to the eerie ambiance of the mostly deserted street. She was pushing every button in an attempt to get what she wanted like she always did. That wasn’t going to work on me.

“Because you’re as challenging as you are demanding, assuming that because of your position and status that everyone should bow down to you.”

She huffed, folding her arms. “How dare you. You’re right. You do work for the family. You’re the hired thug and nothing more. I suggest you remember your place.”

I refused to acknowledge her outburst, making a turn onto one of the roads that would take me the majority of the way to our destination. However, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to handle her attitude but for so long without handling her disrespect.

When I remained quiet, I could tell she was fuming.

I made certain that Nick was still following closely behind as I continuously scanned the side roads. The tension between us was increasing every minute.

“I’m sorry, Dimitri. That was shitty of me. Maybe you’re right. I’ve been acting like a princess because I’ve been able to get away with it.”

Her admission almost brought a smile to my face. However, her true nature would rear its ugly head again. I continued to remain silent as I formulated a plan in case we were discovered.

“Aren’t you going to at least acknowledge my apology?” she asked, her defiance remaining. She was definitely used to getting her way.

“I’m not here to be liked or coddled. Neither are you. This is a very dangerous situation we’re in.”

“And you think I don’t know that?”

“What I think is that you believe Antonio doesn’t have the capability of hunting you down. I assure you that if he does, he will take you to a location where you will never be found again. After he does, he will likely place and keep you in a cage until he’s ready to use your body in ways that you can’t fathom. And if you fight him, trust me that the kind of punishment he will provide is nothing like the spanking you received. You will never recover and you will never be the same. Does that help you understand?”

As soon as I’d issued the statement, I could feel her fear increasing. When I glanced over, I could tell she was shaking.

“I refuse to sugarcoat it for you, Angelique. That’s not what I’m here to do. I will do everything in my power to protect you, but you’re going to need to follow every rule I say without question. If you don’t, God help you.”

She slumped against the door, resting her head on the glass. Perhaps I’d finally broken through that pretty little skull of hers.

Exhaling, I realized I’d been far too harsh with her, although she needed a dose of understanding. After shaking my head, I noticed a single set of headlights from an oncoming car. I kept both hands on the steering wheel. Seconds later, the bastard pulled into my lane.

“What. The. Fuck?” I issued a keening snarl, only able to glance into the rearview mirror for a split second. “Hold on.”

“What’s going on?” she screeched, gripping the dashboard then gasping.

“Goddamn it.” I lowered the window, pulling my weapon into my left hand. The road was wide, but there were too many cars parked in front of businesses and apartments. This was going to be dicey as fuck.

“They’re come right at us,” she yelled.

“I know.” I counted the seconds, the game of chicken something I hadn’t played in a hell of a long time.

But I was damn good at it.

It was all about timing.

And patience.

As I calculated the distance, I could tell by the change in the headlights behind me that Nick had figured out what was going on, slowing to allow me the opportunity to operate.

“No. No. No!”

Dax went wild, clawing at the window, his bark filling the space.

While I knew Angelique was freaking out, the sound of her voice had changed to an almost unnoticeable volume. I counted in my head.

Five. Four. Three.



I swerved, banking hard to the right as I popped off two rounds. The screeching of the tires gave me a smile. I’d hit my target with at least one of the shots.

“Oh, God. Oh, God.” She lowered her head into her hands, shaking.

After another glance in the rearview mirror, I realized Nick and Marko were finishing off the task. How in God’s name had the motherfuckers found us so freaking soon? I didn’t like thinking about the fact we likely had a snitch in our organization, but nothing surprised me any longer. Loyalty was hard fought to win and easy to lose.

All some rich asshole needed was fake promises and a wad of cash. I dropped the gun in my lap, closing the window. Where there was one asshole, there were usually two.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay,” she repeated several times as she reached for her dog. This shit was getting out of hand. A few seconds passed with no additional interference.

Snagging my phone, I dialed Nick, constantly scanning the street. “You got him?”

“Yeah, there were two of them, although you’d already taken out the driver,” Nick answered.

“Leave it. I’m rolling to another way out of town.” I remained ready for some asshole to try again, my heart thudding to the point it was almost painful.

“I’ll remain on your tail. Be careful.”

I laughed before ending the call. Careful wasn’t anything that had ever been used to describe either me or my methods of retaliation. This time would be no different.

“You killed him?” she asked after a full minute.

“Fortunately, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be another. You need to stay down.”

All she did was continue to take gasping breaths.

When she didn’t obey me right away, I issued an intense growl. “Do. It.”

“Asshole,” she muttered but slunk down in the seat, folding her body away from me.

I debated calling Cristiano, but at this point, I needed to keep my eyes scanning the road constantly.

A full five minutes passed. Then another three or four and nothing else happened. Maybe the fucker had just gotten lucky. No, my instincts told me Azzurri’s soldiers were scouring the roads everywhere.

As I continued driving, fifteen minutes passed and she hadn’t said a word. When I looked over again, I realized she’d fallen asleep. Good. Perhaps I could get through the rest of the drive without interference.

I twisted my hand around the steering wheel, finally taking the quiet time to accept my feelings for her. Damn it, this was the last thing I needed, but my hunger was too significant.

I wanted to taste her.

Fuck her.

Enjoy her.

Possess her.

I almost laughed at the thought. I was fooling myself if I thought that could ever happen. She wasn’t mine to enjoy or to own.

But I was a predator after all, a man with no conscience. I’d been called the worst of humanity, nothing more than an animal. Maybe that was the truth. Maybe it was time for me to embrace that fact.

I glanced in her direction, the hunger swelling to the point I had spots forming in front of my eyes. There was no way I could ignore my true nature. I’d done that for far too long.

I would devour her.

Every. Single Inch.