Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


cassiopeia is twenty-three

she is a first-year doctorate in university

“Eliezer, focus!” Cassiopeiasaid condescendingly, massaging her temples and sighing. The brute only held her steely gaze dumbly, looking quite adorable. But Cassiopeia wasn’t falling for his charm—sighing again and eyeing her brute warily. His irises expanded, darkening as he clenched his jaw.

“I can’t!” He snapped, “I can’t fucking focus when you’re so fucking close to me! Jesus Christ!” He exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose whilst Cassiopeia’s jaw dropped, “the only thing I can focus on is fucking you senseless,” he growled. Cassiopeia snickered.

“You did call me and made me stay here for the entire day,” she said sarcastically.

“No!” He defended himself, only making Cassiopeia smirk.

“Oh really?” Cassiopeia retorted blankly.

—a few hours earlier—

Eliezer, mmm,” Cassiopeia mewled softly, slowly rousing from her sleep-induced state.

“Ange.” Eliezer grunted as he thrust into her pussy slowly from behind with his arms wrapped tightly around her stomach. She felt the pleasure and ecstasy heighten and illuminate her body.

“Eliezer, please.” She begged as he controlled her body, tuning her to his fine melody. The sun was merely rising, the night sky slowly seeping in baby blue and hues of a glowing orange horizon from his window. Their climaxes were earth-shattering as they called each other’s names and fell into a dimension where only they existed—their euphoria. A cozy serenity fell upon them as Eliezer held her flush against his naked body and Cassiopeia cuddled into him.

Cassiopeia pouted once he untangled himself from her and slowly rose from their bed.

“Yes?” He smiled cheekily.

“Stay with me,” she whined, jutting her bottom lip.

“As much as I’d loveto, I have to get ready and if I stay with you, I’ll never leave.” He laughed his signature raspy laugh that had Cassiopeia clenching her thighs all over again. She gazed at him with inviting irises for a moment or two before huffing, realizing he wasn’t returning to bed. This was their morning, every morning.

“I’ll come to brush my teeth.” She murmured, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before throwing the duvet off her body.

“What? Why?” He questioned with his eyes widening. His towel draped over his body did nothing to envelop his perfectly sculpted body from her lingering, lust clouded irises. Her brows crinkled seeing him stand by the en suite door, looking utterly perplexed.

“To get ready too? Once you’re finished showering, I’ll be ready to shower, and we can leave together?” Her voice was more of a question while she threw the duvet off her body, swinging her legs off the bed, unashamedly leaving her pussy bare to his eyes.

“Darling, darling.” Eliezer rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her bridal style and laying her down in the middle of their bed. “You have no class today, so you’re staying home,” he said huskily and her eyes widened as she shook her head and opened her mouth to interrupt. “I can see it in your eyes, you’re tired from your exams yesterday and our late night.” His face was mere inches from hers as he uttered the words, giving her no time to protest as he spun on his heels and headed into the en suite.

He’s right, of course he is, he always is, the cheeky bastard. Cassiopeia huffed, falling back onto her pillow and falling back asleep.

“Bébé.” Cassiopeia faintly heard Eliezer’s baritone voice calling her name. She whined, still sleeping.

“Princesse,” he called again, inducing another sleepy whine from her.

“Amour.” Sleepy whine.


“Go awayyyyy,” she mumbled, tiredly, draping her arm over her eyes.

“But I need help with my tie.” His voice was wobbly and she shot up a moment later from the bed with regretful eyes, believing he was on the verge of crying. Only for her face to fall a second later, a scowl etching its way to her soft features seeing his face bright as ever, dressed sharply in his Brioni suit, merely a small, teasing pout on his lips.

“Brute.” She whimpered, getting on her knees on the bed, wrapping the duvet around herself, and maneuvering her way to him at the end of the bed.

“Language, little girl.” He grunted lowly, his gaze dark.

“I’m sorry, daddy.” She grinned, gazing up at him through her lashes once she was in front of him. Her hands found the silky cloth of his midnight blue tie and she began folding the ends whilst holding his gaze.

“You’re forgiven.” He murmured, kissing her forehead as she finished.

“Daddy’s little girl.” He hummed in appreciation, looking down on his girl because even on her knees on their Californian king-sized bed, she was motherfucking adorably small. Withher tiny figure enveloped in such a fluffy duvet, his height still towered over her.

“Thank you.” Eliezer said once she finished and he dipped his head, taking her lips in his in a sensual kiss. Her heart fluttered as she melted into the kiss, into him, feeling the words ‘I love you, Eliezer’ almost slip past her lips. The words seeped through her veins, consuming her and she felt it in her every fiber.

For the first time, she found herself entertaining the thought instead of merely hiding behind the layers of her mind, running from the idea. For the first time, she found herself accepting the feeling burning in her veins. The butterflies in her stomach, the silky nectar flowing in her veins, the feeling Eliezer gave her was incomparableto any other she’s everfelt. Cassiopeia knew at this moment she didn’t love Eliezer, but she was in love with him—he mended her fractured heart, he was her home. He deepened the kiss, cupping her jaw and angling his head, and she knew in this very moment, he was everythingto her.

Très Bien, baby girl.” Eliezer murmured, pulling away slowly and bringing his arms around her, his hands settling lightly on her ass over the duvet and lifting her up. Giggling and snuggling herself into her layers of coverlets, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Sleep.” He laid her down on the bed once again, making sure her favorite pillow was under her head and she was comfortably cocooned in the duvets. “I’ll make myself a cup of coffee.” She giggled once she saw his horrified expression from the thought of drinking coffee she didn’t make. “And I will make your tea and put it in the fridge and make you a breakfast platter as well before I leave. But sleep, you need rest, your forehead feels a bit warm.

“If you’re still feeling warm and looking pale when I come home, we’re going to the doctor.” Her eyes immediately widened in fear but he finished voicing his thoughts. “To check on you. I can’t have my girl sick and if you are, you’ll be home for the rest of the week, from school and work,” he said in a tone of finality.

“But Eliezer-“

No, Cassiopeia.” he said angrily. “You’ve been waking up early, sleeping ridiculously late, you sleep less than me and that’s saying a lot. You’ve been going to your classes and putting in a lot of time in your thesis as well as working unruly hours on schoolwork, and on top of that, you’ve been working hellish hours for the glasshouse. You’ve been taking care of things before I even know there are things to take care of. You need a goddamn break, you need to rest, you need to breathe. If you’re sick, you’re staying home, and that’s final.” He breathed, lowering his head and claiming her lips in a punishing kiss.

“Thank you.” She cried softly when he pulled away fractionally.

“For what, darling?”

“For caring so much and giving me everything and more than I could ever wish for.” She brought her arm around his neck and pulled him to her for their lips to collide again before he could say anything.

“You are my everything.” He murmured once she pulled away and let her head fall back on the pillow. Cassiopeia blushed.

“If you’re okay when I come home then you can decide what we do, if you want to stay home, order take-out, watch a movie and cuddle, or go someplace, how does that sound?”

“Perfect,” she whispered, her eyes already fluttering as she nestled in the duvets.

Au revoir, mon bel ange.” Eliezer whispered softly, kissing her forehead before snagging his cell and leaving their bedroom.

Cassiopeia woke up a few hours later, finding her phone and sending Eliezer a small text before putting on her playlist and making their bed. Once she finished, she headed into their en suite, her eyes falling upon the few salts and oils Eliezer left for her with a note saying ‘soak in these bath salts and this rose and lavender oil and relax for me, ange.’

Blushing from his note and feeling pampered, she ran herself a warm bath, pouring in the salts and oils he left for her. Submerging herself in the warm soak, she giggled to herself from the uncomfortable feeling of basking in such a luxury.


“Cassiopeia, hello,” Eliezer greeted when she answered her call. The girl emerged from her bath mere minutes prior and was wrapped in just a bathrobe.

“Eliezer, hi,” she replied happily, sitting on the side of the bed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Stellar. I slept until eleven and soaked for an hour. It was amazing, thank you, Eliezer.”

“Always, Cassiopeia.

“So you’re feeling better than this morning, yes?”


“Better enough to maybe come into the glasshouse for me?” He asked quietly, rushing the words as if he were embarrassed. “I know I told you to stay home an-”

“Yes!” Cassiopeia exclaimed quickly before he could change his mind. “As much as I’ve loved this luxurious self-date you left for me, it’s a bit much by myself,” she admitted quietly.

“Guess I need to leave you more of these luxurious self-dates for you to get used to.”

“Please don’t.” She giggled.

“Then we’ll do it together,” he stated nonchalantly. Truth was, the luxurious lifestyle wasn’t his cup of tea either despite the ton of money he had but if he wanted to shower and pamper his woman, fuck yes was he going to do it.

“You don’t- I- you- we don’t have to,” she said hurriedly, blushing to herself.

We will.

“But I need you right now.”

“I’ll come,” she promised.

“Yes, you certainly will, more than once.”

“Eliezer!” She exclaimed, blushing brightly. “Is there anything you want me to bring?”

“Yes, that’s kind of why I need you.” He said sheepishly. “I forgot a folder home, it’s the one on the dining table downstairs.”

“Is it the one about the Milan suitors?”


“I’ll be there in a little.”

“Until then, mon ange éthéré,” came his deep reply before he ended the call.

The drive was rather a cruise down the turnpike, with the minimal traffic in the city at this hour and Cassiopeia found herself parked in the glasshouse’s lot half an hour later.

“Cassiopeia, h-hey?” Starlie stuttered upon seeing her best friend’s face once the elevator’s doors slid apart.

“Hello.” Cassiopeia winked.

Her laughter were contagious as Starlie found herself giggling too. “Just a little surprised to see you here after Eliezer’s little tantrum earlier.”

“Oh?” Cassiopeia queried amused.

“Yes. He came in this morning pretending to be angry and he came up to me and said ‘can you do this, this and this for me, oh and make sure Cassiopeia doesn’t come in today, she was feeling a bit sick and I told her to stay home, but if she does, tell me right away.’ I looked him right in the eye and said ‘no to everything you just said, have a marvelous day.’” Starlie snickered at her own joke whilst Cassiopeia bit her lip, slightly quivering in laughter.

“Then the said tantrum started.” She breathed in, readying herself to mock Eliezer. “‘Jesus Christ! You two never listen to me! You two are always against me! You two are always planning against me! Why did God leave me with not one, not two, but six incorrigible women?’ because he said his mother and sister were just like us and I forgot what else because honestly, I was too busy not giving a fuck.” Starlie shrugged, sipping her latte nonchalantly. “But they’re sweethearts and here you are, standing in front of me, smiling brightly, almost about to burst out laughing, and looking bright as ever,” she said pointedly.

“Eliezer actually wanted me to come in, he left something home.” Cassiopeia snickered, holding up the folder. Starlie facepalmed. Cassiopeia giggled again and fared goodbye, making her way to his office.

Just as she was going to twist the knob, the door flew open and he grasped her wrist, pulling her inside, shutting his door, and giving her no time to breathe before he was kissing her senseless. She moaned in between their kisses, kissing him just as roughly as he was her.

More, please.” She whimpered, feeling lightheaded from his kisses as her bag fell from her shoulder and his lips left hers and trailed down her jawline and column of her neck.

“You brought the folder?” He growled.

Yes.” She moaned distractedly as his hands massaged her ass. His eyes fell on the folder in her hand and he snatched it, tossing it to the ground, irrespective of the mess.

“Eliez- wha?” She blinked, her eyes searching his. He laughed humorlessly, lifting her up and she responded by jumping and wrapping her legs around his waist though her gaze was still questioning. Eliezer kept one hand under her ass whilst the other came up and pinned her wrist above her head to the door, murmuring a simple, ‘keep them there or you’ll be punished,’ before his hand left hers and found the bottom of her crewneck, lifting it up and he dipped his head to kiss her breasts through her lacy bra.

“Eliezer!” She whimpered, her back arching off the door.

“I have a copy of that entire folder, I didn’t need it,” he growled, nipping and biting the soft skin of her cleavage.

“I never needed it.” He pulled his head back for a moment, his eyes searching hers.

“I regret telling you to stay home. I needed you.

“I fucking need you,” he rasped, his darkened irises begging her to let him take her in his office ruthlessly and fuck her raw.

—in present time—

“But the sex was fucking beautiful,” Eliezer said simply.

Cassiopeia’s steely gaze was unwavering. “You really are an insatiable man.”

Your insatiable man,” he said, smiling cheekily.

“Eliezer,” she sighed dramatically, “you’re too distracting, we have work to finish.” She focused her gaze on his—their—agenda and diary in front of her.

Eliezer scoffed in incredulity. “I’m the one who’s too distracting? I believe you’re why we’re having this conversation in the first place!”

“Eliezer.” Cassiopeia inhaled, intertwining her hands together on her lap and glancing at him, the ring surrounding her wintry irises glowing as she exhaled, ready to chastise her brute. “I’ve already sorted through the notes from the Letterman deal, organized your meetings and conferences for the next month, books, and arranged everything for your, sorry our, our trip to France, Belgium, England, and Fiji. I’ve made a checklist in your diary of every event coming up, every charity event, gala, dinner, by date and I’m still adding in between. I’ve already organized the glasshouse’s gala for the thirtieth too and I’ve collated and filed the expenses for last month and the first half of this month.”

When the hell did she have the time to finish that much? Eliezer stared at her silently.

“Cassiopeia,” he breathed her name in awe. He leaned over and kissed her cheek and Cassiopeia merely smiled, her eyes falling upon their agenda and journal with plans to finish her notes for him.

Quiet draped the air in his studio as Cassiopeia flipped through the pages of the agenda and journal, scribbling notes and filling every empty space. Meanwhile, his gaze flickered between his Mac and Cassiopeia, weak in controlling in his sinfully delicious thoughts.

“Stop staring, it’s rude.” Cassiopeia said blankly, her head still buried in the notebooks and Eliezer immediately averted his eyes, feeling as if he’d just been caught by his mother stealing the last madeleine.

“I was not staring.” He fired in a feeble tone as if he were trying to convince himself, though inwardly he was smirking like the dishonorable cocky bastard he was. My girl has become exceptionally bold over the years, hasn’t she?

“You’re still staring,” she said pointedly, still fixated on her notes. Her damn notes are more important than me, Jesus Christ.

“Perhaps you rather I touch you.” He lifted a brow. Her breathing faltered as his hand cupped her pussy through her jeans and she gasped. Stroking her through her layers, she trembled and bit her lip to reign in her moans and begs. She was strugglingto grasp onto every ounce of control she had left.

“Eliezer, please.” The soft, quiet beg slipped past her lips, her head falling on his shoulder.

“Tell me what you want.” He grunted, feeling painfully aroused. But he needed to tend to his girl first.

“Eliezer, we need to finish this.” She moaned, desperate for a release once he stroked her, adding pressure.

“We do need to finish this, you’re right.” Eliezer nodded, his hand finding its way inside her jeans.

“I meant our work,” she whimpered weakly, finding his hand in hers and stopping his teasing. Eliezer growled.

“Later. Later I promise you can rip my stockings off of me,” she said breathlessly, gasping for air as she lifted her head. He hummed in appreciation.

“It’s a promise I’m looking to fulfill,” he said darkly, biting her earlobe before pulling away from her. Cassiopeia exhaled shakily, focusing her hazy gaze on the agenda and diary, like the myriad of times she had in the hour and a half she was here.

Time blurred as another half an hour passed with Cassiopeia sorting through his email on her MacBook and Eliezer worked on his Mac, revamping proposals and contracts, and flickered his gaze sideways every once in a while to admire his ange.

Eliezer chuckled deeply when she grumbled about his messy habits. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.” Cassiopeia huffed, glaring at her screen whilst she worked.

Focus. Focus. Focus. Cassiopeia chanted and willed herself when his shoulder would brush against hers while they worked quietly and she felt the familiar silky nectar explode in her veins, encompassing her every fiber.

Focus. Focus. Focus! She promised herself.

Until Eliezer sighed frustratedly beside her. Cassiopeia peered at him quietly, drinking in his broken expression, lost, dazed, and confused as if he was having an internal battle.

Putting her pen down, she twisted her body to face him, grasping his shoulder lightly. His eyes met her concerned and worried grays and he melted for her.

“Eliezer, what’s wrong?” She questioned, her tone soothing and utterly patient, filling him with a far more painful, heart-wrenching guilt than he felt moments prior.

“You’re too good for me.

“What?” She giggled softly, her brows knitting together, her eyes crinkling in the corners.

“Forgive me, Cassiopeia, I’ve been giving you so much lately, been keeping you later, calling you to come in when I tell you to stay home,” he said apologetically, closing his eyes. In the very moment, Eliezer looked too aged for his striking age of thirty and she knew she’d do everythingto bring herEliezer back. Raking her hand through his luscious hair, Eliezer sighed blissfully, falling deeper and deeper in love with her, her heart and soul.

His eyes slowly flickered open and she frowned, her soft heart making her tear up at the sight of her love looking utterly dazed, wickedly tired, and, and broken. He met her dull grays, attempting to smile for her, though it was tender, it was feeble, a glowering contrast from her usual cocky, arrogant smirking brute.

“I’m a brute, Cassiopeia, so dishonorable.”

“Who ever said I liked my men honorable?” She whispered sultrily in his ear.

Man.” he grunted. “Cassiopeia,” he groaned when she bit his earlobe, “there’s only one man in your life, and that’s me,” he said, breathing raggedly from just the very thought.

“I have my papa, Slater, and Niccolò, too.” Her reply was a taunting snark.

“The only difference between them and me, little girl, is that they aren’t your daddy.” He whispered roughly, making her thighs clench. But the desire in his irises dulled just as quick as it came when his guilt weighed him down a ton. Cassiopeia—always the keenest to everyone around her but herself—felt her elated feelings plummet as she drank in his tired and aged face.

“Eliezer,” she said his name somberly, “you, are, my, everything, you’ve been the epitome of paradiseto me, haven’t you realized by now, you brute? You’re my kind of heaven, my kind of paradise. Eliezer, you’re many stellar things, maybe a flaw or two, and blind is not one of them.” The emotions in his eyes danced together—baffled yet the fire she only ever ignited threatened to spark again.

“Eliezer, can’t you see it? I adore you, every part of you, every fiber, every ounce, God, do I adore you, Eliezer Badeaux.” I love you. I love you. I love you. Her mind screamed. She could only hope her minuscule, shy gestures were enough for him to know for now.

“Christ, Cassiopeia, come here,” he murmured as he lifted her from her stool and into his lap. Straddling him in his desk chair, her hands immediately intertwined around his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

“Eliezer,” she said breathlessly, her wintry gray irises clashing with his glowing sapphire ones.

I love you,” he said quietly in Persian. “So much, every ounce of my being bleeds for you.” He buried his face in her neck. “Cassiopeia Leilani, you have absolutely no idea how grateful I am for you, heart, body, soul, how much I genuinely appreciate you, just existing, you are so much more than enough for me, I could never grow tired of you.” His voice was hushed, filled with a myriad of emotions and spoken with such ardor, the sound brought tears to her eyes.

I love you, Cassiopeia Leilani, he wanted to tell her in his mother tongue, but he was wracked of his ner-

Fuck caution.

Je t’aime, Je t’aime, Je t’aime.” He murmured, showering her face with soft, light kisses.

“Thank you, Cassiopeia, for everything. You are the light in my darkness. I promise to be better for you,” he said promisingly, kissing her parted lips. Cassiopeia sighed blissfully into the kiss, melting into him and feeling them pour a much stronger passion into the kiss. “But I can’t focus lately, you’ve inhabited every piece of my mind and I just want to spend time with you away from the glasshouse, I want to take you out Cassiopeia.”

“Eliezer, please don’t ever apologize for yourself, not to me,” she said quietly, raking her hand through his hair and brushing away his stray locks. Eliezer met her sincerity-filled irises and felt himself tumbling, tumbling, tumbling deeper down the rabbit hole of love.

Eliezer was a man of passion and a heart filled with love, often tossing caution to the wind, but saying ‘I love you,’ to Cassiopeia didn’t exactly fall under his ‘fuck caution.’ Eliezer’s crippling anxiety weighing him down a ton would always render him shy and wracked of his nerves. His words between French, Persian, and his tender, yet lethal touches would have to be enough for her to know just how deep his love bled for her.

Lost in thought, she watched Eliezer as his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration before shaking his head slightly and tilting his head up, meeting her gray irises.



“We’re going out for a late lunch.” He rested his hands on her waist.

She hummed, squinting into the distance as she pretended to ponder. “No.”

“Brill- Did you just say no? To me?” He asked with glaring eyes and a tone of incredulity.

“Yes, I did.” She glared back. “Maybe I would say yes if you asked like a proper gentleman.

“You liked me dishonorable, no fleur?

Gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets, is how the saying goes, Eliezer,” she said through gritted teeth impatiently.

So she definitely wants to go.

“Cassiopeia, my timeless queen, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and-“

“Careful there, I might start to believe you’re proposing.” She muttered, playing with his forelocks and blushing. He glared, his nostrils flaring.

So he definitely isn’t used to asking for the things he wants.

“-go for a late lunch with me?”

An adorable smile broke out on her face as her eyes gleamed wickedly.

“Just us? As Eliezer and Cassiopeia?” She queried cutely.

“Just us.”

“I, dunno,” she giggled, “my boss doesn’t like his assistant going out for lunch with other men and his email is really messy, so I have to sort through it;” She pouted. Eliezer’s expression was pricelesslyamused.

“Oh sweetheart, as if you had a choice.” He chuckled darkly, his fingers digging into the bare flesh of her waist as her sweatshirt had risen up. “Your boss certainly doesn’t approve of office affairs, I know,” he smirked, “but this is an exception.” His fingers bit into her flesh as she threw her head back and moaned.

Still teasing, she tilted her head to the side, humming in her musings. “I don’t know, Mr. Badeaux...” she trailed temptingly, trailing her finger down the length of his ripped chest through his dress shirt whilst the other tugged his hair.

Goddamnit Cassiopeia.” He grunted from the stir of emotions he felt from her touch. Cupping her cheek roughly, his lips collided with hers punishingly, leaving her lightheaded.

“More, I want more,” she begged shamelessly.

Eliezer smirked. “We’ll see. As I’ve said before, you never had a choice, you say yes, or I fuck a yes out of you.” Batting her eyelashes and teasing him like the temptress she was, she “mistakenly” fell forward a bit in his lap, her hand falling perfectly on his cock.

Cass-” Her name fell short from his lips as she palmed him through his trousers and he groaned.

Tempting.” The word rolled off her tongue so seductively, Eliezer felt- “But my apologies for being so rude and declining you, Mr. Badeaux, so yes you may take me for a late lunch, I’m feeling rather starved right now.” She leaned forward even more until their chests were aligned. “But maybe you can show me what you were talking about later, querida?”

Maybe?” He gritted through his teeth in pain, glancing up at his vixen, “fuck yes I will.

“Tell me, do you have a man?” He hissed.

Yes, I do,” she replied boldly, palming him slowly.

“Were you with him last night?”

“Wrapped up in his arms till this morning when he fucked me awake,” she replied, saying the vulgar word so sensually, sighing dreamily and he grunted.

“Clearly he isn’t taking a damn good care of you if you’re starving, belle,” he growled.

“You’re wrong,” she smirked tauntingly, “he takes even better care of me than you could imagine, Mr. Badeaux. He wrapped me in blankets before he left so I could rest of my tired body and mind, he left for me a soothing soak with oils and salts-”

Making your body so soft and heavenly, it’s a sin,” he murmured quietly, inhaling her scent.

“-and he made me so much more breakfast than I could ever eat myself before he left for work. Eating my breakfast made from his skilled hands, God was it delectable. If I had to say he wasn’t taking care of me, it’s because he left me by myself,” she pouted. “But as I was saying his breakfast? God, his food has to be a sin, I mean it should be illegal for a man to cook that good. It was almost as good as when I take his thick, hard co-“

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he growled, feeling an inferno blazing in his body as he picked her up bridal style roughly and snagged their cells from his table, slipping them into his trousers’ pocket. He maneuvered her tiny body so she latched onto him like a little bear with his one hand under her ass, the compromising position looking utterly adorable between the two and his suit and her casual dressing clashing ever so sexily.

“Or what, Eliezer?”

Finish that sentence, Cassiopeia,” he growled, “and I promise you’ll regret it tonight when there’s no one around to hear you,” he grated.

“-ck in my mouth.” She grinned devilishly.

Fucking hell,” he yelled. His face mere inches from hers, he glared at her menacingly, murderously. Cassiopeia only smiled innocently like the temptress she was.

“Where is my innocent little Cassiopeia?”

“You’ve made me into your little nymphomaniac lover.” She merely shrugged and smiled adorably, successfully angering him further.

“Cassiopeia, I swear to all that is holy, I willstrip you and tie you up, I will punish you so badly, you’ll be begging to come, you’ll be begging me to fuck your tight cunt and I will. I’ll fuck you so rough, Cassiopeia, you won’t walk for a goddamn week, you’ll be seeing stars for a very long time princesse, I will ruin you.” Cassiopeia, the devilish vixen she was, merely smiled wickedly, her eyes glinting evilly, as she was utterly unaffected by his words.

“Later, meu amor,” she moaned, “but right now I’m craving some Greek.”

Jesus Christ, she will be the death of me, Eliezer grunted to himself.