Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


cassiopeia is twenty-three

she is a first-year doctorate in university

“Well are yougoing to help me or just lustfully stare at me like you want to fuck me right here on this counter,” she whispered sultrily, her eyes glinting when he just silently held her gaze.

“Cassiopeia.” He growled her name dangerously low while she batted her lashes innocently, and then he sighed.

“I feel fucking old since I couldn’t think of the word,” he grimaced, rubbing small circles on her hand with his thumb while his other typed.

“Aw, amor,” she cooed, “you’re the youngest thirty-one-year-old I know.” She grinned cheekily.

“You’re really asking for a punishment tonight.” He tsked and she giggled as her cheeks flared, focusing on her notes again and he glanced at her dissertation once more.

“My sweet girl,you’ve done a wonderful job so far, I’m so proud.” Eliezer smiled softly, closing her MacBook and putting it in her bag as they stayed in the bistro for a late lunch.

“Thank you, Eliezer.” She said quietly, blushing and forking the entrée in her plate. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, they were both interrupted by their phones dinging. A mere moment later, his nostrils flared. Glancing up to see her, he found her eyes fixated on her screen in wonder.

“I am sosorry.” He said nervously and her eyes flashed to his.

“For?” She gave him a full-blown laugh. Her eyes flickered to the screen once again, skimming over the headline, and her smile only widening with each passing second. His brows crinkled as he stared at her. She lifted her head and their gazes collided and she cleared her throat.

“Belizaire, Madrid’s Finest Bachelor, Finally Engaged and Tying the Knot,” she said in a deep voice before choking violently on her own laughter.

“How long will this last, we all know how his flavors change ever so quickly,” she said in the deep voice, feigning solemnity, nodding her head slowly as she pretended to be a reporter. Eliezer’s jaw dropped as a wide smile curved at his lips and a peal of deep, throaty laughter escaped him.

“Is something wrong?” She asked with feigned innocence. His body shook as he laughed in disbelief from her teasing.

“Was I too rude?

“Is that a no I hear?” She replied to herself cheekily.

“I should be more rude, you say?

Certainly will do.” She drawled dryly before falling into her bubbly laughter again, the melodious sound ringing throughout the cozy bistro.


“I’m going to run up to my office for a moment.” Eliezer said quietly in her ear, kissing her temple as they entered the glasshouse and the girls at the receptionist desk ‘awed,’ making Cassiopeia blush.

“Okay,” she whispered distractedly, far too lost in basking in the flora and endless plants of the glasshouse. She softly giggled from feeling the burning stares from the girls. Eliezer chuckled deeply seeing his girl’s flushed cheeks and the reception girls bubbling with excitement and ready to squeal the moment he left.

So how was your date?” He heard one of them tease her and he chuckled to himself hearing his girl flustering a reply.

Entering his office, Eliezer stumbled back on his own steps. He didn’t know what toever expect when crossing the threshold of his office, except an empty office, maybe apart from Cassiopeia occasionally surprising him. Apart from Cassiopeia and himself, there was only one other who had a key to his studio—and even then, she never came in unless there was a vital business affair she needed to be involved in or she simply wanted to poke fun at him to get on his wick.

But the sight in front of him has his blood icing in his veins—and rightfully so, the sight was the utterly last he’d ever expect to find, in his fucking office!

Okay, what the fuck?” Eliezer muttered, rubbing his temples before he tore his fingers through his hair and eyed the two warily. But he wasn’t quiet enough.

Just like the two fools in front of me, he thought bitterly.

Starlie and Niccolòfroze in the midst of fucking on his sofa, Starlie shrieking and rushing to hide with the duvet on Eliezer’s sofa, and Niccolò staring at Eliezer in all his glory, smirking cockily. They simply stared at each other silently, Niccolò arching a cocky brow until Eliezer huffed and flickered his gaze to the ceiling.

“God, why me? Why am I always left in these situations?” He whined to himself and Niccolò snickered.

“Hello, fratello.” Niccolò greeted smugly.

Eliezer’s eyes were quick to cut to Niccolò, who was draping a robe over his body and tying the knot before flickering to Starlie’s. His glaring eyes burned holes in her, his molars grinding together before his eyes flickered to Niccolò again in a split second and widened horrifically.

“Is that my fucking robe,” Eliezer hissed as he boiled with rage.

A presence came behind him and he felt the blood drain from his face.

“Eliezeris- oh,” Cassiopeia breathed softly when her eyes fell upon a half-naked, wobbly smiling Starlie and a cheeky Niccolò. Jesus Christ her friends were a mess. Her nose wrinkled.

“Oh Christ,” she murmured, “absolutely not, you are on your own, Eliezer.” She grimaced, peering over his shoulder for a moment longer before closing her eyes and breathing slowly.

Bébé, what?” Eliezer girlishly shrieked, swiveling on his heels to see her. His eyes were desperately begging for her to stay.

“This is your problem.” She waved to their friends, snickering and stepping away from him, sauntering off. He turned back to face the two, nostrils flaring, jaw clenching.

Moments later, Cassiopeia returned, breathing erratically as she just sprinted down the hall to his studio again. Peering over his shoulder on her tip-toes, giggling with a Cheshire grin on her face, she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, “I knew all along! Eliezer you owe me six hundred and Slater owes eight.”

“Cass!” Starlie shrieked when she snapped a picture.

“What? I need proof for Slater.” She shrugged, grinning wickedly before leaving again.

Mon amour, you are a lovely mess,Eliezer inwardly grunted.

Oh mon Dieu,” Eliezer murmured and sighed, meanwhile Starlie blushed profusely and Niccolò chuckled. Eliezer entered his studio, refusing to meet either of their eyes and snagged the things he needed. Halting by the doorframe on his way to leave, as tempted as he was to ask, he felt his chest burn—he didn’t want to know what the hell kind of idea they had for why they were in hisroom.

“Just clean up,” he said tiredly and waved his hand, and left.

Bon sang.” Eliezer grunted under his breath once he saw Cassiopeia’s car missing from the garage.

My naughty girl,he thought darkly as he revved his engine, will have her punishment dished generously.


Eliezer beamed upon entering the kitchen of their mansion, draping his blazer on a barstool and seeing a sight that had become familiar to him in time. The sight of Cassiopeia cooking dinner whilst humming softly and dancing graciously brought a tender smile to his face as he gazed at her quietly.

Apart from the times he has spent in the kitchen with her, cooking breakfast, brunch, and dinner, making their own messes with ingredients, and hearing her bubbly laughter ringing throughout the mansion while he watched her in her grace, coming home to her cooking was his favorite sight to comehometo.

The view of his girl at this moment with the sunset in the backdrop from the cosmic windows in the kitchen had only existed in his dreams and now that he finally had it, he was ready to get down on his knees for her, bring her the world in his hands and make love to her in every breathing second.

She still hadn’t caught sight of his presence, too swirled away in her own little planet as she swiveled on her heels from the sink to focus on her sauté on the cooktop. Eliezer watched quietly, adoring her and feeling aroused as her body moved sensually to the music whilst she skilfully tossed her shrimp in her pan. He gazed at her smiling to herself in elation before moving over to the marble counter, dicing and finely chopping—please don’t hurt yourself mon amour, he begged silently—her seasoning for her dish as he undid his tie, stuffing it in the back pocket of his trousers before he sauntered up behind her.

Jesus Christ, she is ethereal, she is an angel, and she is mine—my ruination and divine absolution, his mind thrummed in appreciation for her. Just as she put her yellow knife down on the cutting board, he lightly kissed her exposed shoulder, (since her crew neck slipped off her right shoulder) and up the hollow column of her neck, caging her between his body and the counter. Melting into him unconsciously, she mewled softly from his kisses and whimpered when she felt his rock-hard erection against her ass.

Eliezer.” She moaned softly, grinding herself against him and feeling her pussy throbbing for his cock to thrust in her roughly.

“Cassiopeia.” He grunted, grasping her gyrating hips tightly and stopping her sensual ministrations but didn’t stop in painting her neck with dark purple flowers and blooming red love bites until she maneuvered her body for their chests to align.

“Eliezer, hi,” she said shyly, suddenly feeling bashful under his intense gaze, tilting her head to meet the bafflingly light sapphire pools of his almond-shaped eyes. Her eyes traced over his every feature, blushing brightly as she quietly admired him. If only she knew just how much he loved her eyes on him. His eyelashes brushed the top of his cheeks like dusted soot and the freckles on his sun-kissed cheekbones had her insides falling deeper in love. Every time she set her eyes upon him, she felt her insides quiver in desire and love, she felt herself memorizing his every contour, every dent, everything, a fresh intricate detail every time and she knew there was no view grander than Eliezer himself.

His low voice screamed punishment and the dull throb of her center became aching. She felt her panties dampening and squirmed in pain, desperate for him to soothe her aching cunt and bring her pleasure. A small frown curved her lips as her brows knitted closely together unknowing to her and Eliezer smirked knowing he had her just where he wanted his sanglant vixen. Eliezer stared down into her eyes, hers wide and staring into his—shining with innocence yet a hint of carnal desire—whilst his eyes were glaring, nostrils flaring, and jaw clenched to reign in his self-control.

In a split second, he claimed her lips in a consuming, passionate kiss, leaving her lightheaded, wanting more and her body tingling.

Elie, the food,” she whimpered in between the kiss, turning her head slightly thus tearing their lips apart as he massaged her ass through her skirt.

Cassiopeia.” He growled possessively, grasping her chin firmly between his fingers and bringing her back to him. She gasped, giving him the perfect chance to attack her lips and thrust his tongue in her mouth.

Eliezer.” She moaned breathlessly when he didn’t end his assault on her lips and their tongues danced messily together. Tearing his lips harshly from hers, his hungry eyes met hers in a haze as his hand found its way around her neck. Cassiopeia gasped for air as she stared hungrily and silently thanked his grip on her waist, for if it weren’t for his fingers biting into her flesh, surely she would’ve crumbled to her knees already.

Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your punishment.” He glowered while her eyes lit in a fiery lust. Hoisting her onto a barstool before letting go of her throat and waist, he left her in a sexually frustrated mess, breathing erratically as he went to the cooktop. Stirring her dish in the pan, he hummed quietly before unbuttoning his dress shirt and slipping it off his shoulder, tossing it onto the barstool next to her.


Moments blurred into each other as the past half an hour went by torturously slow for Cassiopeia. Eliezer prepared his dish for dinner, giving her the silent treatment as he moved skilfully and sinfullyaround the kitchen, around her. The only words said were his demand for her to strip herself of her crewneck, leaving her in a bright peach bralette.

A frown was etched on her face as she stood at the counter and finished adding the garnish to her dish, huffing quietly to herself. Her heart trembled in her chest as her eyes welled, missing his attention on her. She sloshed her tears away angrily before turning her head to stare at his back muscles rippling. She craved the solace Eliezer’s and only Eliezer’s arms ever brought her.

A little brat,Eliezer smirked seeing her pout.

Just as she set her glass of tea—that Eliezer oh so graciously made for her silently—on the counter, he came up behind her, grasping her hips tightly and steering her to the dining table.

Bend over.” He demanded, grasping the back of her neck and bending her over himself and she gasped.

“Darling, why are you sad?” He asked sadistically. “What do you want?” His voice was laced in power and want—of her to give herself to him at this moment.

“Nothing.” She snapped indignantly, feeling his other hand skim the length of her back.

He chuckled humorlessly, “I would hope you know me better than this by now, did you think I missed your tears and frown in the kitchen? I hate to see them so much because your smile is fucking adorable.” Cassiopeia whimpered softly, shaking her head submissively.

“Tell me then.” Stubbornly, she shook her head, moaning in desperation when he kneaded her ass.

“Cassiopeia,” he growled impatiently, his hand finding its way up her tiny velvet skirt and stroking her slit in a feathery touch.

“Because I want your attention,” she yelled and he smirked, pushing her lace panties aside and thrusting two fingers inside her soaking heat.

Bonne fille.” He hummed appreciatively, drinking in the view of her. “Because I always want yours, I always want you,” he whispered, arousing her even more.

“Eliezer.” She moaned, perking her ass in the air, grinding herself against his fingers to gain more friction and for him to give her more. Eliezer hummed teasingly, pulling his fingers from inside of her, trailing them down her creamy thighs.

Tu étais très villaine, baby girl.”

You were very naughty.

He murmured and she gasped when he grasped her thigh.

“Please,” she whimpered, turning her head slightly to meet his lustful glowing eyes. Her lips softly parted and her eyebrows knitted together as if she wanted to say something before she closed her mouth.

“Tell me,” he growled, “what do you want?” She moaned, driving him absolutely mad and Eliezer clenched his jaw, almost pulling away from her. For Eliezer loved, more than everything, hearing her tell him what shewanted, hearing her consent to take her—that turned him on. As much as he loved controlling her, loved dominating her and knowing she loved when he tuned her to his fine melody and had her under his mercy, hearing her express what she wanted in her soft voice, thatwas utterly fuckingsexy.

“Say it,” he demanded and pulled her hair when she stayed quiet.

“Choke me,” she screamed and a cunning smile curved his lips.

“My dirty girl.” He chuckled darkly and wrapped his hand around her throat.

“Tighter,” she begged and he faltered.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered softly. How he was able to see past the hungry beast inside of him ready to devour her and still be gentle with her was baffling when his pulsing cock was more than ready to be buried in her warm pussy. Because you’re so in love with her, a warm voice said in his mind and he smiled to himself.

Mon ange, my, do I worship you.

“I trust you,” she whimpered softly. “Please, Eliezer.”

“You look so fucking sexy bent over, cute ass in the air and nearly stripped bare, begging me,” he let out a soft moan from the sight, and Cassiopeia clenched her thighs from the sound. He snatched his tie from his pocket and brought it to her hands above her head, restraining them together.

“Too tight?”

“Perfect, Eliezer.

His hand found her throat again and tightened as his vision blurred in lust. “Do you know why I’m punishing you, sweetheart?” His other hand found the bow of her skirt, slowly untying it and letting it tumble to the ground and pool at her feet.

“No.” She shook her head.

“No, what?” He said through gritted teeth.

No E-Elie,” she moaned and Eliezer made a ‘tsk-tsk’ sound; not bothering to spare time, he ripped off her lace panties, eliciting a soft whimper from her.

“No, what,” he repeated, “what’s my name, Cassiopeia?”

Elie!” She cried in pleasure, still taunting him when he spanked her.

“My name, Cassiopeia,” he demanded.

“Eliezer,” she cried when his hand came across her a second time.

“Good girl,” he hummed.

“You’ve been very lascivious lately,giving me teasing retorts,” he spanked her and she whimpered, “you’re going to count, Cassiopeia, and say thank you after every spank, and take your punishment like a good girl.” His tone was condescending.

“One, thank you, Eliezer,” she said quietly.

“Letting dirty words fall from that beautiful mouth of yours,” his hand colliding against her ass gave her a pleasurable sting and she perked her ass even higher, feeling her arousal slowly drip from her sacrarium.

“Two, thank you, Eliezer.

“Teasing me about my age, smiling so cheekily,” he chastised, the sound of his hand striking her ass resounded in the dining room.

“Three, thank y- oh, Eliezer,” she mewled, arching her back off the table when he massaged her bottom gently.

“What was that, Cassiopeia?” He sneered, spanking her lightly.

“T-Three. Thank you, Eliezer,” she whimpered, moaning softly as he massaged her and eased her pain to euphoric pleasure.

“Fuck bébé.” He groaned softly as he palmed her pink, slowly reddening ass. He lovedhaving her over the table, begging him, thanking him, the sounds of her moans and whimpers and begs falling nothing short of sweet melodies to his ears. But he couldn’t forget this wasn’t meant to be pleasurable, this was his ange’s punishment.

Ma douce petit fille,” he said gently. “Leaving me with Starlie and Niccolò.” His hand struck her a fourth time and she moaned, closing her eyes and relishing in ecstasy.

“I didn’t hear you, Cassiopeia.” He growled.

“Four, thank you, Eliezer,” she whispered, sighing as he rubbed small circles on her bottom with his palm.

“Good girl.” He hummed and smiled selfishly to himself—he was in fucking heaven seeing her this way.

“Last one.” He kneaded her ass to prepare her and her breathing quickened in excitement.

“Teasing me with your curvaceous hips while dancing in the kitchen earlier.” He groaned, hardening in his trousers. Palming her tenderly, he moaned throatily as did she softly in harmony, their hard breaths and contrast of raspy and soft moans clouded the atmosphere.

Eliezer.” Her ear-splitting scream echoed throughout their home. Eliezer smirked. His hand collided against her skin for a final time and undoubtedly it was the hardest. But fuck if it didn’t arouse her even more.

“Eliezer, please, oh God.” She whimpered, pulling the restraint bounding her wrists when he thrust his clothed cock against her bare ass.

“Elie.” Her lips quivered as she felt her arousal trail down her thighs and she shamelessly begged, grinding her ass against him.

“Count Cassiopeia,” he demanded harshly, tightening his hold on her throat.

“F-Five, thank you, Eliezer,” she choked out.

“Keep going,” he grunted, his other hand gripping her waist as her ass circled his hips.

“Goddamnit, you’ve made me come in my pants,” he half moaned, half groaned.

Fuck the goddamn punishment and no pleasure. His hand left her waist and he hurriedly undid his trousers, pushing them and his boxers down his legs.

“Ready for me, little girl?

“Yes, Eliezer,” she nodded.

Just as he was about to enter her, his phone went off in his trousers’ pocket and she whimpered.

Don’t move,” he growled, bending down and snagging his cell from his pocket.

Merde,” he hissed and rose to his full height.

“Cassiopeia?” He called and she whimpered softly in reply.

“You’re going to take my cock in your tight, hot cunt and you’re not going to make a single sound, yes?”

“What?” She nearly screeched.

“Be a good girl for me,” he taunted before lowering himself so his lips brushed against her ear, “or I won’t let you come,” he said while his cell still rang.

Her reply never came when Eliezer suddenly thrust his cock inside her and spoke. “Bonjour mère.

Hello mother.

His voice was raspy and her eyes widened horrifically as she bit her lips hard enough to taste blood.

Je vais bien, j’ai l’impression d’être au paradis,” he chuckled throatily.

I’m well, I feel like I’m in paradise.

Comment allez-vous, mère?”

How are you, mother?

Cassiopeia shook her head, whimpering almost inaudibly as a beg for him to stop and Eliezer simply tightened his hold on her throat to quiet her as he continued burying himself in her.

Tant que vous êtes heureuse, mère. Mon effronté de père vous traite parfaitement, non?

As long as you are happy mama. My cheeky brute of a father is treating you perfect, no?

The words fell from his lips smoothly and teasingly, putting her in a world of euphoria from the silky texture of his voice. His mother’s melodic laugh and chastising tone on the other end of the call could be heard and Cassiopeia pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth, shaking her head slowly to control herself.

Je suis avec l’amour de ma vie, mère,” he said gently.

I’m with the love of my life.

Cassiopeia’s brows crinkled for she didn’t know a single word he said and his rough thrusts were bringing her closer and closer.

Eliezer’s thrusts became far more hurried and she slammed her head on the table to stop the soft cry threatening to rip through her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she inhaled and exhaled as she felt her pleasure heighten and she couldn’t make a single fucking sound.

Et es-tu heureux, baby boy?

And are you happy, baby boy?

His mother’s soft voice floated through the call.

Eliezer hummed happily, his hold on her throat tightening as he pulled her up for their chests to align. “Beaucoup mère, elle me rend si heureux.” He harshly ripped her cami off her body. (so much mother, she makes me so happy)

Thrusting messily inside of her, he opened her mouth. “Elle me rend fou.

She drives me wild.

He ripped her bralette off her, eliciting a soft gasp.

He slowly left her, easing just his bulbous head past her clenching entrance. “Elle me rend nerveux.

She makes me nervous.

He barrelled himself inside her and she gasped breathlessly, closing her eyes.

He repeated his actions, slowly pulling out of her. “Elle me fait sentir aimé.

She makes me feel loved.

His rough, hard thrust had her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

Elle est trop parfaite pour moi, je ne la mérite pas.

She is too perfect for me, I don’t deserve her.

He said quietly as he picked up his velocity in his thrusts, in turn shaking the table. A soft groan left his lips feeling her clench around him and feeling his climax nearing just as much as hers.

Je l’adore,” He cupped her breasts, fondling them skilfully, and smiled seeing her distraught, yet in such a euphoric state.

Et... je pense qu’elle, m’aime aussi.

And... i think she loves me too.

He whispered, biting his lip as he pummeled into her and her walls clenched around him, milking his cock sinfully.

Cassiopeia’s entire body quivered as her orgasm fell on her, being deliciously mind-baring and she was ready to fall into a deep slumber.

But Eliezer wasn’t finished with her yet.

His thrusts became violently wicked, building up a second climax inside her and she almost cried in the budding feeling of drowning in pleasure.

Je t’aime maman.

“Yes, we will,” he said soothingly before ending the call and slamming the cell down harshly on the table and gripping her hip whilst his other hand found her throat again and he choked her.

Eliezer, I-I...” Cassiopeia shook her head, lips trembling.

“You can Cassiopeia, and you will,” he threatened, his hand leaving her hip to find her sensitive bud and he slowly traced tiny e’s over her nub.

“Give it to me, Cassiopeia.” He grunted as he thrust in an unnatural tempo, heightening their pleasure and shaking their universe wholly.

“Eliezer, Eliezer, Eliezer,” she chanted, feeling herself close just as Eliezer was too—just from his pulsating cock buried deep inside her.

“Come for me,” he moaned as the sound of their sweating bodies slapping together and their harsh breaths were the only things heard.

With stars clouding her vision, she cried out his name as he did hers. Her walls clenched him, holding him snuggly inside her as she milked him and his thick liquids coated her insides. His hand left her throat and both of his hands grasped her hips as he stayed enveloped by her, smirking as he enjoyed the view of theirarousal trailing down her silky legs.

“My mother has invited us for dinner.”