Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 36

Even though Thomas told me not to make him wait, I still offered to drive Jase home first. There was no way in hell I’d trust Cav to get him home safely.

As it turns out, Jase didn’t want a bar of me. But that doesn’t stop him bombarding me with texts as I make my way to Thomas’s.

Jase: You’re not seriously going home with him, are you?

Jase: He’s a total douche, he doesn’t even like you like that.

Jase: Cav is massively fuming. He doesn’t want you with Thomas either.

Jase: Come on, Con. Be smart, think about what you’re doing.

Jase: You could do so much better than Thomas, Con. Don’t do this.

Jase: I know you don’t like him like that either. Think about what you’re doing.

Jase: Being with him won’t make everything and everyone else go away, you know.

Jase: I know you’re hurt, but don’t stuff things up with Cav. Thomas isn’t who you’re meant to be with.

Jase: Thomas literally told us—

I don’t read any more of his messages.

“Con, thank God,” Jase sighs when he picks up the phone. “Are you on your way home?”

“You need to stop texting me,” I tell him.

“Are you still at his house?” he asks.

“Of course I am. Where else would I be?”

“On your way home, which you should be.”

“Thomas is my boyfriend,” I remind him.

“Do you want him to be? Do you even like him like that? ’Cause I know he doesn’t.”

“He wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t like me. This isn’t something you can fake.”

“Are you sure?” he asks. “How many girls have sucked your dick with you pretending they’re Scott Eastwood or someone?”

“This is different,” I insist.

“Is it?” He blows out a breath. “Look, Con, he told us some things tonight.”

“How do I know that what you’re saying is the truth?”

“What reason would I have to lie?” he asks. “I’ve never lied to you.”

“Maybe not, but you’re all up in Cav’s business.”

“He’s my friend.”

“He’s using you,” I tell him.

“Guess that makes us a perfect pair, ’cause Thomas sure as hell is using you.”

I laugh. “For what reason? To get laid?”

“You don’t even know,” Jase says.

“I do know,” I insist. “I know Cav’s got his boxers in a bunch but won’t man up and do anything. He hates that I’ve ‘taken,’ ha, Thomas from him and now we’re dating.”

“You’re right, Cav does hate it, but so do I.”

“He makes me happy,” I reply.

“Does he? Really, truly happy?”

I don’t answer.

“’Cause if he does, I’ll back off, and I’ll get Cav to back off as well. But, if he doesn’t, if you’re trying to convince yourself he does to get over whatever the hell you had or have with Cav, then this isn’t the right thing to do, Con, and you know it.”

Again, I’m silent.

“But whatever. Have a good night.” With that, he ends the call.

“Hey! What took you so long?” Thomas asks when he answers the door.

“Sorry, I just rang Jase to check he got home all right.”

Thomas takes my hand. “You’re such a good brother. I love that about you.” He pulls me inside, pushing me against the wall in the entryway and kissing the shit out of me.

He moans as he takes my mouth, grinding his hard-on against me, but I can’t get Jase’s words out of my mind.

Finally, he stops for air, his face shining as he looks at me. “How about we take this upstairs, huh?”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “Like totally and completely sure this is what you want to do?”

He cups my face. “I am totally and completely sure this is what I want to do, you’re who I want to do, or to do me. Whatever works.” He tilts his head. “Is everything all right?”

I shake my head to clear it. “Yeah, it’s great. I just wanted to make sure you were sure. It’s kind of a big step.”

He presses closer to me. “But you’ll look after me, right? Be gentle?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Then don’t worry about me, okay? Tonight’s about us, about taking our relationship to the next level.”

“Going to the next level, yup.” I nod.

“Are you all right?” he asks. “You have done this before, haven’t you?”

I laugh, and even to me it sounds a bit on the hysterical side. “Of course I’ve done this before,” I tell him. In fact, just the other week I was inside your former BFF, and he rocked my world.

I clear my throat. “And I’m fine. I guess the adrenaline wearing off is making me a bit loopy.”

“Then let’s get it pumping in a different way,” he says, dragging me up the stairs.

Thomas’s room is a typical teenage guy’s room. Big bed, unmade, clothes all over the floor and his desk, a bookcase with a few photos and trophies on it, and a massive TV.

“I see you cleaned up for me,” I joke.

He laughs and kicks some of the clothes on the floor into a pile in the corner. “Sorry.”

“Guess you weren’t very confident I’d win tonight, huh?”

He turns to me. “Of course I was.”

And yet, he didn’t bother cleaning up, even though he told me we’d end up here if I did.

“So, ah, what did you think of the race?” I ask. “You watched it with Cav and Jase, right?”

“Yeah, it was great.”

“Did they think so? They were kind of… weird afterwards.”

“To be honest, I have no idea what they thought. I was too focused on you to know what the hell was going on with anyone else.”

“But if shit had hit the fan, you would’ve got Jase, though?”

“Oh yeah, hundred percent. Now, what are we doing standing here talking? There’s a California King over there with our names on it.” He nods to the bed.

“You have condoms and lube, right?” I ask.

He nods. “I should buy stock in Trojan,” he jokes. “I buy so many of the suckers. Don’t want any unwanted slip-ups, you know? Not, er, that that’s a worry here.”

I chuckle. “No, not a worry here. So, have you thought about how you want to do this?” I ask, stepping closer to him, herding him toward the bed.

“Um, not really?”

“Well, did you want to go all the way or maybe stop at blowjobs, or not even go that far? Hand jobs work. Getting off is getting off.”

“We can go all the way,” he says.

I nod and push him on the bed, climbing on top of him. “Okay,” I say as I kiss his neck. “Do you want to bottom or top?”

“What do you usually do?” he asks.

“Depends on who I’m with and what they want. I’m good with either.”

He thinks for a minute. “I think I want to do you, that’s what a man would do, right?”

“Er…” I have no idea what to say to this, or why I’m even here in the first place. I don’t know what Thomas is doing either. We don’t have to do this, but for some reason he’s got it in his head that he has to. “You know we don’t have to do this, right?” I say, reminding him one more time.

He nods. “Yeah, but this is what relationships are about. Besides, if we want to be legit, then this is what we have to do.”

“If we want to be legit… Thomas, what are you on about?”

He looks to me. “We have to prove that we’re a real couple.”

“How are we not one? And what makes one real or not real? We kiss, we hold hands, we hang out together, that’s real, isn’t it?”

He comes closer to me, his hands on my hips. “Of course it is, babe, but eventually relationships go past that, they get to the good stuff. Don’t you want to the good stuff?”

I sigh.

He starts kissing my neck, his hands running under my shirt, rubbing my back, my abs. “Come on,” he says. “You want this, I know you do.”

He pulls my shirt off, then starts kneading my butt. I know I should stop him, that this isn’t right, that this isn’t the right thing to do, but his hands feel so good.

He smiles against my neck as I run my hands up his arms. “That’s it, baby. We’re so good together aren’t we? We’re gonna show everyone how good we are.”


He undoes my pants, dropping them to the floor. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on this,” he says, as he slips his hand into my boxer-briefs, pumping me slowly. I begin to harden in his hand. “Yeah, there we go.”

“Shit,” I curse.

“Am I doing it right?” he asks.

I nod. “Y-Yeah.”

He lifts his head and smiles at me. “Fuck, yeah.”

He starts to pump me harder, faster.

My hips start moving of their own accord, fucking his fist.

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“Shit, I’m gonna come,” I say.

“Do it,” he tells me.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” I come all over his hand.

“That was awesome,” he says.

“Glad you found it as enjoyable as I did,” I tell him as I take my boxer-briefs off and use them to clean myself up a bit.

He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into one of his forceful kisses. “Now that was real.”

“I think it’s your turn now.” I mean, it only seems fair. I got off, so should he.

His eyes light up and he strips out of his clothes in lightning speed before hopping on the bed, his erection lying flat against his stomach.

“You ready for this?” I ask, getting on the bed next to him.

He nods. “So ready.”

I lower my head, taking him in my mouth.

“Oooooooooooh,” he moans as I take him to the back of my throat. “That feels good.”

I hit all the sweet spots, his crown, and the spot underneath.

“Fuck, that’s it,” he says.

I let him go with a pop. “You want to come in my mouth or you want to do this?” I ask.

“We said we’d take it all the way, so we should take it all the way.”

“We said we’d see how things go,” I remind him. “If you’re not ready or not comfortable we can just leave it at bjs and call it a night.”

He shakes his head. “No, I can do this. I want to prove to everyone that I’ve got what it takes, that I can do this. I can and will.” He grabs my face. “We’re doing this.”

“It’s okay—”

I said we’re doing this,” he grits out.

“Okay,” I agree.

I reach over and grab the lube. “Give me your finger,” I tell him.

“What for?” he asks.

I grab his hand and point his index finger, squirting lube on it. “You have to stretch me so I can take you.” If he wants to do this, we’re going to do this. And maybe, just maybe, I’m calling his bluff.

“I have to… stretch you?”

“Yeah. Don’t you have to work girls up the same way?”

“Ah, I dunno. I usually just shove it in.”

Well, that sounds delightful. Those poor girls. “It’s called foreplay, babe. Here.” I take his hand and position it at my ass. “Run your finger around my rim, lube me up good, and then slip your finger in. After a while we’ll add a second, then a third. Then you can have me.” I place a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Umm, okay.”

Slowly he traces my rim before pushing his finger inside me.

“That’s it,” I encourage.

“This is like, hygienic, right?” he asks.

“As hygienic as me sucking your dick a minute ago.”

He nods. “Okay, it’s okay.”

I pull back a little. “Do you want to stop?”

“What? No, no, this is fine, just, you know, a little weird.”

I cup his face. “This is real, baby. That’s what you wanted, right?” It’s clear to me that for whatever reason, Thomas is determined to go ahead with this. The only way I’m going to get him to stop, or at least think about what we’re doing, is to throw him in the deep end.

He nods. “Right.”

I lean in and kiss him again. “I know it didn’t sound like it before, but I really do want to take our relationship to the next level. You’re such an incredible guy, and I’m so fucking lucky I have you.”

“Um, yeah me too,” he says.

“We’re great together, aren’t we?”

He nods. “Yeah. Can we get back to the, um, good stuff now?”

I grab his dick and begin to stroke it. “Like this?”

“Yeah, but more.”

“You want more?” I ask.

“Yeah, yeah, I want all of it.”

“Are you sure? Like really sure?”


“’Cause, baby, it’s a lot.”

He shakes his head. “I can take it. I can take it. I can.”

I sigh. “All right, babe. Let’s do this.”