Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink

Chapter 7


Jesse takes my hand into his, pressing a kiss to it as we pull up to the hugest house I’ve ever seen.  A little protest sounds in my throat.  Reminders of how different our worlds are flood me and I want to open the door and run as fast as I can out of here.

“For Pete’s sake, Maddie, stop,” Kayla states from the backseat, her hands hitting my shoulders giving them a squeeze.  “If you try to run then I’m going to tackle you.  I’m not letting you fuck this up for yourself because you’re scared.  Jesse’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you, Sis.  If you could deal with Mom and Dad for twenty-one years, then you got this.  Pull your big girl panties up and let’s do this.”

“She’s right, baby girl.  No one in that house is going to say a word about your bank account or where you were living.  Mom is going to be pissed when she hears the shit your parents tried to pull yesterday,” Jesse adds, the lingering fury in his eyes says he’s still there himself.

I knew they wouldn’t care if we left.  They’d only care about the money they were losing when we went.  I’d planned to keep sending the two hundred for the car to them to stay out of it, but Jesse completely ended that when he handed the keys to his car to me, showing me which one it was.  He refused to budge, saying his car was safer than anything I could be driving, and if it was in my father’s name, he didn’t want any bullshit cropping up with it.

He then settled us into the huge SUV parked next to it in the garage and drove us to their house.  The second we pulled up my eyes widened seeing our car parked along the road where I always parked it.  Jesse pulled the keys for it out of his pocket before coming around to help me out of the SUV.

When we stepped into the house, Mom started bitching about us coming in right when she was trying to relax.  Certain us ungrateful brats were sure to want something from her.  Then Dad came out, in his dirty boxers and beer-stained shirt that barely fit around his beer gut, with holes ripped in it everywhere and I cringed.  Our entire house fit into Jesse’s kitchen and dining area.

The walls had cracks and peeling paint.  The molding around the doorway into the kitchen was falling down.  The bottom post of the banister was broken and listed sideways.  Dad’s beer cans and whiskey bottles littered the coffee table, and empty chip bags and crumbles took up an entire space on the couch.

Jesse stepped in between us and our parents, telling us to go upstairs and pack our bags.  Kayla started tugging me up them, but I didn’t want to leave him downstairs with those two.  I didn’t know what they’d say or do.

It certainly wasn’t my mother stating that we weren’t taking her luggage and her clothes from the house before asking Kayla if she’d finally decided to get some dick.  That had Jesse snapping at her to shut her trap, telling her that he was a grown man and wasn’t interested in a child.  Then telling her that Kayla was coming with us because we would allow her to be with whomever she wanted, love whomever she wanted and if that was a woman, that woman was damn lucky.

It definitely wasn’t my father asking if I was his whore and how much he was going to pay for me—that I wasn’t leaving without him getting his money’s worth out of me.  I literally had to jump into Jesse’s arms, wrap myself around him refusing to let go to get him to come upstairs with me.  It was only by whispering into his ear that his baby girl and possible baby couldn’t begin to visit daddy in prison that he relented.  He walked us up the stairs with me wrapped around him swearing he’d kill him, and no one would ever find the body.

Jesse stood guard at the door, scowling at our tiny room with its even tinier closet and dresser that we shared.  It wasn’t easy to share clothes.  We definitely couldn’t share pants because I need petites while Kayla wears talls.  Even with only being five-six, regular inseams aren’t long enough when she sits, and she hates when her pants become ankle length when they’re not meant to be.

I’m fairly sure we each had about one large suitcase worth of clothes each and Jesse carried them both downstairs while we packed up the rest of our stuff in boxes I’d hidden under our beds.  His snap at our mother to shut up when he reached the bottom step made my heart race, made me fall further for him, especially with how he gave me everything I’d wanted that morning.

Last night, he held me tight, giving me three orgasms with his mouth, fingers, and rubbing against his cock, but he didn’t do more than put his tip inside me to come in me.  Even that made me ache in a not as pleasant way, and this morning, he woke me with his mouth on my pussy.  He wrung five orgasms from me while he jerked himself off, coming twice himself.

He wouldn’t let me touch him with my mouth or hands, saying I’d make him come too fast and until he’d given me baby number one, he was only coming in me.  Each time he was ready to shoot off he slid up, putting his head just barely inside me, jacking off the rest of his length until he exploded.  It didn’t ache nearly as much this morning when he did that and hopefully tonight, I’ll get his huge length back inside me.

As long as I can make it through lunch that is.

“You are not telling them that.  Please…please daddy,” I add flushing when Kayla lets out a little shocked snort hearing it.

“Alright, I won’t tell them,” Jesse says, giving me a kiss before helping me out of the car.  He opens Kayla’s door and gives her a grin as he pulls me closer to him.  “You’d better get used to hearing that Sis.  Only ones you won’t hear it from are Jennie, Julie and Serena.”

“Yeah, I heard Julie calling Serena baby girl Friday night,” Kayla says, and I look up to Jesse with a huge smile.

“We get it from Dad,” he said with a shrug, before the door opens and an older woman stands in the doorway beaming.  She’s a bit taller than I am, curvy in an elegant way, but her eyes are the same as Jesse’s and the glow in them soothes the raw edges surrounding me.  “Hi Mom, this is Kayla, my new little sister.  And this is my Maddie.”

“It’s about time,” his mom says, reaching up to hug him before turning to me, pulling me away from his side and into the house.  “I’ve been waiting forever it seems for him to find the right girl, but I can see the wait was worth it.  You’re perfect for him.”

“Momma, give the poor girl a minute to breathe.  Not everyone wants to be smothered like Serena was,” Julie says, making me laugh softly as we move into the front room.  It’s huge and open and shockingly normal beyond its size.  There are toys here and there around it.  Books littered on almost every surface.  Not a single crystal vase or gaudy knick-knack in sight.

“My mother is Annie, and this is my dad, Jake,” Jesse states as the older man in the room moves over to us.  If I didn’t know he was in his seventies I never would have guessed it.  He’s just a hint shorter than Jesse is, his shoulders not as broad, but I can definitely imagine what he looked like at Jesse’s age, or when he married Annie.  No wonder she had so many babies with him.

Jesse introduces us to everyone else and I smile when Serenity runs up, wanting a hug from her favorite uncle.  It makes me wet seeing her snuggled against his shoulder.  Makes me want him holding our baby.

“Oh boy, she’s got the look,” one of the boys says.  I don’t know if it’s Jude or Johnnie.  They’re too alike to recall which is which.

“Hush, if Maddie and your brother want to give us more grandbabies then they get to give us more grandbabies,” Annie states firmly making me blush.

“They’ll meet their downfall one of these days, baby girl,” Jake says, his arms sliding around his wife, caressing her cheek.  “It’ll serve them right if they’re just like you and want a dozen babies.”

“No way, not happening,” one of them states.  “Love you Mom, but that’s not happening.”

“Promise you’re right, daddy?” Annie says looking up at Jake with a huge grin on her face.

“I promise, baby girl,” he replies pulling groans from the boys.  Kayla’s eyes are huge watching their interactions and I lean back into Jesse, wanting what his parents have.  The depth of devotion in their words, their soft caresses of daddy and baby girl…god I want that.

“I love you, baby girl,” Jesse whispers against my ear, as his hardness pushes against my ass.

I turn, wanting to see him as the words come out, my hand resting on his chest over his heart.  “I love you too, daddy.  I never thought it possible to happen this fast, but I do.  Never let me go.”

“Not a fucking chance,” he says against my ear, lifting me up with a huge kiss that pulls laughs, sighs, and groans from the room.

He pulls back reluctantly lifting me up against his chest carrying me over to a plush oversized chair.  I sink into his lap, happily curling up with him as I get to know his family.

Just before we head in to get food the door opens, and little kids race into the space.  They’re followed by a younger version of Annie and a man each carrying little girls that are identical to each other and their mother.

“Sorry we’re late.  The girls didn’t want to wake up from their naps for once,” Jackie says coming over to give Jesse a hug.  She has to do it around me, and I end up with the baby in my arms, making me melt.

“Who are you?” the oldest of the kids that came in with them says, giving me a pout.

“This is Uncle Jesse’s girlfriend, Andra,” Jackie states making the girl pout more.

“Why do you need a girlfriend, Uncle Jesse?” she asks innocently, and I bury my face in Jesse’s neck as heat hits hard when he lifts his hips against me, showing me how hard he still is.

“Well, you know how much your momma loves your daddy right, how happy she makes him?” Jesse says and Andra beams.  “That’s what Maddie does for me, but you’ll always be one of my favorite nieces.  You have my name after all.”

“You love my Uncle Jesse an awful lot, huh?  Momma’s always telling Daddy she loves him.  I know, cause she was telling him just before we came over for lunch,” Andra adds and thankfully this time it’s Jackie’s turn to blush.

“Daddy loves Momma just as much,” Ethan states, brushing a kiss to her temple.  “Don’t I, angel girl?”

“More and more every day,” she agrees, as Annie gets up ushering us all into the huge dining space.

It’s almost four o’clock when I hear an outraged gasp come from his parents and glance over to where Kayla’s sitting with them.  My brows knit together as Annie pulls her up onto the couch between her and Jake and I move over to them to make sure she’s okay.

“I have it handled, Dad,” Jesse says, confusing me.

“You didn’t make me promise not to tell them,” Kayla states and I groan, resting my face on Jesse’s chest.

“We all have parts of our family that we can’t stand,” Annie says guiding me down onto the chair next to them.  Jesse instantly lifts me up, taking the spot before bringing me down on his lap and I love feeling his arms surrounding me.

“Not any immediate for me, not even the brat,” Jesse says, making Julie laugh nearby.

“Not true, you’ll have the in-laws once you get a ring on her finger,” Julie adds and that likely would have scared the hell out of me two days ago, but now…bring it on.