Luna Rising by Sloane Murphy

Chapter Twelve

After heading to bed, more confused than I’ve ever been in my life, I only manage about two hours of sleep. So when I wake up on my birthday, I feel like a bag of ass.

My mind is still a mess over what happened with Jackson after the run. And then what followed with Maddox? Ugh, how did shit get so weird? I find myself hoping that whatever that was last night with Maddox was just an overflow of protectiveness from what went down with Jackson.

It can’t be more than that.


I kick the sheets off in frustration and head to the shower to try to wake myself up. This is how my entire morning has gone—trying to work out what the fuck happened rather than sleeping. I’m officially overthinking everything, which only serves to agitate me more.

It was nothing. That’s it, I’m declaring it. Absolutely nothing.

I step under the warm spray before turning the temperature all the way down, blasting myself with freezing cold water. The sudden wave of cold water shocks the shit out of my body until I feel awake enough to interact with all of the people who are bound to be downstairs. I quickly finish getting ready and head downstairs. I’m still not quite ready for people, but I smell fresh coffee and decide that the peopling will be worth the hit of caffeine.

When I get down to the kitchen, it's surprisingly quiet.

“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” Mom says when she spots me, moving toward me quickly and hugging me tightly.

“Thanks, Mom,” I say before carefully extracting myself from her embrace. I head to the coffee pot and pour myself the biggest mug we have. “Where is everyone?”

“After everything that happened last night, most people are sleeping in.” That makes sense. Lycans usually sleep until past lunch after a good run on the full moon, and it's only about ten in the morning, and the lack of sleep makes me rankle once more. “What would you like for breakfast?”

I glance back over at her over the lip of my mug of coffee, and I can’t help but notice that something seems off. She almost seems sad, which is strange to see on the woman who is usually the embodiment of sunshine and rainbows. If she gets weepy about me growing up again, I’m not sure I’ll survive it on this little sleep. “Whatever you were thinking,” I tell her with a smile. “As long as it's food, I’m going to eat it this morning. Last night wiped me out.”

She nods at me without a word and heads to the fridge as I take a seat at the table. It’s strange how quiet it is right now. I swear, spending this much time around the rowdy Bennetts is really fucking with me. I’m almost enjoying their chaos, though.

Once the food is actually cooking, the Bennett clan starts to filter in one by one. It suddenly hits me that even though his family is staying in the guest house, Maddox slept here last night. There’s definitely something weird going on with him at the minute, and all I can do is hope he’s okay. Especially after last night… I still don’t have any idea what to think about what happened with Jackson.

It just felt so… intense.

By the time Maddox bounces into the kitchen, he’s all smiles and looks like his usual self. I raise a questioning eyebrow at him, and he nods in answer to my silent ‘are you okay?’ That's something at least. I guess it was all just part of the Lunar moon.

“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” Dad says, dropping a kiss on my head before sliding into his chair, which starts a round of ‘happy birthdays’ around the table. A blush rises up my cheeks. I really am not good at being the center of attention.

“Do you have anything big planned for the day that isn’t the party or dealing with your house full of guests?” Remy asks, grinning at me with a small wink. Okay, maybe someone gets it.

“No, nothing else. Though I might treat myself to the new book coming out by my favorite author. Humans writing about supernaturals gives me a laugh like no other. It’s her first paranormal book, and it’s about a girl and her five bonds. I am so here for it—Oleander is such a badass.” Evie rolls her eyes at me, but Remy chuckles.

“I understand that feeling all too well. I used to read so much, well, when I thought I was human.” Everyone devolves into quiet chats amongst themselves, and I’m glad to have the attention shift away from me.

Maddox drops into the chair beside me with a long yawn. “Happy Birthday,” he says, nudging my shoulder with his. “I have a gift for you, but it's upstairs. I’ll give it to you after breakfast.”

“You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Shut up, Luna,” he sighs, rolling his eyes playfully at me.

“I do have one thing I want to do today if you want to come with me?” I ask him quietly, and a mischievous glint sparks in his eyes.

“Oh, what is it?”

I shake my head, not willing to say it here. Lycan hearing is no joke, and my parents will lose their minds if they find out what I’m planning. “Do you want to come with me or not?”

He grins at me and nudges my shoulder again. “We both know I’m coming. And the fact that you won’t tell me just makes me more excited for whatever shenanigans you have planned.”

I briefly consider that I might regret asking him to come with me, but I shake the thought away after a moment. What I have planned is no small thing, but Maddox is my person and always has been. It wouldn’t be the same to do it without him.

“Awesome. We’ll head out after breakfast?”

“After I give you your gift, you mean?” He pouts, and I nod, though I roll my eyes at his puppyish behavior.

“Yes, fine. You still didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”

“I know. But I saw it and thought of you. So honestly, I really did kind of have to get it for you.”

I blush a little and pull on the arms on my hoodie. “I’m sure I’ll love it, whatever it is.”

“Course you will, I got it for you.”

I laugh softly at him, shaking my head. “You are such a dork.”

“Yeah, but so are you. That’s why we work.”

He’s definitely not wrong there. I glance up from where I’ve been focused on our quiet conversation to find Mom watching us closely. A hopeful look is clear on her face, and my stomach clenches when I remember what could still happen.

I’m going to enjoy this time with him while I can. Because whether he’s my mate or not, everything is going to change, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.

* * *

“Happy Birthday,” Maddox says in a sing-song voice as hands me a thin rectangular box. I swear, I feel like I’m going to cry, and I haven’t even managed to open the goddamn box.

“Maddox, you really didn’t have to get me anything.”

He rolls his eyes at me and pushes the box at me again. “Just shut up and open it, Luna.”

I take the box and pop it open, and a lump forms in my throat. I stare down at the shiny silver crescent moon attached to a leather strap which also contains small, square silver beads that have etchings on. There is a second strap in here, still with the beads but sans the moon. “It’s beautiful.”

“It’s not much, but I saw the choker and thought of you, and then I spoke to Fallon, and she helped me with the protection beads for it, plus the matching arm band, cuff thing.” He blushes a little as I pull the choker with the little silver crescent moon from the box. I wrap the leather strap around my throat twice before fastening it, and then do the same with the arm piece that matches. I am speechless that he did this for me, especially since he took the time to bother a family friend of his to charm the protection beads.

“It looks good on you.”

I smile up at him before hugging him tightly. He holds me firmly against his chest, resting his cheek on the top of my head, and I feel safe as safe can be.

“So what’s this secret little mission we’re going on this morning?” he asks, and I shake my head with a secretive sort of smile.

“I’ll tell you when we get there. There’s way too much supernatural hearing around this place.”

He barks out a laugh before letting me go. “Deal, but I’m still driving. Your truck is enough of a safety hazard as it is without you driving it.”

“My truck is amazing, and if you don’t respect it, you don’t get to drive her.” I stick my tongue out at him, and he holds up his hands in mock surrender, shaking his head.

“Fine, fine. Come on, let's go. I’m way too intrigued to sit around and wait.”

I pull my phone from my pocket and check the time. It’s not too early, so they should be open by the time we get there.

Me: Heading out of the compound with Maddox for a few hours. You gonna be around later?

Nova: Happy Birthday, Bish. You know I will be. Have fun with the hyper one.

Me: Will do. Today is the day! Are you sure you don’t want to come?

Nova: I am so excited for you! Make sure to tell me as soon as you're back and I’ll head over. But yes I’m sure. I am not a fan of needles. Nope.

Me: Okay, I love you. See you later.

Nova: Love you too, bish. Have fun!

I pocket my phone and turn my attention back on Maddox, who stands to the side watching me. There’s a soft sort of look on his face that he wipes away when I look his way, and I try not to put too much thought into it. Today’s not the day. I toss him my keys and grab a jacket. “Let’s go!”

I follow him downstairs, hoping to sneak past our families. Supernatural hearing isn’t on my side though, so we suffer through way too much fuss and one hell of a round of goodbyes before we manage to get out of the house and to my truck. Maddox steers us expertly through the compound and then follows my directions, peppering me with questions about where we’re headed the entire way, but I keep my secret until we arrive.

The silence is totally worth it for the look on his face when we pull up outside of a small shop with a large picture window. It would be rather nondescript if not for the large vinyl graphic on the window that reads ‘Twisted Ink’.

“You’re getting a tattoo?” His grin is out of this world excited, and I can’t help but laugh softly.

“I am.”

“Oh, I am so getting one too. Your dad is going to lose his mind.” He practically vibrates with excitement as he jumps out of the truck before racing around the front of the truck and opening the door for me.

“Why do you think I wouldn’t tell you earlier?” I deadpan, and he grins wider, running a hand through his floppy hair.

“How is this even going to work? Won’t it just heal?” he asks as he opens the door to Twisted Ink for me. The bell signals our arrival and Ryker, the owner of the shop, pops his head out of his work room and grins at me.

“Luna! I’ve been prepping for you!” He swaggers out of the room and bundles me into his arms. I can practically feel Maddox go on the defensive at the big dick energy Ryker exudes. “Who’s this?”

“Maddox, Ryker. Ryker, Maddox,” I say, waving my hands between them, which probably looks more like a flail but fuck it. I’m suddenly awash with nerves about what I’m about to do, and Maddox getting all weird certainly isn’t helping. He shakes Ryker’s hand, watching him closely, and Ryker just booms out a laugh.

“This is Roman’s kid?” Ryker asks, and I nod. Maddox drops Ryker’s hand and crosses his arms over his chest, watching the man with narrowed eyes. “Don’t worry, kid. I know all about who and what you are. I’m a friend to the faction, not a threat.”

Maddox barely moves, so I nudge him with my shoulder. “Lighten up, nerd. This is meant to be a bit of fun for my birthday, remember?”

He instantly loosens up, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. “Sorry, you’re right. Let's do this.” He pauses for a moment as he glances around the shop, eyes catching over the various framed flash on the walls. After a moment, he adds, “I still don’t get how it won’t just heal though.”

“We have ink laced with obsidian,” Ryker tells him, and Maddox’s head whips back in his direction, eyes going wide. “It’s not even close to a lethal dose, so don’t stress. It’s just enough to break the skin and get the ink to sink in and actually stick. How do you think your dad got his piece?”

“I didn’t even know my dad had a tattoo. Now I’m even more on board,” he grins. “What are you getting, Luna?”

I smile at him coyly with a, “You’ll see,” before I look over to Ryker who nods at me. “I have it all drawn up if you’re ready?”

I take a deep breath, and Maddox squeezes my hand. “I’m so ready, let's do this.”

I follow him back into his work room and slip out of my jacket as I study the examples of his work covering the walls. The man’s talented as hell, and I couldn’t be any happier with my decision. I roll my shoulders as a wave of cool air washes over my skin. I wore a racer back tank with this exact moment in mind. “Right shoulder blade,” I tell Ryker when he waves the design at me.

“Straddle the chair, and I’ll get it placed.” I do as he says, and Maddox sits on the spare chair in the room, near my head, while Ryker fusses around behind me, prepping my skin and placing the design he drew up in the indicated location.

Once it’s transferred, he leans back and waves at the mirror. “What do you think? Do you like the placement?”

I look over and suck in a sharp breath. “It’s beautiful.” The shaded crescent moon sits on my shoulder blade perfectly. It’s outlined with flowers that wrap around the center of it. Jewels drip from it in dainty lines, and it's literally everything I wanted. “Thank you,” I utter, a breathless sort of quality to my voice as I stare at the design in awe.

I look back to Maddox who smiles softly at me. “It suits you.”

I climb back on the chair and try to relax. Maddox takes my hand, offering it to me to squeeze if it hurts. The gun starts up, and I find the buzz almost soothing. I hiss a little as the needle touches my skin for the first time, but it just feels like a sharp scratch that after a few minutes doesn’t even hurt. I relax further, talking about nothing with Maddox while Ryker works.

I easily lose track of time as I chat with my best friend, so when Ryker says, “You’re done,” I’m shocked. He wipes the tattoo down one last time, covers it in a clear jelly, and then wraps it in a clear film.

I peek at it in the mirror once it’s wrapped and suck in a breath, trying not to cry. It’s literally everything I wanted it to be.

“My turn!” Maddox announces and bounces into the chair I just vacated, while Ryker laughs.

“What do you want, kid?” I love that Ryker doesn’t even question it. It’s one of the reasons I came here. Not only does he know what we are, but he’s always been super chill. He’s always supported my dreams of traveling the world, and when I approached him about getting some ink, he was instantly on board.

“A crescent moon, fully shaded.” My eyes go wide at Maddox’s words.

“You sure?” Ryker asks, his gaze bouncing between us.

“I’m sure.” Ryker picks up a pen at the confirmation and freehands a design that he transfers to the inside of Maddox’s left wrist. It’s simple, but it’s stunning.

“That good?” Ryker asks, and Maddox beams a grin.


I take the seat Maddox was in while I got my ink, a little stunned that he’s getting basically a matching tattoo with mine. He squeezes my hand a little when the needle touches his skin on the outline but then relaxes into it. It doesn’t take Ryker long to finish up with Maddox’s ink and wrap it like he did mine.

I try to pay Ryker, but he refuses to take my money. “Luna, virgin skin is all the payment I needed. Let’s call it a birthday present, for you both.” He winks at me, and Maddox just laughs.

“Thanks, man. I will definitely be back.”

“You know where I am,” Ryker says, and they do that weird bro hug thing before we leave. Maddox opens the door of the truck for me before rushing around and climbing into the driver’s seat.

“Well, that was a fun start to the day.” He grins at me as he starts up the truck, and I fiddle with the sound system until Hey Monday blasts through the speakers.

“Your mom is going to kill me,” I say, hoping to the Fates that Remy is at least understanding considering Creek’s level of ink.

“My mom will be fine. Yours though… that’s going to be a whole different story.”

I groan and rest my head on the dashboard as he drives us back toward the compound. He isn’t wrong. A nuclear storm is surely waiting for me when I get home, but it’s definitely worth it. The freedom that comes alone with making this decision for myself without seeking any type of approval first is intoxicating.

* * *

Saying that my mom went postal is the understatement of the century. Fortunately for me, when I explained who did it, Roman laughed and Dad was surprisingly cool with it. After the shock wore off, Mom came around and agreed that it was beautiful.

Thankfully, Roman was just as chill about Maddox’s new addition, and lunch went overwhelmingly okay. I texted Nova as soon as we got back, of course, but she was out on her first shadow patrol with the enforcers. Thatch finally buckled and agreed to let her shadow some of the senior enforcers, so I told her just to let me know when she was done.

Except now it’s mid-afternoon, and I’ve been ushered into the sitting room by my mom. My stomach twists to see everyone else shoved in here as well.

“It’s gift time!” my mom exclaims, clapping her hands. I smile, trying not to groan at the thought of the gift giving ceremony. I love my family, and I love our traditions, but here I am again, being thrust into the spotlight when I’d rather just fade into the background. “Who wants to go first?”

“Well, we have a few bits that are just from us all, but then I have a couple that are just from me,” Remy says with a wink at me. She hands me a small black box, and I open it to find a small vial of blood.

“Erm, thanks?” I say, so very confused and more than a little grossed out.

“That,” she starts with a grin, “is the blood of Morganna Voux. If you’re ever in trouble, that will help you escape the situation and take you straight to the Shadow Palace.”

My eyes go wide at her words. Holy fucking shit. This might be one of the most precious substances in this realm. I have no words other than a whispered, reverent, “Thank you.”

She hands me a few more boxes, little trinkets, a beautiful set of moonstone earrings and a matching ring, an iridium bracelet, and a set of throwing stars amongst them. “I just have two more, and then I swear I’m done.”

Mom and Dad just laugh at her excitement. She bounces around to the back of the sofa and then pops up with a short sword that's almost identical in shape to the one I trained with at the Manor. “This was my very first short sword. Since you did so well with my training blade, I wanted to give this to you. I know your dad is a purist,” she sticks her tongue out at him, but he rolls his eyes while I force back a laugh. “But your skill is all natural. You just need to practice, so I wanted you to have this.”

She hands it to me, and I’m speechless. “I mean… shouldn’t one of your kids have this?”

She just shakes her head with a scoff. “These little shits wouldn’t use it. It deserves an owner who will love it and actually use it.”

“Thank you,” I say, clasping the sword’s leather scabbard tightly.

“I think I’ll just put that up over here for now,” Mom says, taking the sword from me, and Roman laughs at her. I can see how worried she is about me brandishing a very sharp weapon with so many people around, but it’s not like it’ll kill anyone in here, but still. I hand it over willingly because it’s not worth the argument.

After a few other little things from Remy and the other Bennetts, Mom stands and claps her hands. “Our turn!”

She takes my hand and leads me out the front of the house. My eyes go wide as I take in my gift. “Holy shit.”

She hands me a set of keys, saying, “Happy Birthday,” as my dad takes her hand. She looks like she’s going to cry.

The jet black Mercury Comet is fucking stunning. It’s a classic, but since my love for all things vintage isn’t exactly a secret, it’s nothing short of the perfect gift for me. The cream leather interior is practically pristine. “This is amazing!”

“We had a few things upgraded, like air conditioning, a new sound system, central locking, and new leather upholstery, but other than those few things, it’s as close to the original as it can be. It’s a pure American classic.”

“You guys, this is amazing, thank you so much!” I squeal and hug them before jumping into the car, fingers tightening around the steering wheel in pure delight.

Maddox slides in the passenger seat next to me with a large grin that surely matches my own. “Shall we take this beauty out for a test ride?”

“Hell yes!” I bounce in the seat as I buckle up, waving goodbye to everyone as I start her up. The throaty roar from the engine gives me tingles. I might not be a massive car fan, but I like what I like, and this vintage car is a thing of beauty.

I peel away from the house, heading out of the compound with a wave to Jacob and Nova as they open the gate for us with a shout of, “Happy Birthday!”

The car drives like a dream, and I do a lap to the town where Twisted Ink is and then turn back, grinning like a maniac the entire time.

“Does this mean we get to finally scrap the truck?” Maddox asks, laughing when I glare at him.

“That truck was good to me; I might give it to Nova.” He groans but nods.

“Good idea, I’ll have Raze take a look at it with me to make sure that it’s up to scratch like the rest of it.”

“Wait… did you know about my present?” I ask as I pull to a stop in front of the house, half shocked. But then again, who else would my parents have asked about what would be the best gift for me?

“Maybe,” he says, shrugging like it’s not at all a big deal. “I might’ve helped make sure it was in working order.”

“Thank you, Maddox,” I say, bumping his shoulder with mine.

He grins at me, and I can’t help but feel a little warm and fuzzy. “Anything for you, Luna. You know that. What else are best friends for?”

* * *

Once we get back from the drive, we hide in my room and watch some TV until Nova appears after her shadow shift. Her excitement for my tattoo nearly matches mine, and she begs me to take her to see Ryker next weekend. Obviously I agree because that's what besties do.

She isn’t really shocked over Maddox’s impulsive tattoo, but she definitely isn’t as impressed as I am with the near matching tattoo on his wrist. I really wish I knew exactly what it is about him that she doesn’t like, but they get along well enough, probably for me, so I don’t question it too much.

“Dinner!” Mom shouts up the stairs, and we scramble down to the kitchen. The smells that have been coming out of here the last hour have me drooling more than is probably decent.

“Tacos!” I yell with a grin. I mean, there’s more than just tacos—it's like a Mexican feast down here—but tacos are my favorite. I give my mom a side hug as I bounce past to the table where most members of the Bennett clan are already sitting with my dad. Nova and I take our seats while Maddox helps Mom bring the last few dishes over to the table before they both sit too.

“To Luna, may this birthday be your best one yet,” my dad says, raising his glass. The amber liquid sloshing against the side of the glass makes me wince, bringing back painful memories of the hangover. I’ll stick to my orange juice and lemonade, thanks.

I raise my glass along with everyone else before diving into the pile of tacos I loaded onto my plate. Dinner encapsulates everything a family meal should be. There is so much love and laughter around the table, and I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so much joy and outpouring of love before. It’s nice to see my mom and dad so happy with Remy and the others around too. I hadn’t realized how isolated they were before now. They’re happy being here obviously, but being the Alpha and his mate means they’re always slightly separated from the pack.

It’s one of the things that made me so hesitant about wanting to follow the path laid out for me. It seems so lonely, especially if you don’t ever find your mate. Aryna was a classic example of an Alpha who never found her mate, and she literally lost her mind. She was one of the Alphas who led her pack against Remy in the wars when I was younger. Unsurprisingly, she met an untimely and rather gruesome end.

“You okay?” Nova asks quietly, just below the level of the general hubbub, and I nod, smiling a little.

“Yeah, I’m good, just thinking about the future.”

“Gross,” she says, pulling a face that makes me laugh. “The future isn’t something we should be worrying about right now. Today, tomorrow, and this weekend in general. That's our survival timeline. Anything beyond that is a future-us problem.”

I snicker at her. Sometimes I forget her aversion to too many plans for the future. It's not surprising, considering how poorly her life has gone up to this point, but still… I can’t think like that. My entire life has been about the future of the pack. Even when I was rebelling about it, it wasn’t lost on me about how that would affect the pack too.

Raze and Maddox clear the table with Colt after a sharp word from Kain about manners and being gentlemen. Colt grumbles as they start to clear the dishes away, but after a clip around the back of the head from Raze, he shuts up and just helps clear the table.

“So I know we’ve done a lot of gifts so far, but technically this one wasn’t from me,” Remy says, grinning from ear to ear as she stands from her seat. She disappears out of the back doors and returns in a few minutes with a huge box. She places it on the table and opens the lid before lifting out the biggest monstrosity of a dessert I have ever seen. It looks fucking delectable “This is from Nonnie. She wanted to wish you a very happy birthday in her favorite way. This is a loaded cheesecake. Chocolate cheesecake, topped with chocolate brownie, chocolate drizzle, and chocolate curls.”

“That thing looks like death on a plate,” my dad scoffs, eyes wide while my mom shakes her head at him and pats his arm.

“That looks freaking delicious!” My mouth waters listening to her reel off the gooey, chocolatey death that awaits me. I can’t think of a better way to go than death by chocolate. “Please say thank you to her for me.”

“You should thank your lucky stars it lasted this long,” Creek chuckles from the other end of the table. “Remy’s love for cheesecake is almost legendary. Nonnie had to make her a smaller version of this to bring with her to make sure this one made it here in one piece.”

“Hey, I have some self-control,” Remy says, blushing a little as the others laugh and tease her about her love for the dessert. “Hey, I only said some!”

“I’m glad we like the same things because this dessert looks life changing,” I tell her with a grin, and she passes me a fork.

“You’re a girl after my own heart, Luna, and that means you get the first bite. Who needs slices and plates? Dig in!” I shove my fork in and pull a chunk away, grinning after I shove it in my mouth and my taste buds practically sing in response.

Levi stands and helps Raze bring over plates and forks for everyone, looking reproachfully at Remy as she goes to dig in like me with a fork. She sticks her tongue out at him, and he shakes his head while everyone laughs at her antics. She might be twice my age in this body, and freaking centuries old in her soul, but her heart is clearly no older than mine.