Luna Rising by Sloane Murphy

Chapter Fourteen

Ispend the entire night in the chair next to Maddox’s bed waiting for him to wake up. He finally stirs around four the morning after Doc reduced his sedation, and then promptly falls back asleep. His wounds are healing faster than she expected, but my guilt is still a rock in the pit of my stomach.

I’m meant to be back home, preparing for the arrival of the packs and the party, but how can I possibly focus on that when he’s lying here practically half dead because of me?

“You’re still here…” Maddox croaks, and I nearly jump out of my skin.

“Oh thank the fucking gods.” I swear if I wasn’t already sitting down, I’d fall down from how boneless my body goes from the wave of relief that crashes through me. I scramble on jelly legs to the door and call for Doc before parking my ass back in the chair beside his bed. We only need one injured person here. “How do you feel?”

“Like I got shot.” He grins at me, and I roll my eyes. Only he would make a joke like that at a time like this. A smile stretches across my lips, and I feel like my mouth might split my head open from the force of it.

“You’re an idiot, but I love you,” I tell him before I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t you ever do something like that again! You scared the hell out of me—you could’ve died.”

“Nah, I had a pretty good idea I’d be okay. Hybrid, remember?” I want to snatch him up and shake him, but I settle for clutching his hand in mine and resting my forehead against them. He jostles our hands playfully before continuing, “I knew for a fact that the bullet would kill you, and I love you too. There’s never going to be a time that I don’t try to save your ass. You’re not allowed to leave me to deal with this world on my own.”

I swear this motherfucker is going to make me cry. I grasp his hand more tightly and blink around the warmth gathering behind my eyes, trying desperately to not let the tears come. The relief of him waking up is almost too much to handle, but I still want to yell at him. He’s not allowed to leave me to deal with this world on my own either.

I hear the soor open and the squeak of Doc’s shoes against the tiled floor as she walks in, clearing her throat. I look up, wiping my eyes before anyone can see how much of a mess I truly am right now. “Good to see you awake.”

“Thanks, Doc, glad to be awake. But can we get these wires off of me so I can get the hell out of here? I have a party to get ready for. I can’t deny the people their entertainment.”

I legitimately don’t know if he’s talking about himself or me, and I can’t help the giggle that spills from my lips at the ridiculous statement. This guy… the sheer audacity of him. Doc laughs at him, shaking her head. “I need to check you over, but then I can let you out of here. I should probably let your folks know you’re awake too.”

“Nah, just clear me, and I’ll tell them myself.”

“Maddox, maybe you should rest some more,” I suggest, biting my lip as residual worry for him swells within me once more, and he scoffs.

His gaze bounces between me and Doc as he shakes his head. “Not a chance, Luna. If I lie down for much longer, I’ll lose my mind. I might’ve been asleep and healing or whatever, but you might have noticed I’m not the lie down all day kinda guy.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t keep you here long, and Luna you have nothing to worry about. Between Rebel and Levi, they ensured his heart is fully healed. That being said,” she turns back to Maddox looking stern as fuck. I one hundred percent do not envy him at the moment. “You need to take it easy. Though I do suggest shifting with the pack at the party later, and maybe staying that way for a few hours to accelerate the final round of healing, but no stupid shit.”

Maddox’s shit-eating grin widens. “I don’t know what you mean, Doc. I never do stupid shit.”

Doc shakes her head, biting her tongue before she starts checking him over. I know she said he was okay, but I can’t help but wring out my hands. They all keep saying he’s going to be fine, but I still can’t get past the feeling that something bad is going to happen. That he can’t possibly be okay after an injury like that. I chew the inside of my cheek as she finishes her final appraisal of his injuries.

“Okay, you’re good to go. Apparently hybrid healing really is superior. Your heart is strong, and the wound is basically gone. It’s hard to even tell that you were shot less than twenty-four hours ago.” Doc looks at him in wonder, and I let out a stifled groan. Telling him he’s indestructible is only going to make him that much more incorrigible.

“Glad to hear it.” He jumps out of bed, and he’s in nothing but a pair of boxers. “I need a shower, some food, and probably some clothes before the packs start to arrive. Preferably in that order.”

“Food isn’t first on your list?” I mock my shock, pretending to dramatically wilt with a hand to my forehead, and he flips me the bird. Doc shakes her head at our antics but tells us she’ll see us later before heading out of the room. I don’t blame her for making her escape, Maddox can be a bit of a handful when he wants to be.

“I mean, you can totally feed me while I shower if you want.” I take a deep breath as the last of my worry officially dissipates. He’s definitely back to his normal self.

“I’m pretty sure you can wait until after your shower.” He jumps from the bed grinning at me, and takes the clean clothes Doc laid out for him. Once he’s dressed, he turns back to me, looking me over like I’m the one who is hurt. Idiot. He loops his arm over my shoulder and we walk out of the med building, across the square to my parents’ house.

We enter the house to a flurry of activity, and Maddox is almost instantly ripped away from me and pulled into his mom’s arms. I can’t help but smile softly as he’s led away and into the sitting room, looking back at me as if asking me to save him. I chuckle as I decide to leave him to his fate and head up the stairs, hoping to grab a quick shower myself. I am so gross right now. My clothes are still stained with his blood, and I stayed up all night in it. Saying I need a shower is an understatement.

It doesn’t take me long to ditch the clothes in the hamper and jump under the scalding jets. The water runs red as the dried blood washes from my body, and I begin to cry. Yesterday was way too fucking close. Maddox nearly died. I could have died. I’ve never been on board with the whole torture thing, but if that's what needs to happen to find out what the fuck is going on with these rogue Lycans, then I am all for it.

I don’t want to lose anyone I love, and as naive as that might be, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t happen.

I cry until my throat hurts, relishing the release, and then finish washing off, scrubbing at my face to try and hide the fact that I completely lost my shit in the shower. I shut off the water and climb out of the tub, wrapping a towel around myself before bundling my hair in another.

My reflection in the mirror looks haunted, and I know that won’t do, not for today. Not when Maddox is okay. Even with the attack, I know the party will go ahead. Roman already told me how important tonight is to the packs. Plus more numbers here means there’s less chance of another attack. It’s probably why we were attacked last night. I’m guessing that the rogues had no clue that some of our guests were here already. I have little doubt that if the Bennetts hadn’t been here, we would have had a much worse ending to the night.

I take a deep breath and practice my smile in the mirror. Today is all about appearances. Appearing happy. Appearing strong. Appearing like the future leader they all expect me to be.

I hate the fakeness of it all, but once I’ve managed a smile I think is almost believable, I pad back to my room. Maddox sits on the edge of my bed, a furtive look creasing his brow. Before I can even open my mouth, he jumps up and wraps me up in his arms. I sink into his heat, not caring that I’m in nothing but a towel.

“I am so glad you are okay,” I mumble into his neck, nestling against him in an attempt to sap some of his strength for myself. “But next time, please don’t get hurt on my account.”

“Never going to happen.” His chest rumbles as he speaks, and he squeezes me just a little bit tighter before letting me go. “I told you. I won’t survive this world without you.”

He looks down into my eyes, and it’s like all the air is sucked out of the room.

“Hello?” Nova’s voice sounds as the door opens, and Maddox stalks away from me, heading into the bathroom without another word. “Everything okay?”

“Fine, just barely dealing with the fact he nearly died.”

Her eyes narrow at me as she moves into the room and drops down onto my bed. “You nearly died too. If he hadn’t taken that bullet instead of you…” she trails off, and her eyes glaze over. “It’s not even worth thinking about.”

“Well, I’m fine,” I tell her, squeezing her ankle before sitting at my dressing table. “Now we just have to survive tonight.”

“Don’t remind me. Your mom already roped us into helping decorate the community hall,” she grumbles, eyes dark as she stares at a spot on the wall just above my mirror. I get it. I’m not exactly in the party mood either.

“Any update on the hits the pack took last night?” I ask. If I’m going to get a straight answer from anyone, it’s going to be from her. There’s no doubt in my mind that my parents would just continue trying to shield me from the brunt of all this.

“We lost two Lycans at the end of it all. A few more were injured, one critically, but he’s okay now. It could’ve been much worse. They’re going to do something for the ones we lost tonight at the party.”

“Good, at least we’re honoring them properly. I suppose I should probably get ready. The packs are going to start arriving soon.” I sigh and start toweling off my hair.

“Yeah, that’s why I came up. Your pops texted your dad. They’ll be here within the hour.” I grin wide at her words. It feels like forever since I saw my pops. My grandfather is the biggest, softest, cuddliest wolf that has ever existed. I’m sure of it. He might be a revered Alpha, but to me, he’s just my pops.

Maybe this day won’t be so bad after all.

* * *

After spending the morning with my dad greeting packs as they arrive, I’m almost thankful when Mom yanks me away to start decorating the hall for the party tonight. Most people will likely end up spilled out into the square, but that doesn’t mean that Mom will accept anything less than perfection with decorations in the hall.

It’s been two hours, and I’m starting to think I’d rather deal with the pack politics bullshit than my mom’s dictatorship when it comes to decorations. “Up a bit higher on the left, Luna.”

“Mom, if I stretch out anymore, I’m going to fall off this ladder,” I huff. I’m not intentionally snapping at her, but this is getting ridiculous. It’s just a Happy Birthday banner. Who cares if it’s slightly lower on one side than the other?

“Fine, Raze, you bring the right down just a little please.”

He nods wordlessly, and I shoot him a look filled with apology. The poor guy got roped into helping us in Maddox’s stead. Nova is shorter than I am, so Raze ended up on banner duty with me while she blows up balloons across the room. She’s grinning so hard right now, I want to flip her the bird. I ultimately decide that my mom's reaction to that just wouldn’t be worth it.

“I need to head over to the enforcers' office for a minute,” Nova calls as she stands. “I’ll head over to your place when I’m done, Luna.”

I fix my face in the second before I turn to acknowledge Nova. The last thing I need is for Mom to accuse me of having a bad attitude. Tensions are high enough as it is already. Nova smiles and waves before heading out of the hall, and I turn back to move the banner back to where it was a second ago.

“Perfect, thank you.” Mom claps her hands together as I press the sticky back of the banner against the wall, still hanging somewhat precariously. Once I’m sure it’s not going to fall, I climb down the ladder, vowing not to not go back up the damn thing. I survey the room when I step off the last rung of the ladder—it’s a mass of buffet tables, streamers, and balloons. A bar has been set up in the far corner of the room, which I have zero intention of hitting up, even if I am now legal. My last run-in with tequila taught me that I am probably not much of a drinker.

Raze stalks over toward me. Normally, the static coming from him would make my skin tingle in the best kind of way, but today the tightness of his shoulders tells me just how on edge he really is. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything about all of this,” he says, motioning to the room. “This is what’s wrong. My brother could’ve died. You nearly died. Lycans from your pack died, and we’re here decorating for some fucking birthday party rather than hunting the rogues who got away.”

“Are your dads making any progress with the interrogation?” I haven’t asked anyone, because there hasn’t been any real time to.

Raze’s expression darkens, and it’s almost as if all the air is being sucked from the room with the one powerful look he gives me. “They’re not. Obsidian death pills are at work again.” His jaw clenches so hard I worry he’ll crack a tooth.

I put my hand on his arm, risking the shock that comes from touching a storm Angel. Sometimes the risk is worth it, I decide once all I get is a small zap. “Raze, they’ll find something out. Your parents are literally like the real life Avengers, just better because they’re actually real.”

“My parents aren’t infallible, nor are they indestructible, no matter what they seem to think. The bullet that nearly took out Maddox would have killed Roman. If it had been iridium, it would have killed Kain. Just because they’re centuries old doesn’t mean they can’t die.”

It hits me then that he’s afraid. I don’t know why I hadn’t considered it as a possibility before. Raze is only a few months younger than me, and I’ve been half fucking dead with my fear over the last twenty-four hours. I don’t give myself to think about it before I wrap him in a tight hug. He goes stiff at my touch but softens a moment later and hugs me back. Even the broodiest, most badass and hottest of Angels sometimes needs a hug. “Thanks,” he murmurs quietly before pulling away.

“I do agree that this party does seem silly, but I know how important it is to get the packs together for the chance of people meeting their mates.” I give him a small smile, and he shakes his head.

“The whole mates thing still seems strange to me… how one person can be destined to be with you. What if your mate dies before you’re born? Are you destined to never find love?”

“I think you can still find love, but it’s just not the same as it would be with your mate,” I tell him, mimicking what I learned from Roman. He’s not wrong, though, it does seem more than a little barbaric that when the Witches originally cursed the original Lycan families, this was part of their curse. It’s cruel, but I guess cruelty's sort of the point of a revenge curse thing. Faction history is beyond fucked up, and I’ve felt that way ever since I first learned about our origins when I was younger. “But yeah, it’s a little fucked up.”

“I’m glad it’s not a problem for me,” he says, looking more than a little over-lordy.

“You never know, maybe you’ll be like your mom. She was the mate of a Lycan.” I laugh when he shudders at my words.

“Nope, not for me. No offense to you guys and your ways, but I like to have control of my choices and actions. The thought of being a slave, for lack of a better word, to a pre-fated decision… No thanks.”

My response is dead on my lips. Isn’t this the exact way I’ve felt in regards to other parts of my life? The thought of being forced into preconceived expectations has always rubbed me the wrong way. And yeah, maybe I don’t really want to find my mate anytime soon, but it’s not as contrite as all that, is it?

“Come on you two, this place is as ready as it’s going to get. Time to get ourselves ready,” Mom calls over to us, clapping her hands together with giddy joy. It’s written all over her face and practically radiating from her. I know underneath the joyful veneer, she’s mourning the lives lost yesterday, but this is how Mom copes… With smiles and a positive attitude as to not let the darkness win. Sunshine is her default setting.

I groan at the same time that Raze huffs, but we follow her out of the hall regardless.

Tonight is supposed to be fun, and I’ve never dreaded anything more in my life.

* * *

After shimmying into the outfit I’d bought for tonight, I go full Lagertha on my hair, thanks to my obsession with watching the Vikings. Sticking with the theme, I go heavier on my makeup than I would usually. I give myself a once over, and I think I’m finally ready. The metal rings in my hair glint in the light of the room, and I find myself admiring my tight braids in the mirror again. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think the hair looks fucking awesome. The whole look is pulled together with the dark kohl lining my eyes.

I look like a badass.

I just wish I felt like one. Fear keeps my hands shaking like a leaf. The thought that I might meet my mate and be tied to someone for the rest of my life before the night is over is fucking terrifying. And thanks to Raze, I can’t stop thinking about the fact that my mate might not want me, which isn’t fair since I don’t really want them yet either.

I never said the thoughts in my head made sense.

“You okay?” Nova asks, meeting my eyes in the mirror over my dressing table where she’s finishing her own face.

“I will be when the night ends with zero drama.”

She barks out a laugh before leaning in to finish her mascara. “That’s the pinnacle of wishful thinking, bish. This is a gathering of the packs. Of course there’s going to be some drama.”

I groan as I drop onto the bed. I know she’s right. I’m just really holding out hope that it’s not the lethal kind of drama. I don’t know if I can cope with any more of that kind of drama right now. I’m not sure I’ve even fully processed everything that happened yesterday yet.

“Girls, it’s time to go!” Mom hollers up the stairs, and I groan. I’m not sure if I’m dreading the party or Mom seeing my outfit for the first time more at the moment. She was meant to see it already, but she’s been more than a little distracted. That being said, there is zero doubt in my mind that she’s going to have something to say about the outfit, but… I’m in heels, and that was the deal. They’re even ridiculously pointy torture devices.

I slip my feet into the pointed heels as Nova pulls on her leather jacket. I’m so jealous she can rock her outfit so freaking well. Who would’ve thought a tutu, corset, and Doc Martins would look so fucking badass with her leather jacket? She grins at me, and her bright red lips and cropped hair look extra edgy paired with her outfit. “You look fucking awesome.”

“Dude, I’m just looking forward to watching you navigate tonight in those shoes.” She grins down at the pointy torture devices and lets out a whistle. “You do look hot as fuck though.”

“If you say so.” I roll my eyes at her, only wincing a little when I stand up in the heels. My poor, poor feet. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

We head downstairs arm-in-arm. Mom’s waiting at the foot of the stairs, glancing at her watch. The house is quiet, indicating that everyone else has already left. Mom smiles up at us. “You girls look amazing. Luna, I’m very impressed with your outfit. It almost looks classy.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I say, trying but failing to hide the groan at her backhanded compliment.

She beckons us forward, and we follow her out of the house, my arm looped through Nova’s. As soon as we step through the protection of the front door, we’re swarmed with people. Apparently most of the packs turned up while I was helping Mom decorate. She said that there’s ten of the twelve here tonight, and I groan at just how many people that is. Considering most packs are in the hundreds… nope, I’m not going to do the math.

The square is jam-packed with people. Fates only knows how busy the hall will be. I’m glad Mom catered the food because the sheer number of Lycans would’ve had us cooking for fucking days. I smile and say hello to everyone who introduces themselves to me as we pass. The thanks for the party are already overwhelming, and we’re not even halfway across the square.

I spot Maddox and Raze heading in our direction, easily parting the crowd as they close the distance between the community center to where we’re standing.

“Thought you guys could use a save,” Maddox says with a grin, offering his arm to me while Raze offers his to Nova. “Best way to get through a crowd is with a grumpy Angel.”

“Can you like, not leave my side tonight? If people stay away because they’re scared you’ll kill them, I won’t be tempted to kill them for just being fucking stupid,” Nova says as she looks up at Raze, and he almost smiles at her.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll scare them off all on your own.”

She gives him a toothy grin, and they take off toward the hall. Interesting.

“How are you feeling?” I ask Maddox, once we’re alone. There are so many eyes on us right now, it’s making my skin crawl. Maddox doesn’t even seem to notice. I’m as jealous as I am infuriated that he deals with this all so easily.

He smiles down at me and squeezes the hand that’s looped through his arm. “I’m good. You know you don’t need to worry about me. Haven’t you figured it out yet? I’m never leaving you.”

I shake my head at him and rest my head on his shoulder as we weave through the crowd. “You better not.”

I quickly straighten, pulling my head from his shoulder, when I notice whispers picking up over how close we are. Pack politics are such bullshit.

“You ready for tonight?” he asks, looking down at me as we enter the hall. There’s a sadness behind his eyes, and my stomach tightens with the realization that the sadness is for me. He knows how much I don’t want to be tied down yet.

“Not really, but what choice do I have?”

“You could not shift? Then even if your mate is here, you won’t sense them. You know you have to be in your wolf form to sense them for the first time. Even if they’re shifted, you won’t feel the pull if you‘re not.” I glance up at him and realize he’s serious. I hadn’t even considered that before.

“You think my dad will allow me to not shift?” I ask, biting my bottom lip. I mean, it’s probably against every rule that pack has, and it might be seen as a snub, but I don’t think I’m ready to run the risk of meeting my mate.

He shrugs at me and smiles. “What’s the worst that could happen?”