The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 31:  Terry




Terry wrapped his arm around Maggie and lifted her, dropping her onto the bed and falling beside her. He pulled her into his arms, spooning her. Even flaccid, he loved the way her ass cradled his dick.

He kissed her neck. “As soon as I can move, we should go get something to eat.”

“Hmm.” Her hand held his against her breast.

“Then, we’ll go to my place.” He kissed her ear. “I want to tie you to my bed. Your hands and legs. You’ll be open for me. Unable to move.”

She stilled.

“You’ll like it. Trust me.” He kissed the back of her head.


His heart almost burst. This was a big step for her, for anyone. The first time being completely restrained was always risky. “Thank you.” He leaned over, his lips finding hers.

The phone rang again.

“Ignore it.” He loosened his grip, knowing she wouldn’t and he didn’t blame her. It could be her kids

“I can’t.”

“I know.” He rolled onto his back as she leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone.

“Hello?” Maggie was quiet a moment. “Uh, can’t you find anyone else? No. Okay. I’ll be there.” She pressed a button and put the phone down.

“That didn’t sound like it had anything to do with the kids.”

“It didn’t.”

“Then, I must’ve misheard you.” He grabbed her and pinned her beneath him. “Because you aren’t going anywhere tonight except with me.” He kissed her and her arms wrapped around him but she shifted, ending the kiss too quickly.

“I’m sorry. It was work.” Her fingers played in his hair. “I have to go in. Nancy’s kids are sick.”

“Too bad for Nancy.” He kissed down her neck to that spot on her shoulder that made her crazy.

“Stop.” She sighed, her body softening under him but she pushed on his chest. “Let me up.”

“No.” He pressed more firmly down on her. “You promised me this weekend.” He sounded like a kid but he didn’t care. He felt like one–sneaking around for quickies, never being able to be with her when he wanted, always waiting on her kids to fall asleep or for her to not be at work.

“I know and I’m sorry.” She touched his cheek. “I really am, but I have to go to work.”

“No, you don’t.” He wasn’t giving up that easily. He had plans for this weekend—wicked, glorious plans. He kissed her neck, nibbling and sucking. Her legs slipped open and he smirked as she grabbed his hair and tugged.

“Terry, stop. I have to go.” Her other hand pushed on his chest.

“But you don’t.” He snatched it and kissed her palm.

“I do. I answered and now they’re expecting me.”

“And I was expecting to fuck you all weekend.”

Her cheeks flushed. “I can still see you after work.”

“Not good enough.” He kissed her lips, letting his tongue dip inside. “I want all weekend. You. At my house. Naked. Willing. Whenever and however I want.” He was hard and ready just thinking about it.

She pulled away. “I’m sorry but I have to go.” She shoved on him. “Let me up.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously. ”I’ll make it up to you.”


“Terry, get off me.”

“Damnit, Maggie.” His jaw tensed but he rolled to the side.

“I’m sorry.” She crawled out of bed. “I need this job.”


“What?” She spun toward him.

“You closed on the house. You have money.”

She grabbed her housecoat, wrapping it around herself. “That money has to last.”

“Please. It’s a considerable sum.” He knew how much he paid for the house. Thanks to Patrick and his security firm, Terry knew exactly how much Maggie and her husband had owed and exactly what they each received from the sale.

“Yes, but I still have to move and—”

“No, you don’t.”

“I do. Not right away, but the owner is going to eventually want to move in.”

“Worry about that when it happens.”

“I can’t wait until then.” She gave him a dirty look as she headed for the shower. “You don’t understand because you’re rich, but the money for my house and my job is all the money I have or am going to get. I can’t afford to lose this job and blow through the money for the house. I just can’t.”

“That is such bullshit.” He got out of bed, his dick bobbing in front of him. “You’re getting more than enough money to watch this place.” He was paying her plenty to live in her own house. She did not have to work.

She stopped in the doorway and slowly turned. “How do you know about that?”

Shit. Fuck and double damn. His mind tumbled over itself but the only thing he could find was, “You told me.” He was glad it didn’t come out like a question.

“I did not.”

“You did.” He had to bluff his way through this.

“No. I didn’t. The only ones who know are me, Kathy and…” Her eyes widened.

He prayed she thought he was fucking Kathy.

“You.” She looked around her room. “You bought my house.”

He might as well come clean. “I told you, I’d take care of you.”

Her mouth dropped open and then closed with a clank. “Get out.”

“Maggie.” He strode toward her.

“Don’t come near me.”

He kept walking. He had to touch her. He could make her understand, but he had to be touching her.

“Stop.” She clutched the housecoat at her throat, as if to protect herself from him. “Red.”

He stopped immediately. She’d used the one word he’d hoped to never hear pass her lips. He had to fix this—get to Yellow, or better yet, Green. “Listen to me. This is a good thing.”

“Good?” Tears filled her eyes.

“Yes. Good.” His little rabbit was ready to bolt. He had to convince her. “For you. For your kids. For everyone.” He moved a little closer.

“You did it.” She laughed, a hurt, hollow sound. “You made me your whore.”

“Don’t start that again.” They’d talked and argued about that way too much.

“I didn’t. You did.”

“No. I took care of you. That’s all.”

“You paid for me and I…” She shook her head. “I was such a fool. You knew. That night after you called me a whore you…I should’ve known. You told me to call Kathy. You knew I didn’t have to move because you’d bought the house.” She backed away. “I have to leave. I can’t stay here.” Her eyes darted around the room. “I have to re-pack everything. I lost the lease on the apartment.”

“Shhh. You don’t have to move.” Terry pulled her to him.

“Let me go.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her face on his chest.

“Shhh. Baby. It’s okay.”

“But it’s not.” She pushed away from him. “Don’t you understand? Now, everything between us is different.”

“It’s not.” Why couldn’t she see that he was taking care of her. He was doing exactly what a good dom does for his sub.

“It is. You own the house. You can kick me out.” She started pacing. “If I don’t do what you say, do whatever you want, you can evict me and my kids.”

“You know, I’d never do that.” It was like she’d slapped him.

“Do I?” She smiled, but her lips quivered. “I barely know you.”

That hurt more than it should.

“All I know about you is that you’ll stop at nothing to have things your way. No matter what. No matter how it makes someone else feel. No matter who you hurt.” Her eyes flashed with anger as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Who did I hurt? Tell me.” He’d never hurt any of his subs. Never.

“Me, Terry. You hurt me.” She turned and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

“Fuck that, Maggie.” He stormed to the door, hitting it with the palm of his hand. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I threw a fucking load of money at you so you wouldn’t have to worry about moving. So, your kids could stay in a nice place. So, you didn’t have to work. Yeah, I’m a horrible guy.”

The door flew open. “Don’t you dare pretend you did any of this for me or my kids.” She poked his chest. “You did this for you. So, you’d win. So, you’d get what you want.”

“Maggie.” He grabbed her finger.

“Goodbye, Terry.” She pulled free and slammed the bathroom door.

Fury raged through him. He didn’t need this shit. He pulled on his underwear and pants. He didn’t deserve this shit. He grabbed his shirt. “You know what?” She didn’t answer. He didn’t expect her to. “Fuck you, Maggie.” He put on his shoes and strode to the door. “Call me when you’re ready to apologize.”

“Go to hell,” she yelled.

“I’m already there.” He slammed the bedroom door, made his way down the hallway and slammed the door to the garage. He got into his car, slammed that door too but none of it made him feel one tiny bit better.