The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 2:  Maggie




Maggie stared at the computer, wanting to cry. Her credit cards were paid off, thanks to the money that Terry had given her to watch the house. She should’ve known getting paid to live in her own home was too good to be true, especially when she was sent the first three month’s payments up front.

She dropped her head in her hands. She had no idea what she was going to do. She needed to earn more than she did as a hostess. The money from the sale of her house, which she still considered hers, wasn’t going to last long. She had to find an apartment. That meant she needed first and last month’s rent, plus deposit and a deposit on utilities. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her fears. She could handle this. She’d figure something out.

Stay here and keep taking his money. It makes him happy. It makes you happy. She shoved that thought away. It wouldn’t make either of them happy in the long run. Plus, it was wrong. She was not sleeping with a man to keep the roof over her head and food on the table. Why? She’d done it for years with David. That was different. They were married. A team. This thing with Terry was a fling, just sex.

She went into the kitchen and pulled out one of the bottles of wine that Terry had brought over. She opened it and poured a hefty amount in a glass. She went back into the living room and sat down, staring at the computer again, hoping some money would magically appear or a great apartment would pop up for cheap—really, really cheap—but nothing magical happened. This wasn’t a fairy tale.

She smiled and took another sip. If it were, her prince charming wouldn’t be a sexy, foul-mouthed dom who liked to do wicked things to her. Her nipples hardened at the memories and a persistent throb beat between her legs. She could be tied to his bed right now.

She took another sip of the wine. On an empty stomach, it was making her feel good fast. Perhaps, she should call Terry and accept that she was going to have sex with him for money. She liked money. She liked having sex with him. She could work off what she owed him. Her mind spun trying to imagine what he’d want her to do to pay back that much money. Whatever it was, she was sure she’d enjoy it.

Her phone beeped and she grabbed it. It was a text from her kids, saying goodnight. She texted them back feeling like the worst mother in the world for being disappointed that it wasn’t Terry. She stared at the phone. He’d said to call when she was ready to apologize. She wasn’t but she could ask him to come over to talk. They’d end up doing a lot more than that, unless it really was over. He’d always called or stopped by after their other fights. Perhaps, he was done with her. She gulped down more wine. She didn’t want it to end. Not now. Maybe, never, but that wouldn’t happen. It’d end sooner or later and she’d be back in the same situation—no money and no way to earn it.

Still, it didn’t have to end right now. It wasn’t fair. She  hadn’t known that the last time they’d been together was it. She’d ask him for one more night. Her stomach twisted. He might say no. She put the phone down. She couldn’t take the rejection.

She looked back at the computer but all she saw was Terry. His eyes dark with desire. His face hard with passion. His head between her legs, that dark hair an erotic contrast to her pale thighs. Those broad shoulders spreading her legs. She grabbed her phone. Rejection would be bad, but he might say yes.