The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 3:  Terry




Terry held the door and Desiree sauntered past him into the room. She had a nice ass but not as nice as Maggie’s. He gritted his teeth and followed her inside, closing the door behind him.

“Drink?” He walked to the bar.

“I take it, I get a little longer to decide?” She stared at his almost empty glass.

“Same. Until I finish my drink.” He grinned. “I may refill it as often as I like though.”

She laughed. “I’ll have a vodka rocks with lime, please.”

He nodded and poured the two drinks. He walked to a chair near the couch where she was sitting and handed her the glass. He sat, taking a sip of his own drink.

“So, back to my question.” She was relaxed on the couch in a pose that highlighted all her assets and she had a lot of them.

Her breasts were large and the shirt accentuated them well, showing a hint of cleavage and a little more when she bent forward. She was good at dressing for this job.

“What question was that?” He couldn’t remember. He barely remembered the trip to this room.

“Why nothing rough tonight?”

“How old are you?” She was so young, her body untarnished by age.

“Old enough.” She smiled. “You know Ethan wouldn’t hire anyone even close to eighteen.”

“What are you twenty-three?” That was the same age as his daughter.


“Hmm.” It was still so young.

“So, why nothing rough tonight?”

“Because I’m not in a very good mood.” That was the understatement of the century.


“Never.” He leaned forward. “Ever. Go with a man for kinky sex when he’s pissed.”

“That’s good advice.” Her eyes sparkled.

“It is.” He leaned back. “And stay away from any dom who wants to play when he’s angry.” He let his eyes wander down her body.

“Why?” She took a sip of her drink, her tongue peeking out to clean her lips.

His dick pressed against his zipper. “Because a dom should always be in control of the scene and if he’s mad, he won’t be.”

“And why are you so upset tonight?” Again, she emphasized the word.

“A woman. Why else?” He frowned, staring into his drink. “You women prance around, shaking your asses and offering us heaven before slamming the door in our faces.” He hated women right now. His ex. Maggie. All of them.

“Ah. Unrequited love.”

“Not love.”

“Really? You didn’t seem like the type to get upset over just anyone.”

“I’m not but that doesn’t mean it’s love.”

“You care for her though.” She stood. “I’ll refresh our drinks.” She came back a moment later and bent to fill his glass, giving him an eyeful of her breasts.

They were firm and round and perfect. His hands itched to touch them. “Thanks.” He took a large gulp of his drink.

“What happened?” She put the bottle on the table and sat back down, taking a sip of her drink.

“With what?” His eyes locked on her red lips.

“With you and this woman you care for.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s over.”

“Seems to matter to you.”

“I’ve drank enough. Are you staying so I can fuck you or not?” He hoped she’d stay because he didn’t have the energy to go and find another woman.

“Haven’t decided yet.”

“Decide soon.”

“I will.” She scooted forward and he got another peek at her tits. “But I want to know more about you?”

“Ask and I’ll answer, but only if you promise to wrap those lips around my cock.”

She grinned. Her mouth was wide and lush, perfect for sucking dick. “I think that can be arranged, but you have to answer my questions first.”

“Agreed.” Good, he didn’t have to find someone else.

“What happened with this woman?” She lowered her eyes. “I don’t want to make the same mistake.”

He burst out laughing. “Oh, don’t worry. You won’t.”

She watched him expectantly.

He didn’t have to tell her anything but why not? “She agreed to be my sub but won’t let me take care of her. She doesn’t trust me enough.” Fuck, just saying it was like a hammer to his chest.

“Have you known her long? Sometimes it takes time.”

“Long enough.” Okay, so it hadn’t been that long but she should trust him by now.

“Maybe for you, but you’re not the one vulnerable.” Her eyes narrowed a bit. “Or are you?”

“No, I’m not.” He had nothing at stake, nothing important to lose.

“You should give her more time.”

“Not worried about the competition?” She should be because if he had Maggie, Desiree wouldn’t be getting his money.

“No.” She leaned back, letting her thighs drift open a bit. “A man like you knows what he wants. The rest of us are temporary substitutions.”

He couldn’t argue with that. “But I can make you wealthy substitutes.”

“This isn’t just about money.”

He hadn’t expected that from her. “There’s another way that you and Maggie differ. To her, no matter what else we had”—and they’d had a lot—“it was all about the money.”

“Oh, she’s one of those.”

“No. The opposite.” He wouldn’t be here and miserable if she’d only wanted his money. “She refuses to take any of my money, even for necessities.”

Desiree’s eyes widened. “That one I haven’t heard before.”

“Exactly.” He drank some more and sighed. “It’d be perfect it she’d let me take care of her.”

“She must really care for you.”

“Why would you say that?”

“She won’t take your money. There must be some reason.”

“There is but it’s not caring for me.” He took a sip but she waited for him to continue. “She doesn’t want to see herself as a whore.”

“Oh.” Her lips tipped up at the corners, as if she were holding back a smile.

“No offense.”

“None taken.” She took a drink of her vodka. “It’s not an easy thing to accept.”

“She wouldn’t be a whore.”

“Really? What is she doing for your money besides having sex with you?”

“It’s more than sex.”

“So, you’re in a relationship?”

“An arrangement.”

“Hmm. I can see why she’s confused.”

“Enough.” He was done talking. “I answered your questions.”

“You did.”

“Are you going to stay or go?”

“I thought that was already settled.”

He waved his hand. “Still, your choice.” He leaned back, stretching out his legs. “If you’re staying get over here and on your knees. If not, close the door behind you.”

“Oh, I’m staying.” She stood and walked toward him, unbuttoning her blouse.

She was so fucking hot and young. Too young. Too young for him. “Stop.”

She stopped, her hand on a button.

“I can’t. We can’t.”

Her eyes dropped to his pants where there was no bulge. “I can help.”

“No.” He sat up, leaning forward. “Just go.” He pulled his wallet from his pants and held out a wad of bills.

“Alcohol can—”

He put the money on the table. “It’s not that.” He glared at his glass. “It’s never affected me like that”—he glared at his dick—“before.”

“And I’m sure it isn’t now. Not anything we can’t fix.” She moved another step closer and got on her knees, her hands skimming up his thighs. “Let me help you.”

“No. Stop.” He grabbed her wrists. “You’re too young. You should be home or in school or raising kids or hanging out in clubs.”

“I am doing the last one.” She grinned.

“Not this kind of club.” He dropped her wrists and flopped back in his chair. “You’re my daughter’s age.”

“But I’m not your daughter.”

“I know, but…” The truth was he wanted Maggie. She’d ruined him for anyone else.

Desiree stood and held out her hand.


“Come. You’re tired. Let me help you sleep.”

“No sex.” He took her hand.

“Don’t worry. I won’t take advantage of you.” She smiled as she led him into the other room. “Now, take off your shoes and get in bed.”

“I’m the dom.”

“Okay. Please, Master, take off your shoes and get into bed.”

“That’s better.” He kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the mattress.

“Roll over.”

He shot her a glare. “Why?”

“I’m going to massage your back.”

“Oh. In that case.” He shifted so he was on his stomach and she climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. He was going to punish Maggie big time for this. He should be on his back thrusting inside this hot, young woman instead of lying here with a limp dick like some old eunuch.

Her hands skimmed up his back and over his shoulders, the touch light but getting firmer. “You should go see this woman.”

“I don’t want to.” He said against the pillow.

“Your brain may not, but other parts of you definitely do.”

“That’s not why. You’re too young.”

“Please.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders and he groaned. “Stop lying to yourself.”

“I don’t lie. I’m brutally honest.” Except about this.

“You don’t have to admit anything to me, but you need to be honest with yourself or you may never have sex again.”

“Don’t ever say that.” He slapped at her leg and she laughed.

“Talk to this woman.” She continued to work the muscles in his back. “It’s not easy to be vulnerable. To admit to needing someone. Not for women or men.” Those words were a soft breath in his ear before she kissed his cheek and he drifted off to sleep.