The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day







CHAPTER 1:  Terry




Terry sat in the business part of the Club, not in the office with Ethan. It was Saturday night, over twenty-four hours since the fight, and Maggie still hadn’t called him. They were done. Finished. He tossed back another drink.

“Hey, Ethan said you were in here.” Nick sat next to him at the bar.

“Yep.” He waved his hand and the bartender filled his glass. “Glenlivet for him too.” He nodded at Nick.

“Thanks,” said Nick as the bartender returned with his drink.

“What are you doing here?” asked Terry. “Finally see the light and realize men weren’t created to be monogamous.”

“No, nothing like that.” Nick smiled. “Sarah’s out with her sister and Annie.”

“Does that mean Patrick’s coming here too?” He took a gulp of his drink. “That’s cause for celebration.”

“No. Patrick is upstairs with Ethan. We’re getting ready for poker. You should join us.”

“Later. First, you guys should come down and we can find us some women. Just like the old days.”

“Not interested.”

“You make me embarrassed to be a man.” His eyes roamed the Club. “There are a ton of beautiful, eager, horny women and you want to hide upstairs and play poker.”

“Ethan said you and Maggie had another fight. Come upstairs and talk to us. Maybe, we can help.”

“I don’t need your fucking help.” He tossed back his drink. “I need to get laid.” His eyes landed on Desiree, one of Ethan’s newer employees. “By her.”

The bartender filled his drink.

“Don’t do this.”

He tipped his glass in the young woman’s direction. “She’s exquisite.”

Nick’s eyes roamed over her. “She is, but she’s not worth it.”

He knew what Nick meant but decided to play dumb. “I have more money than I can spend. She’s worth whatever price she wants.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Nick turned to him. “Don’t throw away what you have with Maggie over one stupid fight.”

“I’m not.” His chest tightened and his stomach twisted, adding another knot to his tangled mess of emotions. “It’s over between us.”

“Only if you want it to be or if you do this.”

“You don’t know shit.” He gulped down the drink and ordered another. “I thought she was special but she’s not going to work.”

“Just because she won’t take your money? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You, of all people, should appreciate that about her.”

“I don’t give a damn about the money.”

“Then what is it?”

“She doesn’t trust me.”

“Are you sure? I thought that about Sarah too and she did trust me. She just had to deal with some issues of her own.”

“I’m sure.” He was done with this conversation. It was bringing him down and he’d spent a fortune and many hours drinking his way to happy. “And, I’m sure that I’m going to fuck that exotic, young woman over there.”

“Terry, come upstairs. Don’t make this decision when you’re drunk.”

That was the only time he could because when he was sober, he only wanted Maggie. “Nope. I need pussy.” He stood.

Nick grabbed his arm. “And you can have it, later. Sober up first.” He looked at Ethan’s new hire. “She’ll appreciate you more if you’re not sloppy drunk when you fuck her.”

“I’m not a novice. I know how to please a woman drunk or sober.” He jerked free and staggered a bit, grabbing onto a chair to steady himself. “Go. Play poker. I’ve got plans.”

He made his way across the bar. The young woman watched him, a hint of a smile on her full, gorgeous lips.

He stopped by her side. “May I buy you a drink?”

“Absolutely.” She smiled at him.

“You’re stunning.” He plopped down next to her, waving the bartender over.

“Thank you.” She turned toward the bartender. “Soda water with lime.”

“Not drinking?” He couldn’t take his eyes from her. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen with jet-black hair, pale complexion and blue eyes. She could be Irish but the tip to her eyes spoke of something else in her blood.

“I’ve already had two and I don’t like to get drunk.”

“Really?” Most of the women here drank quite a bit. Actually, so did the men.

“I find a little is better.” She took a sip and his eyes locked on her luscious, red lips.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at him again. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Let’s go to a room.”

“Wow. You move fast.”

“You should be used to that.” He caressed the bracelet she wore, telling everyone that she was an employee.

“I expect it from some, but I didn’t from you.” She studied him.

He was surprised by the intelligence in her gaze. Most beautiful women who worked her weren’t stupid, but they weren’t this smart either. “Why is that?”

“I’ve been watching you and you didn’t seem interested in anything but your drink until your friend arrived.”

“I was taking my time.” His fingers trailed along the skin of her arm. It was soft and firm but not as soft as Maggie. He pushed the thought away. “Deciding who I wanted to spend my time with tonight.” And his money.

“I’m honored.”

“But are you accepting?” He was pretty sure she was being sarcastic but not positive. Maybe, he shouldn’t have drank so much but fuck, he’d needed it to forget Maggie. He leaned down so his breath caressed her ear. “I’ll make it well worth your time.”

“Hmm. I don’t usually go anywhere, let alone to a private room, with a man I’ve just met.”

“You work here.” That was exactly what Ethan’s employees did.

She laughed. It was a tinkling, melodious sound that went straight to his balls and caused his dick, which had been sleeping, to wake up.

“I do but that doesn’t mean I have to accompany everyone who asks…or anyone who asks. Ethan made that very clear.”

“I understand that, but I never met anyone who turned down a handful of cash.” Except Maggie. It was just his luck to pick the one woman here who also wasn’t interested in his money. Someone must’ve put a curse on him.

“Now, you have.” She held out her hand. “Desiree.”

“Terry.” He shook her hand and ordered another drink. He’d put up with enough of Maggie’s crap he wasn’t about to do it with this young woman. “So, Desiree, this is how it’s going to work.” He stared at her. “I’m going to finish this drink and by the time I’m done, you’re either going to agree to go into a private room with me or I’m going to walk away and find someone who isn’t so particular.” He held up his glass. “Understand?”

“Absolutely.” She smiled and clinked her glass against his. “May I ask you some questions to help me decide?”

“Sure.” He couldn’t blame her. She’d want to know what he wanted but right now he wasn’t sure. Part of him wanted to fuck someone, anyone, to make him forget Maggie, but another part wanted to tie someone up and take out his frustrations on her. That settled it. Punishing someone when angry was never a good idea. “I’m a dom but I don’t want anything rough, not tonight.”

“Why is that?” She seemed genuinely interested.

A few people milled about nearby. “Can we go to the back? Same rules. I finish my drink and you decide to stay or go.” He looked around. “Too many ears around here.”

Her blue eyes sharpened as she studied him.

“I swear. I won’t touch you, unless you agree to stay.”


He stood. “At least someone trusts me,” he muttered under his breath as he offered her his hand.

“Excuse me?” She put her hand in his.

“Nothing.” He led her across the room, his other hand on the small of her back. She was short and curvaceous but thinner than Maggie. Her ass wouldn’t be as soft. It wouldn’t cradle his dick as well. He took another gulp of his drink. He needed to get Maggie out of his fucking head.