The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 5:  Terry




After taking care of Beast, Terry turned on his computer and pulled up the public paperwork on Maggie’s divorce. Most of it was cut and dry. The assets, the little there were, had been divided and David made modest alimony and child support payments. Everything looked right, except he didn’t believe it.

He searched all public records for anything about the business. Permits had been pulled. They were remodeling and they’d bought a second building.

He leaned back in his chair. That could all be attributed to an influx of cash brought on by the new wife but he didn’t think that was the case. Stephanie wouldn’t have married a man with no money, no matter how promising his business might be.

Something wasn’t right. He’d been a divorce lawyer too long not to trust his instincts on asset hiding. This needed more investigation. He grabbed his phone, his eyes falling on the text from Maggie. Damnit. He’d completely forgotten. He looked at his watch. It was early afternoon. He’d go and see her instead of texting. His dick hardened at the thought and he almost growled. Much better than last night. Much, much better.

He called Patrick on his way to the shower.  “I need you to look into the business Giving Investments and David Givens.”

“Okay. Hold on. Let me write this down,” said Patrick. “Anything I should know?”

He hesitated. “Yeah, it’s Maggie’s ex and the business that had been theirs.”

“Oh. So—”

“Don’t give me any shit. Just do your job.”

“Ah, good to see you’re back. I missed asshole Terry. Drunk Terry is a downer.”

“Shut the fuck up. At least I’m not pussy whipped.” He’d never, ever tell them about last night.

“I’m not either but I won’t do anything that might hurt Annie.” Patrick’s tone was somber.

He didn’t have anything to say to that.

“I’ll get on it tomorrow.”

“Thanks and let me know as soon as you find something.”

“Will do and Terry…”

“Yeah.” Now, came the meddling.

“Listen to her. I know you think you’re always right—”

“I am always right.”

“Okay, but sometimes there are other perspectives to consider.” There was a hint of amusement in Patrick’s voice. “Doesn’t make you wrong but you can both be right.”

“Sounds like bullshit to me.”

“Think about this.” Now, Patrick was annoyed. “Would you rather be right or satisfied?”

“I want both.” He deserved both.

“We all do but sometimes we have to make the hard choices.” Patrick laughed. “I, for one, will choose having Annie in my arms over winning an argument every time.”

“You’re young and in love.” He half-smiled. “Which makes you stupid.”

“You think so?”

“I know so and I’m always right. Remember?” Now, he couldn’t hide the smirk in his tone.

“Well, good for you. Snuggle up to that bottle of scotch again tonight or swallow your pride. Listen to what Maggie has to say. How she’s feeling. Really listen and then apologize.”

“I never apologize when I’m right.”

“Jesus, you’re worse than a child.”

“Find out what you can about David Given’s finances and…” Maggie wouldn’t be happy with him about this.


“I think he was having an affair before the divorce.”

“Okay. I’ll follow the money and have Hunter follow the body.”

“Thanks.” Hunter was Patrick’s top guy. He swore the man could follow the scent of a scandalous thought.

“You owe me,” said Patrick.

“Bill me.”

“No. I’m doing this for free.”

“Thanks. I guess.” Now, he was nervous. None of them did much for free.

“Don’t thank me yet. In exchange for this information, you need to listen to Maggie and tell her why you’re really pissed.”

“She knows why. She’s being stubborn and stupid.” But she had texted him. Maybe, she was ready to apologize and let him take care of her.

“And her not taking your money scares the shit out of you.”

“No, it pisses me off because she needs it, but that’s all.” He broke out in a cold sweat.

That sounds like bullshit to me.”

“It’s not.”


“Bill me. Because I’m not telling Maggie shit about me.” He was her dom. He’d take care of her. That was all she needed to know.

“She deserves to hear why you have to control everything.”

“It’s who I am.”

“Not who you were though.”

“Jesus, Patrick. This has nothing to do with my ex.”

“Doesn’t it? I knew you before, remember?”

“You did investigative work for my firm. You didn’t know me except as a customer.”

“You don’t think I do background checks on my clients?”

“Fuck.” He’d never thought about it.

“You changed a lot with your divorce. Talk to Maggie about it.”

“No.” That was personal. Private. “It has nothing to do with me and her.”

“God, you’re a stubborn fool.” Patrick hung up the phone.

Terry hurried into the shower. His friend was an idiot. He was who he was, talking about it wouldn’t make any difference.