Bossy Baby by Athena Steller



Hayley loved being carried. He was pretty sure that he could talk Mac into carrying him everywhere for always. Hayley would never have to walk again. Which meant no more tripping over rocks and breaking his arm. Mac would totally be behind that.

Mac walked through the threshold of the bedroom and stopped.

It appeared that Hayley needed to be in charge.

“Set me on the end of the bed, please.”

Mac carefully let Hayley down onto the mattress.

“Now stand in front of me and strip.”

“Strip?” Mac asked.

“Take your clothes off, Daddy. Put on a show.” He loved when Mac furrowed his eyebrows.

“Now I know you’re fucking with me,” Mac claimed. “And that’s mean.”

“I’m really not,” Hayley replied. “I need you naked. I want a show.”

“Fine,” Mac grumbled. “I thought you were a sweet boy.”

“No, you knew I was bossy. That’s what you keep calling me.”

“I like it when you’re bossy,” Mac responded quietly.

“Then strip, Daddy.”

“Should there be music?”

“No, that would take too long. I want you naked and in bed.”

“Okay.” Mac shucked his lounge pants then held out his arms. “Done.”

Well damn, it had been a better idea in his head. Hayley hopped off the bed. “Lie down.”

“Yes, baby.” Mac climbed up the mattress before flipping onto his back.

He was already hard. Perfect. “Stroke yourself.”

Mac lifted an eyebrow before he wrapped his big hand around the base of his cock.

“Slowly,” Hayley said quickly. That way he could enjoy the show. He’d lost out on his striptease. Next time Daddy needed to be wearing more clothes.

Mac stroked his cock as Hayley watched.

Dang, Mac’s dick was thick and long. It would feel so good once Hayley had that big cock inside him.

“Are you going to join me? Or just watch? Not that I mind you watching.”

“I know you don’t mind.” Mac loved watching Hayley. “But you’re right. I can’t let you have all the fun.”

“It’s time for you to give me a show. Strip, boy.”

Laughing, Hayley fell against the bed. This was fun. He’d never had so much fun during sexy times. But like everything with Mac, even foreplay was different. Perfect.

“Don’t stop stroking yourself or I might not be able to remember how to get my clothes off.”

“Cute.” Mac gave himself one long stroke. “Don’t be too cute, though. I’d hate to have to finish myself off.”

“No!” Hayley wailed. “That’s just mean.”

“Then get that cute ass up here.”

Hayley had his clothes off in record time. He leapt up on the bed, making Mac chuckle. “Hands off!”

Mac held his hands up. “Now what?”


Mac pointed to the nightstand drawer.

Hayley leaned over and opened the drawer. He grabbed the lube and dropped it beside Mac. Then he picked up a condom. He held it up for Mac to see.

“It’s up to you,” Mac said. “I haven’t been with anyone without one. Ever. My latest test is in the drawer as well.”

Hayley grinned before dropping the condom back in the drawer, then slammed it shut.

Picking the bottle of lube back up, he looked at Mac. “This next part is very important.”


“Lie there,” Hayley said. “Let me do the work.”

“You’re going to prep yourself with your left hand.”

“Oh my God!” Hayley cried. This ruined everything.

“Maybe I can help?” Mac asked. “We can do this together.”

Mac was right. Hayley needed him. “Okay.”

“Lie down,” Mac ordered.

Hayley squirmed until his head rested on Mac’s pillow. He felt that was right where he should be.

“Spread,” Mac told him.

Hayley spread his legs. He watched every move Mac made, not because Hayley was nervous, but because Mac was.

Mac took care prepping him, making certain that he used plenty of lube.

Hayley was so hard that he started to worry he would come from just how good Mac’s fingers felt.

“I need you inside me,” Hayley said. “I can’t…”

“I got you, baby.” Mac withdrew his fingers before picking Hayley up. “Now you get to be in charge.”

Oh, that worked for him. Hayley straddled Mac’s waist, watching as Mac lubed up his cock.

“Let me hold my cock for you,” Mac said. “Be gentle. I don’t want you hurt.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this,” Hayley said. “Trust me, I can take you.” With his hands on Mac’s chest, Hayley lifted onto his knees.

Mac held his dick and Hayley pushed back until the head of Mac’s cock pressed against his hole.

“Watch me,” Hayley whispered. “Our first time.”

“I won’t be able to take my eyes off you,” Mac swore.

Hayley sank down slowly. There was a couple of times that he had to stop.

“I can pull out,” Mac offered.

“Don’t you dare,” Hayley said. “Just give me a minute.”

“Take all the time you need.” Mac’s words were kind, but Hayley noticed him straining. He was trying so hard to be patient.

Hayley took a deep breath before pushing himself down until he was completely full. The sting was real, but so was the feeling of completeness.

“Fuck, baby, Hayley…”

“Hang on, Daddy,” Hayley said. “I’m going to ride you.”

“Please,” Mac responded with pure need. “Please, baby.”

Hayley began to ride Mac with all he had.

Mac wasn’t passive, either. He gripped Haley’s hips hard and rammed his cock up. They met and stars exploded behind Hayley’s eyes.

“Right there,” Hayley screamed. “Again!”

He was flipped, with Mac hovering over him. Mac hammered into him, hitting Hayley’s prostate with each thrust.

Hayley shouted out his release. Mac fucked him through it and came moments later.

“I—” Mac collapsed down on top of Hayley. “Will move…in…a…minute.”

Grunting from Mac’s weight, Hayley patted his back. “Sure. Breathing is overrated, anyway.”

With a whine that would do any boy proud, Mac pulled out, then fell onto his side.

Haley turned over and cuddled up to Mac.

His Daddy’s arms came around him, holding Hayley close.

“I’ll get you cleaned up here in a minute.”

Hayley kissed Mac’s chin. “Rest. I’m enjoying the feel of you leaking out of me.”

Mac groaned. “I’m getting hard again.”

Giggling, Hayley closed his eyes. That had been a wonderful first time. And he was almost ready for round two as well.



Hours after having the best sex of his life; Hayley dropped to the living room floor. The thick carpet cushioned his fall which pissed him off even more.

“Hayley,” Mac said quietly.

“No!” Hayley yelled.


“No! Don’t be nice to me!”

Mac’s sigh could be heard across the room. “I just want to help.”

“I don’t want help!” Hayley curled into a ball. His arm hurt. Like, really, really, hurt.

“I think the pain meds might make you feel better,” Mac tried to reason.

Hayley knew he was being unreasonable. Mac just wanted to take care of him, which made Hayley feel worse. “I don’t deserve pain meds! I’m a mean person.” Tears trailed down Hayley’s face.

“Baby.” Mac ran a hand down Hayley’s back.

“Don’t be nice to me,” Hayley demanded. “I don’t deserve it.”

“Of course you do,” Mac replied kindly. “I love you, remember.”

“Even when I’m bad?”

“Even if you were bad,” Mac agreed. “But you aren’t bad, are you? You’re just hurting.”

“It hurts so bad,” Hayley whined.

“Here, baby,” Mac helped him sit up. “Lean against me.”

Hayley turned his head so his face was buried in Mac’s chest. Okay, so maybe it helped a little when Mac held him.

“Take a drink,” Mac urged. “Come on, sweetheart. Take a drink and we’ll get your pills swallowed.”

It took more coaxing from his Daddy, but soon Hayley had taken two pills and drunk a cup of juice.

“How about we cuddle on the couch?”

“No,” Hayley mumbled. Still feeling miserable. “Floor.”

“Floor it is,” Mac agreed.

Hayley pressed his lips together. Mac needed to stop doing that, being all sweet and calm. “I don’t want to lie on the floor.” There, let Mac figure out what to do now.

“You’re right,” Mac said. “That was a silly idea.” He rose to his knees before pushing Hayley’s hair out of his face.

Hayley knew his face would be red and splotchy, but he didn’t care. Mac could accept him or not.

“But I know just what to do for my boy,” Mac announced.

“You do?” Hayley peered up at Mac. Maybe his Daddy could help.

“Trust me?” Mac questioned.

Hayley rubbed his nose and sniffled. “Yes.”

“Good. Stay there. I’ll be right back.”

Mac was gone before Hayley could even respond. Hayley threw himself back on the carpet. How was this fair? His Daddy was supposed to stay by his side! He wasn’t supposed to leave the room.

Hayley was working up to another good crying fit as Mac returned.

“Come here, baby.” Mac reached down to pick him up.

Refusing to help, Hayley remained dead weight. That would teach his Daddy to leave him.

“Okay. I can work with this, though.” Scooping Hayley up, Mac was still smiling. He carried Hayley up the stairs.

Hayley didn’t want to go to bed, either. He opened his mouth to complain, but then Mac did something Hayley didn’t expect. Still cuddling Hayley tight, Mac stuck his finger in Hayley’s mouth.

“Instead of talking, why don’t you suck on my thumb?”

So Hayley started to suck on Mac’s thumb.

Now that both hands were completely full, Mac had to open the French doors with his elbow. Hayley could have helped, but he didn’t want to.

Mac carried Hayley to the bed and laid him down. He sat next to Hayley on the small mattress, letting Hayley still suck on his thumb.

“Here’s what is going to happen,” Mac said softly. “I have laid out some stuff for you. You’re not going to talk or argue. You’re going to let Daddy take care of you. The only word out of your mouth can be stop if you don’t like something.”

Okay, Hayley could do all that.

Mac removed his thumb and Hayley whined.

“I know sweetie,” Mac told him. “Give me just a minute.”

Hayley huffed. But he’d promised not to talk.

Mac undressed him carefully. Hayley didn’t know what he was doing when Mac even removed his undies. Then Mac held up a diaper.

Oh, that was new. Mac wanted to put a diaper on him.

They’d talked about it. Once. But Hayley—wait. Maybe this was what he needed. To just let his Daddy take control.

Hayley nodded.

Mac kissed his nose gently, then his forehead, and finally his lips.

Relaxing back onto the mattress, Hayley closed his eyes. It was time to enjoy the perks of having a Daddy.

Mac tapped his side and Hayley lifted his butt. The diaper was placed under him and Hayley dropped back down. He gave a wiggle.

And heard the crinkle.

Mac was holding a bottle of lotion.

Oh, it was purple. Hayley liked purple.

Lavender reached his nose and Hayley thought that scent was perfect. Just what he needed. Next Mac sprinkled powder across his groin. Then the diaper was tightened and taped around him.

It was different.

Not bad, just weird, and kind of cool. He liked how tight it was.

Next came a pink pair of pajama bottoms. Hayley hadn’t seen these ones. He caught a leg and held it up.

White bunnies.

Ah, Hayley liked bunnies. They were soft and cute.

The leg slid out of his hand, and Mac started to put them on him. Hayley decided to help. He lifted his bottom to make it easier for Mac to pull them up.

Mac lifted Hayley off the bed, setting him on his feet. Mac pulled the pants over Hayley’s bottom.

Trying to see behind him and what he looked like in a diaper was interrupted when Mac pulled the shirt over his head.

Once he was dressed, Mac picked Hayley back up before taking him to the big recliner in the corner.

Mac sat, Hayley curled up to his chest, and Mac slipped his thumb back in Hayley’s mouth.

Humming, Hayley sucked on Mac’s thumb.

Okay, Avery had binkies. Caleb had his pretties. Mitch got a spanking every single morning.

Hayley got Mac’s thumb.

And he liked it.

“Let me tell you a story,” Mac said. “There once was this boy full of sunshine and smiles. He was beautiful. Both on the inside and out.”

Hayley liked this story. He laid his head on Mac’s chest while wrapping both his hands around Mac’s, just in case his Daddy got the idea to remove his thumb from Hayley’s mouth.

“One day this sweet boy was cleaning his castle, when in walked an ogre.”

Hayley snorted. Mac was not an ogre.

“The ogre was mean and angry. You see, he’d been hurt in the past. By people that were supposed to love him. He didn’t have much faith in humanity. But the boy was different.”

The poor ogre.

“The ogre had been watching the boy for a while. He needed to get closer. He had to have one of the sweet boy’s smiles directed at him. And when he stepped foot inside the castle, that was exactly what the boy did. Smiled at the big ogre.”

Good boy. Hayley liked being a good boy. He didn’t want to be mad and hurting any longer.

“When the boy smiled at the ogre, the ogre’s world brightened. It was like everything bad that had ever happened to the ogre just disappeared.”

That was good. The ogre should be happy.

“And then something remarkable happened. The boy held the ogre’s hand. At that moment, the ogre didn’t ever want the boy to stop touching him.”

Hayley ran his hand over Mac’s chest. His Daddy wasn’t wearing a shirt again. Hayley loved that.

“Every week, the ogre would return to the castle just so the bright, smiling boy would touch and talk to him. He always got that special smile, too.”

And the ogre always would. Hayley would make sure of that.

“Each time the ogre visited, he fell more and more in love with the boy. And his smiles. And the way the boy made the ogre feel. Until all the ogre could think about was making the boy his forever. He would do whatever it took to make the boy his.”

“Bought him a house,” Hayley mumbled around Mac’s thumb.

“Yes, the ogre bought the boy a great big house. With a pool and a greenhouse. He filled it with precious treasures. Just for his boy. Until one day he could bring the boy home. But the ogre was scared.”


“That he wasn’t good enough for the boy.”

“He was,” Hayley’s words came out garbled.

“He started to think he could be. One day. One day he would earn the boy’s love. And when that day came, the ogre was scared again.”


“Because even though the boy loved him, the ogre knew he was going to make mistakes. That he might let his boy down. But that sweet, smiling boy reminded him that he didn’t have to be perfect. That an ogre was an ogre. And it was okay to be an ogre. The boy still loved him.”

The boy always would. Hayley knew the pain meds were hitting his system. He closed his eyes as he started to feel floaty.

Mac’s voice was soothing.

Hayley listened as best he could. Mac talked about the ogre playing with the boy. About their first Christmas together. Their fifth. Their tenth. How the ogre would never leave the boy. They’d have years and years together. That the ogre would make sure that the boy always got whatever he wanted.

That was nice.

Hayley wanted to tell Mac that the ogre was wonderful, but he couldn’t get himself to stop sucking Mac’s thumb.

That was nice too.

Having something so intimate, just between him and Mac. It was better than Mac giving him a pacifier. Plus, he could taste Mac’s flesh. The taste of his Daddy was enough to finally have Hayley give in to letting his mind rest. To let sleep cover him like a warm blanket. Hayley was safe and comfortable.


Mac watched Hayley sleep.

The bright, smiling boy from his story.

Mac hoped that Hayley had liked his story. He’d been at a loss of what to do to help Hayley. A quick text to Mitch had been Mac’s only lifeline. Mitch’s answer of trust your instincts hadn’t been what Mac had expected.

But Mitch had been right. Once again.

He’d allowed his Daddy instincts to take over. Mac had cared for his boy the best way he knew how.

And he felt amazing.

Like he might be figuring things out.

Hayley hadn’t needed anything money could buy. He’d needed understanding, care, and to be held.

Mac didn’t think he’d ever get tired of holding Hayley. To ever take for granted the trust that Hayley placed in him.

Maybe it was time that Mac let go of his past.

There had been many things out of his control. Mac hadn’t been in charge of his own life. But that wasn’t true any longer.

It had been his desire to leave the life he’d led behind. And he had.

Hayley thought he was good enough. That was what mattered, their future, not his past. Mac could make up for what he’d done. He might have had blood on his hands, but he’d washed it away. The black stain on his soul could be lightened.

Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against Hayley’s forehead.

It was less than a month from Christmas and Mac hadn’t realized it until Mitch had texted him asking him if he was going to get a tree for Hayley.

Hayley could have whatever he wanted.

A tree, lights, decorations, anything.

And he was going to have to buy his boy presents. Lots and lots of presents.

Looking around the playroom, Mac knew he could pick out more things for his boy. Hayley’s love of plants was also something that Mac could feed.

He’d have to buy the other boys things, too.

He could let Hayley help him with that, though. Tomorrow they’d sit on the couch and online shop—Mac’s preferred method anyway.

While they were shopping, he could watch Hayley’s reaction to see if anything caught his boy’s attention.

After Christmas, they could celebrate New Year. A new start. Their first year together…as a couple.

It was the beginning of everything new.

First he’d have to make sure that Hayley had the best Christmas ever.

Although his boy might be planning on going home for Christmas.

Mac would miss him, but he wouldn’t stand between Hayley and his family. It would only be for a few days, surely. Hayley wouldn’t want to be away from his shop for long. Hell, hopefully Hayley wouldn’t want to be away from him for long, either.

Rocking back, Mac could only stare down at his boy.

He hated the thought of Hayley being away from him for even a few hours. How was he going to deal with days? He’d get through it. Then they’d have an intimate New Year celebration.

Mac liked making these plans.

Looking forward to something had him getting excited.

For too long, Mac had been dead on the inside.

The story he’d told his boy hadn’t been far off. Hayley’s sweet smile had touched something inside him, had made him feel for the first time in longer than Mac could remember.

And he had Hayley to thank for bringing him back. For bringing him hope.

It was now Mac’s job to take care of Hayley in return.

He rose, making sure he didn’t jostle his boy too much.

Hayley slept on, still suckling his thumb. That probably should feel as good as it did. And Mac didn’t even know where it came from. He’d been thinking of how much Avery’s binkies calmed him and had followed his instincts.

Hayley’s eyes had widened, but the trick seemed to work.

Walking into the bedroom, Mac laid Hayley down in the king-sized bed.

He’d enjoyed waking with Hayley that morning. He didn’t ever want to spend another morning without his boy in his arms.

Hayley was adorable all sleepy and rumpled.

Mac pulled the blanket from the end of the bed and covered Hayley up. He kissed his forehead before backing away from the mattress, then headed into the playroom to clean up.

Keeping a tidy house was important to Hayley. If Mac could help ease Hayley’s stress, his boy would heal faster.

Mac had been doing a lot of research on what he could do to get Hayley back to one hundred percent. Not that he minded taking care of his boy, but Mac did not like seeing Hayley in pain, though.

Today had been hard.

If Mac could take the pain away, he would have.

He’d break every bone in his body if that meant Hayley didn’t feel even a touch of pain.

And that was just morbid thinking.

Love made people strange, or gave them strange thoughts, anyway.

Mac should be thinking of ways that he could hurt other people. That was what he’d been trained to do.

Not this caretaking.

Taking care of his boy was so much better, though.

Leaving the bedroom door open, Mac headed back downstairs. He needed to clean up the lunch he’d tried to feed Hayley before his boy had thrown a tantrum.

A cute and pathetic tantrum.

Hayley was not the type of boy to throw fits.

Mac probably shouldn’t have found Hayley so adorable.

After stepping into the kitchen, Mac straightened up when his cell phone rang. He was glad he’d left it in the kitchen so the call didn’t wake his boy.

He didn’t recognize the number.


“Who is the kid working in your boy’s store?”


“Yeah.” There was a pause. “Who’s the kid?”

“That’s Hayley’s brother, Jayme. Why?”

“He’s weird.”

Mac snorted. He couldn’t help it. “Why is he weird?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.”

“What did he do that was weird? And why have you even seen him?”

“I’m keeping an eye on your interests,” Lance responded.

Mac didn’t know what to do with that information. “I don’t need you keep an eye on anything. I’ve got it handled.”

“See, I thought that, too. Then I saw the weird kid.”

“What’s Jayme doing?”

“He— Shit, I have to go.”

Mac stared at the phone. Lance had hung up on him. What the fuck was going on? He was torn. Should he go down to the store? Hayley would be worried about his brother. And why was Lance even there?

He also didn’t want to leave his boy all alone, not with how much pain Hayley had been in. Plus, he’d just taken pain meds. He shouldn’t be left on his own.

His phone pinged.

Mac looked at the message.

It’s fine. The crazy kid thought it would be fun to surf on the lid of a trash can. I stopped him.

What the hell? Jayme tried to surf— No, Mac didn’t even want to know. Lance could take care of things. He was hanging around, anyway. Mac had his own boy to look after.

He typed a quick message back.

Just keep the kid alive.

His phone pinged back immediately.

I’ll try. Might not be easy.

Shaking his head, Mac pocketed his phone. His life had turned into a bad romantic comedy, with a quirky cast of characters, and he wasn’t even upset about it.