Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 10


With his fingers underneath my chin, he lifted my face to look at him, “Education, sweetheart, the only woman for me is you.”

I stared into his eyes as I tentatively placed my hand over his heart, waiting for him to lean away from my touch since we were in front of other people, only he didn’t, no, he leaned forward.

The moment my hand touched his chest, I broke.

Tears fell out of my eyes as he wrapped those arms around me and hauled me into his chest. This, this was where I was meant to be.

“You ever walk away from me again; you better be prepared to grovel.” I said with my face buried in his chest.

Knox then stunned me, as I felt the rumble of his laughter.

“Done sweetheart.” I pulled away from him, looked up into his eyes as he wiped the tears away and then ever so gently, he bent his head as he kissed me ever so carefully.

Taking a breath I wanted to test out this change in him, “Dance with me?”

His smile was breathtaking, he offered me his hand as he led me onto the dance floor.

With his arms around me, I lifted my hands and grabbed ahold of his biceps, “So does this mean I can touch you whenever I want?”

“What do you think?” Grinning, I moved my hands from his biceps to his chest.

I melted when Knox started to sing softly along with the music that was coming through the speakers, “You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. You’re as sweet as strawberry wine”. Not wanting him to be in this moment alone, I sang back to him, “You're as warm as a glass of brandy, and I stay stoned on your love all the time.”

After we danced I went into the kitchen to help Novalie and Lucy clean up. Just as I had turned off the water from washing my hands I heard. “He lets you touch him?” Amberly asked.

I know that she is in love with him, but I answered her honestly as I grabbed a towel and dried my hands, “Yes.”

“Umm, how long have you known him?”

“Four years.”

Her eyes widened. “So it’s been you. He would sit in the corner of a room with a glass of whiskey and just stare off into space.”

Seeing that this woman obviously cared a great deal about Knox, I opened up to her and admitted something that ate me up every single day, “I know what you’re thinking. That I don’t deserve him. And you're right, I really don’t. I shouldn’t have been a fool and stayed with my ex when the man of my dreams was literally standing right in front of me.”

“Good you saw that. He’s easy to love.” She said. I nodded at her. And then she left the room.

Two days later when I hadn’t seen her at the clubhouse Novalie told me that Amberly had packed up her things and left. I had felt awful for that but she had assured me that Knox only ever had eyes for me.

Later that day I laughed as Kida ran around the backyard enjoying the colder weather. When Knox threw a stick for him, he lunged off his back legs, jumped in the air and caught it.

I melted when I looked at Knox as he tossed me a wink. Then the resounded whack of the axe that he was wielding sounded as he cut up another log for firewood.

I felt it deep. Watching his shirt straining as it tried to contain his muscles.

With the last stack of firewood that Knox had split, I carried it inside and set it in the wood box that he had beside the fireplace.

“I’m going to go jump in the shower.” I told him as I headed to the bathroom.

As I was in the shower, the power went out. Do you know how weird it is to condition your hair in the dark? Surprisingly, thanks to muscle memory, it isn’t that hard.

Just as I turned the water off, I noticed there was a little light in the bathroom.

Smiling, I opened the shower door and saw a candle that was sitting beside a stack of towels that I hadn’t placed there.

Tip-toeing on the cold tile floor I reached for them and was shocked to find that they were warm. Only Knox would think of this.

I shrugged into one of them and sighed at the warmth that wrapped around me.

After I dried off, I walked into the bedroom to see a pair of his knee-high wool socks, a pair of pajama pants and my comfy off-the-shoulder light pink sweater.

Putting them all on I grinned, how had I gotten this lucky?

Walking out of the bedroom I heard old soft rock playing on my record player.

As I rounded the corner out of the hall I stopped to look at my man.

He was sitting in a chair with his massive forearms on the tops of his knees watching as the fire crackled.

The moment he saw me, he turned, grabbed a pillow, and placed it on the floor in between his legs.

“Come.” I looked at him and saw that he was nodding between his legs. “Back to me.”

Smiling a small smile I made my way over to him and sat down on the pillow that he had there. And then color me surprised, Knox had my comb in his hand and he started working out the tangles in my hair.

After he finished with the tangles, my big man braided my hair, he had watched me every time I braided my hair. I leaned my head back into Knox’s chest, and marveled at how much things had changed between Knox and me.

Getting to touch him, getting to have these little moments with Knox, these were the moments that I lived for.

Looking out through the window I saw that the snow was raging on.

I snuggled further into his chest as Kida wrapped his warm body around my legs.

It was later on in the night while we were lying in bed with three candles lighting the room that I found myself wanting to give him something back. Something that I wanted as well. But I also knew that all of the times that he had been inside of me, he had been holding back. Holding back from what I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to know.

“Tell me what you need, Knox. Don’t be afraid. Give me all of you.” I had no idea what I was asking.

What I did know was that I wanted all of this man, every single molecule of him. All of the darkest parts of him.

His eyes that I had fallen in love with turned almost black as he looked down at me.

“You don’t know what you’re asking. You’re the last person on this god-forsaken planet that I would ever harm.” He said gravely.

“Knox, please. I won’t break.” I muttered into the darkness.

I saw the indecision in his dark eyes and then after a few minutes, he nodded.

I almost pouted when he got up from the bed, only to return a few moments later with some rope and a knife.

I laid there anticipating what he was about to do. I watched in avid fascination as he brought the knife to his mouth and held it with his teeth.

“You’re sure about this? Once we do this, there is no escaping me Fi. I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. You. Are. Mine.” he growled.

I nodded. I wasn’t afraid of this man; I wasn’t sure how I knew that but I did. “I’m sure Knox.”

Instead of responding, he grabbed my right wrist then my left as he straddled me with his knees on either side of me.

I felt the rope being tied around my wrists to the bedposts. It wasn’t painful, but it was tight enough that I couldn’t move my wrists.

Once he had done that he braced his hands on the bed posts looking down at me. “Safe word. Crimson.”

I looked up at him and without saying a word I allowed my gaze to communicate into his eyes of how sure I was about this.

As he trailed the thin blade along my skin, goosebumps pebbled, at the site of them Knox lifted his head, there, in those dark orbs I saw something. Something I have never seen before.

Was this the man that he showed the enemy? Was this the man that everyone feared?

But then when the tip of the knife cut into a part of my inner thigh, instead of feeling pain, I felt pleasure.

“What is our safe word?” he rasped.

“Crimson.” I breathed out.

“Good girl.”

When he knelt his head, licking off the small trickle of blood from the inside of my thigh I almost came right then and there. The pleasure had enfolded all around my body, I wanted, no I needed to touch him, but then his words stopped me, ‘you touch me and I’ll quit’, no, that was the last thing that I wanted him to do.

I wanted more.

The more I needed, I didn’t know, it wasn’t until he came up my body, the moment he nibbled on my bottom lip, caressing it with his tongue, then when his tongue entered my waiting mouth I moaned.

The taste of my blood on his tongue was intoxicating.

I’ve never felt that before.

Was that something that I had been missing?

Had he seen that unveiled part of me on the day we met? Perhaps.

He trailed the tip of the blade between my breasts after he had pulled each nipple into his mouth, suckled on them, then and only then when he was apparently satisfied with his work, he trailed the blade down to my belly as he sat it aside to bury his tongue in my pussy.

My back arched as his tongue licked me from bottom to top, parting my labia and then he finally brought his tongue to my clit.

I moaned, wanting to touch him, wanting to hold on to him, to trail my fingernails all over his heated skin.

I heard a warning in his gravelly tone as he said, “Don’t come sweetheart.”

“Knox…” I groaned.

I would want him to try not to come if the roles were reversed.

Then he gave me what I had been craving, like a shot, he lifted, then he entered me in one brutal shove. Filling me. I felt his hard length start to move in and out of me.

Looking up into his eyes I was breathing hard as I was trying to hold my orgasm back, “Knox…”

“Not yet sweetheart.” He warned yet again.

Growling low in my throat as he hit my g-spot, I saw him smirk, laughing I called out, “Knox, please…”

With three more strokes I heard the words I had been waiting for, “Come.”

And I came. Hard. I also felt him still as he climaxed as well with a growl that was so intense even I shook from it.

After he had come down, he reached up, untied my hands and then he gathered me in his arms.

With my head on his chest I knew that there was nowhere else I wanted to be.

If I knew that he would be ready to hear those three words that were made up of 8 letters I would be screaming them from the tops of my lungs.