Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 5


Turning off the ignition, I walked my bike into the garage. Instantly, the smells coming from my home had my body being led by my nose all the way through the mud room and into the kitchen where I stopped dead.

Fiona was dancing to some music that was playing on her record player while she stirred something in a pot, then brought the spoon to her lips. When I had asked her why she didn’t pull it up on her phone? I had received a glare, then she followed that up with, nothing beats music on a record.

I had to bend my head to calm my dick that was standing at full attention at the sight that beheld me.

“Hey, didn’t know you were home.” Her lyric voice sent shivers down my spine.

Lifting my head up, I nodded. What shocked me was that I had wanted to walk over there to her, wrap my arms around her and pull her into my body.

“Smells good.” I told her as I tagged the beer that she had just pulled from the fridge for me.

The smile she gifted me; I would start a war for. “Dinners ready, hope you’re hungry.”

The moment the chicken hit my taste buds; I’d be willing to eat this every night of my life.

“Can I ask you something?” Looking up from my plate it was to see that she had pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Wondering what was going to come out of her mouth, and what did, I hadn't expected that, “Can you take me for a ride on your motorcycle? I’ve never been on one.”

I sat there as I contemplated what she was asking. How much she was asking for without her knowing it.

Coming to terms with something, I nodded, “Finish. Tomorrow” Before the ride I would run to town to grab her a helmet.

As she moved to grab the plates, I stopped her. “You cooked. I’ll clean.”

Her jaw-dropping to the floor had been a sight to behold. I allowed Kida to lick the plates clean before I put everything in the dishwasher.

The next afternoon, I took in a calming breath, I’ve never had anyone on the back of my bike. Just the thought of someone being that close to me again at my back caused me to freak out.

But she had asked this of me.

Taking in her smiling face was enough to get through this.

“Keep your hands on my hips. Don’t move them.” I warned her.

“Okay Knox.” Nodding that she understood I walked the bike out of the garage, started her up and then shifted gears, tearing down the driveway with her squeal of laughter following, had a rare smile forming on my face.

Taking the back roads around Clearwater, I kept glancing in my rearview mirror and sure enough, she never lost her smile.

“Oh my goodness, can you pull over?” I heard her ask, slowing down, I saw that she was pointing to a field of dandelions, unsure of what she wanted but still wanting to see what it was, I pulled over.

She took off her helmet, handed it to me, then she ran into the field. Dancing to a rhythm that only she knew.

Pulling a blunt out that I rolled this morning, I grabbed my lighter, lit the end of it as I inhaled. Soon as I got a big enough hit, I quit with the lighter.

Sitting on the side of my bike with my arm resting on my handlebars I watched the woman that was slowly filling my cold dead heart.

How was she managing to do this you ask? While we were on a ride she asked me to pull over. To pull over next to a field of Dandelions.

Fiona was like nothing I have ever seen before. She embraced the little things. She embraced the simpler way of life. She didn’t need much but what she gave, she gave a whole hell of a lot of.

I had been shocked all those years ago when she told me where she came from. Her hair was black but it wasn’t box dyed black, no it was all-natural. When I met her in November her skin glowed. It wasn’t from laying in a tanning bed or using tanning lotion to be something that you’re not.

Plus her deep brown eyes that were set in a slanted frame. She had full lips that had a nude shade to them. I had only ever seen lips like that when I crossed into Indian reservations.

Fiona’s heritage was Apache. That was all she knew. She had been dropped off at an orphanage when she was two days old with a note pinned to her baby blanket, a baby blanket she still has to this day. It had read simply, ‘You are Apache. Forever embrace your warrior's heart’. The note hadn’t been signed. Nothing.

She had told me that she had researched her people. She even dressed in long floral skirts and she wore moccasins whenever she could. Today she had on a white skirt that was set just below her knees that was angled down. She knew we were going riding today so she had on a pair of moccasin boots that came up to just below her knees.

Her long black hair was braided so that her helmet would fit just right.

When she was finished, she had little white parachutes stuck to her, she exited the field with a giant smile on her face.

I was ready to have her on my bike. Not heading in one direction at all but just having her near me.

I had just felt rain drops hitting my cheek, glancing up I saw that the sky was about to open up, not that I minded riding in the rain, but I wouldn’t be happy if Fiona got soaked.

However the moment we turned onto the driveway, the sky opened up, the trees helped block some of the rain but not all of it. I was just about to shift gears to get up the mountain as fast as possible, until I felt Fiona’s hands leave my hips as she threw out her arms and started to laugh.

I couldn’t help the small chuckle that revibrated in my chest.

After we parked the bike in the garage, I unlocked the door to the mud room, thinking she was right behind me but no, that silly woman was out in the rain, and I stared as Kida ran by my feet, out to her, as he too danced in the rain.

Had I known before the woman that she held closed off from the world, I would have stolen her from that asshole.

Once we were dried off and Kida had also been towel-dried I had just tossed our wet clothes in the washing machine and had just turned on the television after taking a sip of my Jack when I heard, “Knox?”

I turned my head to see what she wanted.

“Umm, well,…..”


I saw her biting her bottom lip as she seemed to be contemplating what she was going to say, normally, this shit really pissed me off. I was a straight shooter, but with her, I found myself patiently waiting.

“Can you umm… can you show me what I’ve been missing?” Her cheeks had turned pink.

At first I was unsure of what she was asking,  until I looked in her eyes and saw that there was something in them. A fire. A passion. Something that she had held on to, wanting to let it out, but not for just anyone.

Without breaking eye contact I told her, “Be sure. Different. No touching.”

I prepared myself for her to shake her head and say never mind. What I hadn’t been prepared for was her to step away from the island and pull on the tie that held her day dress together.

Nor was I prepared for her to let the material fall away, only for it to reveal a body that I had dreamed of. Wondering what it looked like. Wondering what it would feel like beneath my hands.

Her breasts weren’t big, no they looked small and perfect, just waiting to be treasured underneath that lacy black bra she wore. As my eyes traveled lower, devouring everything there was to see and searing it into my mind, I took in the matching black lace panties that she wore.

With emotion clogging my throat, I stood. “Bedroom. Now.”

My dick was standing at full fucking attention. I had blue balls every single time I laid eyes on her.

“I’m dirty. Done a lot of things. Make fucking sure.”

Instead of answering me, she stepped from her dress and turned her back on me as she walked out of the kitchen, disappearing down the hall.

I stood there for a few moments, gathering myself, the vision of her ass underneath those panties, I wanted to tear them off with my teeth.

Walking down the hall, I looked in her room, not seeing her there I headed to my room and sure enough, she was standing in front of the glass doors.

“Make very sure Fiona. You’ll give me you. But you won't ever have me.” I wanted her to know the score. I would take everything she had to give, but she wouldn’t have that claim over me.

I saw hurt flash in her eyes before I saw it completely disappear. That single glimpse had me for the first time rethinking everything, but I would look at that another day.

“Do what I say.” I warned her.

She simply nodded.