Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 8


As we walked into the clubhouse for the Bare Knuckle No Holds Barred fight night I was giddy with laughter.

The women and I had a spa day while the men were setting things up. I have yet to see Knox since we woke up this morning, and all of us girls had hatched a plan so to speak. We each bought the raciest dress that we could find at this little boutique.

We wanted to see which man would turn into a caveman first. And I was then the proud owner of five hundred dollars.

I had just changed into some short cut-off jean shorts and a white racer back tank with a Chief Indian on the front of it in watercolors. I loved it.

The other ladies all dressed the same.

Grabbing a beer I made my way back out to the backyard, standing on my tip toes, I looked for Knox.

The moment my eyes landed on him I walked over to him.

As soon as I made it to him, he handed me some tape. “Hands?”

The moment I grabbed it he asked, “Have fun?”

I smiled as I showed him my manicure and my pedicure, “Better for scratches.” He winked playfully; I loved this side of him.

Nodding he moved the chair beside him closer so I could sit down. The moment I had his hands taped up I looked in his eyes, “Don’t get hurt. I’ll beat someone’s ass if you do.”

“Sweetheart, have you looked at me?” I paused; the sweetheart thing was new.

“Yes but still,” I warned him while I glared at him to make my point.

York came over the sound system, “Alright ladies and knuckleheads, the first round of fighting is about to start. Let’s do this.”

The moment we stood I walked with him to see who he would be up against first.

The name said West.

After Knox stepped in the ring, I walked over to the ladies, grabbed a beer, and stood with them.

When Knox bounced on the balls of his feet, I felt the adrenaline start to pump through my veins.

“He better not get hurt.” I muttered.

“He won’t. At least not with these puny assholes.” Valerie smiled as she watched Garret stretch.

I turned my head as the other fighter stepped into the ring, and then with one powerful punch from Knox the other man fell. Out cold.

I cheered and whistled for all of the men, until Knox got in the ring with Garret.

And then I had to close my eyes and cringe at one of the punches that Garret handed him.

“Like your man Valerie, but he’s about to get his ass kicked by me.” I told her.

“That’s….” then Knox landed one of his own. “Okay, Knox is getting the same thing from me.”

Smiling, I turned just as Knox landed a kick to Garret's middle that sent him ass over tea kettle.

When Garret shook the move off, he tapped the mat three times.

When Knox was declared the winner, because Cotton didn’t fight tonight, York stepped in the ring, “Now that you won, will you be challenging Cotton for his presidency?

Knox snarled, “Fuck no.”

After everyone laughed, because it wasn’t that Knox was scared of Cotton, it was that he respected the man too much.

Shots were poured and slug back.

While I stood there with the women, a group of men that hadn’t signed up to fight walked over to us.

They didn’t speak to the ole’ ladies but one of them spoke to me.

“And who is this?” He wasn’t ugly at all, had I seen him before Knox, well to be honest I didn’t even want to think about that. The man had dark hair like Knox’s and he had blue eyes that were handsome, however, he reminded me of Cole with his arrogance, and that just rubbed me the wrong way.

But before I could turn the man down, a dark shadow fell over us.

I knew Knox wouldn’t say anything to the man. But then I was fucking floored.

“Mine.” He growled as he stepped in front of me, placed his still wrapped hand around my waist and pulled me to his sweaty back.

“She don’t have a kutte on.” The man bowed his chest at Knox.

“Don’t need one.”

It was then that Cotton walked over. Yelling loudly he asked, “Who does Fiona belong to?”

Then a resounding “Knox” came from every direction.

That night after I had massaged his shoulders while we were in the claw foot bathtub, he leaned his head back on my shoulder.

“I thought claw foot bathtubs were small. I’m surprised we both fit.”

“Had it custom made.” I nodded.

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked him, this was something that I had thought about daily.

When he didn’t reply I asked, “Why do you suppose my mother gave me away?”

I felt his body tense, “Don’t know sweetheart. Hate to say this, but I’m glad. Wouldn’t trade you for anything.”

That night instead of being in control, we shared in the passion that was between us.

The next day I was sitting beside the ole’ ladies when the front door opened. I looked up and saw a red-haired woman with a baby in her arms.

“Can we help you?” Garret called out to her.

“Yes.” The woman walked further in the room.

I heard Knox mutter, “Dove.”

Looking at him I saw that he was staring at Cotton who immediately jerked his head to stare at the woman, “Everyone but ole’ ladies and brothers, get the fuck out.”

As everyone was filing out, I grabbed my beer and stood then before I could take a step I heard, “Sweetheart?”

I looked at Knox, who then nodded at me to retake my seat. I looked at Cotton to see him nod as well. The moment I sat back down, the ole’ ladies lifted their drinks and said, “Welcome to the family.” Grinning, I clinked glasses with them, unsure of what that all meant.

Looking at Knox, he winked at me, and then his face closed down as he stared at the other woman.

“Now, what the fuck are you doing here?”

“It wasn’t safe where I was taken, I saw my ex within a few hours. I’ve come here because I don’t trust anyone other than him to protect me.” She said as she pointed to Knox.

“What’s a Dove?” I asked the other women quietly.

“Let Knox tell you.” Novalie whispered out.

“Then did you go to the contact we told you?” Cotton asked her.

“No. I don’t trust anyone else other than Knox.” She continued on. “He and I had a connection.” I heard her say smugly.

“Well way I see it, you have two options, we relocate you one more time, or you're out of our program.”

“I’ll pay. Fifty thousand dollars.”

“We don’t need your money. That isn’t why we do this.” Cotton continued on.

“Seventy-five for Knox to protect me.” I heard Cooper cough to disguise his laughter.

“Look, you aren’t listening to me. That isn’t how we do things. That isn’t how we operate.” I could see Novalie out of the corner of my eye as she glared at the woman.

“Well I don’t care. If you don’t have Knox protect me, then I’ll go to everyone and I’ll ruin your little operation you have going on.”

I saw Knox’s nostrils flaring. Standing, I made my way over to him, the veins in his neck were popping out.

Uncaring in the least I sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck as I held him close.

I felt his body loosen the merest inch as he wrapped me in his strong arms, pulled me close and buried his face in my neck.

“You don’t threaten me and mine, little girl, now you just lucked out on us protecting you. You’re out.”

“The connection that I shared with him; was unlike anything I have ever felt before.” The woman was going to end up getting bitch slapped.

When Knox’s entire body tightened I whispered in his ear, “Take me.”

He pulled back; I could see the anger swirling in his dark eyes. Without a word, he stood as I wrapped my legs around him.

I faintly heard Walker tell the woman, “You may think you shared a connection with Knox but that woman in his arms, she’s the only one that has a connection to him.”

Smiling into his neck, I squealed as he took me into a room. I didn’t have time to take anything in, no he lifted my skirt so it bunched around my hips, and then he slid his massive cock inside of me.

I moaned as my pussy stretched around him. When I put my hands to the wall he growled, “On me.”

Smiling I placed my hands on his shoulders then I did what I have wanted to do I scraped my finger nails on his skin.

The feel of his hard body beneath my hands as I felt him hitting my g-spot was enough to bring my climax home.

I looked into his eyes as my legs quivered around his waist.

“My room.” He nodded his head around us.

But before I could take everything in, Knox started to pound even harder into me, with one hand on my ass, and the other hand bracing himself on the wall.

When he bit his lip, my orgasm burst free. “Knox.” I moaned.

Just minutes later, Knox followed suit.

Thirty minutes later as I was coming down the steps with Knox at my side it was to see a man storm into the clubhouse as he said angrily. “Shaina, what the fuck?”

She spun around and glared at Cotton, “You called him?”

“He told us something completely different than what you did. Told us he only wanted his baby.”

“Well he can’t have him.” She said, angrily.

“I’ve got a court order. Been looking for you all this time.” The man said as he held out his order.

That was when I had enough, marching over I grabbed the baby out of her arms, carried him over to his father, and then while the woman was bitching, I backhanded her across the face.

“Grow the fuck up. Quit using the baby, its pieces of shit like you, why men don’t trust women.” I snarled.

It was then that cops came to the clubhouse, it was one that knew what Wrath MC did. In the that thirty minutes we had been in his room, he had told me that they save women from abusive relationships and they relocate them with a new identity.

It was the custom bike work and the guns that helped cover the operation.

They arrested the woman for kidnapping the baby.

Since we had other clubs still here from last night, the party raged in full swing.

I had just grabbed Knox and me a beer and a glass of whiskey, on my way back to him it was to see another woman try to put her hands on him.

The rational part of my brain quit working when I did what I did next, stepping between them with my back to Knox I growled, “Mine.”

Luckily, the woman didn’t need more than that she stalked off.

Turning I looked up into his eyes. And then I felt my entire world fall apart around me.

Knox got in my face, I shrunk back. The snarl on his lips terrified me. Had I overstepped?

Hadn’t he claimed me in front of that man and his club? What was different about what I had done?

Then he stormed out of the clubhouse, started his bike, and roared away.

Never mind that I had ridden here with him. I fought the tears that threatened to spill over.

All of the women looked at me with pitying glances.

I put the beer and the glass on the table, walked over to Phoebe and asked, “Can you take me home?”

“Yeah sweetie, come on.” I didn’t look at anyone as I kept my gaze on my feet as I walked out of the clubhouse.

“I’ve never been up here.” Phoebe said in awe as we drove up the road to the house.

Sadly, I asked her, “Do you want a tour?”

“Think I’ll wait sweetie, I know what Knox did was wrong, but he’s the best, make his ass grovel.”

Three hours later I was drunk on my ass as I stumbled to his bed and fell face first, crying into Kida’s fur.

Knox had been gone for ten days, I hadn’t bothered to call or text him. What I had done was packed my bags and if he didn’t come home today, I was leaving.