Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 7


When I awoke it was to find that I was wrapped around Fiona while we slept. Any other time, this would cause me to freak out, but with her, all I felt was being at peace.

This feeling, I hadn’t had it since I was four years old.

Carefully, I untangled my body from hers, pulled the covers over her body, then I placed a kiss on her temple. It felt foreign to do that, but it felt so fucking right.

I dressed for the day, then headed into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I sat out some female chick shit I noticed she liked to use next to the coffee maker. Almond milk, and this hazelnut creamer shit.

As soon as the coffee was finished I poured a cup, black, then walked out to the backyard, while Kida’s nails clicked on the hardwood floors behind me so he could do what he needed to do.

I still haven’t told Fiona what takes me away from the house at different times. She didn’t need to know about the number of deaths by my hands. Sure she could count the crows but still.

Since I had opened up to her, I didn’t want to risk losing her. I hadn’t gotten all of her yet.

Tomorrow night was the Bared Knuckle No Hold Barred fight night and I needed to get prepared.

After I finished with my coffee, left her a note, telling her I was headed to the gym.

Since Virginia had hired another waitress, Fiona’s hours had been cut but she had to be at work in about two hours.

I didn’t bother to wake her up, she was religious about getting up and getting to work on time.

Riding into the clubhouse I pulled my bike around to the side of the garage. Behind it sat the old garage that Cotton transformed into a gym for everyone to use. We had all pitched in to buy the equipment.

I had just laid down on the bench to start on my reps and started to bench press four fifty when Garret walked in.

He saw me, checked my weights, and smirked, shaking his head he muttered, “Valerie’s going to be pissed I get my face bashed in.”

“Then don’t.” I shrugged.

He laughed, “Brother you hit fucking hard.”

And Garret wasn’t a slouch either, he hit just as hard with certain punches.

As the other men filed in I started with my weights.

“Brother, got a Dove, need you to go get her, take her to a secure location.”

Sighing I nodded, finished with my weights and then I stood. Went to my room in the clubhouse, showered, and changed.

When I made it to Dale, I grabbed the file, then I headed to the diner to let Fiona know what was going on.

The moment I parked the SUV that we used for this job it was to see that everyone and their mother had come to the diner this morning.

Opening the door, I walked in, she was walking around filling cups of coffee.

When she looked up, I saw her eyes widen. Then that killer smile broke out on her face.

The moment she made it over to me I leaned in, “Got business with the club. Won’t be home tonight.”

“Okay. Girls and I have a girl day before the fights.”

Nodding, “Alarm system. Keep Kida near you.”

She smiled, leaned in, and kissed my cheek. “Be careful.”

Six hours later when I made it to the location on the file, there was a woman holding a baby sitting outside of a restaurant.

“Colette?” I asked her.

She saw the kutte I had on when I had stepped from the SUV. She nodded then stood as she walked over

I watched as her eyes ate me up which caused my skin to crawl. “Yes, thank god. I’ve been so scared.”

After she loaded the baby up in the car seat that we had in the back, she moved to hug me, “No touching.”

I climbed in the SUV and saw that she had a dark scowl on her face. What the fuck?

My phone pinged with a text, before I started the SUV I checked it. Seeing that it was Fiona I opened the message, Going to bed. Alarm is set. This bed feels lonely without you.

Texting back I said, Be home soon.

The woman sitting beside me was glaring daggers at me for which I had no fucking clue why.

Ignoring her I drove the three hours to unload her and the baby to Powers. I kept a vigil watch on my surroundings taking different routes to ensure that we weren’t followed.

The woman asked all kinds of questions and to be honest it was no wonder the man had hurt her, I know that was wrong to think, but goddamn did she ever shut up?

She asked my full name, how old I was, what my favorite color was, why did I have so many tattoos, on and on. When she finally stopped talking after she got no response from me, the rest of the drive was easy.

The moment I pulled up at the cabin that Powers was using for this, I climbed out, nodded, then watched as the woman climbed out, and grabbed her baby. Grabbing her bag I handed it to Heathen who was standing beside him.

Just as I was walking away, she called out to me, “Hey Knox, why can’t we go with you?”

“Not how this works. I know you were explained that.” I told her.

However, I should have known that the glares the woman had been throwing at me as I walked away should have told me that I needed to be prepared for a woman that had felt scorned.

Jumping in the SUV I drove back home, sadly it was already eleven in the morning. Fiona was having her girl day. Texting her I said, Clubhouse.

I had just taken a sip of my whiskey when I felt her. Looking over at the door I let out a massive growl.

What the fuck? I felt my throat tighten when I took in what she had on, or more accurately what she didn’t have on.

I was up and out of my chair so fast I knocked the chair backward.

The women around her turned their wide-eyed gazes to me as I plowed through the bodies to get to her.

Zeroing my focus in on her I glared as I looked up and down her body.

“Mine.” I growled when I got close to her, wrapped an arm around her waist, hauled her to me, then kissed her.

Any other fuckers chose to go after her after this, then they would be meeting the end of my fist.

Pulling back I said, “Go change.” I fingered the material, “Bedroom later.”

She smirked, winked, then I saw the blinding smile that she tossed to the other women. Confusion marred my brow as I watched her, all of the ole’ ladies, pull hundred dollar bills out of the tops of their dresses and handed them over to Fiona.

“The fuck is this shit.” Cotton pointed to their actions.

“Well, dearest husband, we all had a bet, you see. We bet a hundred dollars to the woman whose man went caveman first. And Knox was the only one that reacted the moment we stepped through.”

Cotton growled, “I was talking to someone.”

“I was trying to figure out what I was seeing.” Cooper muttered as he ran his hands over Miriam’s body.

“You took my breath away baby.” Walker told Sydney.

All of the women rolled their eyes as they too turned to follow Fiona.

“Thanks for making us look like assholes.” Garret muttered darkly as he took off after Valerie.

With a straight face I muttered, “If the shoe fits.”

I waited, four-point five seconds as all of them laughed. Smiling, I turned and walked off.

“Was that an actual fucking smile? I’m buying Fiona a beer.” Shaking my head at Cotton I walked back over to where I was while I waited for Fiona to get finished, I needed her to tape up my hands.

The moment she made it to me, I nodded. Much fucking better.

“Have fun?” I asked her as we waited for York to start the night off.