Twist Me by Mia Monroe


“How do I look?”

I look up when Grey comes out of the bedroom. The smile I had on my face melts away in the wake of his appearance. My dick immediately twitches in my pants, causing me to squirm slightly.

“Are you serious?”

“Is it too much?” he asks.

“No.” I stand and walk to him, my eyes taking in the fishnet black shirt he’s wearing, skintight leather pants, and black boots. He’s pulled his hair half up, twisting it into a messy bun, the rest hanging down over his shoulders. The amount of tattooed supple flesh on display leaves me breathless.

“You are so fucking hot,” I praise. “I don’t want to go anymore. Take me to bed.”

Hooking my hand behind his neck, I pull him in for a steamy kiss. My hands roam under his shirt, tweaking his nipples as I moan into his mouth. He nibbles my bottom lip, grinding his hips into me.

“Fuck, you’re so addictive,” I whisper on his lips. “I cannot get enough.”

“Good,” Grey whispers. “I want you addicted. Craving me like I crave you.”

“I’m gonna fuck the life out of you when we get home.”

A smile spreads across his lips. “Fuck yes.” He forces himself away. “We should go though. We don’t want to be late.”

“Right.” I clear my throat and adjust my package. “I see you chose Big Dick Energy tonight.”

He grins, nodding. “Had to match up to my man.”

I laugh. “Let’s go. What is this party for again?”

Grey shrugs. “The guys just like entertaining. Sounded like a fun night out.”

“Our friends are fun. We’re lucky men.”


I chose to drive, to allow Grey the chance to drink freely. He leans back in the seat with his window down, the cool night air drifting around us. He’s so handsome. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s mine. I feel slightly dishonest, not telling him my birthday is in two days, but I don’t want to put any pressure on him to acknowledge it. Birthdays matter, it’s a celebration of being alive, but it’s enough for me to be thankful this is my life.

When we arrive at our destination, and the gates open, I’m surprised by how many cars are here. I thought it was going to be a small get together, but I guess our friend group has expanded recently.

I get out, waiting for Grey as he joins me. We walk up the circular drive, but I stop him before we go inside. He gazes at me with his head tilted.

“I’m so proud of you.”

Grey smiles. “Why?”

“A million reasons. Also, I have no idea how I’m going to keep my hands off you.”

“Who said you had to?” He tugs on the edge of my black cashmere sweater. “You talk about how good I look, but seriously, you are fire, Mitsu. There’s only one thing that would make you hotter. Maybe two.”

“What’s that?”

“A tattoo.”

I laugh. “And the second thing?”

“Nose piercing. I can see it.”

“We can discuss.”

His face lights up. “Really?”

“Really.” I steal a kiss. “Let’s go inside.”


As he grips my hand, I sense a nervous energy flowing through him, but maybe he’s just excited to see our friends. He rings the doorbell twice, then pushes the massive wood door open and tugs me inside. I hear the soft din of voices as we near the living room, stopping when I see everyone there. I think nearly everyone from both shops is here, but the face that stands out the most is Andres. I look at Grey with a question on my lips, but before I can ask it, he smiles as everyone stops speaking.

“This is for you,” Grey says softly. “Happy birthday, my love.”

My eyes widen. “What? How did you—?”

“A little birdie told me. I hope you’re not mad. I just wanted to celebrate you because you deserve it.”

My heart feels like it’s rapidly expanding in my chest. “You organized a party for me?”

He nods as worry settles over his features. “Is that okay?”

“Grey…” My eyes glance around the room, taking in all the smiling faces. They came here for me. “My heart is overflowing. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I’ll remember it forever. Thank you.”

He exhales as his shoulders drop. “You’re not mad then?”

“No. I’m overwhelmed, in a good way.”


We turn to our friends and they start to clap and welcome me with happy birthday greetings. I separate from Grey, shaking hands and hugging this amazing, caring group of people. Nix walks over and pats my back.

“I told him.”

“I had a feeling.”

“I knew you wouldn’t ask for anything, but like he said, you deserve to be celebrated.”

“You’re a good friend, Nix. Thank you.”

We hug it out, and when I let him go, Andres is standing next to me.

“Happy birthday.”

“Thank you.” I shake his hand. “Happy to see you.”

“Nix let me in on it.”

“This is a wonderful surprise.”

“Mingle,” Grey says, pushing me gently in the butt.

Laughing, I find a spot on the couch, basking in the warm feeling settling in my body. I never saw myself as a lonely person before, but Grey has shown me how much fuller my life could be. He’s filled it with beauty and warmth and excitement. He came in and decorated a blank canvas and left stunning art in his wake. As my eyes meet his across the room, he waves. He’s given me more than I ever knew I needed.

“Hey, Mitsu,” Apollo says, sitting next to me and handing me a shot glass with clear liquid in it. “Celebratory shot?”

“What is it?” I sniff it, my nose accosted by the burning alcohol and scent of licorice.

“Ouzo. The drink of my people.”

I laugh. “I’m driving.”

“No, you’re not,” Grey yells. “I’m driving, and if I can’t, we’ll get an Uber.”

“Or stay in one of the twenty guest rooms we have,” Luca drawls.

“Or that,” Grey says. “Drink up.”

“I want in on this,” Jude says.

“Samesies,” Gen says, sitting on the coffee table in front of me. “Cairo, baby. Come to me.”

Cairo pops over and settles next to Gen. My eyes catch Casper bouncing on his toes, stroking Saint’s beard. “Ooh, Daddy, can I have a shot?”

Saint’s eyes burn with lust. “Aye, boy, enjoy yourself tonight. You’ve been good.”

Casper’s smile beams. “I’ll be even better later.”

“I know.” Saint smacks his ass. “Go have fun.”

Casper joins me on the couch as Apollo fills more shot glasses and Felix hands them out. Jude helps, grabbing a bottle and walking around the room to pour shots for anyone who wants one. Grey claps his hands, getting everyone's attention.

“Let’s toast to the birthday boy.” He lifts his glass as everyone follows

his lead. “Real quick, guys. I just need to gush for a second.” He smiles at me. “I want to recognize a man who means so much to me. He’s taught me things, helped me see myself differently, and hope for a future I was too afraid to want. You mean everything to me. I love you.” He laughs softly. “To Mitsu. Happy birthday, baby.”

“To Mitsu,” Apollo repeats. “On three: Opa. One, two, three…Opa!”

Everyone repeats the word and slams back a shot. Grey is quickly in front of me, leaning down to kiss me. “I love you more than all the sand on South Beach.”

Rubbing his cheek, I smile. “I think you do.”

His eyes soften. “Are you happy?”

“I need a new word for how I feel. I love you, Grey. More than any known word in our vocabulary can express. You are my everything.”

Grey leans in and kisses me again. “Get wasted. I’m taking such advantage of you tonight.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

As the night goes on, I spend hours chatting, laughing, learning new things about old friends, finding common ground with new friends, and falling deeper and deeper in love with the man who made this night happen for me. I spent the first part of my life taking care of my parents and the second part believing I had to take care of myself, but Grey has taught me a much-needed lesson. He’s here now, and I’m no longer alone.

And I never will be again.