Twist Me by Mia Monroe


Sitting at work, I’m finishing work on my art project, when my phone rings with a number I don’t recognize.


“Grey? It’s Nix.”

“Oh hey. How’s it going?”

“Good, man. You?”

“I’m good. I’m calling because I have a feeling Mitsu hasn’t told you that his birthday is next week.”

“What?” I sit up on my stool. “No, he didn’t tell me.”

Nix chuckles. “He’s like that. Every year I show up and force him to dinner or something. He says he doesn’t like the attention or want to put anyone out, but I think that’s a holdover from his upbringing being a caretaker for his parents. I assume you know about that.”

“I do.”

“Yeah, so I was thinking maybe you’d want to do something.”

“Of course. Would he hate it if I just organized something with our friends?”

“No, I don’t think so. I think he’d like it.”

“Okay, awesome. Thank you for telling me. I would've been so upset. Also, I can’t believe we’re dating and this hasn’t come up.”

“I’m sure lots of other important things have.”


“I’m super happy for you guys. Mitsu’s amazing, and you make him really happy.”

I smile. “Thanks, Nix. He’s literally changed my life for the better.”

“That’s awesome. Let me know if I can do anything.”

“I will. I’ll keep you posted.”


After I hang up, I swing around in my chair. Luca is finishing his client’s sunflower on her shoulder.

“What’s good, Grey?”

“Just found out Mitsu’s birthday is next week. I want to have a get together or something.”

“Yeah?” He glances up. “I can ask Cai and Gen. They love entertaining in that big ass mansion we live in.”

“You live in a mansion?” his client asks.

Luca chuckles. “I do.”

Casper comes into the room, carrying a box from Dulce.

“Oh, perfect. Maybe the guys can make a cake.”

“What’s up?” Casper asks.

“Mitsu’s birthday.”

“Ah,” Casper says. “Yeah, you should ask them.”

“I’m popping over to the bakery,” I announce. I hurry outside, crossing the street, and then walking into Dulce. It’s busy, as it usually is, but I see Genesis, Briar, Felix, and Saint on the other side through the glass. Tate nods in my direction as I point to that side. I walk through the back door to get over there.

The guys look up and Briar smiles. “Hey, Grey.”

“Hi, guys. Hope it’s okay I popped over. I just found out Mitsu’s birthday is next week. I want to have a little party for him. Two questions. Any chance I can get a cake made in time, and any chance we can have the party at your place, Gen?”

“My place?”

“Luca mentioned you guys like to entertain.”

His face lights up. “Oh, Cairo loves it. I’m sure he’d be fine with it. Do you need help planning? I have a checklist.”

Both Briar and Saint chuckle as Genesis waves them off.

“What did I miss?” I ask.

“Gen loves a good checklist,” Briar says.

“They work,” Gen sings. “I’ll help you plan.”

“We can make a cake,” Briar offers.

“And other pastries,” Felix adds.

“I’m sure we could put together a few other appetizers too,” Saint chimes in. “We’ll make it nice.”

“Perfect. You guys are awesome.”

“We are,” Gen agrees as Briar playfully smacks his arm and Saint just shakes his head.

“We’re friends,” Briar says. “This is what friends do.”

“Practically family,” Saint adds.” When any of us needs something, we’re all there. That extends to you and Mitsu.”

I smile, feeling my cheeks warm. “I appreciate it.”

“Aye, let us know what kind of cake, eh?”

“Chocolate. We both love chocolate.”

Gen’s face lights up. “Oh, Briar. What about your chocolate mousse torte we made for the Ingle bridal shower? That thing was decadent.”

Briar nods. “Good choice.” He turns to me. “It’s ten thin layers of alternating chocolate and yellow cake with mousse and marshmallow cream. We use a dry brush technique for the icing to balance the richness. It’s simple but delicious.”

“That is perfect for Mitsu. Thank you. Just let me know whatever it costs.”

“We’ll hook you up with a deal, boo,” Gen says.

“Thanks. God. I’m so excited now. Luca’s got my number.”

“Perfect,” Briar says. “We’ll be in touch.”

As I practically float back to the shop, I can’t wipe the grin off my face. I have an opportunity to show Mitsu how special he is. It’s gonna be awesome.

* * *

“Hi, Grey.”

I twist around to see Danny, one of the kids from the youth center. He must have lingered after I finished my talk on taking hormones.

“Hey, Danny. How’s it going?”

“Okay.” The word doesn’t match his face.

“You sure? Need to talk?”

“I was just wondering something.” He looks down at his feet, kicking his scuffed tennis shoe along the crack in the floor tile. “Um, like, how do you tell somebody you like?”

I tuck my hair behind my ear as I lean on the desk. “Tell somebody you’re trans?”

“Yeah. Someone you like.” He wraps his arms around his chest, shifting uncomfortably. “Someone you want to maybe date or something.”

“Ah. How old are you, Danny?”

“Fifteen. This girl, she’s in my class. Her name is Lana, and she’s so pretty.”

“That’s a nice name.”

“Yeah. She thinks I’m a girl though. My mom and her boyfriend don’t know about me yet. Everyone just thinks I’m a tomboy, but I think Lana sees me as more. I think she sees my heart.”

I nod, smiling, thinking back on my own teen angst, coupled with transitioning fears. “Is it safe for you if your family found out?”

He shakes his head. “Don’t think so.”

“Okay, so my first advice is gonna be to be really careful. You have to make sure you can trust Lana, or anyone else you might tell, because if she tells a friend or her parents, anything could happen.”

“Yeah, I thought about that.”

“I also think you should consider talking to one of the counselors here for guidance. I don’t know much about being fifteen and dating. I just know it’s an important decision to make.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll set up an appointment.”

“Good. I can tell you something else though.”

He gazes up at me with hopeful eyes.

“Everything is going to be okay. It’s gonna be hard, but it’s gonna be worth whatever path you take.”

His eyes tear up a little as he nods. “I hope you’re right.”

“I am, and you know Mac and I are always here for you too.”

A slight smile pulls at his lips. “Yeah. Thanks, Grey.”

“You’re welcome, Danny.”

I watch him leave, but an unsettled feeling lingers. I worry about the kid sometimes, but I know he’s in a safe place here and has resources. I just hope he takes advantage of them. It’s kids like him that keeps me coming here. If I can help even one person feel like they’re not alone, then it’s worth giving up a few nights and weekends.

Knowing Mac is coming later, I send him a quick text, letting him know to keep an eye on Danny, then finish straightening the room. The next speaker should be here soon.

As I walk to my car, I glance around the parking lot, my eyes settling on a familiar face. They walk swiftly across the asphalt, but when they look in my direction, I’m hit with a flash of recognition. Andres. I look away quickly, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. I have sunglasses on, so maybe he doesn’t know I saw him. It can take a lot of bravery to show up to something like this. I hope he finds the answers he’s seeking.

Back at my apartment, I take a quick shower and plop on the couch, flicking the TV on and flipping through channels until I settle on a sci-fi movie. I miss Mitsu, but I know he’s doing a private instruction lesson today. I’m sure he’ll call when he’s finished, and maybe we can hang out later. For now, I’ll try to entertain myself.

Even though all I want to do is lose myself in his ropes.