Twist Me by Mia Monroe


Around two in the morning, I hustle a drunk Mitsu into the car with the help of Nix and Tate. It’s funny as hell to see my normally chill man let loose like this. All night, he’s been laughing, dancing with Gen and Cairo, and super affectionate with me.

“I’ve never seen him drunk.”

Nix laughs. “It’s only my third time. It’s rare but funny. Don’t be surprised if he breaks out in song on the way home.”

“I heard that,” he mumbles with a grin. “I’m not that drunk.”

Tate flashes me a look and I snort. “Okay, babe.” I buckle his seat belt and kiss his cheek. “Ready?”

“I’m gonna fuck the life out of you.”

Nix’s eyes widen as Tate laughs.

“Um, we’re not alone yet,” I whisper.

“Tie you up,” Mitsu continues, leaning his head back with his eyes closed. “Worship your body. It’s so nice.”

“Uh...thanks, babe.” I turn to the guys. “I better get us out of here now.”

“Big Dick Energy,” Mitsu mumbles.

“Oh god,” I groan. “Wow.”

“You should see it, Nix. So hot.”

“Yeah, okay, definitely time to go.”

Nix laughs as Tate wraps his arm around his waist. “Truth serum,” Tate says.

“Yeah. Thanks for your help.”

“And his mouth,” Mitsu continues. “Fuck, you should see what he can do with his mouth.”

I feel my cheeks burning, but as I try to shut the door, Mitsu grabs my wrist, opening his eyes. “I fucking love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll get you home, okay?”

“Okay.” He nods, smiling with half-closed eyes. “Home to fuck.”

“Yeah.” I finally get the door closed. “On that note.”

“Have fun with him,” Nix says.

“I’m sure he’ll just pass out when we get home.”

“If he makes it that far,” Tate adds. “I think it’s cute as shit.”

“It’s sweet, in a weird way. I’ll see you guys soon.”

I drive carefully, keeping an eye on Mitsu. A few minutes into the drive, he fumbles with the button on the stereo and “Love Shack” comes on. Within seconds, Mitsu is singing along with it at the top of his lungs. To say he’s off-key is an understatement, but he’s clearly enjoying himself, bouncing in his seat and singing the lyrics with enthusiasm. He yells out “tin roof” then dissolves into a fit of laughter. Mental note: get Mitsu drunk more often.

When the song ends, he chuckles, brushing hair from his face. “Our house is a love shack.” He snorts as if it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “It’s also a fuck shack.”

“You’re very interested in fucking tonight, aren’t you?”

“Not just tonight. Since I met you. All I want is to lose myself in you. Taste you, feel you, breathe you.”

“Still poetic, I see.”

Mitsu grips my hand. “What kind of dog are we getting?”

“We can talk about it later.”

He nods. “Okay, but we’re doing it. We’re starting our family. Do you want to get married? I would marry you.”

I nearly run the car off the road. “Babe.”

“I would. I’ll do anything you want. Anything. It would make me so happy to marry you.”

I feel my eyes tear up and blink them away so I can drive safely. Mitsu seems to drift off as I finish the drive, but when I pull into his driveway, he opens his eyes. I twist toward him, smiling.

“Ready to go inside?”

“I meant it. I’m not that drunk.”

I pat his leg. “We can talk tomorrow.”

“Yeah. I had so much fun tonight, Grey. You’re the best.”

“Good. That was the goal.”

Once I get him in the house and down the hall to the bedroom, I sit him on the edge of the bed. “I’m getting water. I’ll be right back.”

“Then we’re fucking.”

I nod. “Then we’re fucking.”

Chuckling, I head for the kitchen to get the water and ibuprofen he’s gonna need. When I return, Mitsu is sprawled on the bed, softly snoring. I can’t help but smile. I set the water down, pulling his boots and jeans off, then his sweater. I try to wake him up, but he’s out. I pull his legs onto the bed and pull the covers over him before undressing myself and joining him. As I cuddle close, I smile, whispering, “happy birthday.” There will be plenty of time for fucking later.

For now, this is more than enough.

* * *

I wake to warm hands massaging my chest. Mitsu nuzzles my neck, pressing soft kisses there.

“Morning,” he whispers, his minty breath warming my cheek.

“How do you feel?”


I laugh softly. “You’re insatiable.”

“I am. I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

I twist around to look at him. “It’s okay. You were hilarious.”

“Did I say anything terribly incriminating?”

“Not really.”

Mitsu cups my face. “I’m happy you’re here.”

“Me too.”

He brushes my hair from my forehead. “A little thing about me, I never forget the things I say, even under the influence.”

“Good to know.”

“What I’m saying is I remember telling you that I would marry you.”

I nod, unsure of what to say.

“It’s not the most romantic proposal, and you deserve far better, but the sentiment is true.”

Reaching up, I cup his face. “That’s sweet.”


I shrug. “I’m not sure that matters to me. I told you all I wanted was forever, and you’ve already given me that. I know you love me without a formal ceremony to prove it.”

He nods, but his brow furrows. “It remains open, then. Maybe you’ll change your mind someday.”

“Maybe. Are you worried I won’t stay without it?”

“No.” His brow relaxes as he smiles. “I think I just wrongly assume all young people want to get married.”

“It’s not something that’s been on my list. Maybe I will change my mind someday, and if I do, you’ll be the first person I tell.”

“I should hope so.”

“Is it something you want?”

He smiles, looking uncharacteristically shy. “Since I met you the idea has planted inside me. I’ve never felt so strongly about a person. Every day, the idea grows a bit.”


“But there’s no pressure. Whatever you want this to be is fine with me, as long as you stay.”

“I’ll stay.” We cuddle close for a few minutes while I try to process what he just said. “What do you want to do today?”

“Fuck.” Mitsu laughs, burrowing his face in my neck. Then he gazes up at me, his eyes softening. “Make love to you. All day and all night.”


“If you wish.”

“I wish.”

“Let’s shower off last night, and then we’ll spend the day in the garden.”

“Is it my birthday now?”

Mitsu laughs. “No, but when is it, or do you plan to be mysterious like me?”

Playing with a lock of his hair, I shake my head. “November tenth.”

“Noted.” He kisses me sweetly. “Ready to get up?”

“I am.”

We head to the shower, quickly washing and drying off. After a quick cup of coffee and a piece of toast, we move to the garden. My body is already brimming over with excitement.

“You feel okay today?” I ask.

Mitsu chuckles softly, bowing his head. “I’m perfect. I may have to avoid Apollo for future parties. He can drink.”

“He can. He was downing Ouzo like it was water and didn’t seem affected at all. I asked him how he did it and he said, ‘I’m Greek,’ as if that was ample explanation.”

“Apparently it is.” Mitsu pulls me into his arms. “Thank you for taking such good care of me last night.”

“Of course. I’m just glad you weren’t mad that I made a fuss about your birthday.”

“On the contrary. I felt taken care of. Seen. Loved.”

I smile. “Perfect.”

“Yes, you are. Now go stand under the frame.”


I watch as he chooses a handful of ropes, feeling the anticipation swirling in my stomach. I never thought in a million years that I would come to love this activity, but here I am, craving it like my favorite meal.

“On your back, love,” Mitsu says, returning to me.

I clamor into position, intrigued by what he has planned for me this session. Mitsu sets the ropes down and walks away, turning on soft music and lighting incense. When he returns, he smiles, bowing before righting himself.

“I’ve performed this position several times, so you can trust that I know what I’m doing.”

“I always do.”

He smiles. “I’ve never performed it with someone I desired. I’ve never done it with the intent to explore it sexually.”

“That makes it kind of new then, right?”

“Right. I’ll start now.”

“I’m ready.”

Mitsu starts at my left ankle, tying intricate knots up my legs. He shows me how he leaves part of the rope loose. “This is the tail. I’ll use it to anchor you to the frame for suspension.”


As he works, whispering words of love and admiration, I close my eyes, absorbing all of this. Being in this room is the most relaxing place for me now. Never saw that coming. Mitsu is back to his normal centered, calm self, which I adore, but honestly I can’t wait for another opportunity to see him let loose like he did last night.

He straddles me, his legs on either side of my waist as he begins working on my arms. The patience and skill required for what he does is awe inspiring, but I guess in some ways it’s like what I do with detailed tattoos. Perfection cannot be rushed.

Eventually, he steps back, checking his work by tugging on ropes in various places. He nods with satisfaction and starts hooking the rope tails to the frame. When he kneels next to me, he leans down and kisses me softly.



“So am I. You look fucking amazing.”

“Thanks to you.”

Mitsu grins as he stands and begins hoisting me off the ground, and the rope work he created shows itself to me. I’m in a cradle of sorts as the ropes underneath me carry my weight. My legs and arms are separated and straight above me in a perfect V. I feel weightless. Small.

Mitsu stands behind me, dragging his fingers through my hair before quickly braiding it up. He does the same to his hair as he moves in front of me where I can see him. I let my eyes roam over his body, toned and resonating with strength. He’s eyeing me with such a lustful gaze it takes my breath away. He looks like a predator about to attack his prey and I. Am. Here. For. It.

Mitsu starts by stepping between my legs and running his hands over my chest, lightly tweaking my nipples. He grips the ropes on either side of my chest, pulling me up to him and attacking my mouth. He kisses me so hard I think my lips might bruise, that thought sending shockwaves of lust through my body. I love how this sweet, gentle man turns into such a beast when sex mode is activated.

His hands slide up my neck, gripping my braid and tugging my head back to expose my neck to him. He gazes at my flesh like a vampire admiring his meal before grinning and diving in. He kisses, bites, sucks, leaving me whimpering and about to beg for more.

“Mark me,” I whisper. “Please.”

Mitsu’s eyes meet mine, his lids heavy with lust. “Mark you?”

“Leave a mark. I want to see it when I look in the mirror. I want everyone to see it and know I’m yours.”

“You drive me wild, Grey. You reduce me to my most basic self. I want to twist you apart, climb inside, and become part of you. I sound insane, but I feel so strongly. I’m drunk on you.”

“Do it. Twist me open, tear out all my fears and insecurities, climb inside me and stay there forever. If you’re insane, so am I.”

He grips my chin roughly. “I love you.”

“I know.”

“Good. Prepare yourself.”

He attacks my neck again, sucking hard and leaving the flesh tingling as he releases me and moves behind me. This time when he pulls my braid, he tilts my head back enough to drag his dick across my lips. I lap at it, tasting his precum and moaning from the flavor that is so expressly him. He squeezes the tip, producing an iridescent droplet that drips off his dick and onto my lip. I lick them, desperate for more.

He slides his dick in my mouth, fucking into my throat as he twists my nipples. When his hand reaches between my legs, my back arches from the sensation. He rubs, slowly, leisurely stoking the fire deep within me. He’s learned every nuance of my body, how it works, how it responds, and just like he is with his ropes, he is a master. It doesn’t take long for me to fall apart under him in the first of what I’m sure will be many orgasms.

Mitsu pulls back, dragging his hands up my chest before leaning in and kissing me hard again. He moves so he’s between my legs again, gazing down at me as I’m still catching my breath.

“You are...unbelievable,” he whispers. “So beautiful.”

“Fuck me. Please, Mitsu. Get inside me.”

“I will, my beloved. I need to pace myself.” He disappears from my view as he drops to his knees. I feel his fingers kneading my ass as he pulls the cheeks apart. He’s close enough I can feel his hot breath on my skin. “So pretty.”

Pretty! Oh my god, this man.

“Mm,” he murmurs as his tongue finds my entrance.

I exhale slowly, relaxing against the ropes. I love the sensation of his stubble on the tender skin there, his tongue pushing into me, his fingers joining soon after. He eats me out as he strokes my dick, as though he’s got all afternoon, but I’m flinching and straining against the ropes, desperate for another orgasm. His hand presses against my stomach, pulling me closer to him, and then I’m lost, falling again in a wave of ecstasy.

“Oh fuck, Mitsu. Fuck. So good. You’re so good.”

“I’m just starting.” He latches onto my dick now, sucking and licking.

Hard. Soft. Fast. Slow.

Torturing me until everything drains my body, leaving me limp in the ropes. I cry out his name as yet another orgasm takes hold, gripping every inch of me. Tears leak from my eyes as ragged breath leaves my lips. Mitsu stands, gazing down at me with pure love in his eyes.


“Fuck no,” I whisper, my voice too hoarse to speak.

Mitsu grins. “Now, beloved, now I fuck you.”

“Please. Fill me. I need you so bad.”

After a squirt of the lube we brought with us, he slides into me, and Jesus, the burn is sensational as it tears through me. My channel tightens around him like a vise, holding him to me, refusing to let him go. Ever. I could live in these fucking ropes, just like this.

Mitsu grips the ropes holding me, swinging my body into him as he tries to hit the deepest part of me. The blood rushes to my head as a tingling feeling builds in the pit of my belly again. I didn’t know I was capable of coming this many times. My attention shifts back to Mitsu when he bites into my calf, growling and pounding into me with everything he’s got.

His eyes bore into mine, filled with so much emotion, I’m close to tears from the sight. The muscles in his arms tense, his chest tightens, and his jaw ticks as his eyes flutter.

“Oh fuck, Grey. Fuck.”

“Give it to me, baby. Fill me up. I love it so much. I love you.”

He throws his head back, jerking as he empties into me. He slumps forward, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my sweaty face and neck, still fucking me at a slower pace.

“I want to taste,” I whisper. “Us. I want to taste us.”

Mitsu gazes up, his eyes filled with wonder. “Yes. I’ll feed you.” He sinks to his knees, and I gasp when I feel his tongue between my legs. When he stands again, he kisses me hard, sharing his release with me. The sweet musky taste leaves me awestruck, and I kiss him again, reveling in the total abandon he brings out in me. He stumbles away, leaning against the frame behind him, panting with his hands resting on his knees.

Several minutes pass, the two of us coming down from an incredible high. He pulls the ropes, lowering me slowly back to Earth, then lies next to me on the pillows. I roll over, burrowing into his side as he strokes my hair.

“I don’t know how we’ll ever top that,” he says softly, the humor returning to his voice.

“I guess we’ll just have to keep trying.”

“Yes. We can do it. I have faith in us.”

I laugh. “We are some kinky motherfuckers, aren’t we?”

Mitsu twists to face me. “We have no boundaries, and I fucking love it.”


“We should eat some food. Not just each other.”

Nodding, I smile. “Yeah. Last night, in front of Nix and Tate, you told me that you were gonna fuck the life out of me.”

His eyes widen. “I take back what I said earlier. Apparently I do forget things I said under the influence.”

“And you said I had Big Dick Energy.”

He cringes. “Classy.”

“It was funny.”

“What else did I do?”

“A lovely rendition of Love Shack.”

“Nice. Ouzo is dangerous.”

“I don’t know. It was kind of nice seeing you let go.”

“You realize I only could because I was with you. You make me feel free and young again.”

“You are young.”

He smiles. “Yes, I’ve been reborn and baptized in your love. I want so many things with you.”

“What first?”

“How about that nose piercing?”

Grinning, I nod. “Casper will do it. I can’t wait to see you. You’re already so fucking sexy, it’s probably gonna make my head explode.”

“Whatever pleases you, my beloved.”

Suddenly his earlier words rush back to me, filling me with a longing I never thought possible. I want to marry him.

“What’s wrong, my love?”

I shake my head, shocked by my own thoughts. “Nothing. Everything is perfect actually. Can I move my things in soon? I can’t imagine going back to my apartment when I could be here.”

“Today if you want. I would love it.”

“How about just some clothes today?”

“Perfect. I never want you to leave.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “Let me get you out of these ropes, then we’ll get some lunch and go to your apartment.”


As Mitsu unwraps me, I let the idea of marrying him play in my mind, aware of how the thought shifts from shock to the sweetest, warmest feeling I’ve ever had. I’ll tell him later though. After I’ve had more time to get used to the idea.

He pulls me upright, brushing stray hair from my face. “You are gorgeous when you’ve been thoroughly fucked, my sweet Grey.”

“Yeah? Well you’re sexy as fuck. You’re an absolute beast.”

“And you have unchained me.”

We get to our feet, leaving the garden with our hands entwined. What’s next for us is anyone’s guess.

But I have a feeling it’s going to be amazing.