Her Darkest Devils by Ginna Moran

Chapter 17


How to Save a Life

“ONE OF US has to go appease Lucian. He believes we’re plotting against him.” Micah’s voice tugs me from the dark recesses of my mind. “He’s asking about Raven. I told him that until he shares his business in regards to her on his days that I won’t be humoring such demands of information.”

“The bastard will grow suspicious if we don’t take her home.” Dante hisses under his breath. “It’s supposed to be my day, so I’ll take her.”

Micah sighs. “She’s not going to willingly leave Elias.”

I groan and stretch my arms over my head. My body feels as if Joel nearly beat me to death all over again. It takes a lot of effort to open my eyes, my mind still in a state of bliss from Dante injecting me with his venom. Everything over the last day has been a blur, and I barely remember where I am—a new apartment outside of Angel Canyon and toward Lake Hills. It’s far ritzier than the apartment complex I lived at before, this one having a wall around the complex and a security guard at the entrance. Plus the view of the valley and a nearby lake is breathtaking. This could be the perfect getaway spot if it had more than one bedroom.

A big body shifts on the couch and helps ease me up. Dante snuggles his arms around me, letting me rest against his chest. I can’t stop the heat warming my skin. Everyone sits so close in a protective wall around me, even Andre, sitting within his summoning circle.

“Fucking finally, angel-girl. How you feeling? You’re so lucky that all I have the urge to do is love up on you instead of punishing your bubble butt like I had planned.” Kase gets in my face and clutches my cheeks. He ever so gently brushes his lips to mine, kissing me softly. “And it makes me ragey as fuck. I want to murder everyone in the vicinity of that damn compound for your pain. That bastard is going to be planted right beside Joel in my fucking kingdom with his asshole out instead of his face. My legion will enjoy—”

“Kase, that was Elias’s friend.” I cringe at the thought of Kase’s eternal punishment, remembering the weird ass trees in the forest of wrath. “Maybe leave his asshole out of it. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed.”

Red light glows in his smoldering gaze. “It’s an expectation mortals have, and I can’t disappoint if they think Hell wants a piece of the shittiest part of them.”

“Yeah, but like I said, Preston was Elias’s friend. They were close like brothers. He might’ve been a fucking bastard but so are you all sometimes. Do I have to remind you of the dumpster plan?” I ask, trying to remain serious. Turning to Micah, I add, “Or the whole, I should only belong to you bullshit.”

Dante hisses, sitting up straighter. “You naughty soul, holding stuff against us. Maybe ask Jizz Master what he wants to happen. Souls don’t go to Hell for a good time...at least not the truly bad ones. Occasionally, we get ones that just reject the Higher Power and all the mortal rules around it to scare souls. Those ones we have a soft spot for.”

I tip my head back. “What? Are you for real? Even good people can go to Hell? You guys never mentioned it.”

“How do you think demons have come to be? We’re not creators and not many angels abandon grace, as you know. Call it a perk.” Kase grins at me. “Of course, unless you contracted your soul, then that’s another story.”

Andre groans and rubs his fingers through this hair. “I’m sorry, little hellion. I know you have an insatiable curiosity but Lucian keeps tapping into Hell. I need to leave, but I need to know what we’re planning and what I need to do.” He looks to Dante. “Perhaps I can take her to my kingdom and feign another...incident. It would better explain Raven’s absence and why I never brought her back.”

Kase chuckles. “You’re just ready to recreate it, so no. Her pussy is closed for knotting until we figure out what to do and how to handle Lucian.”

Heat warms my cheeks. “Kase.”

Elias’s eyes widen. I don’t think he knows what had happened, but by his expression, he obviously has an idea. “Shit, darlin’. That would be one helluva...” His words trail off and he snaps his mouth shut. “Why don’t you let Dante and Kase take you home? Appease Lucian for a moment so he doesn’t come searching. Micah will watch out for me and make sure I don’t keel the fuck over without one last bang.”

I want to argue so badly with his suggestion. How can I leave him after everything? Not only is my fate tied to his, but I also just got him back. I had no idea how hard being away from my soulmate would be. We re-bonded quickly. I know I have my other devils to keep me occupied, but...I want them all. I love this moment with us all working together.

I press my lips together and turn to Micah. “Is that okay with you?”

He nods. “I will protect him with my very being as if he is you. Go home with Kase and Dante and perhaps use your light to set him aglow. Whatever happened between you recently has him...acting anxious.”

Sighing, I palm my forehead. I’d already forgotten how I ran out on Lucian after his crazy jerking off session right in front of me and how we both knew I liked it. “Oh, jeez.”

“This is Micah’s way of asking what the fuck went down without flat out asking,” Kase says, lifting an eyebrow. “Because he’s right. He’s a bit more obsessed. You show him your tits? Stroked his horns? We know he’s hot.”

“And you’re our perfect kinky soul. We won’t blame you. Hell, whatever gets him in a good mood...if that’s what you want. I’m happy whipping the Hell out of him.” Dante nuzzles his nose to the crook of my neck.

I throw my hands up. “I don’t know what the fuck is really going on. He infuriates me yet he turns me on. I just—I don’t want to go there with him because he hasn’t accepted that I’m officially a devil cock collector. I’m greedy, envious, wrathful, lusty, and a damn glutton because of all of you...and I like it.”

“I fucking love it,” Dante teases. “Whatever makes you happy.”

His words stretch a smile across my face. I had no idea how amazing it would feel to know that there are others who want me to have my way and create a life I can happily live eternity in. And the feeling is mutual.

“You all make me happy,” I say, smiling. “Enough to deal with Lucian and the saviors. Because I want this forever.” I motion to all of us. “This is my idea of the perfect eternity.”

“Then let’s get the fuck to it.” Kase stretches out his arms. “Time to show these bastards what you’re truly capable of.”


I knock on the doorframe of Lucian’s room, catching sight of him just sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks so incredibly angelic as he stares off into space. Turning his head, he meets my gaze, and for a split second, I realize that Micah was right. Something has changed. Unfortunately, he summons his dickwad self and narrows his eyes.

“What?” he asks, his hellfire lighting his eyes. “I’m not in the mood for bullshit, Raven. Your rejection is getting on my nerves.”

I hurt his pride by leaving. Of course I did.

My mouth takes on a mind of its own and I smile despite my good senses. “You think I was ever in the mood for your bullshit, Satan? Stop acting like I pegged you without lube.”

He growls.

I grin wider. “And I won’t apologize for leaving. You need to learn that you’re not entitled to me, even if you turn me on. Your asshole deals ruined your chance for me to give in...but there’s time to fix this crap. Find Elias for me, and maybe I’ll reward you. End my contract, and maybe I’ll fuck you how you imagine. Let me control the deal for once.”

“No,” he snaps. “Your manipulation won’t work when your soul is mine and I know you’ll give in.”

I narrow my eyes. “Not if I find Elias first. Which we’re close. We’re going to find him today, and then I’ll be one step closer to getting my own power.”

He remains expressionless. “Sounds like a damn plan. I have business I need to attend to and need Dante by my side, so we can make a day out of it.”

My smile falters. I had intended to push his buttons and make him realize he won’t ever get his way, not turn my day with Dante into a satanic errand. Shit. “Fine.”

Is that a blip of surprise on his face? Fuck yeah, it is. He thought I’d deny him.

“I can’t wait to see your face when we get Elias without your help,” I add, forcing my face to obey my command to smirk. “And since you’ve been so unhelpful, I’ll make sure to be loud enough for even Heaven to hear when I sit on his face. Bend over and plant my palms on the floor. Have Dante and Kase teach him how to use the swing and give everyone a show. He’d do it for me.” Warmth builds between my legs at my attempt to make him jealous, because it reminds me of putting on a show for Andre.

Standing up, Lucian strides across the room, trying to intimidate me with his presence. His onyx eyes smolder like coal, and he braces his hand on the doorframe above my head. His scent, like smoky incense, engulfs me. It might be the first time I’ve paid attention. Breathed a little deeper. Teasing Lucian is like playing with a grenade and if I fuck around too much, he’ll go off. But I don’t think any sort of explosion between Lucian and I could be more dangerous than everything I’ve been through. If anything, it’ll prove just how tough I am. I break angels. I stand beside devils. I can handle Lucian.

“Careful, Raven. You’re teasing my darkness. I’d accept another whipping to taste your lips, you know. Steal a kiss that will set your soul off. That’s all it would take.” Lucian bows closer, gliding his tongue over his bottom lip as he studies my mouth. “One small touch will weaken your knees.”

Ah Hell. “I’m starting to think you enjoy me hurting your pride.”

Lucian graces me with a wicked smile. “We both know you’re lying to yourself. You won’t reject me. You already shift your legs open in anticipation. You imagine what it would be like if I licked every inch of you. How you could hold onto my horns. Feel my power in every nerve ending of your clit.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. He’s getting to me, putting the exhilarating, filthy thoughts in my mind. It takes everything in me to shove my hand to his chest and push him back. “Not today, Satan,” I say, grinning. I’ve always wanted to fucking say that. “Today belongs to my sexy devil of envy. If you haven’t noticed his tongue...hmm, maybe I’ll go sit on his face for a bit. He loves that.”

Lucian releases a deep growl, practically shooting fire from his nostrils. If Dante didn’t hiss from behind me and engulf me in his arms, I’m nearly certain Lucian would’ve done something crazy like drop to his knees and show me the truth of his words.

“Damn straight, I do.” Dante sticks out his tongue slowly, moving each side in a way that sends tingles exploding through me. “You love it too. I could bury myself between your thighs and rest in peace for eternity.”

Lucian growls again. “She won’t want you to after she experiences me. I’ll prove it.” Turning to me, Lucian reaches out and touches my hand, surprising me. “Say yes. We’ll have a competition.”

I can’t get my mouth to work, the sudden intensity of both devils staring at me setting my soul ablaze.

Dante breaks first and grins. “You heard Raven. Not today, Satan.” Bellowing a laugh, Dante whacks Lucian on his back. “We have shit to do. Soulmates to find. A new manicure for my pretty soul, too. Glorious sex to have. TLC for a little something-something.” He winks at me.

TLC doesn’t ever mean what I think it does as Dante adds his own damn words to the acronym. Last time it was Tasty Long Cock. Before that, it was Tight Little Cunt when he mentioned needing my TLC. I figured that one out quickly. This time? Who fucking knows what he means. Hopefully Tighten Lucian’s Collar or something. That devil needs a damn leash.

“The Lube Collection,” he whispers in my ear. “Him and Her. For some training.” And by training, I don’t think he means what he usually means. We’re not preparing and stretching. Shit.

“After we fucking check in at the Demon’s Den to make sure your bullshit stays in line. I’ve had two fucking locations hit by guardians.” Pushing past us, Lucian heads to the hallway and abandons us in his doorway. “I want to set a trap somewhere they haven’t hit.”

Dante dramatically rolls his eyes. “What a fucking waste of time. Gia keeps things tighter than an angel’s asshole. The guardians won’t try.”

“Prove me wrong.” Lucian flashes his devil façade. “If my trap proves to be unnecessary, I’ll lick your damn a—”

“No deals,” I snap, dangling my arms on Dante’s shoulders. “Just be a good, quiet devil and I’ll let you tag along as a third wheel. If you can do that, maybe you can watch me sit on Dante’s face later. See what you’re missing for being an outrageous dick.”

“I need more than a maybe.” Lucian graces me with a wicked smile.

I glare. “No. That’s not how this works. I already told you what I want in exchange for a possibility of me even humoring your twisted fantasy about me.”

“You say that now, but you’ll see. I’ll give you a few hours. You’re going to regret denying me and then you’ll beg.” This bastard. “I guarantee it. I know something about you that you haven’t realized yet.”

“What’s that?” I hate my curiosity.

“You’re selfish. Needy. Greedy like your soulmate. And I’ll use it against you.” Lucian pulls his phone from his pocket and taps the screen.

I glance from him to Dante, waiting to see what he’s talking about.

“Hey, babe. Want to meet up?” he asks, smirking at me. “Cool, yeah. At the Demon’s Den. Wear something hot.”

I frown, wondering what the fuck is going on.

Lucian disconnects the line and grins. “You all set? Now I’m fucking ready to go.”


I could kill him.

I will kill him.

The next time I find myself locked in his room with him, I’m going to get on my knees, pretend that I’m finally giving in, and then I’m going to use the force of Hell to bite his fucking cock off.

I can’t believe he pulled this shit. Or that Tamia has fallen for his charm.

What’s even worse is that I’m jealous. He was right about me. I’m needy and greedy, and even though Lucian pisses me the hell off, I don’t want to see him with anyone else. Even if it’s just to get to me. He hasn’t done anything to make me think he’s slept with her or anything, but if he has? He’s not going to ever have a piece of my eternity. He still might not. I don’t want a jerkoff who manipulates my emotions already, and this is crossing a damn line.

And I blow up.

“Lucian, I need to talk to you.” I snatch him by the front of his shirt and use my Hell strength to drag him away from Tamia before he has a chance to sit in the booth beside her.

Dante slides up against my back, towering behind me, looking fully ready to restrain Lucian so that I can hurt him in a way I hadn’t expected him to hurt me. Turning slightly, I press my hand to his chest, silently getting him to stay behind. I know he’s worried about what happened after the last time I went off on Lucian at the bar and grill, but I need to handle this myself. He needs to be put in his place by my terms.

“I don’t think so. We have nothing to talk about.” Lucian tries to join Tamia again.

I slam my hands into his chest, nearly pushing him to the floor. I’ll tackle him if I have to. Because I’m over this.

“Like fuck we don’t,” I say, herding him with my body, feeling the dozens of gazes of Hell-bound humans and demons alike bearing witness to me manhandling the one everyone is supposed to be afraid of.

Lucian snarls at me, his eyes lighting with fire. It takes everything in me to keep pushing him, but I refuse to back down. My actions strike a nerve, because he only lets me get in one more shove before lifting me off my feet and slinging me over his shoulder. I pound my fists into his back, wishing he would’ve just grabbed my hand, but this is typical devil behavior. Even Kase and Dante choose to carry me everywhere I let them. I don’t know if it’s because they feel like they’re protecting me better or what, but with Lucian, it’s definitely him flexing power back. He won’t let me humiliate him in front of bottom feeder demons.

“Stop fighting or you’re not going to like how I restrain you,” Lucian says, kicking the door open to the back room and where the kitchen is. A few people scatter and duck as if they expect to receive the fury of Hell with our arrival.

“Lucian, damn it. Put me down!” I yell, yanking his shirt up. I scratch my nails along his skin until I feel the rough bumps of scars. Not just any scars. These are where his wings used to be.

He freezes at the touch of my fingers turning from all-out vicious to curious, and I can’t stop myself from exploring him in a way I’ve never been allowed. Kase and Micah no longer show their scars, and I’ve never felt them with their human forms, but Lucian likes the reminder, I guess.

“Put me down,” I say again, my voice softer than it was before.

Lucian finally flips me off of his shoulder and sets me on my feet. I glimpse his rock-hard abs as his shirt falls down again, and I can’t stop myself from staring. Damn his sexy body. It shouldn’t get to me the way it does.

Strolling closer, he pushes me, herding me this time until I hit my back on a counter. He locks his fingers to my hips and picks me up, plopping my ass down, and gets right between my legs. I peek down between us and glower at the bulge hardening in his pants. He was utterly wrong about me not liking how he planned to restrain me. Which is actually worse for me.

“Go on and speak your mind, Raven,” Lucian says, the heat of his power buzzing over my skin. “Tell me how you’re going to try to send me to Hell for inviting your cousin here. Or how you’ll never be with me because of it. Tell me you have plenty of other devils to choose from and how you’ll bend over and let them train bang you while leaving me out.”

This fucker. He’s not even letting me get a word out. I want so badly to tell him that he’s right about all those things, but another more dominant part of me just wants him to stop. I want him to truly listen to me. Because I don’t like this game of cat and mouse. He toys with me over and over again, pushing my buttons, and then he’ll show me a glimpse of his softer side. I can’t stand the hurricane of emotions warring between us.

“Lucian, why do you have to be a godforsaken dick all the time? Of course I didn’t want you to call my cousin and to bring her here. You think I’m jealous or whatever, but I just don’t want her involved. I don’t want her getting hurt. What I wanted was for you to fucking be nice to me and show me that I’m not wasting my damn time with trying to figure you out. I’m pissed because you’re too stubborn to realize that it’s not about me or the other devils. I love them. I love being with them. And I fucking would love to have that with you but with the way you act? I can see it’ll never be. You can’t get off your fucking throne and pull that stick out of your ass that keeps you believing you’re above everyone when you’re really just stuck and miserable.” I blow out a breath and hang my head, letting my hair fall into my face to veil me protectively.

“Raven, I—”

I cover his mouth with my hand. “I’m not done. You’re going to let me speak. What you’ve done is take things too damn far. You know, trying to manipulate me and seduce me into having a physical relationship is annoying but whatever. Trying to use my cousin to do so? If I find out that you’ve even so much as thought of fucking her—” I point between us. “This will never, and I mean never, fucking happen. You can’t prove you want me this way. You know my place and what I’m trying to accomplish. You can agree or disagree in building an eternity alongside me and the other devils. But just know that I draw a line.”

He blows a hot breath against my palm and snatches my wrist. Fire burns over his face eating away his handsome features and turning him into his monstrous form. His horns jut out from his forehead and he snarls. My hair flies from my face, leaving me eye-to-eye with him.

“You hypocritical little soul,” he mutters, stretching to tower over me. His dagger nails carve lines into the counter at my sides. “You want everything yet want us to share. You tell me that I have a chance, yet you put rules in place that will always leave me the bad guy in your eyes. You make assumptions about things without asking. But guess what? I’m not wasting my time on a mortal who will never benefit me or be able to handle me in all of my sexy glory. Tamia isn’t here to push you closer to me. She’s here because I want to make a point.”

His words sink into me. With the heat in his voice, he should warm me up but fear cools me from my heart outward. “What point, Lucian? Haven’t you made enough already? You’re here not because you demanded to come but because I’ve allowed it. I’m trying to reason with you.”

“You’re trying to play me!” he shouts, growling in my face. “All of you are damn liars, standing against me. I know that Elias managed to escape my brother and is now in hiding. You think you’re smart in that regards, but guess what? You’ve only pissed Heaven off. Do you have any fucking idea what your soulmate has put at risk not following through with the one damn mercy I granted him? Your soul was going to be free no matter what. Now, you face Heaven’s vengeance.”

“You’re a fucking lying bastard. I don’t believe you. There are stipulations to Elias’s deal. I know you will try to see him fail.” I ram my hands into his hard chest, trying to force him back but he doesn’t budge. “You’re mad because he outsmarted you and your asshole brother.”

“You know, I no longer care about possessing your soul. You will be mine by your own free will. When you fail, and you will fucking fail to bring the rest of Heaven to its knees, your unbound soul will be coveted and fought for. The rest of the devils and demons alike will battle for it. They will tear you apart and make you wish you’d have just given in to me.” Lucian’s skin ripples as he calms his devilish nature and shifts back into his normal form. “Heaven will never be able to save you. You will beg me.”

Rage explodes through me and I swing my arm, slapping him across the face hard enough to startle him. “Fuck off. I’m done trying to crack through all your darkness. You’ve stolen enough of my light. I’ll create a new contract with my devils and be theirs, even if I fail.”

A smile twitches across his mouth, turning his sharp features more handsome. “Which brings us back to the reason why Tamia is here. You might change your mind about your decision when you realize what I have in store for her soul. Perhaps offer it to whoever thinks they’re most powerful.”

His words steal my breath. “You fucker. I’m not going to let you do that.”

I manage to push past him and run through the kitchen and back into the bar. Lucian’s heat follows behind me as he stalks me like the mouse he thinks I am. But he’s wrong. I’m not a mouse to his cat. I’m a fucking snake and I’ll attack. I’ll bite.

Tamia sits across from Dante, who watches my every movement as I storm toward him. I reach the booth and blink, trying to keep my anger from making me cry.

I suck in a few breaths and hold out my hand to Tamia. “Come on. I want to catch up. Go somewhere else.”

Tamia frowns. “What, I—”

“Now. Seriously. We need to go. Trust me. You don’t want to be around Lucian.” I snatch her hand and try to pull her from the booth but she resists. “Tamia.”

“You can’t pick who I hang out with, Raven.” Tamia glowers. “Sounds familiar, right? Except Lucian isn’t a fucking possessive psycho. He arranged this for us. He’s trying to help us mend things Joel fucked up. He’s a nice guy, and I don’t know why you have such a problem with him. He’s probably better than your boyfriend.” She motions to Dante. “Or are you with the other guy? Lucian said you didn’t want to be with him because you—”

I scream in frustration, spinning on my feet only to slam against Lucian’s chest.

With one look into his eyes, I know he’s already brought Hell to Earth for me. He’s going to force me into an impossible decision.

I jab him with my index finger. “I meant what I said. If you even so much as touch her soul, her body, or even get to her mind, any chance you think you’ll have will be over.”

He can’t manipulate me anymore.

I’m stronger than that.

My devils taught me something I never knew before I met them—everything I’m capable of. Everything I’m willing to do.

They taught me how to fucking win.