Her Darkest Devils by Ginna Moran

Chapter 19


Breaking Point

HELL, HELP ME. I no longer know which fiery path is the right one to take. A soul should not get under my skin so deeply, twisting and twining, tying up my insides and leaving me weak. If I wanted to be weak, I’d have stayed on Heaven’s Army like a good fucking little angel, helping humanity see with my light.

But the Higher Power ignored me. It left me dim and dying for an eternity where I didn’t have to suffer through cycle after fucking cycle of mortal souls making the same mistakes over and over again. Before my kingdom rose, the souls rejected from Heaven would be given another chance, another life, another blasted opportunity to fuck up and ruin the beauty and the gifts we worked hard to provide them in the name of the Higher Power.

What a huge craptastic mistake. I saw the shift. I saw the power of souls spreading across their beloved yet uncared for world. How is a soul ever to learn if they have no consequences and endless opportunities to try to gain their chance to enter and steal the light that shines because of angels—because of me?

The Higher Power was far too proud to admit Its fault. It couldn’t see how no matter how many souls were born, only a few would live to meet Heaven’s standards. It would leave those unfit for such paradise to continue to worsen and destroy the creation of the Almighty. I couldn’t stand it. My brethren couldn’t stand it.

So I jumped from the highest point of Heaven and from the pedestal of the godliest throne, turning my back and taking my light with me to fix what mortal souls have broken. My descent was felt across the realms. My world opened up, and I was ready to guide these souls, to teach them and stop them from making the same mistakes over and over again. With Kase and Dante by my sides on the first jump and my other brethren soon to follow, I knew I was going to change everything. I knew I’d save the world.

But then the light I had planned to use to create my own glorious kingdom vanished. Darkness stole everything. Without my light, there was no chance for souls to follow me. To follow my brethren.

And worse?

The angels I needed and relied on to help me no longer saw my light or looked at it for guidance. All they saw was a scorned angel now forced to not teach and guide souls, but a power that would devour all of those rejected by Heaven. And fuck did the souls get pissed off, losing their ability to cycle over and over.

It’s what made me the devil.

I had no choice but to use fear and fire—the only light I could control in the pitch darkness of my new kingdom—to put the wayward, disgraced souls into place. They would not ruin what I gave up everything to create. Humanity blames me for their destruction and punishment, but they should fucking blame the Higher Power. They should blame themselves.

Just thinking about as much and about Raven’s mission to change things brings up the animosity that burns through my veins. It was easy before, knowing that no matter how hard Dante and Kase tried and kept to their convictions, we’d never have the place we had envisioned. And I no longer wanted it. I still don’t. Humanity hasn’t proved anything. They deserve my Hell and my Hell alone.

“Brother, I find it curious that you’ve been hiding from me.” Cassius expands his wings, setting the night aglow. Fucking show off. His comment yanks me from my thoughts, igniting my hatred for the angel who was supposed to stand by me.

“You think I’m fucking scared of you? Hell no. I’ve been busy trying to get your savages in control. They’re bad for my businesses.” I clench my fingers into fists and meet Cass’s smug expression. His iris-jeweled eyes sparkle in the glow of his wings, turning him way too righteous for me. Jabbing my fist, I punch him in the gut, knocking him away. “Get them under control or I’ll add to my collection in Hell.”

Cass clenches his jaw, his anger hot enough to nearly convince me that he might have jumped from grace and taken a throne while I was busy trying to get into Raven’s pants. The little tease is wearing me down with her hot and cold attitude. She’ll never admit how much she wants me to bend her over and spread her open to slide my satanic cock into her wet ass pussy.

Damn body. Damn boner.

I need to get her off my mind. She makes me want to be nice, and I fucking hate it.

“Brother, what you’ve done...you can only blame yourself with how Heaven’s army reacts. As you know, they’re only after your contracted souls. Return those warriors you’ve imprisoned in your kingdom, and perhaps, I can settle the guardians down. After you give me Elias.” Cass flares his nostrils and launches toward me.

I dodge out of the way before he can shove me into the side of my car. I should’ve stayed home and just pestered Raven until she gets too fed up to show me attention, but fuck that. Micah’s grown some massive balls and won’t let up or let go. He might even have a damn hard-on for Elias.

“Lucifer, I mean it. I’ve come to give you one final chance to make things right. You know you don’t want Elias to take a throne nor do you want Raven to succeed in getting him there. We had a deal. I’d keep him away, and you’d get to keep Hell running as you please. I’d get the guardians to return to their posts where they belong. Humanity suffers with them having to cater to you and your selfish ways.” Cassius unsheathes his flaming sword. “Don’t make me fight you to make you hold up your end of the deal.”

A wicked smile crosses my face at his words. “Fuck, Cass. Are you sure you’re still in Its light and grace? The words you speak sound demonic. You know as well as I do that your agreement was with Elias, and I don’t have control over his soul or freewill. You can thank the Higher Power for that.”

“Of course I fucking am.” Cassius intakes a sharp breath at his devious mouth.

I knew the bastard had it in him. He’s my worse half after all. Flapping his wings, he looks like a scared little boy about to get the smiting of his life, but he won’t. The Higher Power’s special angel wouldn’t have been given the gift of my favorite language if he wasn’t allowed to use it.

I snap my head back, howling a laugh. God, you hear that? This asshole doesn’t do things in your name. He’s a little bitch and just scared of your punishment, but we both know I’m the only one capable. And I will make him regret ever trying to threaten me.

“Luce, I’m through with your games. Your darkness is seeping into me, stealing my light and I won’t allow it. Bring Elias to me by tomorrow or you will learn the true meaning of God’s almighty wrath. It is in our army’s hands.” Cassius bends his knees, preparing to launch into the air.

But I can’t just let him go so easily.

Summoning my Hell power, I swing my fire chain and knock his feet out from under him. I propel forward, transforming into my true form midair, and smash my hooves into the concrete, cracking it under my weight. Cassius tries to impale me with his sword, his features hardening in his anger. Snatching it, I clutch it in my hand, fighting against the pain of touching something holy. I will not let him threaten me.

“Cass, you will regret ever trying to fight against me. Elias is under the protection of the very devils that left your side, and I will not fight them just to appease you. If you want Elias, go fucking get him yourself. Try and take Raven too. I’d return to Hell and let your warriors go if you can manage that.” I blow a breath of fire, stinging his face. “I’d love to see you t—”

I don’t get a chance to finish my threat as Kase lashes his tail at me, slicing it across my leg. I snarl and twist. Cass jabs another sword into my thigh, getting far too close to my devil cock. It’s one thing to have a hot woman slap and punch it—I like that—but to have my brother try to impale my fucking nuts with his holy blade? Fuck that.

I stumble back and slam Cass’s stolen sword into the concrete inches away from his wings. If Kase didn’t yank me with his tail, I could’ve cut off my brother’s precious wings. Catapulting to his feet, Cass runs like the coward he is and flies away. He shoots angelic light in my direction but misses me, dodging Dante as he tries to cut him off. I expect Dante to chase Cass, but he doesn’t. He lands with a thud in front of me, hissing with his anger.

“What did I say, Kase?” Dante asks, stretching his wings out. “You owe me a blow job.”

Kase growls and shoots his red Hell power at Dante’s boots, sending the bastard flying a few feet into the air. The two of them square off, but Kase gives in and flips him off. “You’re lucky Raven would fucking get a kick out of it.”

I shift, looking for an opening to dodge past them before they fucking start kissing. I know them far too well. Being in the Mortal Realm for so long, isolated and exposed to mortal desire—I know they find pleasure in fucking around. I can appreciate getting sucked off, especially by someone far superior than a needy soul just wanting to appease their master.

But now that they mentioned Raven...I can’t wait to stretch her mouth with my girth and see the outline of my dick through her neck.

Kase winds his tail around my hands, binding them together. God damn it. He shouldn’t be able to fucking lift me off my feet and swing me—

I heave a breath as the air escapes my lungs. Summoning my Hell strength and power, I try to open a portal to knock us both into it. If I can manage that, I can refill my source and show him that his wrath has nothing on mine.

“Keep trying and I will lift you up by your nuts, Lucian. You’re going to be my good fucking boy and let me drag your ass home. I knew you wouldn’t resist trying to get Heaven involved again.” Kase drops me and slides his damn tail between my legs.

I clench my ass as if the gesture could help me suck my balls into my body. “Would you like to fuck my ass with your tail while you’re at it?”

It wouldn’t be the first time he slid it in and rubbed me just right to make me blow a load. I can’t let his ability to get me off put me on my knees and bent over asking for it. I know that’s what he’s attempting. That happened four fucking times and he will never let me forget it.

Laughing, Dante steps forward and gets into my face. “You would love that, wouldn’t you? Sucks for you that you’re not worthy of his power tail. It’s Raven’s now. It only goes where she asks, and this shit you pulled tonight? You are fucking done. We have given you enough chances.”

“Wai—” I open my mouth to argue and tell him I was clearing my head and giving Raven the space they demanded, not secretly meeting with my featherhead brother, but Dante surprises the fuck out of me by shoving a damn rubber gag into my mouth.

“We’re not the ones you need to face. You can make this easy or hard. I have no flying fucks to give how I deliver you as long as you end up on your knees and bowing to the soul that’s far more worthy of the power of Hell than you.” Kase’s eyes glow red with his threat.

My first instinct is to fight and show him that he’s not as strong as he thinks he is, but then the glow of angelic light flashes in the sky above me. Fucking angels. Tonight reminded me exactly why I abandoned Heaven, and as much as I don’t want Hell to change now, I don’t want Heaven to have Raven even more. Or Elias. The guardians and the saviors think they’re as mighty as the Higher Power that they worship and fight for, but all they are is a bunch of scared angels.

“Get moving, asshole. If your cock-sucking angels come swooping down, you’ll be the one they fight. I’ll hold you down and let them smite your dick right off of you. Then I will hand-deliver it to Raven myself, coated in the finest silicone that she can fuck herself with to experience Satan’s cock without having to deal with you. That’s the only reason she even gives you a second thought, you know.” Dante shoves his hand into my back, pushing me forward.

I don’t react.

He’s jealous as fuck, which means I might be getting closer to claiming Raven as mine. He thinks it’s about my body, but he has no idea. The allure of my darkness will continue to tease my light. It’s that connection that draws her closer. It’ll be that connection that she will fall for, even if I have to get on my knees.

But I can’t make shit too easy. I want her to want it. To ask for it. I want her to see that her lovers are no different than me. We’re all devils in the end.

Dragging me the few blocks back to the mansion, I remain stern and closed off. They want a reaction from me. They want to see me fight and threaten their dicks. They want to see me break like the many times I’ve broken them. And maybe that’s what I want them to do. Break me. Force me out of my shitty head. Teach me how to get the pussy and soul I crave so that I can keep her for myself. All of this will backfire. I’m a sadist and a masochist—getting off on getting and receiving pain. It’s the most addicting pleasure in the universe.

“Kase, Dante? What’s going on?” Raven’s soft voice echoes through the living room as she rushes down the staircase. Her wild midnight hair blows behind her, giving me a good look at her beautiful face and perky tits with her nipples so tight and cold that I’m certain they’ll pierce the fabric at any second.

“We caught this bastard with Cassius. They were arranging a deal to hand Elias back to the angels.” Dante sweeps one of his wings to the back of my knees, sending me dropping to the floor.

I remain stiff and quiet. If I act like a dick, Raven will never listen to me. I know her. I know what buttons to push to set her off. I also know what to do to make her pity me. She can’t stand the sight of a man she knows contains a helluva lot of power suddenly helpless. It’s why she tended to my wounds after the guardians attacked our place.

The memory ignites something hot in my belly, and I can’t help thinking about it over and over again. How her lips tasted like Heaven though they kissed like the hot passion of Hell. I had almost given in to her then. I almost controlled my devil nature. But—I can’t. I need to be all she wants and needs.

“Lucian?” Raven’s bare feet step a foot away from me as she looks down at me on the floor. Glittery polish in Dante’s favorite red color sparkles in the light.

Do I have a fetish? Not usually. But right now, I can imagine her feet walking all over me, kicking and stepping on my cock, and how she could pinch the skin of my balls between her toes—and now I want it. I want her to use and abuse me. To whip me with all her fury. And then when the torture is over, I want her lips to brush against every part of me with sweet whispers that she loved it as much as I did.

“Lucian, fucker.” A heavy boot kicks my side and rolls me onto my back as Dante manhandles me. “When Raven speaks to you, you fucking acknowledge her.”

I tighten my jaw and tip my head back. And it’s like Heaven strikes me in the balls, setting my body aglow at the sight of her smooth, perfect pussy right in my line of view. She wears only a long shirt and no panties, and I can’t help marveling in the sexiness that stands above me. With her hip cocked and her hands planted on her sides, I can spot her clit peeking out and teasing me.

“Lucian, you have five minutes to explain yourself before I let the other devils do what they feel is necessary.” Raven speaks, but I don’t meet her gaze.

Is she wet? Does seeing me on the floor excite her? I need to find out. If Kase or Dante wouldn’t sever my arm and send it into the bowels of Hell, forcing me to look high and low for it, I would risk finding out. I crave to get to the point with her that I could act first as a quiet question and see if she lets me continue.

“I’d take whatever punishment to prolong the sight of your sexy pussy forever. If you come a bit closer, I’ll make you drip. You’d love it.” I lick my lips and draw circles with two of my fingers.

Instead of scowling and getting pissed, she sighs. She doesn’t even move or try to cover herself, and I realize her flashing me thrills her. She loves seeing me turned on for her. Loves getting caught.

“The fuck you’ll get to touch her.” Kase slides his tail around her waist and down her ass. Raven bites her lip, shifts her leg, and lets him slip his tail into her pussy.

My nuts throb, the fire in my being exploding. I can’t take my eyes away from the slow, sensual penetration. Kase’s tail slides out, glistening wet, and then he teases the seam of her body and enters her ass.

My muscles clench and I reach down and grab my aching cock, desperate to rub one out. I get within inches of taking care of the pain in my balls, but my arms snap up as Kase restrains me.

“You think we’re here for your pleasure? Fuck no. You must earn it. Start with explaining to Raven what the fuck you were doing with Cassius.” Dante hisses and sticks out his tongue, the barbells glittering in the light.

“No, I think you’re here to fucking torture me even when I’ve done nothing wrong. You have been carrying a damn grudge because I see the world as it is. I’ve given up on our mission long ago because humanity no longer deserves an eternity outside of the torturous pits. You want me to stand by and suffer for my actions—ones that you aren’t innocent of doing.” I keep my eyes locked on Raven’s, watching her reaction. “You think they’re better than me because they give you what you want. But you know what? They can’t give you everything you need. You were intended to be mine. Elias and I had an agreement that I would take you and care for you as my queen to save you from Heaven. And then the fucker never followed through. He set your souls on a cycle, ruining everything.”

Raven’s expression morphs from annoyance to confusion. “What?”

“Your soul was supposed to be mine. Grace was my intended. Had I known from the day I laid eyes on your soul about whose light you had stolen, I would’ve done things differently. I would’ve taken you immediately instead of letting mortality ruin you a moment longer.” Anger snaps through me the more I think about it. “I was supposed to be your savior from the clutches of Heaven, and you turned to them instead.” I glower at Dante and Kase.

Raven clenches her fingers into fists and jumps on top of me, straddling my waist. “I’m not a fucking possession! I’m not Grace! No one can fucking make these kinds of contracts on my behalf. No angel. No devil. No one in Heaven and Hell. I don’t fucking belong to you and I never will, Lucian. The same as I don’t belong to Kase and Dante. To Micah and Andre. And soon to be Elias. No one owns me! They earn the right to my body and soul, and if they do something and fuck it up, they will face the same damn consequences of losing my affection and love until they can earn it back. Eternity is a fucking long time, and I know people make mistakes, but I also know that you can fucking do better. I want you to do better!”

“Then fucking make me!” I roar, thrashing against Kase’s hold.

Raven slides off of me and crosses her arms over her chest. “I shouldn’t have to. You should want to do it on your own.”

“I can’t,” I say, feeling the fires of Hell burning through me, stealing away the light Raven’s presence alone pushes into me. “I don’t have the same freewill as you, Raven. My sins rage too deep. Hell consumes everything inside me.”

“You’re lying, Lucian.” She heaves a few breaths. “You’re trying to manipulate me, and I won’t stand for it.”

“I’m not. Make me fucking do better. Show me! Come on, Raven. You give yourself the Hell of many. Do it! Force me. Beat me. Hurt me. Break me! I want it.” I snarl and thrash, my skin smoldering as I lose control, freeing my beast.

Kase and Dante both hit me with power, shooting me off my feet and away from Raven. Micah materializes in the room, his heavy footsteps shaking the world. He stomps his hoof into my gut, stealing my yells of anger away. I writhe on the floor, taking their power and pain, their frustration and annoyance that I failed to keep any sense of a promise. Raven stands in shock and silence, and I refuse to shift my eyes off of her. Nothing could be worse than when the Higher Power denied me and turned me into the most hated being in the universe. Mortals perished if they were even thought to have a connection to me. The world blames every awful thing that happens on me like I could possibly summon nature to do my bidding or possess a soul and steal their freewill. That’s not devils or demons. That’s other mortal souls and the ones who manage to slip away from both punishment and paradise. Those who get the chance to cycle again but choose to remain lost between realms.

All my thoughts crash through me, stealing the world away and leaving me in a dark place of misery like my kingdom had been before I found the fire in Hell to light it up. Ice slithers through me, the sensation as painful as the Higher Power’s rejection. It’s as if I fell back into my own personal Hell again. But this time I’m without Kase and Dante. I don’t have them to help me to my feet and remind me why we started this in the first place.

“Lucian?” Raven’s voice cuts through the darkness, and a pinprick of light glows in the distance. “Let me in.”

Her voice chases away the cold, away the loneliness, and suddenly, Raven’s glowing soul stands before me in a halo of the most brilliant light. It casts away the darkness, leaving us standing in a world of white nothingness together, untouched by Hell and the Mortal Realm, leaving us exposed in body, mind, and soul.

Her naked beauty entrances me, but not in the same way it would on a physical level. I can see behind the power of her light and the chains of darkness keeping her close to me. She’s the most stunning entity I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and I intake a small breath. She remains expressionless and silent in front of me, not shifting under the weight of my stare. For the first time, it’s me who squirms, unable to stay still as her vibrant gaze drinks me. Her whole soul calls to me, but not in the way most do. It doesn’t ask for my mercy and forgiveness. It asks for attention and respect. It asks for the power it needs to be able to take a throne like my brethren. Raven’s soul asks for me to finally see its light and ability to drown my darkness instead of letting it consume the both of us.

“I denied Cassius his demands,” I finally say, unable to win the staring match. “He threatened war, and I still denied him.”

Raven’s face softens as her brows crinkle together in curiosity. “Why couldn’t you just say that? I gave you a chance to explain yourself but instead you tried to unleash Hell.”

I sigh a long breath. “Like the others struggle to contain their hellish nature, I too sometimes get lost in it and can’t escape. Your soul does things to me that I’m not used to. You blind me and light my way, Raven.”

“You’re blaming me for your actions?” she asks, her voice sharpening. “You’re blaming your nature and Hell. But Lucian, you need to blame yourself. I’m tired of trying to come up with excuses. This connection I feel to you—it’s not enough for me. Denying Cassius one time doesn’t make things better either. I spent far too much of my life getting broken by a man who would apologize and kiss me to make things better. And for too long, I allowed it. I accepted it. And then he tried to destroy me. I’m not perfect and I might never be intended for Heaven, but I will not stand for your shit anymore, hoping you come around and will be a part of the Hell you wanted.”

I bow my head. “I just—”

“No. Don’t speak. I can hear another excuse without you even forming the words. I’m no longer going to fight with you or let you manipulate me. You’re either going to be a part of our team or you can fuck off and go back to your kingdom. This is your last chance. I’m not your possession or reward. I’m not obligated to you at all. You must earn your place and learn that we’re one power under the name of Hell.” She steps closer and clutches my cheeks. “I know you have it in you. I can see it and feel it now. It’s the only reason why I’m here. The others might have given up, but Lucian, I don’t want you as my enemy.”

“You were never my enemy, Raven,” I say, letting her light engulf us. “But I resist and fight because I know your power. You will be my ruin.”

“If that’s what you need. I heard your prayer, you know. Your desire to be broken, so you could rebuild. I’d like to help you.” Raven leans closer, her lips mere inches from mine. “What do you say, Satan? Be my bitch? Succumb to my power? I’ll even give in for a power switch once I know I can trust you.”

I test her resolve and close the space but don’t kiss her. I won’t. Not until she does it first. “I’ll be none of that fucking shit, but I will accept your offer for help. After the shit with my brother...it reminded me why I left Heaven.”

“Then come back to us. Make amends with the others. Show them you’re ready to be part of our team.” Raven must sense my desire to kiss her, because she teases me with her lips, caressing her light to my darkness until we’re merely shadows.

I nod, caressing my fingers to her cheek. “What have you done to me? I haven’t felt like this in...I can’t remember in how long.”

Raven smiles. “Savor it, Satan. It’s your one free pass to my soul. From now on, if you want my attention and closeness, it must be earned.”

In this moment, Raven reminds me why I created Hell in the first place.

I’m ready to give in to Raven’s light.

With her, we’ll be Heaven’s undoing.