Psync by Zile Elliven

Chapter Twenty-One


Why did he have to be like this? Why was he such a trouble magnet?

Eli’s week already sucked far beyond the telling, and all he wanted was a few minutes of sleep before he went back to Nate’s room to pretend to sleep. Now this?

He knew Ash had been acting weird that morning during their workout. He’d been even handsier that usual, and his flirting had been off the charts. Eli was completely over it and told him he didn’t have time to work out with him anymore.

For a second, Eli saw a glimmer of rage in his eyes before he’d covered it with an easy smile.

He recognized that look far too well. Ash was affected by the Thing. Whatever effect Eli gave off that drew in people who only wanted to fuck him or hurt him now had a hold on Ash.

Which meant Eli now had two people to avoid on campus. Perfect.

He just hadn’t expected Ash to move so quickly on his desire.

Which was why he’d been rudely awakened in the one place he’d felt safe.

One minute he’d been dozing dreamlessly and the next he was pinned on his back against the desk he’d been sleeping on.

“Ash! What are you doing?” Eli pushed against the chest pinning him down.

“Nothing you don’t want.” Ash gave him a smile that was different than his usual carefree grin. This one was hard and had a hint of teeth.

“I don’t want this.” Eli said, pushing at Ash with all his might. The man didn’t budge. His inner alarm was going off the charts, sending Eli’s already battered nervous system into a complete meltdown. Eli’s body began to shake—a sure sign he was about to start shutting down.

That couldn’t happen here. Not now. There was no one on this floor, it was late enough that most sane people were out having fun or sleeping. Only Eli was dumb enough to be somewhere he could be easily cornered alone and helpless.

“You don’t want to do this. Let me go right now and I won’t do anything, but if you don’t, I’ll get campus security.”

“Once I’m done, you won’t want to call them. I promise, you’ll like this.”

How the fuck was Ash getting any hint of desire from Eli? He’d lost touch with reality. Which meant Eli was fucked.

Which also meant he had nothing to lose, so he bit Ash. Hard.

He tried to bolt while Ash swore and clutched his hand, but Eli didn’t get far. Ash grabbed Eli’s injured hand and pinned it to the table. Then he slammed Eli’s head against it for good measure.

Things were muffled and hazy after that. Eli felt the pressure and pain leave his battered hand and heard a sharp cry and a crash. Then nothing but numbness and a ringing in his ears.

“Eli, can you hear me?”

Yes, but he didn’t want to. Not if the voice belonged to who he thought it did.

“Eli . . .” It was the worry in Haruka’s voice that forced Eli to crack open one eye.

“Why?” Why are you here? Why did you hurt me earlier? Why would you help me now?

“Campus security is here. They’re taking Ash away. You need to go to the infirmary, but . . .”

Eli tried to sit up, but his head wasn’t having it. He collapsed back down onto the table.

“No, don’t move. I convinced them to let me carry you.” Haruka’s voice was close, and the pain in it was unmistakable. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”

Haruka’s hands hovered over Eli’s body as if he were steeling himself before going into battle.

“’S okay,” Eli slurred. “I can walk if you jus’ give me a minute.”

A man in a uniform came to the other side of the table and said, “We need to go now, son. They have to check and make sure he doesn’t have any internal injuries.” He wasn’t talking to Eli, but instead to Haruka who stood in front of Eli protectively.

“I’m sorry.” Haruka apologized again before reaching his hands under Eli. His fingers brushed Eli’s skin where his shirt had been torn away.

Eli’s breath caught in his throat. Oh.

Haruka cradled Eli’s head gently until he could rest it against his chest, and he put his other arm under Eli’s knees, lifting him off the table.

Oh my.

Wave after wave of something incredible washed through Eli. If rainbows had a tangible form and could flood every nerve in his body, it would be a pale comparison to how he felt having Haruka touch him.

Eli burrowed into the broad chest in front of him, and his fingers traveled upward, trying to find their way under Haruka’s collar.


:I’m sorry.:

Eli was not sorry. Would never be sorry. He’d gone from a pathetic, aching mess to bliss in the blink of an eye. Was this what touching people was supposed to feel like? Why did anyone ever stop?

:This is different.:


It had taken a moment because of the trauma and assault followed by blissful synesthesia, but Eli realized Haruka hadn’t been using his mouth to talk to him.

:It is you.: Eli stared into warm brown eyes, dumbfounded.

:It’s me.: Haruka stared back, looking just as spellbound as Eli felt.

“Guys, we have to go. Come on.” The security guard snapped his fingers between them, breaking their gaze.

Haruka looked up. “Right. Sorry.”

Eli tuned out after that, simply content to drift in and out of the peaceful sea of calm radiating from Haruka. There was a moment when he roused himself—when they took Haruka away from him. He was pretty sure he cried then.

After far too long, Haruka was back, no longer holding him in his arms, but instead holding his uninjured hand. Eli settled down and allowed himself to be poked and prodded while he played with Haruka’s hand.

It was a nice hand. Big and strong with a large vein Eli traced from his forearm to his knuckles. Right over a nasty bruise.

“He hurt your hand.”

Haruka snorted. “With his face.”

Eli’s eyes went to Haruka’s face. His beautiful face that now sported a split lip. Eli lifted his bandaged hand to it. “Your mouth.” His eyes stung.

Haruka’s eyes widened slightly. “It doesn’t hurt. I’m fine.”

Eli pulled away from the nurse who was busy cleaning the wound on his head. “Fix him!”

“We’ll get to him next, sweetie.”

“No, fix him now.” Why couldn’t he get his eyes to focus properly?

“You’ll have to let him go for us to do that.” Amusement laced her voice.

Haruka’s hand tightened on Eli’s, and Eli squeezed right back. He wasn’t ready to let go yet, but . . . Haruka’s face.

:I’m staying. So don’t ask me to go.:

“Okay, but as soon as I’m done, you have to fix him.” Eli yawned, and it made his head throb hard enough to break through the happy haze of Haruka’s touch. Yawning equaled bad.

“We’ll take care of him while you’re getting your X-rays.”

Eli grumpily conceded.

When they wheeled Eli away for X-rays, the anxiety, stress, and pain all rushed back the moment Haruka released his hand, but he forced himself not to complain because Haruka needed medical care too.

It took forever for them to finish, and they didn’t even have the decency to let him sleep through it. All he was left with were his muddy thoughts and his injuries to keep him company.

As they wheeled him back down the hall, he vaguely registered words like sleep-deprived and malnourished and spared a braincell or two to be glad Haruka wasn’t around. Otherwise, Eli was going to end up with food in his mouth every time he dared to open it.

“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll make sure he sleeps and eats.”

Haruka was there.

Eli didn’t even get a chance to spin up his anxiety engines before a large hand cupped his face and peace stole over him. He was out in seconds, but not before he heard, :It’s okay. I’ve got you.: