Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



The dream I was having when I woke up was a continuation of the fantasy that had led to the orgasm that sent me to sleep.

At first, I thought the sounds were part of the dream. Given the fucking I was getting, it seemed to be the sound of the headboard smashing the wall. Then I realized it wasn’t a part of the dream.

That’s what keyed me awake. Strange noises.

All houses make noises, I thought. Strange houses make strange noises, and this is a strange house to me.

Something told me it wasn’t just the house settling, however. I was convinced from the sounds that someone had broken in.

I’m sure Xxuric has guards that take care of that sort of thing, was my next thought. After all, they almost blew you out of the sky.

I forced myself to lay down and try to go to sleep, but the sounds continued. With a groan, I leapt out of bed. I grabbed a tank top and some pajama bottoms and hurriedly threw them on. Then I eased myself out into the hall.

The noises continued. They were definitely in this wing of the house.

Barefoot, I padded through the halls, trying to follow the sound. Furniture bumping around. Muffled voices. We were being robbed. Or the place was being trashed for some reason. Perhaps the guards had all been knocked out or killed. I didn’t know. And I didn’t know who to call.

Fortunately, Teshie’s trained us for situations like that.

Sticking close to the wall, moving through the shadows, I tried to follow the sounds. The wing I was in was like a maze. Every time I thought I was coming close to the sounds, the hallway would take me in another direction.

Around every corner was something unfamiliar. Which meant the possibility of an ambush. I had to tread carefully. Once or twice, moving in the dark, I bumped against a table or some piece of furniture. I nearly knocked over a vase I recognized as belonging to an ancient alien civilization long dead. Fortunately, I saved it from crashing to the floor.

At one point, I ended up in a sort of billiard room. At least, there was a billiard-like table, but it had two levels and about thirty different-colored balls. Some sort of Sanax game, I guessed. Along the walls, there were shelves lined with models of different military vehicles, aircraft, and weaponry. I imagined it was a testament to Xxuric’s deals.

Going to the far end of the room, I could hear the sounds coming from whatever room was on the other side of the wall from this one. Dammit, I was so close.

I was about to head out of the room when something occurred to me. Houses like this always had secret passageways, didn’t they?

I scanned the room, trying to see as much detail as I could. Fortunately, the trophy shelves were lit with tiny LEDs, so there was a warm glow in the room. I was about to give up on this idea and head back into the maze of hallways when I spotted a trophy that looked out of place.

It was a model of a VF-21 Missile. Illegal on a lot of worlds, I knew from my schooling at Teshie’s. It didn’t fit with the rest of Xxuric’s stuff. And it looked more cheaply made than the others. Like a model-kit you’d get at a hobby store. Not professional.

Inching toward it, I pulled the model toward me.

Sure enough, a thin, tall door swung open beside the shelves. Bingo.

I eased into the hallway. It ran parallel to the room I wanted to get to, but I had a hunch there’d be branches to this secret chamber.

The hall had floor lights illuminating the way. I followed them a few feet, and then my hunch was proved correct. There was a hallway that ran back toward the room where I was sure the sounds were coming from.

I took it. After a few more feet, I could light creeping into the secret passage through a crack in the wall. Getting closer, I saw it was another door.

My heart was beating rapidly. I took a four-second breath in, held it for four seconds, then released the air on a count of four seconds. It was a technique I’d learned in defense class at Teshie’s. In moments, I’d regained some calm.

I held my hand over the doorknob. I got my muscles into a ready mode, not too tense, not too relaxed. I was ready to kick whatever sort of interstellar ass needed to be kicked on the other side of this door.

What if I’m making a mistake? I wondered. What if I’m interrupting something and this screws up the marriage and my parents never get the money they need and –

My doubtful thoughts were interrupted by a woman’s scream.

I flung it open and leapt into the room, taking a fighting stance. I prepared to leap into battle –

And then I realized the way my dream had interpreted the sounds I’d heard was more accurate than I’d realized.

Because there, in the middle of the room, were Dahrial and Rulora fucking the hell out of each other. He had her bent over a table, her arms behind her, and he was humping away for all he was worth. For her part, she was crying out in the throes not of harm, but of ecstasy.

They were so wrapped up in what they were doing they hadn’t even noticed me. I started backing out toward the secret hallways as softly as I could.

Then Dahrial glanced my way. He froze. Rulora’s orgasmic cries froze. She looked back at him, then at me.

And we all just stood there. Her bent over the table. Him behind her. Both naked. And me, caught mid-sneak, barefoot and in my pajamas.

Well shit, I thought. This changes things.