Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



I’d transformed into my dragon form the moment the gunner had fired. Before he’d gotten off a second blast, I had my paw around his throat and was choking the life out of him.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snarled.

I waited a moment for him to provide an answer that he was unable to give due to the fact that I was crushing his windpipe. His silence angered me more.

“No one fires without my express command, is that understood?”

Again, he couldn’t give me a verbal answer. He seemed to sort of nod, but that could have just been his head wobbling in response to how violently I was shaking him.

“Xxuric, old chap,” Jaxil murmured. He was standing behind me, just in front of the line of house staff that had come out to meet the woman.

I ignored his interruption, keeping my focus on the gunner in my grip.

“You should be glad I don’t kill you right here,” I told the wayward marksman. “Are you glad?”

I think he actually shrugged in response to that, but again, it might have had something to do with my choking him.

“Xxuric, really, you should…”

“Shut up, Jaxil,” I told my friend. Still staring deep into the now drooping eyes of the gunner, I said, “Now apologize to my son’s bride-to-be…”

I turned both the gunner and myself toward the shuttle that had just landed. Which is when I saw the woman standing in the shuttle’s open bay doors and my jaw hit my chest as I dropped the gunner to the deck.

“Yes, well, I was trying to tell you,” Jaxil muttered under his breath.

I continued to ignore him as I took in the sight before me.

Had Teshie’s made a mistake? Was this the woman they’d selected for my tiny, pathetic, challenged son?

I’d told them to send the best. I just hadn’t realized that even Teshie’s had quality like this.

It wasn’t just that she was beautiful. Though, obviously, she was that. Slim, auburn-haired and green-eyed. The best species of a human female I’d ever seen. Beyond that, she held herself with a confidence and a sense of refinement that I’d hardly seen even in the most well-bred Sanax woman.

The combination was breathtaking. I felt as challenged for oxygen as the gunner I’d just dropped at my feet.

The fact that she was staring right at me with eyes that seemed to glow like two supernovas only added to the overwhelming feeling she was giving me. She seemed locked onto me as I was to her. She was completely oblivious to my son’s presence. I suppose I did offer the more impressive sight. I transformed myself back into my humanoid form.

“Perhaps you should introduce her to your son, or something,” Jaxil offered.

“If you do not shut up,” I said out of the corner of my mouth, “I shall have less mercy on you then I did on that gunner.”

Jaxil took the hint, such as it was. I refocused on the situation of the moment.

He was right. My son wasn’t going to break the ice. It was up to me. And given the circumstances, I was more than happy to do it.

Warm words of welcome began to form in my mind. Then I forced myself to snap out of whatever trance this woman’s beauty and bearing had put me in. I recalled how much annoyance this mail-order bride had put me through today.

I strode forward, accidentally stepping on the gunner as I surged toward the shuttle and the woman.

“Late,” I accused. “Three hours late. Unacceptable. I have half a mind to send you back to Teshie’s and ask for a refund.”

“I have half a mind to let you,” she snarled back, nearly as fierce as me. That was another surprise. “What the hell sort of greeting was that?”

“Excuse me?” I asked, taken aback by her brashness.

“I don’t know if I should excuse you,” she countered. “Who the hell fires on guests with a Ophian 3-T700 Ground-to-Air Laser Bolt Cannon?”

“You know weaponry?” I was completely taken aback by that one. How many surprises could one human female contain?

“I was trained at Teshie’s,” she said, her nose in the air just a bit. “I know all a woman of breeding and sophistication ought to know.”

“Except how to tell time, apparently.”

“Blame it on the nav computer.”

“And I see they offered no classes at Teshie’s on personal responsibility.”

“You want me to go, Dragon Guy? I’ll go.”

She whirled on her heel and started to head back into the shuttle.

That did it. No human, woman, mail-order-bride-to-be for my incompetent son was going to give me lip and turn her back on me.

“I’ll show you where you’re going,” I growled.

I reached out and with one hand lifted her off her feet. As I held her in the air, I sat myself down on the edge of the shuttle’s entryway and then hefted the woman over my knee.

Before she could utter even a word of complaint, I hoisted up her dress, revealing the soft, tender skin of her bare ass. Then I gave her several good spanks, quickly turning that delicate flesh bright red. Her ass was taut and tight, well-muscled, but the force of my slap sent a satisfying tiny jiggle through her flesh.

It was hard not to appreciate her body, even as I had to discipline her. My son was one lucky bastard.

Though most of my attention was focused on her soft skin as my palm smacked against it, and though I was acutely aware of her breasts pressed against my leg as I held her down, I did happen to spare a glance at the audience watching us.

I could swear the gunner was watching us and the look on his face made it clear he realized he’d gotten off easy.

Then I looked back at the woman’s ass as my palm once again collided with a satisfying smack.