Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



There was something about fathers and sons, I had learned in my short time. The apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree. However, there was no accounting for how that apple was going to land.

And that’s where I found myself: sitting across from Dahrial, Xxuric’s kid. The Sanax I was supposed to marry. If it was possible for me to have less chemistry with another sentient creature somewhere in the vastness of this universe, I’d be surprised to find it.

I mean, no offense to the guy or anything, but this just wasn’t happening. He was cute enough, I supposed. And he seemed intelligent. But he was also…I dunno…moping, or something. Or sad, maybe. No matter what I brought up to talk about, he just kind of deflected it. He wasn’t rude, or anything like that.

He just…wasn’t interested. That was the vibe.

“So,” I said, trying to think of something to say that would engender some conversation, “do you…ah…do work with your dad at all?”

“Hmm?” Dahrial said, looking up, as if I’d caught him sleeping. “Oh, yeah. Sometimes, I guess. I’m not as into weapons sales as he is.”

“Sure, sure, I get that. What are you into then?”

Please don’t say me, I thought to myself.

“Oh, all kinds of things, really,” he said and left it at that.

Sitting there with him, my mind kept wandering back to his father, and the way he brought his hand down on me, with that confident, knowing, slaaaaaap.

Fuck, it was making me squirm a little bit just thinking about it. I don’t think I’d ever been with anyone who was able to…to…possess so utterly like Xxuric was.

Come to think of it, I wasn’t sure that being hit like that, spanked, was something that I was even into, really. But something about Xxuric…

Plus, I thought, grinning to myself, that wasn’t just a phone in his pocket I felt pressed up against my hip. He was thick down there. And strong. And I couldn’t help but think about him pressing it against me more…my ass, my belly, my hands…my….whatever…

I must have involuntarily sighed a little out loud because Dahrial suddenly spoke up.

“You ok?” He asked with concern.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Why?”

“I don’t know. You made a little sound like a whimper or something. “

I felt my face flush red slightly with embarrassment but I quickly pushed it down.

“No, no, just…ah…just a little breathing exercise I do, that’s all.”

“Oh, ok,” he said, as mopey as ever.

“So your dad,” I began, unable to help myself, “he’s quite an interesting character.”

“Ha, yeah. That’s one way to put it, I guess.”

“I…ah…I don’t want to cause any trouble or anything, but he was…you know…pretty rough with me before I saw you.”

“Rough? What do you mean?”

“Oh, just, you know, letting me know that he wasn’t going to put up with any bullshit from me. Or from anyone else either, I suppose.”

Dahrial nodded.

“Yup. That sounds about right. That’s who he is. He does what he wants, takes what he wants and I pity anyone that gets in his way.”

I felt my thighs squeeze together almost involuntarily when Dahrial said that.

“Really? Takes what he wants, huh?”

“Oh yeah. He’s been like that my entire life. It’s hard for him to see…beyond himself, sometimes. That make sense? Hard for him to make out what’s directly in front of him, like he can’t see it.”

My sexual hunger had ramped up again, but I tried to quiet it. Clearly, Dahrial was talking about something other than just this incident. And it clearly wasn’t easy for him.

“What do you mean? Like what?”

Dahrial opened his mouth as if to speak, but he caught himself and stopped.

“What is it, Dah? You look like you want to say something—”

He shook his head then, a look of sadness crossing his face.

“No, thanks, that’s ok, I don’t really have anything to—”

At that moment, someone walked in, an alien of a species I didn’t recognize. It was a female, tall, lean, bright red skin, with definite curves, but somehow…sort of academic. Like a hot interstellar librarian, I guess.

“Excuse me,” she said, with a soft, trilling sort of voice. “I don’t mean to…I don’t mean to intrude.”

Dahrial suddenly snapped to life at her approach.

“Not at all, so glad…so glad to see you.”

She smiled then, but it was sad. I didn’t need to be the same species in order to see that.

“Rulora, allow me to introduce Heather. Heather, this is Rulora, she is my—ah—”

“—his tutor,” she finished, extending her hand. “It’s…nice…to meet you.”

It didn’t look like it was too nice, but I thought this wasn’t the time to say so.

“Thank you. Pleasure is mine. Forgive me, but I don’t think I’m familiar with your species.”

“Oh, no worries. I’m a Florian. We’re an amphibious race.”

“Must be great for those underwater blowjobs, am I right?” I joked, but was met with two blank stares.

“Sorry, ignore that,” I said, feeling exquisitely stupid.

“Quite all right. In any event, Dahrial, it’s time for your next set of lessons. But if you’re busy, I don’t want to…I don’t want to take you away,” Rulora said, again with a twinge of melancholy with every word.

“No, no, that’s more than fine. Education is so important, don’t you agree, Heather?”

“Ah, yeah? I guess so?”

“Perfect. Then you won’t mind if I attend to my studies? I’m sure you’ll able to amuse yourself without me. Right?” Dahrial said, with a strange sort of hopefulness.

“Of course. Absolutely. Go to your lessons. I will find you later.”

“Wonderful. Thanks for understanding. Rulora, let’s get out of here.”

The pair of them moved as quickly as they could.

Well, I thought to myself. Something was going there.

Fine by me. I was happy to see him go.

But I figured I would do well to figure out what was up between those two. And how it may help me.