Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Isettled in to pour myself a drink and to come to grips with what the hell had just happened.

I downed the booze quickly and immediately poured another. Of all the things I thought would occur, being attracted to the hired bride for my son was NOT one of them, that was for damn sure.

It wasn’t even a possibility that I had considered! Besides that fact that I had no idea that the agency I hired would send someone so…deeply…attractive, it would never have crossed my mind that that I would feel myself drawn to a human female.

The whole thing was baffling.

Certainly, there were stories of Sanax males getting involved with human females, I just never thought this would happen to me! Especially not when my son’s future happiness was in the mix!

I knocked back the second drink and shook my head to clear it a little. I needed to think. What was I going to do about this?

But even as I was considering what actions I should take, I found myself thinking about her hips grinding into my legs, my side. The strong fullness of my erection as I spanked her.


None of this was going as planned.

I took a deep breath. Wasn’t going to do me any good to get all worked up again NOW. I felt a flare of desire race through me, almost making me want to shift into full dragon form, I could feel it so much.

I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so strongly about someone.

Not good. None of this was good.

I stood up suddenly and poured a third drink.

“All right, Xxuric, all right. Let’s get a goddamn grip on yourself. This is your son’s fiancee. This female isn’t marked for you!” I said out loud to myself.

This was madness. And that fact that I was talking aloud to myself was proof enough of that.

The phone on my desk rang at the moment.

“Thank fucking god,” I muttered to myself and walked over to answer it.

Picking up the receiver, I barked into it.


“Good day. Xxuric? That you? It’s Zarthaan.”

Zarthaan. Another Sanax, an independent defense contractor. A longtime customer and as solid as a rock, if slightly annoying.

“Zarthaan. Good to hear from you as always. How’s things in the merc business?”

He laughed then, a shrill sound that made me hold the phone away from my ear.

“Booming, Xxuric, booming! We’ve got more work than we know what to do with! Humans…always ready to settle differences with force, you know?”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. What can I do for you today, Zarthaan?”

“To the point, as always. I appreciate that about you, Xxuric.”

I rolled my eyes. How long was it gonna take this guy to get to the meat of it?

“What do you need, Zarthaan? Another order?”

“Yes! Indeed. Sorry to wax on. Just glad to talk to someone who understands. A colleague, as it were.”


“As you rightly guessed, another order. My supply chain is in the need of more of those spectacular pulse rifles. We just can’t keep them on hand, with so many contracts coming in.”

“Pulse rifles. Got it,” I said, filling out some paperwork as I did so. “How many do you need?”

“How many do you got?” Zarthaan said with a laugh that was so irksome I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him.

“How many?” I repeated dully.

“I’d take six dozen, if you have them on hand.”

Six dozen. A decent order. Good amount of income on that.

“Six dozen, no problem. When do you want them by?”

“Is two weeks today possible?”

I checked my production calendar and made a note.

“Yup, we can do that. Same drop-off point?”

“If you would, yes.”

“Great. Can’t thank you enough, Xxuric. As professional as always.”

“Don’t have to thank me, Zarthaan. Just submit your payment in a timely fashion, if you would. That’s more than thanks enough,” I replied dryly.

“That’s what makes you a hell of a businessman, Xxuric. Never lose sight of the bottom line.”

“You bet.”

“The payment is being transferred to your account…now.”

There was a soft ding sound from my computer and the alert came up that the funds had indeed already been sent and were in the bank.

“Excellent. Many thanks, Zarthaan. Pleasure doing business with you as always.”

“No problem, Xxuric. It’s such a relief to be working with someone who takes such pride in his craft. I will be in touch soon. And I'm looking forward to the shipment coming in!”

“Right. Talk to you soon,” I said and hung up.

I sat back in my chair, closing my head and rubbing my hands over my face. I was annoyed, glad about the deal and STILL fucking thinking about Heather.


“What’s the matter, champ? Got the blues?” A voice said from nearby.

I shook my head.

“Jaxil. How it it you always manage to show up at the exact wrong moment?” I asked flatly.

Opening my eyes, I saw my friend with a cocky grin on his face.

“Well, that’s only from your perspective. On my end, it’s always the exact right moment.”

“Oh shut up,” I said with faux irritation.

Jaxil walked over to my liquor and poured himself a drink.

“Want a refill of yours?” He asked.

“Please. I just made another deal with Zarthaan and my head hurts.”

“Ugh. Zarthaan. Good customer. Pain in the ass.”

“You said it, brother,” I said, taking the drink from Jaxil and taking a slug from it.

“By the way, well done.,” Jaxil said.

“On what? The sale?”

“The sale? Fuck no. That fine piece of human ass you brought into the office.”

I sat forward suddenly, my heart dropping in my chest.


“Heather! That’s her name right? The one you got your son? Damn I’d love to get my hands on a piece of that.”

He laughed as he said it and moved back to the liquor to pour another drink.

I felt a hot flash rush through me, almost like rage, as if I was going to lash out.

Ah, fuck, I thought to myself.

I’m jealous.

Now there really was a problem.