Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Surcy woke shivering,so cold she thought she must be dead. She opened her eyes and stared at a dark sky filled with snowflakes swirling toward her.

She began to cry, shaking with a terrible loss that she didn't understand. Tears flowed down her frozen cheeks. It was strange to cry for no reason, and yet, to feel deep inside that she had lost something beautiful and sacred.

But what?

After several long minutes she gathered her wits about her and stood on stiff legs. She found herself naked and alone in a field of pale green grass. Snow drifted lazily from the sky, covering the green grass.

What’s wrong with that picture? Why is the grass so green and new, and yet the snow keeps coming?Behind her, her wings felt strange. They seemed to shiver on her back, as if afraid. She turned to look at them and frowned.

A cold breeze began to stir her feathers, but within moments, the breeze changed into a rustling wind that swirled and clawed at her like a pack of angry birds. The wind whispered of magic and punishment.

Tremors swept through her body. What is this?

In horror, she watched as her black feathers were torn from her wings. Pain came sharp and awful. Each feather was like a nail pulled from her fingertips. She screamed, trying to hold her wings, but the wind continued its assault. Deep red blood ran down her wings, painting her remaining feathers.

Time seemed to slow. Her feathers drifted behind her in a cloud, mixing with the snow, dark smudges against the pure white.

“No!” She sobbed.

But instead of stopping, the wind picked up, harder and faster.

A primal scream tore from her lips. A sound that continued without end, echoing through her. I need to escape!

Blindly, she climbed to her feet and began running through the snow on legs that shook, but the vicious wind was everywhere. A whirlwind without escape. Her feathers were no longer just being pulled free, but plucked out as if by angry hands. The pain was mind-numbing. But just when she thought she couldn’t take another moment of it, her entire wings were torn from her back.

Crumbling to her knees, her mouth opened and closed, but no sounds came out. Pain made every nerve in her body scream. And yet, she couldn’t move. Warm blood ran down her back, soaking her flesh.

Time passed. She had no idea how long. But she remained kneeling, overwhelmed by her suffering.

Eventually, the pain was replaced by a strange numbness. Reaching with fingers that shook, she touched her back. There was nothing left. Nothing but bloody gashes that would soon be no more than pale scars. She reached behind her and traced the wounds with her fingers as hot tears slid down her cheeks.

Why did this happen? What cruel being would punish me so?

Her memories were vacant. Empty. And yet, she knew those wings were hers. A part of her always.

I was an angel. But now… now what am I?

There was movement. Light in the distance. She stared at it. Three shapes started toward her across the snowy field.

Blinking through her tears, watching as they came closer and the shapes became men. I don’t know whether to be afraid, or hopeful.

When they saw her, they ran toward her, panic in their gazes.

The first one reached her with outstretched hands, but she cowered back.

He froze, his thoughts written clearly across his handsome face. He didn’t expect her to pull away from him.

“What do you want?” She asked, her voice shaking.

He opened his mouth, then closed it. With a hand that visibly shook, he reached up and adjusted his glasses. “Are you… are you alright?”

She wrapped her arms around her body. “No. I have no memory. No name. And my wings…” She couldn’t finish the rest.

The two other men stopped beside him, and she could feel their stares.

The first man knelt down. “You’re cold. Let us take you home. We can help.”

I don’t know these men. But then, I don’t know anyone.She nodded.

He swept her into his arms and carried her from the field. She stared over his shoulder. But there, on his sleeve, was one of her black feathers. A tiny one. She plucked it from his clothing and clutched it in her hand.

At least I have this.