Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Daniel couldn’t believethat Surcy didn’t remember them. Caine had done this to her, the cruel bastard! This was her punishment for loving them.

At least Caine spared her life and didn’t keep her from them forever. But what should they do now?

It had taken them so long to earn her love. To convince an angel that they shouldn't have been turned into demons. First, she fought for them because it was the right thing to do. Then, she helped them, because she couldn’t bear to see them continue the way they were.

And at last, somehow, they had convinced her to love them.

Which I don’t think I can do again.

He understood how women fell in love with Mark. Even during their first lives, the time before their deaths, he’d heard stories of the many women who loved Mark. But he and Tristan were not so lucky.

His brother, Tristan, for all the years he’d lived, had never fallen in love with a woman until Surcy. It wasn’t that his heart was made of stone; it was simply that his focus had been protecting those that needed him, not on what would make him happy.

But for me? I’m just a straight-up asshole.

Okay, so maybe that was a bit harsh. But he was definitely hard to love. At least according to every woman who gave up on him over the years. Who told him he was incapable of love.

They said he chased danger. That the fire within him was too wicked to control. That he would go down in flames one day for his reckless ways.

And they were right.

Yet, with Surcy? I fell in love with her as unexpectedly as she fell in love with me. I found her innocence frustrating, her constant moral compass annoying, and her belief that she could save the world? Completely ignorant. But God how I loved her.

And eventually, not only did he love her, but the way he saw the world changed. She taught him there was something beautiful about innocence, something admirable about a strong moral compass. When she had saved their world? He realized he’d been a coward for not trying to do the same.

As he gripped the steering wheel and turned onto the freeway, he couldn’t help but look back at her again. The incredible creature, who gave up her safety, and turned her back on her own kind for them, was gone.

We’ve lost her forever.