Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Tristan would killthose angel bastards for this. He would tear them from the heavens and shred their wings for what they have done to her. When she left to face Caine, she was so certain he would treat her fairly. That he would forgive her for loving us.

They begged her to run away with them. To hide.

Unfortunately, at the core of her being, Surcy believed Caine would want to hear her out. She had stubbornly refused to let it go. Her eyes had twinkled with certainty, her chin raised in confidence. All would be well, she had said.

That was a year ago, and until tonight, they hadn't seen her since.

Every day since then, they paid witches to search for her. They bribed vampires and shifters to prowl every dark corner of the world. And they never stopped looking.


Daniel's history with the witch Summer had finally paid off. She came to them, swearing that she had finally felt Surcy’s presence in a field outside of town. They’d come there, not knowing what they would find. Yet, they’d hoped for a miracle.

When Tristan saw her, he thought all was right with their world once more, that the other part of their souls had been returned to them.

Until he saw that her wings were gone. Being an angel was the most important thing to Surcy. She saw it as her calling, and with her three demons by her side, she spread peace, protecting those who needed it the most.

What will happen now? Without her wings, would everything go back to the way it was? What if she turns away from us?

His stomach twisted. If I were a betting man, I’d put it all on the thing that makes the most sense. Before the week is out, Surcy will leave us.