Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Mark carriedtheir sweet Surcy in his arms. She shivered uncontrollably, her face ashen, dirty, and tear-stained. He was so grateful they found her. He’d feared they’d lost her forever.

But I couldn’t have imagined that we’d find her, wings and memory gone.

Not that it truly matters.

If she didn’t remember them, they could make her love them again. They would start at the beginning and make her fall in love with them again.

And so what if she wasn't an angel anymore? That made things less complicated. The only real question was what had happened to her.

Everything else can be worked out, as long as we’re together.

He slid into the back seat, with her still in his arms, and settled her in his lap. The amount of blood that coated her back terrified him, feeling cold and sticky against his skin. Immortals could only be killed a couple of different ways, and certainly not from blood loss, but it didn’t make her injuries any less frightening.

He held her tighter, wishing he could take away her wounds. Wishing he had the power to heal both her mind and her body.

But all I can do is hold her. And keep her safe from this moment on.

At least she didn’t try to pull away. He didn't think he could ever let her go again.

Maybe tonight I’ll finally be able to sleep soundly…

His eternal-brothers climbed into the car. Daniel took the front seat while Tristan rode shotgun. As Daniel started the engine, Mark saw him look back at them in the rearview mirror. His dark eyes were filled with anguish.

Daniel’s faith in goodness was always paper-thin. Mark hoped Surcy’s condition wouldn’t completely destroy him. I hope he’s strong enough to fight for love.

Tristan, on the other hand, didn't look back at them, but Mark could feel the tension radiating from him. He doesn’t know what to do with an emotion like this. With this kind of sadness and disappointment. Tristan’s eyes were closed, and his jaw was clenched. He sat unmoving, like a creature carved from stone.

But there’s always so much raging beneath his quiet surface.

That was the thing about eternal-brothers, demons connected together in the afterlife; they always had an inner-sense of each other. Whether they wanted to or not. And his brothers’ misery was so powerful it was nearly suffocating.

Mark wanted to reassure them, but he couldn't. None of them knew what would happen.

As they pulled away, Surcy looked up at him, and Mark fell in love all over again. She was their world. Beautiful inside and out. Her long dark hair, usually in waves down her back, lay matted around her. Her eyes, normally a stunning hazel, looked weak and bloodshot. Her skin was so white from the cold, it was eerie. But whatever she’d been through, she was still the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

Our everything.

Mark held her against him, sharing his own body heat. The three demons were always hot, but they blazed the heater, trying desperately to warm her shivering body. Nothing else was more important than her happiness.

And now that we have her back, we’ll do whatever we have to in order to make her happy once more.

After a time, she spoke softly. “Can you tell me—who are you?” And the vacancy of her gaze twisted his heart.


“Mark.” She said his name, as if tasting it. “Can you tell me… was I once an angel?”

He nodded at her very slowly.

“What happened to me?”

You fell in love with three demons.“I don’t know.”

“Was it a punishment?”

In all likelihood, yes.“I don’t know.”

Tears stung her eyes. “Do you know who I am?”


Her gaze held his. “Can you tell me my name?”

This, I think she can handle.“Surcy. Your name is Surcy.”

And I’ve dedicated my life to you.

The pendant that was tucked carefully into his shirt seemed to warm, as if reminding him of his other dedication.

As if I could ever forget that the future of the world rests in my hands.

He held Surcy tighter. That was the thing about knowing he would die for their cause, it made moments like these even more important.