Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Four

Ididn’t really think she’d leave. I thought…hell, I didn’t know what I thought.

But I sure hoped she felt the same way about me that I did about her. That maybe after all these years, she might still have some sort of feelings for me. But maybe I’d blown it again. Maybe I’d pushed too hard.

The lingerie…that might have been a step too far. But despite her reaction, I didn’t think so. I knew Abigail. Correction. I had known her. But the Abigail I’d known had loved her lingerie.

She’d lost so much. Everything in her life was ripped from her through no fault of her own, and it seemed like such a small thing to offer her a little bit of extravagance. Lingerie had been her secret splurge back then. Even though I’d never personally unwrapped her from any of those sexy, lacy treats she used to wear while we dated, I remembered them well. I also remembered exactly how they’d made my body come alive with just one glance.


Why had I never taken our relationship to the next level? It was a question I’d tortured myself with for over fifteen years. But as much as I’d wanted to, I’d known then that Abigail was special. Too special to rush things with. I was going to ask her to marry me first. Make sure she knew exactly how I felt about her. But then Daniel had come home from Europe.

And Daniel always got everything he’d wanted.

I’d been a fool to let him have Abigail without a fight. I’d just stepped away, like the weak coward I’d been.

But I’d spent the last fifteen years becoming a man strong enough, powerful enough, and confident enough to be worthy of her.

And now, I’d blown it…again.


I slammed my fist down on the desk, hard. Before I could do it again, I heard the creak of the door behind me open.

“What do you think?”

My whole body stiffened at the sound of her voice, deepened with desire. I knew before turning what I would see.

But knowing what you’d see and actually seeing it were two very different things. When I turned around, I sucked in a sharp breath at the exquisite sight of Abigail, my first and only real love, looking every bit the sex goddess she most certainly was.

The corset I’d chosen for her—I knew she’d secretly love the sweet, feminine color—looked far more sinful than sweet on her body. The boning of the garment narrowed her already slim waist further, creating curves that my hands itched to touch. Her breasts were pushed so far up, they almost spilled out. She wore the matching panties, which I knew were only a scrap of lace. Sure enough, when she turned to show me the entire effect, and her perfectly round peach bottom was fully exposed to me, it was confirmed.

Unwittingly, I let out a low growl and stepped toward her. “What are you doing, Abigail?”

She turned to me, her face a mixture of defiance and desire. “Isn’t this why you bought it? Because you wanted to see it?”

She was playing a dangerous game. In more ways than one. And she knew it.

I didn’t miss the way her nostrils flared, her eyes narrowed in challenge as she refocused on me.

“Abigail.” I worked hard to keep my voice under control. As it was, it came out low and gruffer than I wanted it to. But I couldn’t help it. The sight of her was doing things to me. Still. I needed to stay in control. “You don’t want to—”

“You have no idea what I want.”

I was pretty sure I did. I just didn’t know why.

Her tongue slipped from between her lips and licked slowly along her plump bottom lip.

Two steps, and I was in front of her. Without thinking, I grabbed her forearms and held her tight. The need to kiss her, to taste her after all this time, was almost too strong to resist.

She tipped her head up, her eyes closed.

More than anything, I wanted to feel her lips on mine, her body pressed against mine.

I inhaled slowly. She waited.

No. Not like this.

I released her and swiftly walked back to my desk, where I put both hands flat against the hard surface and dropped my head, dragging in one deep breath after another.

I couldn’t breathe with her so close. Let alone half naked.

Behind me, I heard her make a noise. But before I could react, Abigail grabbed my arm and tugged. I spun around to see her beautiful face flushed a sexy shade of red, her mouth set in a line of determination.

“Abigail, I—”

“I told you. My name is Abby.”

She pushed her slight body up against me. Hard. She moved a bare leg between mine and pressed against my throbbing erection with her thigh, right before she took my face in her hands and kissed me.

* * *

Ihoped like hell I wasn’t making a mistake. It was a risk, to be sure. But…

There was something between us. There always had been. It would just be better to get it out of the way. The tension, the unspoken need.

No more games.

I wasn’t the unsure twenty-something he remembered. I’d changed. I’d learned. And I knew enough now that if I was ever going to get what I wanted, I had to go after it.

So I kissed him.

And the moment my lips touched his, all of my bravado melted away because…damn.

I definitely wasn’t going to be able to get him out of my system. The touch of his lips had stirred up a whole lot more than unfinished business.

Taken off guard, his lips resisted, but only for a second before they softened and melted into the kiss. For a second, I thought he might push me away again, but then one hand clamped around my waist to hold me tight, while the other twined through my hair as his tongue found mine and plunged into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

Yes. This is what I’d wanted. And so much more. Phillip had always kissed me as if his life depended on it. That hadn’t changed.

My entire body lit up with a desire so intense my knees buckled. I groaned and pressed into him harder, using my thigh to rub his swollen erection.

He moaned, and used my hair to tug my head back before his mouth found the sensitive skin on my neck. He sucked, nipped, and even bit down a little; the slight shot of pain traveled through me and intensified the throbbing between my legs.

It had started as a challenge to myself and sure, maybe a little bit of spite, too. But now that I was here with Phillip’s mouth on my hot skin, I wanted more. Needed more.

As if answering my unasked plea, he slid his hands down my body and over my exposed bottom. He cupped my flesh and squeezed, before scooping me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed against him, kissing him with abandon as Phillip turned me around and set me on his desk.



I groaned and tipped my head back as his hands worked their way down my body, exploring and teasing over the pink silk and lace of the corset.

“Yes.” The word was a moan on my lips. “Phillip. It’s always been…” My words faded away and he stilled. Waiting. “I…”

How could I tell him how I felt when I didn’t even know myself?

Instead, I chickened out and simply said, “I missed you.”

He jerked away from me so quickly I almost lost my balance on the desk. I felt the loss of his nearness, of his fingers, of his touch, as if he’d thrown a bucket of water on me.

“What the…”

Phillip had turned away from me and was zipping his pants.

My mind raced. What the hell? He’d set this up. He’d planned it all. He’d bought the sexy lingerie. I was so confused. He had to want this the way I did.

And I did. I wanted him.

“You should go.”

“Phillip, I…” I what? “I’m sorry…” I wasn’t exactly sure what I was apologizing for. The money? For coming on to him? For saying whatever it was that I said that stopped this?

I didn’t know. And it didn’t matter because he still wouldn’t look at me.

He was rejecting me, again.

“No.” Confusion, hurt, and rejection welled up in me. Still, he didn’t turn around. “I mean, yes. I am sorry. But I…I just don’t know why I’m here, Phillip, and I…” I blinked hard. I would not cry. Not now that I’d just thrown myself at him and he’d pushed me away.

There was only so much one woman could take.

“Do you know why I’m here?” I lowered my voice, unsure whether I could even say what I was thinking. It was easier that he wasn’t looking at me. I took a deep breath. “Not because you made me a deal, or I did something I shouldn’t have, or I was scared to lose my job.” I swallowed hard.

“I’m here because it was you, Phillip. Because it’s always been…”

I couldn’t believe what I was saying. All these years, and I’d never even allowed myself to think such things, let alone say them aloud.

When he turned to look at me, I saw the pain and hurt in his eyes for the first time. The confusion and the…what?

“It’s always been what?” He didn’t wait for an answer. He scrubbed a hand over his face and shook his head. “I don’t blame you if you want to leave. And as I said before, the deal is off. You can go whenever you want. I don’t want you to ever…I can’t bear you thinking less of me…”

He turned again and walked to the window, his back to me.

I’d been dismissed. Or discarded. Or…I just didn’t know.

Confused and more hurt than I cared to admit, I did the only thing I could think of to do.

I left.