Hate by K.A Knight

After everything that happened, Lucy instructs everyone to search the castle for their people. Anyone they can’t find is to be reported to us, and we will either find them or determine what happened to them. We have Amos and Gabriel’s lab, and Titus’s room to go over. We will split it between us, since Dawn doesn’t trust anyone else. We also need some new guards and, well, the rest of the council. Lucy asked Dawn for her opinion as head of the council. She looked to Nos and grinned, mentioning she had some ideas, but not who as of yet.

All the bloodshed, power, and death has tired everyone out, and with the decree that the crowning ceremony will happen tomorrow and then work to solve everything will commence the following day, Lucy dismisses everyone. There is some grumbling, but Nos works to assure them and speaks with the leaders of the groups.

Dawn talks to the women and the monsters she found in the dungeon, offering to let them stay at the mansion if they have nowhere to go. A few chose to leave to head back to their old lives, but more than half chose to stay. Their old lives are gone, and they don’t have anywhere to go—plus, like myself, they seem to be drawn to Dawn. They recognise a leader and the understanding in her, she is like them. She bled and almost died for them, which creates a whole lot of loyalty, more than any crown ever could.

She doesn’t even realise it, but she already has an army under her roof, ready to die to protect her.

Once the room is cleared, she slumps against me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her up. The once gold room is coated in blood, bodies, and death. I look around and she does the same, a startled laugh bursting from her lips.

Griffin glances over at the sound, spots what she’s looking at, and winks. “I always thought this room needed redecorating. Love what you did with the place, Vasculo.”

She grins and then sighs, snuggling closer. “Tired, my love?”

She yawns. “I guess a revolution can take it out of a person.”

“There are plenty of bedrooms, Little Monster,” Nos offers, as he bids the last person goodbye and heads her way.

“Ugh, yes, but what did they do in them? If I could, I would burn this whole place to the ground,” she mutters.

“You could.” Lucifer shrugs as he strolls around, seeming to enjoy all the blood and death. “Pricey though, but if you wish to sleep somewhere this council never touched, there is the sleeping court’s wing. They were unable to even access it, so rest assured nothing will have happened there...well, not by them anyway. I know I personally turned one room into a massacre a couple hundred years ago.” His eyes go far away as he smiles. “Ah, so much blood, that was a good day.”

“You know what? That actually sounds good.” She sighs.

He blinks and looks over at her with a grin. “I also happen to have a torture room in that wing, in case you would ever like to play with my toys,” he rumbles, and she shivers against me.

I look to Dume to see him watching them too. We are all wondering if they are mates. I mean, I thought they were with the way she needed his touch, but then he seems aloof. I guess only time will tell.

“Follow me. I will grant you access, then I will prepare for tomorrow. I do have to complete the ceremony according to our laws, or others will have grounds to challenge you. That doesn’t mean they won’t, but they will have to do it by other means…” He shrugs. “Then we can discuss putting an acceptable council in place.”

“Why me?” She sighs and he looks over his shoulder.

“I have a feeling if you did not, the other monsters would revolt and simply kill them. You, Dawn, have shown them they do not need to follow someone just because they are told to. You have to accept the change you wrought.”

Dawn keeps hold of my arm as Lucifer leads us up the stairs, ignoring the corpses of the fallen outside, and then up another set of stairs before he turns left. He carries on walking, taking twisting, turning corridors until we come upon a large black double door blocking the path. I can feel the magic pulsing from it from here. It’s warded, like he said.

The actual door is decorated with skulls and bloody handprints and Dawn grins. “Now that’s more my style.”

Lucifer presses his hand to the door above one of the handprints and looks back at her, his eyes blazing like a fire. “Thought you might like it, little walker.”

The door hisses and then swings inwards, the interior dark and gloomy. Lucifer steps through, whistling as he goes, and I follow after with Dawn still holding onto me. I would go anywhere at the moment if she kept touching me. She feels so good, so warm. Looking down at her, I can’t help but soften inside. This woman is incredible, a true leader. So strong and brave and she doesn’t even see it.

She’s a true warrior.

“There are numerous bedrooms, but my favourite one is at the base of the tower. There is also a kitchen, a living area, a place to fight. Make yourselves at home.” He sweeps his arms out to encompass it all. I gaze around, noting the walls are covered in an old-style paper with wood at the bottom. Large candelabras are attached to the wall with candle chandeliers above. Lucifer snaps his fingers and they all light with a sizzle, illuminating more of the hallway.

It’s so different from the rest of the mansion, I actually settle a little. It feels more real and reminds me slightly of home.

“Lead the way,” I tell Dawn. She reaches up and kisses my cheek before exploring further as we all follow along behind.

“Hurry up, Vasculo, I’m tired and want to wash this blood off,” Griffin snarls.

“Poor angel, too harsh for your delicate sensibilities?” Aska taunts.

“Carry on, lizard, and I will—”

“Do nothing!” Dawn shouts, and then storms into their midst, her eyes narrowed and black. “You will not hurt each other. If you do, then I will kill you myself. Mate or not. I need you all, and I know it will be hard, but for me? Please? I’ve had enough fighting and hate in my life, and there’s so much more to come, but in here...with us, can we not? Please?” she implores, and seems to slump.

Nos glares at everyone and sweeps her into his arms. “Any infighting and you will be kicked out. You heard our mate. Now let us find somewhere for her to rest. You can finish butting heads out here like children while the rest of us take care of our mate,” he growls, each word filled with power that almost bows us backwards.

We wander the corridor until Nos finds the room under the tower. We step inside the door, looking around. It is certainly big, with a bed upon a pedestal large enough to accommodate most of us. I’m not leaving her side, even to sleep.

She must hear my thoughts, because her mind brushes mine. Good, I’m not letting any of you go.

I grin at that, my little warrior. So fierce. I can’t wait to see where this life takes me. Maybe this time I will get it right, not my second chance...but third. The final one with the woman destined to be mine.

Her vampire.