Hate by K.A Knight

Iwatch the radiant creature that is Dawn head my way. They seem to forget I am here and happily believe they have privacy with her despite my presence—apart from her, she never forgets. Her eyes are always going to me with a private smile, her confusion clear in her gaze as she watches me trying to figure her out.

If I was a man right now, I would gasp at her splendour.

She is stunning when covered in blood and gore, naked and draped in power.

But in a gown? Cleaned up? She is a regal beauty.

I can’t decide which I like more. One calls to my man, who’s used to dining with gods in riches, and one calls to my wolf, who wants to take her under a full moon. The forest god grasps her hand and tries to lead her from the room, but she stills, watching me. Turning to him, she kisses his cheek, leaving a red stamp of her lips. I wish I had that on me to prove I was hers. Strange.

“One minute, wait for me outside?” she requests, and he nods, his eyes sliding to me.

He also looks contemplative when staring at me, but he abides by her wishes and leaves, the door shutting behind him, giving us privacy. She kneels before me, watching me, those eyes meeting mine. “I don’t know if you can understand me, but I think you can. Something tells me you’re more than can I imagine...but thank you. For staying, for fighting at our side. One day, I will discover what you are—” Her eyes go far away for a moment. “Somehow, it seems important, but until then, join us. It would make me feel better having you at my side today.”

I press my nose into her hand in affirmation. Where else would I be? I need to ensure she is safe before I leave. She smiles and pats my head before brushing her fingers through my fur. A rumble of pleasure escapes me as my wolf stretches under her touch, brushing himself along her body. But he’s too big and she falls backwards from his strength, laughing as she lands on her bum.

Whining, he lowers his muzzle in apology, and she leans forward, kissing his nose. “It’s okay, thank you.”

He preens at that as she gets to her feet, her hand tangling in his fur, almost like she is holding his hand as we walk out the door. We catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror, and I realise I have a red lipstick stain on my muzzle. The sight makes my wolf way too happy and he preens, trotting from the room at her side, pleased to show it off.

That his mate marked him.


It echoes through my head.

No, I can’t be.

I can’t stay, to do so guarantees all of our destruction. I have a path I must walk, and it leads me away from her. Even as the thought settles in my stomach like a lead weight. I have the present, that is all.

I stay pressed against her side, even as the male they call Lucy bows to her, his red eyes locked on her with fierce intensity, as if he cannot look away. “Ready, Regina?”

“As ready as I will ever be.” She smiles and he shivers under her gaze before straightening.

He steps back and runs his eyes across her, seeming unable to speak, which is understandable. As a man, I would be the same. She is simply too much to behold. Like a flawless diamond. Finally, he meets her gaze again. “A true leader, you look the part, little walker.”

“Yeah? It’s okay?” she asks, teasing him, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

He steps forward, mist flaring around him. “Okay? Who told you that you just look okay? You look magnificent, even the angels would weep. Perfection in a dangerous, beautiful package, Regina, that is what you are,” he snarls defensively.

She giggles, the sound tinkling and making me press closer. “Nice to know what you think. Come on then, Lucy. Lead the way.”

His eyes narrow as he tugs her closer, his expression closing down to something dangerous, but despite that, my hackles don’t rise, so I stay still. “Do. Not. Call. Me. That,” he snarls, sounding deadly.

She pats his chest. “Sure, Lucy, let’s not keep them waiting.”

He stills, stops moving completely as if he’s frozen. His eyes flicker like flames and then he lets out a breath. Eyes narrowed, he cups her hand and leads her away, his back straight.

I stay next to them and the others follow behind us. It feels right to be at her side, but I know that won’t last forever. Nothing does, not even when you wish it would…

Everything ends. Everything dies. Everything destructs.

And I will be the key.