Hate by K.A Knight

Iwatch the little walker be carried into the room, my old room. Well, the place I stayed whenever I felt like staying here to scare the council and cause chaos. I knew if I let her walk out that door downstairs, this little blood thirsty woman would have disappeared. I had to keep her close while I figured out why she seemed so important, and why I had been dragged into her circle of power.

So I had made her stay. The people seemed to support the idea of her leading. That won’t always be so, and when it settles, they will question why this outsider is leading, then they will try to kill her. Overthrow her. They will use mind games and verbal trickery. It will be interesting to see how she handles it.

“Tomorrow, the ceremony will be conducted early to settle the power disruption and unrest, be prepared.” I nod and then turn to leave. There is a shuffle, and suddenly a small hand lands on my arm. I look down at the pale, dainty thing and follow it up to those big eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

“I did nothing.” I smirk.

“Thank you,” she repeats, searching my eyes until she nods and turns away. I have the strangest urge to grab her and pull her back, to make her look at me again. To make her touch me. But I don’t.

I turn away as well and leave her to her mates, no doubt they have a lot of…making up to do. I ignore the fact that it fills me with jealousy and the fires of hell at the thought and leave the room.

As I shut the door behind me, I feel a tug, a pull in my stomach to go back, but I ignore it and head farther down the corridor to the double doors at the end, pushing them open onto the stone balcony. I ignore the gargoyles and stare out into the night sky. From here you can see the world laid out below. So small and distant.

People have fought battles over less—the view I mean...not Dawn.

Why is she under my skin so?

I am used to doing what I want, when I want, without concern for the consequences, simply living in the moment, spreading death and bloodshed wherever I go. But when I thought about killing her, it didn’t feel right. In fact, it made me sick to my stomach just at the idea.

Fool. She has clearly done something to me, the question is what?

All these years, all these millenniums, kings, queens, and Xaph have tried to get me to take my place, to take my role seriously and care for someone other than myself. They used their bodies, riches, words, and laws, but I still didn’t fall in line. I revolted, I burned the world and walked through battles I started with joy, relishing it.

But now?

As I debate leaving Dawn to the chaos she has sowed, I find myself unable to move from this balcony. I am split in two, my need for blood, for death, wanting to leave this place and seek it out in the world, start another war, anything. But the other half...it wants me to stay, to keep her close.


To kill her? No, that can’t be it.

Maybe to toy with her?

It’s infuriating to say the least, and putting a damper on my world burning plans. So, I will stay. I will get rid of these pesky feelings and do my duty for once, maybe then Xaph will leave me alone for a couple hundred years and I can go and find a war somewhere. Wash with the blood of my enemies and sleep surrounded by the most beautiful creations this world has to offer.

But even that image feels empty and cold, and the black eyes of the woman sleeping down the hall burns that vision away, mocking me.

Under it all is fear, fear because I know what she is...who she is.

My mate.

She represents change, she represents restriction, and...fondness. That scares me. Change is the ultimate sacrifice. I was made into this creature of darkness, to burn and kill. To cause chaos, but…but if I choose Dawn and turn away from that, who knows what I will become?

Is that what the woman meant all those millennia ago? The choice is mine, to burn or love?

How foolish she thought I would be to choose one small, black-eyed woman…

The bed fits us all. There is some chafing and butting heads, and I have to smack both Aska and Griffin and separate them, placing them on either side of the bed. It’s so large that my mates can lie comfortably without touching. For once I simply sprawl in their midst, in the middle of this huge...huge monster pile.

Their hands seek me out in the dark, stroking my skin, touching and holding, and each caress sparks with power and love.

Even my wolf is here, lying on the floor by the bed, his eyes watching me as if guarding, as if memorising. It’s strange. When this is over, I need to learn more about him somehow. It feels important, but first I must survive tomorrow, something that fills me with dread.

I’m not a leader. I could barely keep myself alive, so what sort of example do I set? I kill anyone who annoys me, which is surely not a good fit. But Lucy seems to think so, and everyone was adamant.

Maybe I could do it for a while and just see how it goes while they put all the other council members in place, and once they are there I could resign. I guess only time will tell, but for now I push all that away, just enjoying being lost in my mates.

We have never all been in the same room.

It feels so right. I know we can’t spend every day like this. They would kill each other, but for tonight, one night, there’s a truce. I feel it.

Staring up at the large, ornate ceiling decorated in murals of battles, blood, and death, I let myself relax for the first time since before all this began. Since before I was taken, before I was killed. Before I met that ass monkey ex. There was never a time I felt this...complete, though, this happy. This right, as if I was always going to end up here.

“Thank you for coming for me, for staying, for fighting with me,” I whisper into the dark. Their hands contract on my body, and I feel their eyes looking to me. “You didn’t have to, so thank you.”

“I told you, Little Monster, I’ll always come for you. We all feel the same, we could never walk away from you,” Nos murmurs, and I turn my head and meet his white eyes. The fact he’s relaxed in this form tells me he at least feels comfortable with everyone, if nothing else.

“But why? And don’t say because we’re mates, there has to be something else. A way to resist that if you wanted to.”

“Why would we want to?” Jair inquires.

Draya, we search our whole lives for a place to call home, a family. Happiness. You are all of that. Why would we ever walk away when we find love in your arms?”

“And fucking great sex,” Griffin adds, and then I hear a yelp as someone kicks or smacks him.

“A chance to be what we want, to not follow the path spread out for us, but to make our own. Neriso, we stay, we came for you not because destiny told us we had to, but because if we didn’t...we would never be happy again. Our moon rises and sets with you.” Aska croons.

“Get that from one of your shows?” Griffin snorts.

Their back and forth makes me smile. So they aren’t here just because of destiny or because they had to. But because they wanted to.

“Of course we did, Little Monster. We choose to mate you, to follow you, because we love you,” Nos insists, and pulls me closer. Sighing, I lay my head on his chest as Griffin snuggles closer to my back. Aska picks up my feet and drapes them over his chest, one hand locked around my ankle. Jair rubs against my legs as Dume’s arm stretches across him to touch my thigh.

I let their warmth fill me, replacing all those dark parts with shades of grey until I start to feel more whole, even if something inside me reaches out beyond these walls and down the hallway to someone else.


I shake my head, that man...that demon will decide his own rules. Always will, I can tell. He’s not like my other mates, he never wanted a family or a home...or love. If he chooses to walk away, I have no choice but to let him, even if a tiny part of me cracks at that thought, feeling like he should be here, with us.

“Sleep, Little Monster, tomorrow is a big day. We will watch, we will protect you, just sleep,” Nos murmurs, as he drops a kiss on the top of my head.

I missed you so much, my little monster, never leave my side again. There is no me without you.

Smiling, I snuggle closer and close my eyes, sleeping with my mates surrounding me. For tonight this is all that matters.

* * *

Something wakes me,and once it does, I can’t go back to sleep. I lie in a pile of snoring males, cringing. Guess I didn’t think about the practical side of having so many mates. God, I hope they are better than human men when it comes to the bathroom and cleaning.

Hands slide across my skin, making me gasp. They are all asleep, just reaching for me, but each touch sets me alight. A fire burning in my gut.


Great, I’m horny and all my monsters are asleep.

Lying here, I try to distract myself or go back to sleep, but one of their hands slides between my thighs and their face snuggles into my hip. Fuck.

Well, that’s not fair, all these dicks and no one to ride. I wonder if they would be annoyed if I woke them up…I bet if it was sucking them off they wouldn’t complain. Before I can roll over and try to wake one of them, a hand slips over my mouth and lips meet my ear. “Shh, don’t wake them.”

I settle at Nos’s velvety voice as he gently scoops me up and slides me away from them before silently leaping from the bed and landing on quiet feet. Wrapping myself around him, I let him carry me from the room.

He brings me out the door and down the corridor. I spot two open doors behind us at the very end and see Lucy standing there, staring out into the night. He looks so lost, so alone. I ache to go to him, but I don’t think he would accept it, so I snuggle closer to my forest god.

He takes me to the next room a couple of rooms down and opens the door, kicking it shut behind us. I don’t get to look around except to see there is dust and cobwebs covering most of the room, and sheets over what looks like sofas to the left and a bed to the right.

Nos doesn’t stop, he leads me right to the double balcony doors at the back, past the bed, and pushes them open. They swing with a squeak and remain open behind us as he heads out into the night air.

Smiling, I suck in a deep breath as he places me down on the wooden table waiting out here, and steps between my thighs. How did he know I needed air before I did? That I needed to be outside, to be held, and touched…

Because my forest gods know everything about me, even before I do.

He tilts his head down, his hands braced on the table on either side of me. “Your need woke me.”

I grin at that, leaning back. “I guess I should be sorry, but I’m not. This is the most I’ve seen you in a while.”

“So it is, Little Monster. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I knew you needed time to finish what you needed. If I interrupted, it might not have gone down like that and we wouldn’t be here. I stayed away to protect you, do you believe me, Little Monster?”

“Always.” I nod. If he says there was a reason, that it was important, I believe him. I just missed him is all.

“I missed you too, so much.” He grabs me and pulls me closer, leaning his head against mine, his eyes bleeding to white. “Life is boring without you, it makes me miss when we first met. Chasing you across the city, now chasing you here. It seems like you’re always busy or running,” he murmurs.

“No more chasing, no more running, baby. It’s us now,” I soothe, as I reach up and stroke along his horns. He growls, his eyes flashing.

“Whoops, I forgot about that,” I say innocently, blinking at him.

His eyes narrow as I continue to stroke his antlers. “Little Monster, behave.”

“And when have I ever behaved, god? Tell me that.” Leaning closer, I lick his lips. “And when do you not like it when I don’t?”

“Little Monster,” he growls.

“What are you waiting for, forest god...every time you catch me you have me...is this going to be the exception?” I purr, tracing my nails down his back, adding an edge of pain to my touch, knowing my god likes it when we push boundaries. Flashes of the last time we were together, of the blood, the pleasure, fills my head. God, I want that.

I want him.

So badly.

His hands trail along my thighs before gliding upwards, delicately crossing my chest, and brushing across my taut nipples before he cups my chin. “I feel your need, it’s so strong, Little Monster. You never have to ask. I always want you, always need you. Never worry about waking us or disturbing us, you are our world, Little Monster. It’s time you realised you can trust us to always take care of you.”

“What—” I start, but he covers my lips.

I groan into his mouth as he tangles his tongue with mine, playing with me, his hands trailing back down. He flicks my nipples, tweaking them, his touches alternating between hard and soft until I’m moaning into his mouth. I’m so wet I bet it’s dripping onto the table, imagining all the ways my forest god is going to fuck me.

He pushes my thighs apart and strokes across my wet pussy, the caress more teasing than anything, back and forth, back and forth, at the same rhythm of his kiss until I’m panting and rocking against him. Needing more.

Ripping my mouth away, I snarl, “More!”

He chuckles breathlessly, keeping up the movement. “Trust me, Little Monster.”

Groaning, I drop back to the table and he leisurely kisses across my chest, sucking my nipple into his mouth before rolling it around. I feel his tongue change around me, becoming forked as he lashes me. Yes, now this is what I was talking about!

But then he pulls away and blows cool air over me before giving the other breast the same treatment. Fuck control, fuck patience and trust. “Nos!” I snarl in warning.

He growls, lifting his head as the change comes over him, the skull forming over his face until his eye sockets are black. “I wanted you, Little Monster, you will trust us.”

He picks me up as I struggle in his grip. The scent of his blood fills the air, but he ignores it as he drops me onto the balcony. I tumble backwards and his hands catch me around the waist as I dangle halfway off the edge.

Squirming, I try to get up as one of his hands releases its hold and goes back to stroking my pussy.

“Trust, Little Monster, it is hard for you. But we will learn, I will prove it repeatedly, starting now.”

“Trust! Let me down,” I growl, fighting his grip even as pleasure rockets through me, drawn by his touch. He ignores me, kissing along my side and legs as I struggle, my hips rolling to meet his fingers as he finally dips one inside me, but when I start to fight to get up again he pulls them free.


I still and he slips his fingers back inside me, this thumb brushing my clit as he plunges deep. Groaning, I bite my lip as I writhe in his grasp, the pleasure fighting against my panic to move, to get up.

The top half of me is weightless, this is more than a power play. This is about trust, me letting go and expecting him to protect me, to save me and keep me safe. To give me everything I need.

I release the bannister and trust him, and when I do, immense pleasure and love fills me from our connection.

This was never about him, but about me. About letting go, living in the moment, and trusting. Right here and now he’s showing me that I can always depend on my forest god, even during very hard times.

God, I love him.

My hair cascades over the world below, my eyes closing as the wind blows across my naked body, the night sky surrounding me. The stars shine down on me as he rubs his cock across my pussy.

“I will always catch you, Little Monster. This isn’t about sex or fucking. This is about love. Our love. It’s stronger than you will ever know, but I will spend every day showing you, reminding you.”

“Fucking me, I hope,” I tease, my lips curling into a smile as I let him do whatever he wants to me.

“Always,” he murmurs, dropping a soft kiss on my clit before his forked tongue darts out and lashes it, making me moan. “You asked once what else I could do, want to see?”

“What—hell yes,” I exclaim, almost sitting up before remembering, and I relax again, a decision he rewards with a kiss.

He laughs as he pulls away, taking his fingers with him, but then his cock suddenly replaces them. Spearing my pussy in one hard, quick thrust, he fills me. I scream into the night as he stretches me around his hard length. He waits for me to stop squirming and then lifts my hips, exposing me further until I feel the cool air blow over my ass.

He’s holding me up with two hands, dangling me above a fifty-foot drop. Fuck, why is that so hot?

Then he starts to move with quick, sure thrusts. It feels good, really good, and I let myself go, relaxing with each one, allowing him to use my body, driving my higher and higher towards that peak.

Only when I’ve given myself over to him completely does he speak again.

“Did you know snakes have two penises?” he murmurs almost matter-of-factly.

“Wait—what—holy fuck!” I scream, as something soft yet strangely hard—almost reminding me of a tentacle—slides down my pussy before gliding back up and pressing against my clit as he drives in and out of my tight channel. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My eyes roll into the back of my head, but then the extra appendage slides farther down and slips inside me, right alongside his other cock.

He’s fucking me with two cocks.

It stretches me to the point of pain, and that extra appendage presses against my nerves, hard, until I’m squirming and crying out as a sudden wave of pleasure washes over me, dragging me with it. I shout his name into the night as I come. But he doesn’t stop. Fighting my clenching pussy, he pulls his second cock free and, wet with my cream, presses it down to my ass.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant, knowing I don’t have a choice. He’s going to do whatever he wants to me, I’m just along for the ride, completely at his mercy, and the thought is hot. Imagining whatever that second cock looks like, slipping and slithering into my other hole, has me clenching on his cock again.

“Is that what you want, my little monster? Me to fill every hole you have, until there is no space between us at all? Until you are consumed by me? Filled so completely you will always feel empty without us inside you?” he murmurs as he fucks me.

God, yes.

“No need to pray to me, Little Monster, never,” he snarls, his hands tightening on my hips, cutting into the skin there. The fragrance of my blood fills the air, even as he slithers into my other hole. That snaking cock slips through my muscles, and when it fills me, it seems to expand.

Still slithering, jerking like a tentacle, it feels so wrong, so different, that I can’t help but wriggle. He drives into me with his other cock, stretching me so completely that I scream, letting it all out into the night.

Letting him replace my emptiness all with him. He’s correct, nothing will ever feel right after this.

His other cock slinks inside me, reaching so deep I swear my eyes cross. I chant his name, meaningless words falling from my mouth. I’m nothing but a living, breathing ball of pleasure, driven higher and higher into that night sky with each thrust, each slither, each breath.

“Mine, you are mine!” he roars, as he picks up speed.

His hand comes out and slaps my clit, adding pain to the mix until I can’t hold back, I can’t stop it. It’s a deluge, a tidal wave of pleasure. It rolls through me, wrecking everything in its path and rebuilding it again and again.

I come so hard I don’t think it will ever end, my pussy and ass clenching so tight he can’t fight me. He roars as he fills me, shooting his release into my pussy. I jerk beneath him, my stomach rolling and lungs tightening.

When it’s over I feel boneless, and so full and satisfied beneath him, I can’t move. I lie there, hanging over the edge, trusting him completely.

He gathers me closer, softly now as he slips from my ass and pussy, and I catch a glimpse of a long, slightly purple tentacle-like cock before it disappears. His face shifts to human, his eyes still white as he lifts me back up until I face him.

I stare into those white orbs, my mouth dry and throat sore from screaming. No doubt my other mates heard that or even felt it, but I don’t care. They can try and make me scream harder, it’s going to be a fucking hot competition.

“Next time, Little Monster, I’ll show you knotting.” He grins as he strokes my face so softly and tenderly, I nearly cry. This man, this god, undoes me in the best way. He shows me the best of myself, and accepts the worst, never judging. Understanding and knowing what I need and giving it to me without a thought for himself.

“Knotting?” I echo quietly, my eyes wide as he pulls me into his chest.

“We have so many animals to go through, little one.” He chuckles.

“Fuck, you’re going to kill me.” I giggle as I snuggle closer, relaxing in his arms.

“And you will love every second of it.” He grins. “Me and you, Little Monster, forever.”

Forever is a long time. I can’t wait for it to start.