Hate by K.A Knight

After we made love on the balcony, she fell asleep in my arms. I pulled her closer and took us back inside. There, in the shadow of the room, was Lucifer—Lucy, as she calls him. I don’t think she even knows she was calling her mates as she came, that she was pulling them closer, and here he is, waiting and watching from the dark like he can’t break free of these shadows to reach her.

I hope he does. She needs him and it’s clear he needs her. He needs to allow himself to understand and feel that, otherwise it will break both of them a little. Maybe a lot.

My poor little monster, nothing is ever easy for her, it never will be. She has had a hard path in life, to be a fighter, a leader, to never give up. I hope I—we can lessen that burden for her and give her shoulders to lean on when it gets too hard. Like tonight.

She needed that, I needed that. To prove to both of us she doesn’t always have to be in control. Doesn’t always need to be strong and dominant, that she can trust us to give her what she needs, even when she doesn’t know it. It will be a long road to break down those barriers she still has, the ones built on pain and betrayal from the many people in her life who hurt her. Sometimes we will cut ourselves on those bricks, but we will still keep going until we get inside.

Because she is ours.

And we are hers.

And that is what you do for those you love. You love them so completely, so fully, even when it’s hard or it hurts, especially then. It’s when they need you the most. It’s not always easy or pretty, but I’m learning that love is both selfish and selfless. You can’t love without both.

“You should let her in, you might be surprised what she can do,” I whisper to him, not wanting to wake her.

“Is that right, forest god? Or maybe she would destroy me,” he rumbles from the dark, his eyes glowing.

“She could, but to burn in her flames would be better than to burn alone. Think on that before you break whatever bond is between you,” I advise as I walk by.

“And if I chose to walk away?” he calls.

Sighing, I look down at the precious woman in my arms. I never thought I would be here. Offering another man my love’s heart, but she needs him and what she needs, I give her. Always.


It doesn’t mean I won’t kill him.


Got to have both.

I leave him to think on my words and what he will do as I head back to the room. We will need to make it home if this is where we plan on staying, I want her comfortable here. She is the leader, after all, she needs a place she can come to when it gets to be too much.

We all need a home, it’s what we searched for.

I wonder if this could be it.

Laying her back on the bed, I climb in beside her. As I position her, the others reach for her, awake and aware of what happened. Jealousy and anger fill our bonds, but they settle as soon as they touch her. Yes, a hard road. Let us hope we are strong enough to traverse it.


* * *

Brushing her hair back,I curl a silky lock and stick it in place with deft fingers until her hair is styled in a style suited to a queen. Who knew having to do Isla’s hair when she was little would come in handy with my mate.

Dawn slept so long we had to wake her, and the ceremony is soon. Somehow, Jair and Dume found her something to wear. Griffin helped her bathe, and Aska aided in dressing her, adding jewels and treasures to her frame that someone called Jean Paul delivered. Each one had a story, a tale, and he had to tell her each as he placed them on her body. It took a long time, but we understood. After, he regarded her and declared her the best treasure he has ever found, then he bowed and left her to me to finish off the look and make sure she is ready.

They all seem to defer to me in that way, and I wonder why. I never wanted to lead anyone or for anyone to look to me, yet they do, as does my mate. I hope I am enough. That’s when I realise she must be feeling the same way, and right now she needs me to support her, to comfort her. To be her rock, the man standing behind her.

Every great woman has one. But a woman like this? She has a number of them.

“You are ready, and beautiful.”

She sighs and turns to look at herself in the mirror. This brings back some memories for her, so I wrap my arms around her waist and press my head to her shoulder. “You okay, Little Monster?”

“What if I can’t do it?” she whispers, meeting my gaze in the mirror. “What if I’m not good enough?”

“Dawn, look at me. No one, I mean no one, could have done what you did. You brought this world together, all its monsters and misfits, and got them to not only listen to you, but to fight for you. Look at your mates. They are some of the fiercest, most rare creatures in the world, and you got them to get along and sleep in the same room. You can do whatever you put your mind to. I promise you. And we will be here, behind you, ready for whatever you need. When those stares and stressors become too much, we will block them. We will stop them and give you time to rebuild.”

Tears fill her eyes as she watches me, showing such weakness from such a strong creature. The fact she shares them with me only solidifies my love for her.


“Always, Little Monster. Now, let’s show this world and your new people just why we love you. It is time you took your place in history.”

“Together,” she whispers.

“Together,” I agree, and take her hand. I kiss her knuckles and raise my eyes to the beauty who is my mate.

The dress they chose is stunning, highlighting the magnificence of her. It’s black, pitch-black like her eyes, but the top of the bodice twinkles with gems, white like my eyes. It’s low cut and skin-tight, bisected right down to her navel where it flows out into a silky gown, which trails behind her on the floor, sparkling with yet more gems.

Her pale skin peeks through the lacy long sleeves, which cut off at her wrists. The lace is not a normal lace, no, it has trees, vines, skulls, and such sown into the fabric. It’s delicate, yet deadly. Like her. The dress is backless, only showing off her perfect, unblemished skin. I want to rip it from her and sink into her wet heat, but I don’t.

Not yet.

Jewels adorn her neck. Black stones with purple highlights, Aska’s touch. There is a choker at the top with one, giant stone in the center, but smaller ones trail down her cheek and between her cleavage.

Her fingers are filled with rings they chose, some red like her mates’ eyes, some golden like her other mates’ features. We dotted more gems, red, black, white, gold, and silver, in her hair. And on her forehead is something incredible.

I don’t know how he found it, but he said he felt the pull of it years ago. Its black beads trail to her forehead where a silver, iridescent crescent moon hangs, matching her wolf’s.

It was meant for her, brought by her dragon.

Her black eyes are kohl lined, only highlighting their starry beauty, with red and purple makeup delicately swirled around them. Her lips are painted ruby, like blood.

She looks regal and monstrous.


“I’m ready,” she declares, her voice strong and confident as she tilts her chin up, a lesson from her dragon.

Yes, yes she is.