A Vow of Forever by Lylah James



I dropped my jacket over my wife’s shoulders as she knelt beside her sister’s grave before taking a step back and giving her privacy. This was the first time we had been off the island since Simon kidnapped Julianna and she got shot. The moment she was discharged from the hospital, I swept her away, to where she would be safer.

On the island; our home.

I didn’t fucking trust anyone else near my wife, except the people I personally knew and even then, I still didn’t let her out of my sight.

I just can’t.

I didn’t trust anyone but myself to keep Julianna and our baby safe.

She spoke to the grave, quiet enough that I couldn’t make out her words. She had been asking me for months to bring her here, to where her sister was buried. I refused more times that I could count, but after pleading with me, my resolve weakened.

Not when I saw how miserable she was every time I refused.

Not when she begged me.

Not when I saw the sorrow in her pretty grey eyes.

I was so fucking pussy whipped for Julianna and I didn’t even care.

Bishop Romano might be gone now, but I didn’t trust how far and wide his influence was. Just because he was dead and six feet under the cold ground, it didn’t mean all his operations ended. And because I put him there, his enmity toward me was far too great.

And my goddamn weakness?

My wife and our unborn baby.

Julianna might still be in danger…

My blood was cold in my veins as I suspiciously eyed our surroundings. I had enlisted a whole security team to follow us and to protect Julianna the moment we stepped off the island. The team was here, a few feet away from us. Watchful. Protective. And always on guard.

But still, I couldn’t stay calm. Couldn’t be at ease.

Not when my wife was wide open to possible harm. Maybe Julianna was right; I was getting too paranoid or maybe I was just couldn’t risk losing her again.

Fuck no.

Not now, not ever.

She let out a choked sob and my back went ramrod hard. But she wasn’t in any danger. Julianna sniffled as she ran her fingers over the cold tombstone. Over her sister’s name. “I’ll bring your favorite flowers next time and then I’ll tell you if I’m having a boy or a girl.”

She said her goodbyes to Gracelynn and then stood up, wobbling a bit before I wrapped my arm around her waist to steady her. The wind blew through her platinum blonde hair, a few stubborn strands escaping her ponytail. The red hair ribbon caught my eyes and my heart swelled in my chest.

It was the ribbon I gave her, all those years ago, as her fourth courting gift.

I’d have to fill her drawers with new hair ribbons. Of all colors and fabrics. My wife couldn’t have too many hair ribbons. Nope, she’d never run out of them.

Julianna gave me the most breathtaking smile, her grey eyes glassy with unshed tears. Wide and innocent. There was heartbreak in her eyes. But her smile...

Her fucking smile told me that she was ready to move on.

She put her hand in mine, tugging me away from the grave but I dug my feet into the dirt. Julianna scrunched her nose in confusion and I shook my head. “I want some time alone with Gracelynn.”

“Why?” she questioned.

I squeezed her fingers. “I have some things I need to say to her.”

I had unfinished business left to take care of and this needed to be done in private.

Julianna gave me a suspicious look but nodded anyway. I watched as she limped away from the grave. Now that she was heavily pregnant, I've noticed that she moved slower and her limp was somewhat more pronounced. This was why I carry her everywhere. She complained a lot until she realized that there was no point.

Once Julianna had disappeared inside the car, I settled on the ground. Next to Gracelynn's grave. I was silent for a long moment before I cleared my throat.

“I fucked up,” I said to the ghost of Julianna’s sister.

There was a sudden cold breeze and a shudder rolled down my spine. It was almost like she – Gracelynn – was here. Listening to me. Probably judging me. Most likely angry at me. For hurting her sister. For breaking Julianna.

“You left this world, probably thinking that I would be here for Julianna. You loved her and were fiercely protective of your sister, that I know. You thought I would protect her but I left Julianna to the wolves,” I confessed, my voice cracking. “They destroyed her and I hurt her. I hurt her in ways I can’t take back. It’s my deepest regret and I’m not sure I'll ever forgive myself for that.”

Another cold breeze whizzed past me and this time, I was sure Gracelynn’s ghost was here. Probably passing her judgement on me and finding me lacking to be her sister’s husband. But I was here to remedy that.

“Julianna and I took our vows again; this time – it was a real wedding with a proper vow. I lifted her veil, kissed her and carried her away from the altar,” I explained to the grave, as if I was speaking to a real person. “I tried to fix what I messed up. And I’m trying to be the husband that Julianna deserves. I’m not perfect but I can vow one thing. Your sister – my wife – will always be my first choice. My only choice,” I promised with utter conviction. “She spent three years being scared that if I knew the truth of her deception, I wouldn’t choose her. So, I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure that she knows I will always choose her.”

Running my fingers over Gracelynn’s name, engraved over the tombstone, I allowed myself to finally smile. “Thank you. I like to think that you were protecting her all along while I couldn’t. But it’s okay. You can let go; I’m here to protect her now.”

With those as my final words to Gracelynn – I hoped that her soul could rest in peace now – I walked away from her grave and toward my wife.

The moment I got in the car, I wrapped my arm around Julianna and she curled into me. I let out a staggering breath, in relief. That it was over. She was safe in my arms. We were going back home.

She buried her face into my neck, her cold lips against my skin. “What did you talk about with Grace?”

“That’s between me and her, Princess.”

Her blunt teeth sank into my flesh and I hissed in response. Julianna pulled away and scowled at me, her stormy grey eyes meeting mine. “Why can’t you tell me? I’m just curious.”

I flicked her nose. “I made amends; that’s all.”

My wife pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. “Whatever.”

I rolled my eyes at the petulance in her voice and cupped her round pregnant belly. Our son kicked in response, strong and he got quite an aim. “Your mommy is pouting. How shall I fix that, huh?”

I leaned forward and licked her cheek. She gasped, lurching away from me. “Ew! Killian!”

I licked her again, just because. And this time, when Julianna tried to escape, I tugged her back into my embrace and kissed her pout. “Stop pouting, wife.”

“Stop licking me, husband.”

I chuckled and then licked her lips. She pushed against my chest with her tiny fists, though she wasn’t even trying too hard. “You’re so weird.”

“Weird because I licked your cheek? But it’s okay when I lick your cunt?”

“Killian!” she squeaked, her wide eyes going to the driver before coming back to me. Surprise played across her face, her jaw slack. “I can’t believe you just said that out loud!”

“What? That you like it when–”

She slapped a hand over my mouth, muffling the rest of my sentence. “Stop, just shut up and go back to licking my cheek.”

“Sure,” I said into her palm. Her nose twitched and then her lips curled with a barely contained smile.

And that was when I really kissed her.

Time stopped in a collision of senses when my lips met hers.

The kiss wasn’t just any kiss.

It was the cure.

The beginning and the end.

The epiphany – that while our fairy tale was severely flawed, it was perfect in the most imperfect way.