Giving Away by Lola King


‘All these angels and demons

Keep shoutin’ and screamin’

I’m fallin’ from Eden’

Angels & Demons - jxdn


When I was a little girl, I used to dream of an evil man taking me away to his cave. I never knew why me. What did I do to deserve this? He would keep me as his hostage, and I would desperately wait for prince charming to come and save me. My prince, he was tall, blond, and had a white horse. His laugh was a fountain of crystal and his eyes were like the sky.

When he did come, I would run away with him and we would have a beautiful wedding in his castle. My kind-hearted prince never killed my assailant, he was too good for such awful acts. But I never knew what happened to the evil man once I left.

I was fulfilled, happy, loved.

In my teenage years, the desperation for prince charming to come and get me slowly faded.

It was replaced by a tension in my stomach when the evil man would get close to me. He was dark and mean. He was dangerous and scary. My whole body trembled around him. My heart would sink so low there was no way to dig it back up.

He would always take me away in the middle of the night, always dragging me kicking and screaming. I would put on a good show for him because I knew he liked it. He loved me vulnerable and afraid.

One day my prince came, and I refused to leave with him. The feeling of being surrounded by the evil man and his darkness was too consuming to leave for a boring wedding in a castle.

I was in love with my malicious man. He made me feel wanted, sensual, and wicked. Every night I’d go to sleep, hoping he would come for me. Longing for his touch in the dark.

Tell me, Jake, what made you so evil?

When did you stop saving the princess and turned to the darkness instead?

And why…

Why me?