Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



My plansfor a private dinner between Selena and me blew up. I wasn't aware my mother was dating anyone. I've never known her to have a boyfriend and didn't even know she went on dates. Stefano seems like a decent guy, but I'm digging into everything I can about him as soon as I get a chance.

My mother doesn't waste any time asking Selena about children. Her twenty questions start. I rotate between making sure Selena is okay and finding out what I can about Stefano.

At least she doesn't have any bridal magazines to throw at Selena.

"I've heard a lot about you and your brother. It's nice to meet you finally," Stefano says while rubbing his fingers on my mother's shoulder.

"I've not heard anything about you," I reply, glance at his fingers, then lock my eyes on his. Maybe it shouldn't bother me. I want my mom to be happy, but I don't know this guy. My mother sinks into him while gabbing with Selena, and my chest tightens more.

He doesn't seem fazed by my stare. "Yes, well, your mother probably wanted to be as sure about me as I am about her. Right, my tesoruccio?"

My mother blushes.

Jesus. When did she start blushing?

His what?

"What does tesoruccio mean?" Selena asks before I can.

"Little treasure trove," he replies, intensely gazing at my mother, so her cheeks heat up even more.

"Aww. That's sweet," Selena purrs.

Little treasure trove? My mother?

I force myself not to comment and ask, "How do you know Russian?"

His fingers stroke my mother's shoulder some more. I take several breaths, reminding myself she deserves to be happy.

She should have told Adrian and me that she was seeing someone.

We know nothing about this guy.

How did we not know this when they've been together for months?

I wonder if Maksim knows anything about this.

If he's anything but one hundred percent good, I'm going to take him to the garage and make him beg for his life.

"How do you know Russian?" I ask again.

He refocuses on me. "I study languages. I'm also fluent in Italian, Spanish, French, and German."

"Wow! That's impressive," Selena exclaims.

My mother nods as if proud of him. "Isn't it?"

I refrain from rolling my eyes and take a long sip of wine, wishing I had a vodka instead. "What kind of doctor are you?"

"I'm a neurologist. I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's and other dementias."

"Stefano is the doctor who's been caring for Aspen's father. He just got recognized in several senior citizen's magazines for his advanced techniques in dementia care," my mother boasts.

"That's amazing," Selena states.

He humbly shrugs. "I'm just doing my job."

"You're always so modest. Don't let him fool you. It's a huge deal, and he's made a real difference in a lot of people's lives." The look my mother gives him tells me she's serious about this guy.

Is she in love with him?

You better be on the up-and-up, buddy.

"I need to go to the restroom. Does anyone know where it is?" Selena asks.

My mother rises. "I'll go with you."

Oh no. The last thing I need is my mother cornering Selena by herself.

"I'll take her," I say, rising.

"No. I'll go with her since I need to go, too," my mother insists.

I groan inside. My mother is a loose cannon. Who knows what she'll say to Selena? Her dream is for Adrian and me to get married and pop out tons of grandbabies for her. Since Annika, I haven't introduced her to anyone, even when I attempted to date before I met Carla.

"Sit. I'll be back," Selena says.

I glance at Matvey, and he's already walking toward us. "Don't take too long." I kiss Selena's forehead. In Russian, I say to my mother, "Don't bring up weddings or babies."

She innocently smiles and chirps, "You aren't getting any younger."

"Mom," I warn.

She pats me on the shoulder. "Stop stressing, Obrecht." In English, she asks Selena, "Ready?"


They leave, and Matvey follows.

"Who's that man following them?" Stefano stares at Matvey.

"My guy."

He refocuses on me. "Is there a reason he's following them?"

"Yes, but it's not your business," I snap and motion for the server.

"If it has to do with your mother, it is."

His words slap me in the face. I don't dislike Stefano, but I'm not letting my guard down until I know for sure what kind of man he is. It's also apparent my mother and he are serious about each other. I cross my arms. "I think we should get something straight."

The server arrives. "Sir, can I get you something?"

I nod. "Double Beluga, neat."

"Very well, sir. And do you need anything else?" she asks Stefano.

"No, thank you."

She leaves.

Several moments of uncomfortable silence follows. Stefano never flinches, nor do I.

I finally break the tense air. "If you hurt my mother, it'll be the last thing you ever do."

His jaw clenches. "As it should be, but what about you?"


"You and your brother should spend a bit more time with her. If you did, you'd know about me, and we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Excuse me? You don't know—"

"I know you're involved in your own lives, but one day, and I can say this from experience, you'll regret not carving more time out for her. She's a wonderful woman and loves you both. I see her with my resident-patients, so I know she's a great mother. Plus, she talks with so much pride about you two. Twice, I've been at her house for dinner when you and your brother both canceled on her at the last minute."

My gut flips. I clench my fists at my thighs. Adrian and I did cancel, but it was because we had to go to the garage. "Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. You don't know our reasons, and I guarantee you, our mother understands."

He takes a long sip of wine. "Yes. Things come up in life, but you didn't reschedule, did you?"

I hate that this stranger who's in a serious relationship with my mother is laying on the guilt. I can't rebuke him. Neither Adrian nor I made an effort, and we often do see it as a chore to get together with our mom.

He glances toward the direction Selena and my mother went then leans closer. His voice drops. "I'm glad we finally met. I hope to meet your brother soon. You should know I've bought your mother a ring. I'd like us to get along. This isn't an ideal way for you to discover your mother is in a relationship, so I'm going to forget about this little dose of hostility."

It feels as if a bomb hit me. "You're going to propose to my mother?"

His face lights up, and I want to smack it. "Yes. I'm unsure how she's never remarried, but I'm not a fool. I know a phenomenal woman when I see one."

The server returns with my vodka. "Anything else, sir?"

"No," I say in shock. Then I pick up the tumbler and drink half of it. The alcohol is smooth, but the amount I take causes it to burn my throat on the way down.

Will my mother say yes?

My instincts say she will. I don't want to deny her any happiness, nor do I enjoy the thought of her being alone. Both Adrian and I want her to find someone, but I still don't know this guy.

"When are you asking her?"

He scratches his chin. "I thought it was best if I met you and your brother first. Your mother already met my daughters."

"To ask our permission?"

He snorts. "No. I don't need your permission. Your blessing would be welcome, but I'm sixty-five and retiring next month. I assumed it would be better for us to know each other before asking your mother. I don't want her to have any reason to worry when she says yes."

"So you do need my permission," I arrogantly state then drink the remaining vodka.

He scoffs. "No. I want your mother to feel comfortable agreeing to marry me."

"You seem sure she'll say yes."

He studies me, and it takes everything I have not to blink. "She loves me. I love her. It's not a question of what she'll say."

She loves him.

How did Adrian and I miss this?

I motion for the server to bring me another drink. "How many daughters do you have?"

Pride lights up his expression. "Four. They've already become close to Svetlana. I'd love for you to meet them."

One big happy family.

"Any sons?"


"What happened between you and their mother? Or is it mothers?"

His face falls. "My wife passed in her forties. She had a rare form of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. It's what made me switch my focus."

My mouth turns dry. I realize I'm being a dick and need to relax a bit. "I'm sorry to hear that."

He drinks his wine. "It was a long time ago."

"Do you have any grandkids so my mom can get off my and Adrian's ass?" I ask. I was never opposed to kids, but my mom lays the guilt on thick. Adrian and I don't like disappointing her, but love hasn't really been on our side.

He chuckles. "Two and another one on the way."

"My mom's met them?"

"Oh, yes. She's a natural grandmother."

I can't help but smile. My mother is wonderful with children. She's always been a loving human being, and her family is everything to her. Natalia's death crushed her. Anything that brings her happiness, I need to be grateful for and support it.

If I only knew everything about this guy.

I need to cool it. I don't need to do something I'll regret and have to try and make up for later.

I pin my gaze on him. "If my mom is happy, and you're a stand-up guy, then both Adrian and I will be nothing but supportive."

The server sets another vodka down. "Anything else?"

"Not right now. Thank you," I reply.

Stefano puts his glass to mine. "We won't have any problems, then. Saluti."

I clink his glass. "If you're going to marry my mother, it's nostrovia."

He nods. "Nostrovia it is."

I'm in the middle of my drink when my phone buzzes. It's the ringtone for Matvey, so I grab it out of my pocket and rise, walking toward the direction of the restrooms.

Matvey: Jack is in the building.

My stomach clenches and my chest tightens. I scan the room then see Jack turn the corner of the hallway and continue to his table. I get to the corridor. My heart slams against my chest cavity. "Did he see her?"

"No. He just came out," Matvey replies, scowling.

The door opens, and Selena and my mom step out.

I point to the door. "Go back inside."

My mother scrunches her face. "Obrecht, what are you talking about?"

"Not now. Go back in the bathroom until we tell you to come out."

"Obrecht?" Selena asks.

"Jack's here. Go."

The color drains from her face. She spins and obeys. My mom gives me another quizzical look but follows.

"Where's the nearest exit?" I ask Matvey.

"What's going on?" Stefano asks behind me.

My stomach drops further. The last thing I want to do is explain myself, but my mother isn't staying in this restaurant anywhere near Jack, either. I turn. "I need you to pay the bill. Then come back here so we can get out of here safely."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Why? What's not safe?"

"This isn't the time for questions."

He pauses for a brief moment then nods. "Okay. I'll be back."

"Thank you," I say in relief.

I turn back to Matvey. "He doesn't know she's here?"

"Not right now. There's a door at the end of this hall. My guess is it leads into the alley. I'll text our driver." He types on his phone.

Several minutes pass, and Stefano returns. "All paid."

I point to the end of the hallway. "We're leaving out that door and quickly."

"All right," he agrees.

I open the door. "Ladies."

Selena steps out first. Matvey leads, and I motion for her, then my mother, to go. Stefano and I walk side by side behind them. We step out into the alley. My driver is waiting. The four of us get into the backseat, and Matvey gets into the passenger seat.

Selena's shaking, and I tug her into me and murmur, "It's okay, baby girl. He didn't see you."

Her eyes have so much fear in them, it pains me. Her voice cracks. "No?"

"No." I kiss her forehead and hold her tighter, trying to regulate my heartbeat.

"Obrecht, what's just happened?" my mother asks. Her expression is filled with worry.

I open and close my fist. "Selena's ex-husband was in the restaurant."

My mother's eyes meet mine. "He's trying to come after her?"

"We don't know, but we aren't taking any chances."

"I'm-I'm sorry I ruined your dinner," Selena chokes out.

"You didn't ruin it. Safety should always come first," Stefano says.

Good answer. You just scored a point.

"Yes. Don't think twice about it," my mother states. "Should we go to my place? I have leftovers I can heat up and several good bottles of wine."

I'm about to say no, but Selena blurts out, "Okay. If it's not too much trouble?"

My mother beams. "I'll never be troubled over spending time with my son and his girlfriend."