Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



It's latewhen we leave Svetlana's. We ate great food, drank more wine, and talked all night. "I love your mom," I tell Obrecht when we get into the car.

"That's good, my dorogaya. She loved you."

"Stefano is super nice, too."

Obrecht takes a deep breath. "Yeah. He seems decent."

I snicker. "Are you upset your mom's dating someone?"

His jaw clenches. "No. But I don't know enough about him."

I trace his jaw. "Your mom seems happy. I didn't get any bad vibes from him. Did you?"

He hesitates then admits, "No."

"Then shouldn't you give him the benefit of the doubt?" I ask.

Something passes in Obrecht's face. "I'm sure he'll pass my check. Let's change the subject. I'd rather talk about you."

I raise my eyebrows. "Pass your check?"

He pulls me onto his lap. "No offense, but Stefano isn't what I want to spend the rest of my night discussing."

"Okay, but what about Jack?" I blurt out. My pulse rises.

Obrecht stiffens. "I think it was a coincidence. My guys went in after, and he appeared to be there eating with friends, nothing more. Matvey insists he didn't see you."

I bite my lip.

Obrecht slides his hand through my hair. "He doesn't know where you are. We don't know for sure if he's even thinking about coming after you."

"But I still have the dreams," I admit.

He tilts his head. His eyes turn to slits. "What dreams?"

My chest tightens. "I'm back at his house. I'm in my cage, and he has the mask over my face. It doesn't go past that. I always wake up."

Obrecht's expression hardens. "Your cage?"

"Yes. He used to keep it in our bedroom to use as a punishment."

Obrecht's voice turns so cold, I get goose bumps. "He's going to pay."

Anxiety and fear choke me. "I just don't want to go back."

"It's a flashback. Nothing is happening to you. You have security on you at all times," he insists.

"It feels so real," I say.

"It's not."

I bite on my bottom lip. My dreams are often a prediction of the future. Not always, but the fact I've had it several times scares me.

Obrecht caresses my cheek with his thumb. "I thought you were dreaming of me?"

My cheeks heat. "I do. I wake up from our dream, and then it goes into the nightmare."

"I guess we need to change it then, huh?"


His lips twitch. He fists my hair and tugs my head back. His mouth moves across my neck. He murmurs, "We're going to do everything in your dream then you're going to sleep in my bed, with me. You won't be with him or in any cage, baby girl."

"Is this our negotiations?" I ask.

He releases my hair, and his hand drops to my spine. "You want to negotiate?"

Flutters release in my stomach. "Yes. Before we get home." I let out a big breath and admit, "I've been dying to submit to you."

Blue heat flames in his icy orbs. "Okay. You told me about your dream. Tell me what you don't want. What are your hard limits?"

I recall the conversations I've had with Carla. The list I created is also in my mind. "Nothing over my face. Spanking with your hand is okay, but nothing painful beyond that. No paddles, floggers, or sharp objects. If you are going to use any toys on me, can you ask me first so I can say yes or no?"

He kisses me. "Yes, baby girl. I'm so proud of you. This is good. Anything else?"

"Umm, I'm not saying never, but right now, I don't want to do anything with ice or extreme heat." My stomach twists, remembering some of the things Jack did to me. I'm conflicted on this since Carla discussed some things that weren't abusive and piqued my curiosity, but I'm not ready for any of it and am unsure if I ever will be.

Obrecht traces my cheekbone. "Got it. What else?"

I shake my head. "That's it."

"Tell me your safe word."


"And you're prepared to say it if you don't like something?"

I nod. "Yes."

He slips his hand up my dress and rests it between my thighs. His middle finger grazes my slit, and I shudder. He takes his other hand and holds my chin. "When we get home, you'll remove everything, except your panties. You'll kneel at the end of the bed and call me, sir. Understand?"

My heart beats faster. "Yes, sir." I swallow hard. "Umm, what about my other item?"

"We will destroy it tomorrow at breakfast as we discussed."

"No. Umm, I mean the other item, sir."

He inhales deeply. "You aren't ready for that. We need to do some things with smaller toys first." He teases my clit with his finger.

I squirm on his lap. "When?"

"I picked some things up. If you want, I can try it on you tonight." His face comes closer. "But I'm going in your ass before the toy you bought does."

A nervous excitement flares in my belly. I'm clueless why I want Obrecht to have me in that way. It was horrible with Jack. I discussed it with Carla. She said a good experience could help replace some of the bad memories. I also know I can say faucet at any time and Obrecht will stop. "Tonight?"

A deep rumble ignites in his chest. "Not tonight, baby girl. We'll try some smaller toys tonight and see how you do first."

I stare at him.

"What's on your mind?" he asks.

"What if I don't handle it well?"

"Then we won't do it."

"But you like it."

He strokes me faster, and I gasp. "I like your pussy, too, baby girl. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. And we don't have to even try if you don't want—"

"I do. I want to try."

He studies my face. It's dark, but his icy-blue eyes stand out against the darkness, like a wolf ready to eat its prey. The car stops. He pecks me on the lips and removes his hands from me. "Is there anything else you want to negotiate?"

"No. Did I do it correctly?"

He smiles. "Yes. And I'm hard as nails thinking about what I'm going to do with you tonight."

I slide off his lap and swallow the lump in my throat. "Should we go upstairs, then?"

He kisses my hand. "If you're ready, I am."

"I am," I assure him.

He gets out of the car, reaches in to help me out, then quickly maneuvers me into the building and through the lobby. I sink into his body, feeling safe and loved, wondering again how we're at this point when I woke up this morning thinking about how I needed to tell him I couldn't be his bottom. I thought I had to let him go, but he's proved me wrong in so many ways.

We step out of the elevator and into the penthouse. He stops walking and motions for me to go into the bedroom. I obey and remove my clothes. I fold them and put them on the chair then put my shoes next to it. I keep my white crotchless panties on and kneel at the end of the bed. I bow my head and wait.

I'm not sure how much time passes, but every second makes my anticipation grow. It also makes me wet thinking about what we've discussed. I finally hear his footsteps.

His finger moves down my spine, and tingles burst everywhere. "Who do you belong to?"

"You, sir."

"That's right. You're mine, baby girl. Lift your head."

I obey and focus on the dark bedspread in front of me.

He fists my hair and tugs my head back so it's against his cock. His face looks down upon mine. He says something in Russian then in English demands, "Get up and lean on the bed."

I oblige him. As soon as my torso is on the bed, he smacks my ass.

I jump.

"This is for making me think about you in these panties all night while hanging out with my mother. What do you say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

He spanks me again. "I don't think you are. You wanted me hard all night, didn't you?" The sound of his hand hitting my bottom rings through the air.

"Yes, sir."

Another swift hand to my ass cheek echoes in my ears. "You withheld information from me. You said crotchless. These are also assless. Did you wear these in the hopes of having me take you there?"

"Yes, sir," I admit.

He sticks a finger in my pussy then spanks me several more times. I clench my walls around his digit, and he grunts, rubbing his hand over the sting. He removes his hands and demands, "Don't move."

I obey his orders. For several minutes, I lay over the bed, waiting and wondering what's next. He comes back and spreads my legs with his foot. He says nothing, and something cool, wet, and hard hits my forbidden zone in a circling pattern.

I gasp. I'm not familiar with whatever slippery thing he has. I clench up.

His hand strokes my spine. His voice softens. "Relax, baby girl. Take some deep breaths."

I take quite a few. He teases me with whatever he has and pushes it past my rigid ring. I inhale sharply, and his body hovers over mine. His lips flutter on my shoulder. He inches it in and out, and my breathing intensifies. "You okay?"


"Good. Don't move."

"Yes, sir."

He pushes it farther in me until I feel so full, I think I might explode. He leaves, and I hear the water running. He returns and says, "Stand up."

I push myself off the mattress and bow my head, awaiting his instructions.

"Head up."

I refocus my gaze on the headboard.

"Go into the closet. Don't bow your head for the rest of the night."

"Yes, sir." I make my way to the closet, aware of him watching me. Whatever is in my body creates an unfamiliar sensation when I walk. His wardrobe is enormous. Suits fill one wall. The other side has built-in drawers and shelves. I step to the middle of the space and wait for directions.

His hot breath hits the curve of my neck. "I'm going to tie you up, baby girl. Then I'm going to sink my dick in you so deep, you're going to beg me to come."

I shudder as goose bumps pop out on my skin.

He spins me then backs me up until I'm against the door. He puts the restraint around my neck and tightens it until there isn't any space between it and my skin, but it isn't too tight. It feels as if I'm wearing a turtleneck or choker.

"Are you doing okay, baby girl?"


He dips down and kisses me, licking my lips and tongue in a slow burn of everything that's to come.

"Clasp your hands together and put them in front of your body," he commands.

I weave my fingers together and hold them out. He restrains my wrists with the other end of the strap then moves my hands above my head and secures the restraint in the door hook. His warm palms slide down my arms. Tingles flare in their path. He steps back, strips, then fists his cock. "You look hot, baby girl."

"I'm happy I please you, sir."

He groans. "You do. So much." He reaches out and traces the fullness of my breasts with both hands then circles my areolas. My nipples harden, and my chest rises and falls faster. In a quick move, he does something to the strap so it's tight, and my head tilts up. My stomach quivers.

His face looks down upon mine. "Who do you belong to?"

"You, sir."

Fire and ice pool in his eyes. His jaw clenches as he studies me. "You left me for ten days, my dorogaya."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Do you know what you did to me?" He arches his eyebrows, as if he's angry with me.

"I'm sorry," I repeat.

"Sorry doesn't answer my question, does it?"

I swallow hard.

He palms my sex. His body heat penetrates me. "From now on, you don't ignore my calls or texts or me. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"I own you, baby girl. Do you know why?"

Every time he says I'm his, or he owns me, my insides throb. I've come to accept I want to submit, and it's okay. Carla helped me come to terms with it. We haven't discussed this issue. All the times Jack told me he owned me made my skin crawl. Obrecht says it, and it only makes me need him more. "No."

"You don't know?"


His hot breath merges into mine. "But you like me owning you. I see it, my dorogaya. Don't you?"

"Yes," I admit.

He nods. "Good." He dips his head into the curve of my neck and slides his hands down my thighs then around my ass. "I own you because you own me, baby girl." He twists whatever he put in my ass. I had forgotten about it.

"Obrecht," I moan.

He kisses my neck until his mouth is next to my lips then picks up my legs and thrusts into me in one motion.

"Oh God!" I scream and squeeze my hands tightly above my head.

"I'm not God, baby girl!" he growls.

It's too much.

I'm so full. Whatever he put in me, combined with his cock, is pushing me to my limit. The restraints are keeping my neck raised toward the ceiling. His body entwines with mine, and he doesn't show me any mercy.

His thrusts are hard, then slow, then hard again. Every move ripples against my walls. I spasm, trying to clench any part of his shaft I can.

"Obrecht!" I whimper when I'm about to fly, and he slows back down.

His hand slides to my clit, tormenting me further. His lips cover mine, owning me, devouring me, solidifying the burning need I always feel for him.

"Please," I mumble into his lips.

His hand comes off my clit, and he shoves his finger in my mouth. "Suck."

I wrap my lips around his fingers and obey, tasting my arousal and closing my eyes. Sweat drips all over us. He speeds up his thrusts, pulls his fingers out of my mouth, and licks my mouth. He swipes his tongue on mine, grunting and sliding deeper in me.

My body trembles. I arch my back, but I can't go very far due to the restraints. "Please," I cry out.

"Please what?" he demands.

"Let me come, please."

"No. You'll come when I do, baby girl."

"Obrecht, please!"

His eyes pierce into mine. "Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them."

"Obrecht," I whisper, barely able to get it out. There's too much heat and adrenaline buzzing under my skin. I've never felt anything so intense.

He kisses my lip but pulls away when I open my mouth. "Who owns you, baby girl?"

"You do!"

His large palm holds my cheek. His thumb presses against my lip. "You thought I could walk away from you?"

"Yes. No. Yes. Oh...please!" I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Eyes open!"

"Please!" I plead, and he slams harder into me, growling for me to come.

My entire body collapses around him. My eyes roll, tremors course through me, and he detonates in me while pulling out whatever was in my ass.

He buries his face in my neck, saying something in Russian and breathing hard. I continue to tremble, hardly able to breathe from the intensity of his body merged with mine.

When several minutes pass, he unloops my restraints from the hook, and my tied hands fall behind his neck. He pushes my hair off my face. "I'm never walking away from you, baby girl. You understand?"

My heart hammers, and I nod. "Yes. Thank you, sir."

"No, not sir. Just me." He kisses me as if he didn't just have me and almost split me into two only to make me want to do it all over again.

He reaches for my neck and releases the restraint. It falls between us. He carries me to his bed and sets me down on my knees then unbinds my wrists. When I'm free, he studies me. "Are you okay?"


"Did you like it?"

My cheeks flare with heat. "Yes."

He strokes my cheek and smiles. His other hand palms my ass. "You liked all of it?"

I bite my lip and nod.

"You would tell me if you didn't?"

I put my arms around his shoulders. I drag my nails across his neck. "I loved every minute of it. If I didn't, I would have said faucet."

He pecks me on the lips and pats my ass. "Then get under the covers. And you better call me, sir."