Dungeon Master by Golden Angel

Chapter Seventeen


Walking into the club with Esther, Jax, and Cyana, Leah’s nerves were ramped up higher than she’d anticipated. Maybe because, unlike last weekend, she’d come here deliberately to see Gavin and have a scene. Or maybe because, unlike last weekend, they’d already been to a therapy session and on a date. It felt as if the stakes were a little higher for the evening.

Jax and Esther walked in front of her, holding hands. Esther was bouncing with happiness about being there, the fluffy pink skirt she was wearing bouncing along with her. Seeing Esther’s excitement, Leah was doubly glad she’d let her friends know she was going and asked if they wanted to come. Turning his head, Jax smiled down at his wife, and she beamed back up at him.

They really were too cute, and they needed this. She knew they hadn’t been at the club in a while. Hopefully, they’d find some time to scene tonight.

Beside her, Cyana was on the prowl and even taller than usual in her six-inch heeled thigh-high boots. Leah had no idea how she managed to walk in those things. Back in their twenties, maybe even their early thirties, sure, but now? Leah’s feet hurt just looking at them.

She’d opted for black sandals with a two-inch heel, which she could slip off easily enough before the scene started. While there were plenty of places to sit, on the weekends, it could get so crowded, seating outside of the aftercare section was at a premium, and she didn’t want to risk having to stand for hours in shoes that hurt her feet.

Gavin would most likely be somewhere on the floor at this time of night, watching the various scenes, making sure everything was running smoothly. Thankfully, everything seemed to be going well, unlike the last time she was here.

Dressed in a navy-blue corset trimmed with black lace, nipping in her waist and pushing her boobs up into a shelf, it was a little hard to breathe, but she doubted she would be wearing it for long. The black faux leather skirt barely covered her ass and felt as if it was riding up with every step she took. Not that anyone here would care, but it was far from comfortable.

Absolutely worth it when she turned and met Gavin’s eyes as he stared at her from across the room. People walked across his line of vision, but as soon as they were past, she could see his intense gaze still focused on her. Watching her. Eating her up with his eyes.

Arms crossed over his bare chest, she was pretty sure he was wearing his kilt, as usual.

“Go get your man, honey,” Cyana said, and Leah jumped, squeaking when her friend’s hand ricocheted off her ass. Ouch. Didn’t matter that Cyana was half Gavin’s size, she spanked just as hard.

Rubbing her butt, a smile curving her lips, Leah moved across the room toward her ex, her body already coming to life, humming with interest and anticipation. Didn’t hurt she wasn’t wearing underwear, which meant her folds were rubbing against each other as she moved.

Not enough to get her wet, but it still felt good. Tingly. Arousing.

“Good girl,” Gavin said, reaching out to curve his fingers around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a seriously hot kiss. It was a sinful ravaging of her mouth, taking it for his own, demanding her submission.

Leah melted against him. The man knew how to kiss her to get her engine going. When he finally pulled away, his blue eyes were blazing with heat that washed over her like a warm ocean wave. All of her senses were humming with anticipation.

“Ready to play, love?” His finger stroked along the curve of her throat as if he was drawing a collar around it. Yearning slid through her.

“Yes, please, Sir.” The ‘Sir’ tripped easily off her tongue, but there was a part of her that wanted to call him Master again. They weren’t there yet, not for the collar or for the more intimate title. The fact she was even considering either was a huge step.

* * *


Leah’s pretty bare throat bothered him in a way it hadn’t in years, but there was nothing to be done about it. Part of their agreement after the divorce was she wouldn’t wear a collar for him again. He didn’t even want to think about how fast she’d slam the door shut on him if he asked her to put one on again, even in the club. Not even a ‘just for the club’ one.

Any collar would be a reminder of what they’d once had and how far they’d fallen.

If she ever wore his collar again, it would be because things progressed far beyond his wildest dreams. So, he could hold out hope, but not for any time soon.

Leading her to the St. Andrew’s Cross he’d reserved for their use, he gave Tomas—the Dungeon Monitor standing guard over it—a grateful nod. Tomas had been keeping an eye on the stations around them but made sure the cross stayed unoccupied. Gavin hadn’t known when Leah would arrive and wanted to make sure this particular one was available since it had a headrest. Grinning, Tomas gave him a salute before turning away.

“Shoes off, love,” Gavin ordered, moving his fingers from the nape of her neck down to hold her hand, so she could steady herself against him while she took them off. Leah stepped out of the shoes, leaving her a couple inches shorter. “Hands behind your head.”

Stripping her out of her corset and skirt was his pleasure and a good excuse to get his hands all over her lovely skin. His cock thickened as he got her naked and rubbed her all over. She sighed with relief when he pulled the corset off, leaving red imprints along her skin marked the boning pattern. She sighed again when he rubbed his hands over her ribcage and breasts. She’d once told him it made her tingle, and he liked the idea of being able to both soothe and arouse her simultaneously.

Her breasts were heavy in his hands, nipples already puckered in anticipation. Gavin gave them both a little pinch, making her squeak, and his cock jerked in response to the pretty sound.

“What’s your safe word, love?”


“Then let’s get these pretty buds decorated, shall we?” He gave them another pinch, and Leah moaned, leaning into the pain, her eyes glazed from the pleasure. Tightening his grip on the tender nubbins, he watched as the pain flashed across her expression, a whimper working its way out of her throat as she went on her toes.

She didn’t move her hands away from the back of her neck or try to pull away.

Gavin leaned over to brush his lips across hers.

“Such a good lass.” He released his grip on her nipples, leaving her panting and his cock throbbing. Stepping away, he picked up the tweezer clamps from the station’s table, where he’d laid them out in preparation. Since she’d given him the chance to prepare tonight, he knew what he wanted to do.

The three clamps were connected by chains, one of them dangling between the chain connecting the other two. Tweezer clamps were even less harsh than the ones he’d used last week because he was going for a more sensual scene tonight, and he didn’t want her distracted from the flogging.

* * *


Holding her position, breasts thrust out, legs spread shoulder-width apart, Leah shivered as Gavin attached the tweezer clamps to her nipples. The little buds throbbed pleasurably against the confinement, and her clit was throbbing even before Gavin knelt in front of her.

Gentle fingers parted her pussy lips, rubbing against her swollen clit, and she moaned, thrusting her hips forward. She wasn’t very wet—apparently, they were going to need lube tonight—but damn, that felt good.

Not being as wet actually helped, allowing the rubber tips of the tweezer clamps to get a better grip on her pulsing clit. She shuddered as the tiny bud was pinched, her movement making her breasts bounce, which caused the chains to bounce, and the clamps tug on her nipples and her clit. All her most sensitive bits were throbbing.

Gavin jiggled the chain, and she gasped, the muscles all over her body tightening with the effort to hold still.

“Turn around and get up against the cross, love,” Gavin said, getting to his feet and giving the side of her ass an affectionate slap. “Head against the rest but try to leave some space for the chains to dangle.” Leah’s pussy clenched, and she turned around as carefully as she could, but it didn’t matter. Even the smallest movements made the chains tremble and tug at her nipples and clit.

She stretched her arms up, resting her forehead against the padded leather, leaning forward so her body wasn’t against the cross and the chain connecting her clit clamp to the nipple clamp was unhindered. It hung between her and the padded rest her torso would have pressed against if she wasn’t leaning forward.

Gavin came up next to her, and she closed her eyes, letting herself sink into an almost meditative state as he fastened leather cuffs around her wrists. Sighing happily, she let her muscles relax further, bracing herself against the cross with hands and forehead.

She didn’t know what implement Gavin planned to use, but she was willing to bet a flogger. Her skin was already tingling in anticipation, her arousal curling higher as it wound its way through her senses.

Please, please, please…

“All set, love?”

“Yes, Sir.” She sighed out the words. Fingers curved down her back to her bottom, giving it a squeeze before she heard him moving away again. Her skin felt warm where he’d touched her, a little tease of the heat she knew was coming.

The sounds of the club filled the space around them, adding to the atmosphere and the scene.

“Brace yourself, love.” Gavin’s voice came from a little farther away, low and serious. Leah kept her muscles relaxed and closed her eyes as she waited for the first impact.

Leather strands thudded down on her upper back and along her shoulders, like a painful caress, before falling away and returning to travel over her ass. Leah moaned and pushed her ass out farther, her movement setting the chains and clamps to pulling and tugging. She loved a nice thuddy flogger like the one Gavin was using, more sensual than painful, with just the right amount of bite.

Heat sank into her, enveloping her in a warm cloud, and she sighed with happiness. The rhythmic patter of the flogger against her skin was almost hypnotic, and pleasure coiled inside her in response. It was easy to lose track of time as her world narrowed to one of pure sensation.

Even if her eyes were open, she wouldn’t be able to see anything in front of her. She couldn’t move, thanks to the restraints around her wrists. Her own pants and moans were louder to her than the rest of the noise from the club, all of which melded together into an erotic white noise backdrop to the sounds she was making.

The flogger kissed her skin, over and over again, and her growing need made her squirm and wriggle under its lash. Her movements set off the chains and clamps, which tugged and pulled, sometimes gently, sometimes sharply, and always, always teasing. The one on her clit was becoming increasingly uncomfortable yet increasingly pleasurable as the little bud swelled against its pinching grip.

She might work herself up to orgasm from nothing more.