Dungeon Master by Golden Angel

Chapter Sixteen


His first date in forever. At least he’d been able to secure one. He’d even called up his son to get some ideas. It had been years since he and Leah had gone anywhere together, other than the Outlands, but Mitch knew all her favorite places. He’d thought about taking Leah back to some of their old favorites, but some of those were long gone, but he didn’t want her to think he was trying to rehash their old relationship.

He wanted to build a new relationship on the foundation of the old one. That was how Dr. Silverwood had put it, and he liked that. It took into account the past, the present, and the future he wanted.

Instead of returning to one of their old haunts, they were going to the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden in Oakdale. Mitch said Leah loved it, and there would be a lot of flowers in bloom right now. Gavin had never been, and it wasn’t somewhere he would have thought of taking her before, but if Leah loved it, he wanted to show her he’d be happy going anywhere with her, even places that didn’t specifically interest him. He wanted her to be happy.

It was more than worth it, seeing the expression on her face when she realized where they were going. Her mouth actually dropped open in surprise as she straightened in the passenger seat.


“Seriously.” Gavin grinned, enjoying the surprise and excitement he heard in her voice. Damn. Why hadn’t he done more things like this when they were married?

Granted, they’d always felt it was important to do things separately as well as together, but they had so many things in common it made sense to do those things together. He should have done some of the things that only she liked to do some of the time. She’d gone golfing with him multiple times before he’d found out she didn’t really like it, then she’d still gone a few times after that. Why hadn’t he made an effort to return the favor?

Rebuilding. Don’t look back, look forward, and do better.

No time for regrets, but he could certainly do better from here on out.

When they got out of the car, Gavin claimed Leah’s hand. He’d warned her they’d be doing a fair amount of walking, but it would be relaxed, so she’d paired her comfortable sandals with a pretty short-sleeved dress covered in a riot of colorful flowers. It had a scooped neckline that didn’t show a lick of cleavage, and the skirt came down to her knees, but she made it sexy.

“Are you sure you didn’t know we were coming here?” he teased, nodding his head at the flowers on her dress. Leah laughed, her hand warm and resting easily in his. The sun shining brightly, brightening her blonde hair, made her appear almost ethereal for a moment.

“I would have never guessed,” she said, shaking her head. Her grin was even wider than his, and Gavin’s chest filled with pride at being able to both surprise and please her.

* * *


She’d agreed to go on a date with Gavin, and she’d been a little excited about it—apprehensive as well—but she hadn’t really expected it to be any different from the past. Her curiosity had been piqued when he’d told her to wear something for walking, but also that a dress would be fine. She’d thought maybe he was trying to throw her off and figured they were going bowling, to a game arcade, on a brewery tour, or something similar.

Things they’d enjoyed doing together in the past.

But the botanical gardens? Not where she’d pictured Gavin choosing to go. If she’d asked in the past, he would have turned her down, then she’d have come here with friends or her son instead. Hmmm. Speaking of which…

“Who did you ask for date ideas?” She was skeptical he’d come up with this one on his own but wanted to see if he’d reveal that.

“Mitch.” Gavin squeezed her hand at her start of surprise. “He said you loved coming here. I figured we could look around, and you could show me your favorite part.”

Well, color her surprised. He wasn’t just bringing her somewhere unexpected, he was also letting her take control of part of the date. Curious to see exactly how far he’d go with this, Leah led him down the flower paths, telling him about some of her favorite flowers as they passed them—ones she had in her own garden, ones she wanted but didn’t have space for—stopping to take pictures along the way. A few times, she stopped to read various signs along the way, just to see what Gavin would do.

To her bemusement, he seemed perfectly happy ambling along slowly, taking their time through the winding paths and listening to her ramble about plants. She knew he had no interest in gardening, plants, or flowers, but he listened and asked questions. Took pictures of her and didn’t insist on being in them. Posed amiably when she said she wanted a picture of him in front of a bunch of pink azaleas.

Wearing a navy-blue shirt and jeans, surrounded by the bright pink flower bushes, he looked like he was modeling or something. The little half-smile on his face when she took his picture said he was enjoying himself.

If this had been a first date with someone she didn’t have a past with, she would have called it her best first date ever.

The big jerk.

Then again, he had used insider information. Poor Simon hadn’t had a chance by comparison.

“Let’s get a picture together,” Gavin suggested when they stopped on a bridge in the middle of the Asian Woodland section. The Lotus Pond was in full gorgeous bloom, and they were lucky enough there was a lull in other walkers. Gavin was already pulling out his phone, and Leah considered protesting for a moment, but…

If things do work out, I’ll want this picture.

She stepped back against the railing but was surprised again when Gavin didn’t go for the selfie. He wasn’t really into pictures—Leah was always the one who suggested pictures and was usually the one taking them—so she’d figured he would do it quick and easy.

Instead, he let go of her hand and approached another couple a few feet down the bridge, who had also paused. The younger couple smiled and took his phone, and Gavin returned to her side.

“Who are you, and what have you done with my ex-husband?” she hissed at him, even more surprised when she didn’t have to pose him. He pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her, angling their bodies toward the young woman holding his phone.

“Think of me as Gavin 2.0, the upgraded edition,” he murmured in her ear.

Leah giggled. The woman taking their picture smiled.

“Looks good! I took a couple, just in case,” she said, holding out their phone to Gavin.

Another minute where Gavin took the young couple’s picture in exchange, then he took Leah’s hand again, and they kept walking. She couldn’t deny there was a little pitter-patter going on in her heart that was completely unexpected.

Of course, her more cynical side reminded her, it wasn’t the beginning of their relationship when things had fallen apart. It was once some time had passed, and he’d slowly stopped putting effort into it. Yeah, he was kicking things off in an amazing way, but it was the long haul that was really important.

Still, if this was an example of how he meant to improve on things, maybe she needed to stop being so cynical.

* * *


The morning at the Botanic Garden had been a major success. To his surprise, he hadn’t been bored once. He might not care about flowers and plants, but he did care about seeing Leah enjoying herself, and that made all the difference. Her enthusiasm was infectious.

Afterward, they headed to the nearby strip mall for lunch.

“So, what do you think? Will I be able to convince you to go on a second date with me?” he asked, only a little nervous.

“I don’t know, I guess it depends on where you want to go for date two,” she teased, and he grinned.

“What if I want to surprise you again?”

Leah laughed, spinning her straw around her cup. “Honestly, I’m not sure you could surprise me much more than this. I do want to do things you’re interested in, too. I know this morning wasn’t really your thing.”

“It was worth it to see how much you enjoyed yourself.” Plus, being older and wiser, he’d enjoyed seeing the beauty of the gardens for what they were worth. Sometimes, it really did pay to stop and smell the roses. Especially when it made Leah smile at him the way she was right now.

“So, next weekend?” she asked.

“Sure, if you don’t mind that it’ll need to be either Sunday night or in the daytime.” He supposed he could take a night off from the Outlands, but it made his skin itch to think about not being there on one of the busiest nights. Not that his presence really made that much of a difference, but it was a control thing. The Outlands was his, and he felt compelled to watch over them.

“You know that’s fine with me.” She pushed the ice around in her cup, dropping her gaze. “Do you… should we schedule a time to scene?”

Reaching out, Gavin placed his hand over hers, stilling her movements. When he touched her, she looked up at him again, and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

“Any time you want, love. Show up at the club, and I’m all yours.” That left the ball in her court for sex, something else he wasn’t used to. Of course, when she did appear, he’d take control, but letting her have complete control over the when was new to both of them. Gavin had enjoyed their impromptu scene last weekend, though he’d be better prepared for a spontaneous appearance in the future, even if that seemed like an oxymoron.

“I thought I might come by tonight,” she confessed, her hand turning under his so their fingers could intertwine. Gavin smiled. “If that’s okay.”

“I said any time, and I meant it. I’m happy to schedule or play it by ear, depending on what you need.”

“Then I’ll be by tonight.”

Their food arrived, and they let go of their hands. As they ate, he asked her how work was going, and they let the patter of regular conversation wash over them. Gavin had missed eating meals alone with her, where they could talk about everyday things. It was soothing to hear her stories from work, some of the names of her coworkers familiar, others totally new. She told him all about Oliver, and he was surprised at how much he enjoyed hearing stories of the kitten’s antics.

Dropping her off at her home, he walked her to the door and dropped a hot and heavy kiss on her lips before taking his leave. Already, his head was spinning with ideas about what he could do with her tonight.