Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



NOT GONNA LIE, I freaking adored the women in this club. Maddy, Sugar, Tina, Jill, and Libby all pounced on me the second I entered the massive kitchen with Hero.

I loved it.

This was the first time I felt like one of them. Part of their private tribe… the old ladies club.

Although Libby was the only kitten accepted into our circle. Probably because she was super sweet and not a bitch. Now that Carla was gone, Libby was in charge of the kittens.

Maddy studied my hand. “I freaking love this tattoo.”

Jill nodded, messing with her cell phone. “It is pretty badass. Wolf wouldn’t let me get anything visible. He wanted his mark only where he’d see it.”

“Then what’s the point?” Libby took the words right out of my mouth.

Heads nodded from around the large table we were at, sipping hot cocoa and nibbling on Maddy’s yummy cookies. She’d baked her famous loaded oatmeal and chocolate chip this morning when she got a craving for both.

“I guess for him to see it. When necessary, I wear my leather jacket.”

I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t get it.”

Tina smiled, understanding in her eyes. “Honey, that’s what the rockers are for on the back. It says ‘property of Wolf, Knight’s Legion MC’ with the logo in the center.”

“Oh…” I pretended like it all made sense. Rockers? No idea what she meant. I’d have to ask Hero about it later.

Jill growled, slamming her phone on the table. “Besties are supposed to reply to texts. They’re supposed to return phone calls. I swear, sometimes I wonder if she even thinks about me while living her glamorous life.”

Whoa. Someone was salty.

“When’s the last time you talked to Snow?” Libby asked, her voice soft and cautious. The last time she’d mentioned Snow, Jill had gone bat shit crazy.

“Physically talk to her? Not since I was there in June.”

Gasps rolled through the air.

“God, Jill. How could you go so long? It’s been almost five months,” Sugar held her fingers to her lips, wholly aghast. I loved how she wore her blonde locks in a messy bun. She was stunning with fair skin and vibrant hazel-green eyes. Totally rocked nude lipstick.

“I’m the worst friend in the world. I admit.” Jill pouted. “When I returned from Seattle, I was so busy getting the boutique put back together after those freaking Hunters torched it. I only had time for a quick text. The distance probably ruined everything. I’ve been trying to fix it ever since. I miss her.”

Maddy reached across Sugar and patted Jill’s hand. “When did you last get a reply from her? Surely it hasn’t been months?”

Jill bit on her bottom lip as she checked her messages. I couldn’t imagine going days without some form of communication with Maddy, much less months.

“I feel awful.” Jill scanned the table. “The last one was at the end of August.”

“And what was it about, if you don’t mind me asking?” Maddy appeared concerned. She always had a spot on sixth sense. I couldn’t believe she went so long without catching up on my destructive habits. Must have been because I was doing so well when we lived together.

“She said, ‘I miss you being here. Why do we live so far apart? We should plan another visit.’” Jill covered her face, sniffling.

“What was your reply, honey?” Tina asked. “Did you invite her out for a visit? She’s your bestie, yet none of us have ever met Snow.”

“Excuse me?”

I turned around, hearing Boxer’s displeased voice.

“What?” Jill hissed.

“I don’t want to hear about her, Jill,” he bit back.

“Well, you weren’t in here. Besides, she’s my best friend.” She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. “Get over yourself already.”

Boxer looked as if he could rip her head straight off her shoulders. Boy, he was pissed. I get that Snow was his ex-girlfriend. From what Libby said, it sounded like Snow was the only girl he ever loved. I was curious about what happened between them, but I’d never ask.

He raised his finger and pointed it at Jill. “You’re on thin ice with me, sister.”

She snarled her lip, glaring at Boxer. “Oh yeah, well you should care that I haven’t heard from her in months.”

“Care? You can’t be fucking serious right now, Jill. Care?” Boxer shook his head, hands fisted at his sides. The rage radiating off him was palpable. This man was about to blow. “I don’t give one flying fuck about that girl. She’s living the high life with her rich boyfriend. Good for her. Don’t mention her again.” He stormed off.

“I can and will, asshole,” Jill shouted after him. “See that? That’s why I don’t mention Snow.”

“How can he get so angry? Hasn’t it been years since he was with Snow?” I asked, far too curious to stay quiet.

Jill sagged in her chair as if guilt weighed her down. “It was an ugly breakup. Excuse me. I need to pee.” She dashed away.

I turned toward Maddy. She had a contemplative expression on her face.

“What?” I nudged her elbow.

“Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Don’t say that. Life has been pretty darn amazing. Don’t jinx it.” I lifted my mug and took a sip. “Seriously, why invite trouble?”

“Where’s my woman?” Hero shouted from behind me.

I peered over my shoulder as he moved toward me with a swagger like no other. Damn, my man was sexy as fuck. Sinful and fucking beautiful with that cocky smirk on his face.

“Let’s go, Roja.” He bent over and kissed my cheek. “Now.”

I pressed my hand to his. “Bossy much, big guy?”

“Yes, baby. I am.” He took my hand and tugged me out of my chair. “Ladies, say goodbye to Roja.”

The table of women all laughed, issuing me their farewells. All I could do was join in, giggling. I never thought I’d like to be with a dominant man like Hero. In the bedroom, yes. But outside of it, I was an independent woman who did as I damn well pleased. A fool I was not, though. If my man said, let’s go. I fucking went with him.

I’d go anywhere with Hero.

He brought me out to his truck, helped me in, and off we went. The sun had already gone down, a little after six in the evening.

I stole a glance at him once we were off the property. “Everything okay?”

His jaw twitched against the glow of lights from the dashboard. Not a positive sign.

“No, baby. Not really. We’ll talk about it at your place.” He reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.

“Well, now you have me curious.” I watched him, waiting for a reply. A long moment passed between us. “Hero?”

He sighed in irritation. “I said we’ll talk about it when we get to your place.”

“No, you need to gimme something now. I can’t wait twenty minutes.” Shit, he made me nervous. My stomach churned, anxiety bubbling in my chest.

“And you say I’m bossy,” his tone was strained as he squeezed my hand.

“Sorry, not sorry.” I squeezed his hand back. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise I won’t freak out.” I sensed he was apprehensive about telling me what Grizzly found out about my dad. I steeled myself, preparing for the boom he was about to drop.

“Roja, do you have to be so goddamned persistent?” He cut his eyes at me.

I gave him a sheepish but unapologetic grin.

“Well, you’re not gonna like this.”

I held my breath.

“Tomorrow evening, I have club business. Several of us will be gone. I need you to stay at the compound. If I’m not back in time to drive you to school, Lynx and Copper will take you and Madeline.”

My stomach flip-flopped.

“Storm is going with you?” Holy crap, this must be something huge.


“Okay. I’ll stay at the clubhouse.”

“Thank you, mi vida.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. “Now tell me about my dad.”

He white knuckled the steering wheel. “Roja, I admire the hell out of you for not backing down. But baby, this isn’t a conversation we should have while I’m driving.”

And he thought I was relentless. We both were.

“Just tell me. I promise I’ll be okay.”

“Fuck.” He pulled onto the side of the road in a huff, rocking us both as he stopped hard.

“Wow,” I gasped.

Hero turned in his seat, took my face in his hands and kissed me. “Stubborn ass woman,” he muttered against my lips.

“Yes, yes I am.”

He better not forget it.

Pressing his forehead to mine, his breathing deepened. “Baby, he was in jail. Got out in July.”

I felt nothing, years of numbing myself against the past coming in handy.

“What was he in for?” Did I really need to ask? I’d always suspected foul play in Momma’s death. Guess they locked him up after all.

“Second-degree manslaughter.” Hero wrapped me in his arms like he thought I might cry, break down, or lose my shit.

I felt nothing.

“Thank you, big guy. Let’s go home.”

Hero reared back, a stunned expression. “Roja?”

I exhaled a deep breath. “I’m okay. Really.”

“Yeah, I don’t believe you. When we get home, I’ll take care of you.” He waited a while, as if watching for a waterfall of tears to come out of my eyes. When I stayed the same as I had been, he put the truck in drive.

“He’s not a good man. It’s like I always knew, y’know?”

Hero took my hand, careful to not touch my new tattoo. “I know, baby. Prepare for some major loving when we get to your place.”

This made me tear up. Not because I was upset about my dad, far from it. It was because I couldn’t believe my good fortune. This beautiful man was mine. All mine. He knew exactly what I needed before I knew. What were the chances of two scarred people like us finding each other in this vast world?

I didn’t really care. I was just damn grateful to God, fate, the powers that be or whatever force brought us together.

Hero Fuentes was mine and I was never giving him up.

“Sounds perfect, big guy.”