Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



I’D NEVER FELT more cared for than I did the moment Hero held my hand through my appointment with Dr. Kelly. He’d asked thoughtful questions, listened with interest. He was the first person I let into this part of my life. In return, he showed me nothing but love and respect.

I could tell he received Dr. Kelly’s approval despite his black leather cut and Sergeant at Arms patch on his chest.

Dr. Kelly jotted something on her notepad. Each time she did it, Hero squeezed my hand. I stifled a laugh. “I would like to see both of you together twice a month. I feel it would be beneficial to your relationship. It’ll give each of you the chance to discuss any issues you may have without fear of judgment.”

“Oh, um…” I bit my lip. This might be too much. I never mentioned us doing couples counseling.

“Done. Name the day and time. I’m bringing Tara to all of her appointments, so it’ll be no problem.”

I whipped my head toward Hero. “But you have work.”

“I already told you. You’re more important to me.” He lifted my hand and kissed it.

Dr. Kelly smiled, nodding her head. “Perfect.”

“Well, don’t you get into trouble for missing work.” I was only giving him crap. It meant the world to me that he agreed to couples counseling.

“Do you see that?” He nodded toward me. “I love when my fiery redhead gives me hell.”

I smirked, pride building in my chest. I loved being called a fiery redhead. Not once did I see myself the way others did, like Maddy and every other guy I met. I wanted to be tough. Brave. Not afraid of the dark. I wasn’t so sure I could be the badass everyone seemed to think I was, when put to the test. Not like Maddy with the Hunters. That girl had been fucking fearless.

Dr. Kelly laughed. “I think he might be a keeper.”

“Or a top-rated bullshitter.” I blew him a kiss to show I was only playing. Hero wore his heart on his sleeve. His words matched his expressions, whether happy, sad, or furious.

“Or that.” Dr. Kelly snickered.

After scheduling two months’ worth of appointments, Hero and I headed back home to Bastion Township. We sat in comfortable silence, holding hands for most of the drive. It was nice. I appreciated that he didn’t grill me. He just seemed to know what I needed.

But now I was curious.

“So… What’d you think?”

He bobbed his head. “She seemed good.”

“And?” I prompted, needing more than he gave me.

“And smart.”

“Did her advice in dealing with me make sense?” I twisted my lips, unsure if I wanted an honest answer.

He pulled my hand to his lips, holding them against my palm for several seconds.

I exhaled, feeling my body relax. His warm mouth on any part of my body chased away my stress and tension.

His tongue darted out as he moved to my wrist. I rested my head against the headrest, letting my eyes close to enjoy the sensations developing in my body.

“You’re magnificent, mi vida.” His sexy accent sent me gliding over the edge. Turning me on, getting me hot and bothered. “Sweet. Kind. Sexy as fuck.” He sucked the delicate skin on the inside of my wrist.

Blood pumped into my heart and pussy in tandem. I thirsted for his mouth. Hungered for his pretty pecker. If we weren’t driving, I’d jump his bones.

“What are you doing to me?” I released a breathy sigh. “I asked you a question.”

“Oh.” He sounded surprised. “You wanted me to answer with words? I was demonstrating what I learned.” He bit the tip of my pinky, then sucked it into his mouth.

I moaned as sparks ignited inside my panties. “What you learned?”

“Mhm.” He lapped his tongue around my digit, then slipped it out. “How to relax you. Reduce your stress and anxiety… naturally. You know, guide you away from the edge.” He shifted in his seat, reaching his hand toward me. It went between my thighs, fingers rubbing my pussy.

“You’re guiding me, all right. Right over the edge.” I was so turned on by his motions. “Oh God, yes.” I might beg him to pull onto the shoulder of the road.

“That feel good, baby?”


“Do you like how I make you feel?”

“Yes,” I cried louder.

“As soon as we get to the club, I’m going to eat your juicy pussy before we join the party. You okay with that?” His finger dug deeper, rubbing harder and faster.

“Yes!” I squeezed his hand, utterly shocked that he managed to make me come while driving. I sagged in my seat, turning my head to see him.

His whole face lit up with pride, brighter than the high beams on his truck.

“Why are you smiling like a fool?” I fanned my face. We had the heater on because it was thirty-one degrees outside, but I was roasting after that orgasm.

Did I care? Nope.

Not even slightly, despite my soaked panties and throbbing clit. I could go a second round right this second.

“I’m a badass motherfucker, that’s why.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because I take damn good care of my woman. Just like Dr. Kelly said to do. When we see her next, I’m gonna tell her about this.”

“Oh no, you’re not!” I screeched.

He bobbed his head, pride radiating off him. “I am, baby. This is good shit. Useful too. She could relay to the other guys how I took care of my woman.” The ass turned toward me, grinning. “Maybe I should get into therapy. You know… sex therapy.”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

When we arrived at the clubhouse, Hero took me straight up to his room and ate me for supper. Then I returned the pleasure.

Fifteen minutes later, we were in the bar area. I perched on his lap the way I often observed Maddy on Storm’s lap. I used to envy the shit out of them. Now I had my own man, who had his hand resting lazily on my thigh. The turd stroked it from time to time, keeping our earlier activities fresh in my head.

I wanted him again. Desperately. And I couldn’t have him yet.

Loud music and booze wafted through the air. Maddy, Tina, Sugar, and Libby were doing their thing: gossiping and singing karaoke.

His lips ghosted over my ear. “Doing okay, baby? Need another drink?”

I glanced at my glass. I must’ve gulped it down.

“Sure.” I snuggled into his chest, breathing him into my lungs.

Hero raised my glass in the air, catching Copper’s attention. I frowned when my friend didn’t acknowledge me. I really needed to make nice with him after that awkward moment at my place the day I got Luna.

Boxer’s boisterous laugh stole my attention. Some of the council were at their table—the single guys, like Track, Lynx, and Art. Raul and Storm were at our table. I wasn’t sure how I felt about them splitting up. Boxer didn’t appear bothered as he spoke animatedly. When he smiled and laughed, those around him did the same. He was infectious and ridiculously handsome. Hell, all the Knight’s Legion men were gorgeous… my Hero, the best-looking in the bunch.

I sighed wistfully, wanting him to plow into me. We could go up to his room and have dirty sex instead of drinking with our friends. After being without him for nearly two months, all I wanted was to be alone with him.

Yep, tonight, I was needy. A hard fuck would be spectacular, and I knew my Hero would give it to me any way I wanted.

So why were we here?

He hadn’t claimed me yet in front of his brothers. That was the only reason I was at this party. We needed to get on with it so I could have the fun with him I craved.

It was strange how we just worked after months apart. It sort of felt like no time had passed. Like he didn’t shatter me when he didn’t come back from the run, and I hadn’t fallen into the darkness. I was sure it was because he was my person and I was his. I felt how much I meant to him when we were together. When I looked into his dark, penetrating eyes, adoration shone in them.

When he kissed and made love to me, it was only us against the world. Two damaged souls made whole when together.

“You have that look, Roooja.” He rolled that fucking R, lips at the shell of my ear.

“Can’t help it. I’m a greedy bitch when it comes to your cock.”

He growled, squeezing my thigh. “Soon, baby. Soon.”

“Promises, promises.” I whispered, touching my lips to his.

This beautiful, passionate, sexy man meant everything to me. I wasn’t one to hold grudges, a quick to forgive and forget kind of girl. Guessed that was why my dad could hurt me as he had, and I still loved him afterward. Not anymore, though. I hated him. Never wanted to see him again.

“You’re beaming,” Maddy whispered next to me. “Happy looks good on you.”

I smiled, taking Hero’s hand in mine. He gave me strength and courage. Maddy knew nothing of my past. Hero felt I should open up to her about everything. He was probably right.

I leaned into her so Hero couldn’t hear. “I’ve never been happier than I am with my man.” I wasn’t sure why I didn’t want him to hear. Maybe I was protecting myself from giving him that power over me. Then again, he’d had it for months. After my most recent breakdown a couple of days ago, there was nothing left to hide from Hero.

Maddy’s dazzling blue eyes widened. “I love that! Your man.” She bounced in her seat. I could tell she wanted to find out more details. Stuff I didn’t want to talk about in a room full of hot, growly bikers.

“Let’s sing a song.” I wiggled my eyebrows to entice her so we could end this convo.

She pursed her lips together as she considered me.

Madeline knew my game just as I knew hers. She respected people’s privacy and never pushed anyone to reveal their innermost secrets. She was patient. Understanding. So I was confident she’d give me space.

She took my hand and squeezed it. “You know you can tell me anything.”

“I do. Let’s sing.”

She sighed, squeezing my hand in hers, and nodded. “Okay. You pick.”

I stared into her kind eyes, grateful for having her in my life. “Thank you.” I turned to face Hero, who had been talking in a low voice to Raul. I hadn’t made out what they said, but it sounded serious. “Hey, I’m gonna sing with Maddy, okay?”

He rubbed my leg. “I’d love to hear you sing, baby. Just don’t shake that ass too much.”

I kissed his cheek. “First off, I’m just the backup singer. Secondly, I can’t control my hips. They move on their own accord.”

“Control them, or I’ll blister your ass.” He gave me a slow wink. “And mi vida, there is nothing backup about you. You own it up there like I know you can.”

This man made me feel so fucking good about myself.

“Thank you.” I gave him a kiss to leave him wanting.

I stood just as Maddy pulled away from Storm. He didn’t appear to want to let her go. Big surprise. We went to the monitor to select a song.

A chair scraped on the floor coming from the direction of our table. Of course, it was Storm preparing to hear his Angel sing. That man openly worshiped her, not giving a shit if his brothers were around. Even if they teased or taunted him about being pussy whipped.

Come to think of it, I’d never heard them talk to their Prez that way. The loyalty in this club was next to none. Not one of the members would cross the line—unless they had a death wish, which they’d be stupid as fuck if they went toe to toe with their Prez.

The Knight’s Legion MC was literally a family, not by blood, but by choice. A brotherhood formed in trust and respect, strengthened by love. Yes, love. These badass bikers loved each other. They may never admit it or breathe the L-word, but it was shown in their treatment of each other. In their devotion to the club and their brothers.

Back in June, I hadn’t liked the club or the bikers. But here I was, immersed in their world. I saw another side of them now. I’d been through the ordeal with the Dirty Hunters and survived it. They were the reason all of us lived to tell the tale.

For the first time in my life, I had a real family. Something more than just Maddy or my co-workers. I had a man who would protect me with his life, along with a shit ton of his brothers who’d stand by his side to defend me.

Crap. It just occurred to me that I didn’t need to hide my dark past or self-harm. Not with this group. Hero had told me every brother was broken in some way or another. Thus, assuring me, I was safe to be me and not fear any judgment. Perhaps, this was why my life intersected with Hero’s.

Could I finally show my scars and still be accepted?

Another chair scraped on the floor. My man turned to have a better view of me. He winked again. Love whooshed through my body as I stared at him.

“Hey, gonna pick a song?” Madeline’s voice cut through my thoughts.

I lowered my gaze to the screen. “Yeah, how about something upbeat.”

“Sounds good to me!”

When I came upon “Man! I feel like a woman!” by Shania Twain, I had to select it. Madeline rocked the song, and my part as the backup singer was small, just as I preferred. Hero might’ve told me to own it, and I would. I just didn’t like being center stage.

Mine and Maddy’s freshman year of college rushed back as the music started. We’d sung the song at least a dozen times that year.

Her face lit up like a freakin beacon. “Yes!” She jiggled my arm.

Sugar and Libby jumped to their feet. The two ran toward us to join in. Perfect! The more, the merrier.

I scanned the room, finding everyone’s attention on us. Storm’s was on Maddy as she whipped her hips and shimmied her shoulders. I had a hunch she’d be hauled away to their love nest after the song.

What I wouldn’t do to be carried off… Wait. Hero practically drooled from his vantage point. I might get carried off too.

Grizz was eyeing Libby, along with several other brothers. Art seemed to have his gaze locked on Sugar. This was new. Hmm…

Singing and shaking my ass was just what I needed. I had lots of fun with this group of women. We were a tribe of mouthy bitches. It was freaking awesome.

We’d formed a line, swinging our hips in unison. See? We just meshed. Madeline sang the lead parts like a professional. The rest of us joined in the chorus, dancing all sexy and shit. I loved these women. A warm feeling bloomed in my chest as I thought about how I didn’t need to hide my past with them, either. This was my new home. My new family. A place where I belonged, just for being me.

A wolf whistle made me freeze. When I saw who it was, I nearly screamed in delight. The crowd in the bar looked from Hero to me as he strutted oh-so-fine, like he owned the whole fucking joint.

“My woman didn’t obey her man.” Hero stopped in front of me. “Roja, you have some splainin’ to do.” His hand cupped the back of my neck, then he pulled me toward him, lips connecting with mine.

The music continued to play, but Madeline had stopped singing as Hero kissed me hard in front of the whole club.

Cheering mixed with primal sounds from the guys, almost like they were a band of gorillas—or rather cavemen. I couldn’t help but laugh as Hero wrapped me in his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to claim my woman, then take her to bed. I need you, mi vida.” The neediness of his voice made my spine tingle..

“I’m yours.”

“Fuck yeah, you are.” He moved toward a microphone. “Yo!” He shouted, getting everyone’s attention.

Maddy cut the music, shuffling over to Storm in her favorite brown boots, dropping onto his lap.

“First, I want to wish my brother a happy birthday.” He pointed to Storm. “You know I don’t do mushy, but I am fucking happy to see you smiling, man.”

Storm pointed to his wife, then kissed her because why not? The scary-ass biker couldn’t ever get enough of her.

“I share in your joy.” Hero tugged me closer, lowering his lips to mine for a quick kiss. “See this gorgeous redhead?”

The band of gorillas erupted. I swore this kind of thing didn’t happen when Storm claimed Maddy. I loved being different from her.

“She’s mine, fuckers. Mine. I better not catch any of you eye-fucking her, hitting on her, or looking cross-eyed at her, or I will fuck you up. Tara is my woman. Protect her with your life.”

And with that, he kissed me hard as his brothers whistled and shouted. Hero lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the bar up to his room.

“Did you hear that mi vida? You’re mine.”

I buried my face in his neck, kissing it. “And you’re mine.”

“Fuck yeah, baby. Tomorrow we’ll get my mark on you.”

I should’ve been worried about getting a tattoo linking me to Hero forever. But I wasn’t. I wanted this just as much as he did.