It Started with a Crush by Piper James

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Three weeks later…

Me: Did Daniel tell you what happened in class today?

Chase: No. What happened?

Me: He brought me flowers.

Chase: Aww. He learned that from me, you know. I told you I’ve got game.

Me: With a note that read “To the prettiest peach in all of Texas.”

Chase: Fucking Noah.

Me: Madisyn Turner was green with envy.

Chase: Are you actually happy about that? LOL

Me: *shrugs* I told Daniel she’d realize what she missed out on, eventually.

Chase: #thatsmyboy #studmuffin

Chase: And you definitely ARE the prettiest peach in all of Texas.

Me: Just Texas?

Chase: Okay, the entire south.

Me: Better.

Chase: The whole country?

Chase: The northern hemisphere?

Chase: The universe?

Chase: Sage?

Me: Oh, sorry. I got distracted. You were saying?

Chase: Distracted by what?

Me: Oh, BOB is back, and we were getting reacquainted.

Chase: I’ll be there in ten minutes.

Me: No need. BOB has everything handled.

Chase: Spank, spank.

Me: Promises, promises. See you in ten.