Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Two

It was a little after eleven that night when Fox came and leaned on the wall by where he was sitting on his customary stool at the door end of the bar area. As Reggie expected, he picked up the extra shift at work, and spent the night keeping an eye on everyone else having a good time. He would not think about the card burning a hole in his pocket or his silenced phone full of messages from his old coven leader, Bevan, urging him to call.

“So, my cousin’s pretty pissed at you,” Fox said casually, scanning the crowd. Another vampire, Fox went for the more goth look a lot of younger vampires preferred. A foot shorter than Reggie, his dark hair was cut short at the back and fell in straight lines across his pale face. He was lucky if he weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, but he had a commanding personality.

“He got a steak meal out of me which is more than any of your hook ups get.” Reggie nodded at a couple who were leaving, their arms wrapped around each other.

“But that’s just it. All he got was a steak on a plate. You didn’t give him the goods.” Fox scowled as he took a puff of his cigarette. “I don’t get you, Reggie. You’ve got a degree you don’t use, an inheritance you barely touch, a body you never share. What’s with you, man?”

“Why is any of that your problem?” Reggie raised his hand at the bartender who put a bottle of water on the bar. He reached over and grabbed it. “Am I not worthy enough to be your friend now, is that it? All because I wouldn’t give your cousin what he was panting for?”

“No, I’m not like that.” Fox huffed. “Geez, it’s like talking to a rock sometimes. Donny was your birthday present from me, okay? I talked you up, and he was keen. I thought maybe you were holding onto your virginity card until you became a legal adult. Well, at midnight last night you became one and he was there – hot, willing, and able. And from what I hear, you crashed on him, snoring louder than a machine gun.”

“What did you expect?” Reggie took a long drink from his bottle of water. “When Kyle pulled out the homebrew no one was going to be in a fit state to shag anyone.”

Fox shrugged. “True that. But you woke up in your bed. Donny was still there but you still didn’t show any interest. He said it seemed you were hung up on someone else – something weird like you’d been writing love notes to yourself and pinning them to your bathroom mirror?”

“Donny’s got a big mouth.” Reggie nodded as another group left.

“And he sucks like a vacuum.” Fox laughed for a bit and then he turned, fixing Reggie with what could only be described as an intense stare. “Hey, look. I think I see what’s happening here and I’m flattered, I really am. We’re good friends, and you’re fun to hang around with. But I’ve been around you a long time, I know you. You’re all hearts and flowers and shit, and I’m a bang ‘em and leave ‘em type. It’d never work between you and me.”

“Are you shitting me?” Reggie slammed his drink bottle on the bar. A couple of the patrons turned in their direction and he lowered his voice. “Do you honestly think the reason I’m not sleeping with anyone is because I’m pining over you?”

“Well, it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Fox flicked his hair off his face. “We spend pretty much all our spare time together. You don’t even look at anyone else. That last time, remember, I took that sweet little twink home, from here? I thought you were constipated from the look on your face. You looked like you were ready to eat the little guy and not in a fun way.”

“I was pissed off because you were my ride home, asshole, or had you forgotten that bit? You’d picked me up, we came here together, and then you went off to get your rocks off. I had to get a damn cab.”

“Really?” Fox tilted his head, probably thinking about that night. “Hmm, I don’t remember, but still you have to admit you come across as a bit judgmental at times, when me or Kyle are hooking up.”

“Oh brilliant. First I’m constipated and now I’m judgmental.” Reggie shook his head. “And according to you, I’m being judgmental every time you guys hook up because I want you to save your dick for me? For fuck’s sake, Fox, I thought you knew me better than that. When have I ever made a move on you, or said anything to suggest I wanted you that way? Vamps don’t mate with other vamps, period.”

“Mates?” Fox frowned. “Who’s talking about mates? See, that’s what I mean. You’re talking about mates and all I’m talking about is a quick fuck - a way of relieving tension, an enjoyable way of having a meal.”

Reggie wished they were having their conversation anywhere but at his place of work. “My blood would be no good for you, and you’d taste like shit to me too. We both know that, so why the hell would I pine over you?”

“Because I’m me.” Fox held out his hands and did a twirl. “Look, I get it. My sexual magnetism can come out a bit strong at times. But hey, it’d never be more than a quick fuck between us, and I know you want more than that.”

Reggie had had enough of the conversation. “You’re right, Fox,” he said, getting up from his stool. “I do want more than that, and I fucking deserve more. But I have not, and never will, look at you with lust or pine over you like you’re imagining. Put simply, you’re not my type.”

“Not your type,” Fox spluttered. “Man, I’m everyone’s type. But fine, hey, if you want to save face then I’ll let it go. But seriously, take this.” He shoved a piece of paper in Reggie’s hand.

“What is it?”

“Donny’s number.” Fox smirked. “He’s promised he’ll go easy on you for your first time. That man’s cat really likes you.”

“What is this, grade school?” Reggie scrunched up the paper in his hand. “I’m not interested in Donny like that. I’m not interested in you like that. Would you please just get off my back and let me do my job?”

“Your shift’s almost over. This place is closing up.” Fox stubbed his butt out on the sole of his boot and pushed himself upright. “Me and the boys will be at the Siren if you’re looking for some action. Maybe you’ll find something you do like for your birthday.”

“Yeah, yeah, go find a snack.” Reggie looked at his watch. It was ten to twelve. “If you see me, you do, if not, we’ll catch up later.”

“I’ll get Donny to save you a seat.” Fox sauntered off and yes, Reggie did notice more than a dozen stares following him out the door. Fox had a certain look about him, and he knew it.

It wasn’t so much the physical side of him, but the graceful confidence Fox had in spades. Reggie had never mastered that confidence, even though he was bigger physically. As he went around, picking up glasses and taking them to the bar, he thought about what Fox had said. About how he didn’t use his degree, the money and house his parents left him, and how he had saved his virginity for a person he’d never met.

Maybe I’m putting too much stock in a yearly card? Maybe I should’ve been getting my rocks off since I was sixteen like Fox and the others did. Reaching in his pocket, Reggie’s fingers brushed the card and changed his mind. This guy’s been sending me these for ten years. Surely, I can wait one more day before doing something I’m bound to regret.


Dirkin hated seeing the despondent cloud hanging over his young love’s shoulders. He’d heard every word Reggie’s friend had said, and Reggie’s responses. Hearing them talk about that Donny gave him a hint who Reggie had been sharing his bed with when he left his latest card. For one paralyzing moment, Dirkin had thought he’d lost his chance. He was never going to discuss how badly his heart hurt when he saw two heads in the bed instead of one. It’d been a long ten years for him too, but the wait was finally about to end.

Glancing at the clock on the club wall, Dirkin felt his power build as the clock ticked its way to midnight. He’d made a promise, he’d waited… well, technically he didn’t have any choice, but in ten more seconds that wait will be over.

“Six, five, four, three, two… and one.” Throwing out his arms, Dirkin’s power surged through his newly formed skin, stronger and more powerful than ever. Pale blue lightning crackled across his torso. He flung his head back, glorying in all that had been returned. His dark hair shimmered down his back, falling between his jet-black wings that opened automatically.

“Damn, it’s good to be back!” Dirkin shrugged his shoulders, just because he could, and stretched out his long legs. He hovered in the shadows just one minute longer. Reggie was picking up some stray glasses, the last of the patrons were heading out the door and there was no one else around. It’s now or never. No point in losing my nerve after all this time. Shaking free of the shadows that had been his home for the past ten years, Dirkin kept his voice as gentle as he was able to. “Hello Reggie.”