Dirty Little Secret by S.E. Law



Three months later.

I’ve never been happier than I am now. I bustle around the penthouse, straightening errant picture frames and plumping up couch pillows. It’s a wonderful life because Luke and I have settled into a rhythm of sorts. The billionaire leaves for work each morning, while I enjoy myself by shopping, eating lunch, and living a life of leisure. But when he comes home for dinner, the fireworks start. Of course, we share a wonderful meal prepared by his chef, but soon enough, we repair to the master suite and sometimes don’t leave the bedroom until morning.

But tonight, we’re having his mother and brother over for dinner. Suddenly, my phone pings and I look at the screen.

Sorry hon, the text message reads. Running a little late. You guys start without me?

I text a smiley face back and then stuff the phone back into my pocket. It’ll be fine. Martha’s obviously very nice, and now that Luke’s told me a little about his brother, I’m sure I can handle James too.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I skip over to the foyer. Sure enough, James and Martha are waiting for me. The older woman lifts a wine bag and beams in my direction.

“I brought alcohol!” she grins.

I clap my hands in excitement and usher them both inside. “Great. The food’s already in the dining room, but Luke says he’s going to be a little late. We should just start without him.”

Martha frowns.

“Oh, he’s working too hard! But it’s okay because we’re hungry. Aren’t you hungry James?”

I turn to find the handsome man staring at me, and shoot him a hesitant smile. His blue eyes flare, but he nods.

“Yeah, I’m definitely starving. Let’s eat.”

With that, we move into the dining room, where I’ve set out the meal that I ordered from Dominina’s, a local Italian restaurant. I’ve tried cooking a few times, but the pasta I made last night turned out like hard, tasteless rocks. As a result, I decided to stick with professionals for Luke’s mother and brother.

As we sample the fare, Martha keeps us entertained with stories from her younger years. She tells several droll tales, and more she talks, the more even frosty James begins to come out of his shell. He actually laughs a few times without seeming creepy, although I guess that might also be the copious alcohol loosening his nerves. He’s probably had four glasses of wine already, and I wonder if I should put a stop to it, but then decide not to. He’s a grown man, and it’s not like I’m his keeper.

Then, after dinner, I head to the piano to play a new piece for them on the Steinway. It’s something I’ve been working on for the last few days, and the melody is sweet and gentle. James and Martha listen, rapt, as I let my fingers do the work and the music pours from my soul. When I’ve finished, both of them clap and Martha actually gives me a standing ovation. I giggle and give a little curtsy, pleased that they liked it.

“Oh sorry,” I say, watching as James chugs the last dredges of wine from the bottle. “Looks like we could use a refill. I’ll get another bottle of wine and some dessert from the fridge.”

“Sounds good, dear,” Martha grins. “While you do that, I’ll see if I still remember how to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ on the piano. I’m sure I can come up with something.”

“Knock yourself out,” I smile. “I’ll be back in just a second.”

With that, I head directly to the kitchen, remove a bottle of wine from the rack below the counter, and open the fridge to check on dessert. Ah, perfect. The restaurant’s provided individual cheesecakes with a single raspberry pressed into the top of each slice, but when I prod one of the cheesecakes with my finger, I’m disappointed to find they’re still a little frozen. Hopefully a few minutes out in the open will soften them, so I pull them out, and when I turn around from the fridge, I find James standing on the other side of the marble countertop, watching me with intense blue eyes.

I jump, nearly dropping everything. “Jesus Christ,” I breathe. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

He grins in response, but there’s a crazy look to his gaze. Oh god, he’s drunker than I thought. I push my hair behind one ear and avoid eye contact as I open the drawers for a wine opener, hoping he’ll go away. Unfortunately, instead, James comes to stand uncomfortably close to me.

“Getting pretty cozy around here, aren’t you?” he asks.

I narrow my eyes at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about? I’m getting married to your brother, so of course we’re cozy together.”

“Yeah, but I think there’s more to it than that, Patty.” He grins and my frown deepens and I try to get rid of him.

“Shouldn’t you be out there with your mom?” I ask. “I’ll bring the dessert right out.”

“Don’t worry about that—” he takes a step toward me, but loses his balance a bit and almost falls, staggering like a drunken sailor.

I raise a brow. “Um, maybe you should head back to the living room. I’m fine. I can manage these desserts by myself.”

He merely leers at me, steadying himself with one hand on the counter.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Patty?” he hisses sibilantly.

I twist the corkscrew into the bottle and avoid looking at him. “No, I don’t think that, James.” Then I glance at the clock above the oven. “Your brother will be home any minute. I’d suggest you return to keep Martha company in the living room.”

With that, I pop the cork and turn to grab a crystal decanter from the shelf. But while I’m facing away, thick arms wrap around my waist, and I go still. OMG, is this really happening? Is James actually trying to cop a feel? With that, I push away as violently as I can, spinning around while spitting with fury.

“What the hell are you doing?” I demand, my voice a harsh whisper. “Don’t ever touch me again!”

The handsome man merely leers, his eyes red and bloodshot.

“Why can’t I? It’s what you’re used to, isn’t it, Patty?” Then, he takes my wrist and yanks me against his chest. I squirm in his arms, but he just holds me tighter against his chest. “I know your dirty secret,” he whispers in my ear. “You work for a living on your back with your legs spread, sweetheart.”

I stop fighting, my blood running cold. “You don’t know anything!” I whisper. “Whatever you heard is a lie!”

He smirks and merely pulls me closer so that I can feel his erection pressing against my belly. OMG, this is so gross, but I can’t move. My blood runs cold, and I’m stock still like a small animal trapped by a snake.

“Don’t lie, Patty,” James whispers in my ear, his breath sour and hot. “You’re an escort my brother hired to take care of Jocelyn and her bullshit. But you know what? It’s all good.” His grip on my wrist loosens so he can run his hand up and down my arm suggestively. “I appreciate a woman who works for a living. In fact, why don’t you come and stay with me once Luke’s finished with you? I’ve got plenty of money, and I can offer five times your regular rate. Does that sound good, honey?”

I yank myself free and stare at him with frightened eyes. “How did you find out?” I demand in a whisper.

James merely laughs harshly. “How do you think? Luke told me everything.”

“He wouldn’t—”

James shrug.

“Yes he would. I got my brother drunk over cocktails one night, and he revealed all of the sordid details, even down to the agency you work for. City Girls, is it? It seems they have quite the selection, and I’m thinking of doing some shopping with them.”

I do nothing but stare at the disgusting man as my universe shrinks into a tiny pinpoint. My world is crumbling around me, and all I’m left with is a tiny voice in the back of my mind taunting me with repetitions of “I told you so.” After all, how could I have believed that Luke and I have something together? In the end, I was never anything but the hired help, and now that he’s revealed my secret to his brother, the betrayal is like a knife to the heart.

Meanwhile, James pats my shoulder as he strolls by. “Think about my offer, won’t you, Patty? We could have a great time together in bed.”

I say nothing, and he leaves the kitchen, giggling to himself. Then, the strength gives out in my legs, and I fall to my knees on the tiled floor. I press my hands to my face, my shoulders trembling. I don’t know how long I stay there like that, holding my tears at bay, but then a wetness seeps onto my knee. Oh shit, it’s the wine. The vino has spilled and it’s now staining my dress.

I hop to my feet and quickly clean the mess, still trembling. I try to keep my mind totally blank, unable to process what’s just happened. I have to stay with the here and now, and focus. Focus. When the wine is cleaned up, I rush to the bedroom, and yank off the dress before jamming it into the trash. Focus.

Then, I struggle into a new outfit and turn to face myself in the mirror. There are tears streaking down my face and my hair looks askew, so I try to fix things as best as possible even as my heart shudders. What the hell was I thinking? How could I let myself fall for someone like Luke? Of course, he never really cared about me. I’m just a girl he paid for, and yet, here I am entertaining his family like I might become part of their clan someday. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This has all gone to hell in a handbasket.

Then, I hear the front door open outside and Martha joyfully exclaims, “Luke! Honey, you’ve had a long day.”

My heart sinks because he’s home. Quickly, I hurry to the bathroom, wipe my face with some tissues, and then slap my cheeks a few times. The cracks are loud, but at least they knock some sense back into my head. Then, I return to the kitchen and grab the cheesecake and wine before straightening my shoulders. It’s show time, but waves of dread and angst fill my soul. Am I about to burst into tears? Or worse, start blubbering about how I feel? I squeeze my eyes shut, gripping the tray tightly.

You’re okay, Patty, I think to myself. You’re a tough cookie, and things are going to be fine. All you have to do is get through this for a little while longer, and then you can leave and never look back.

I take a deep breath, plaster on my best fake smile and head outside to greet my fake fiancé, even if inside, I’m crumbling into nothingness.